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Influencing skills
Leaders Academy
Katarzyna Małysz & Mateusz Nowak
November 2012
Agenda for today
House Rules
Workshop expectations and objectives – 15 min (K)
Intro to influencing and key terms – 20 min (K)
Foundation for effective INFLUENCE,
Influencing techniques – 35 min (M)
Case 1 – 20 min (M)
Coffee break – 15 min (~10:30 CET)
Coffee break – 15 min (~10:30 CET)
Case 2 – 25 min (K)
Social styles – 10 min (K)
Real-life examples including Q&A – 30 min (K/M)
Summary of what you have learnt – 10 min
Workshop objectives
During this workshop we will:
• Define what is actually influence,
• Help you understand the importance of influencing at work,
• Provide some techniques when persuading others,
• Learn on social styles and how to adopt to,
• Learn on social styles and how to adopt to,
• Share our experiences.
Intro to Influencing - discussion
What is influencing?
What is a difference between influencing,
persuading and negotiating?
What is a difference between influencing and
How important is influencing in our daily life
and work life?
Intro to INFLUENCING and some key terms
Influencing – affecting change without using authority
Persuading – convincing using logic and evidence
Negotiating – two side process when the communication is
to achive billigual agreement.
to achive billigual agreement.
Manipulating – making people to act the way
we need, very often against his interest.
Diametrically opposed
More against than for
More for than against
In total
Foundation for effective influence
• Effective influencers, better
• Common goal and achievement
• Derived from a combination of
your knowledge, skills,
Personal your knowledge, skills,
personality and character
• Behaviours and approaches
• Values that you demonstrate!
Influencing in a nutshell - let's see it!
Key sources of personal power
Leaders have another source of power – POSITION power
What is more powerful and important?
Some influencing techniques
1. Using logic and evidence
2. Customizing the message
3. Acknowledging opposite perspectives
4. Asking for it (!)
5. Providing options
6. Asking questions...
How to prepare for influencing others
1) Prepare your case
 Clarify your purpose, position and objective, who is your speaker/stakeholder?
 Anticipate potential points of resistance for each speaker
2) Ask for what you want
 Define what you want – BE CLEAR!
 Create a combined goal or objective
 Customising the message (what is in for them, idetify their interests)
 Choose the right media/format to present the message so it appeals to speakers
 Use questions (open or close ended)
 Use questions (open or close ended)
3) Make your case
 Acknowledge opposite opinions and the truth, move on with alternatives
 Use logic and evidence to support your position
 Providing options that people can agree to without compromising their position or dignity
 Determine what theycan agree to and offer a solution.
4) Ask for commitment and finalise
 Assess readiness and ask for commitment when appropriate.
 If not ready, ask what you can do to get commitment and continue to make your case.
 If ready, ask for commitment.
Case study
Coffee break
Case study
Social styles and Behaviours
Demanding  Driving – very goal orintated and are result focused
Friendly -team player, can easly encourage others, are
good at seeing value in others
Detailed and Analytical - perfectionists, set up high standards, systematic
Detailed and Analytical - perfectionists, set up high standards, systematic
and well organised, close attention to details
Enthusiastic and Expressive - high level of assertiveness coupled with much
emotional expression
Social styles and Behaviours under pressure
Demanding  Driving – People who are normally directive, become
Friendly -People who are typically supportive and co-
operative start to acquiesce
Detailed and Analytical -People who are usually quite and less emotional
begin to avoid participation and emotional
Enthusiastic and Expressive -People who are usually socially engaging resort
to attack
How to influence your boss...
Set the scene – then keep focused on tasks, outcomes etc.
Keep things brief and to the point
Provide positive data first
Use benefits as much as possible – concentrate on the positive
Use consequences carefully
Use as much of their own information first and replay their data
Stick to the main issues/main factors if possible
How to influence your boss...
Add new data and insights
Test for receptivity of the information as you are providing it
Keep information in a logical order – sequential
Beware of saying anything that you can’t back up factually
Pay attention to what is important to them – what are their motivators
Discussion should be based on facts and implications/outcomes
Remember senior managers get rewarded for getting right outcomes quickly
Real – life examples
Is there anything I have learnt today?
Share with us!
Influencing skills.pdf

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Influencing skills.pdf

  • 1. Influencing skills Leaders Academy Katarzyna Małysz & Mateusz Nowak November 2012
  • 2. Agenda for today House Rules Workshop expectations and objectives – 15 min (K) Intro to influencing and key terms – 20 min (K) Foundation for effective INFLUENCE, Influencing techniques – 35 min (M) Case 1 – 20 min (M) Coffee break – 15 min (~10:30 CET) Coffee break – 15 min (~10:30 CET) Case 2 – 25 min (K) Social styles – 10 min (K) Real-life examples including Q&A – 30 min (K/M) Summary of what you have learnt – 10 min
  • 3. Workshop objectives During this workshop we will: • Define what is actually influence, • Help you understand the importance of influencing at work, • Provide some techniques when persuading others, • Learn on social styles and how to adopt to, • Learn on social styles and how to adopt to, • Share our experiences.
  • 4. Intro to Influencing - discussion What is influencing? What is a difference between influencing, persuading and negotiating? What is a difference between influencing and manipulation? manipulation? How important is influencing in our daily life and work life?
  • 5. Intro to INFLUENCING and some key terms Influencing – affecting change without using authority Persuading – convincing using logic and evidence Negotiating – two side process when the communication is to achive billigual agreement. to achive billigual agreement. Manipulating – making people to act the way we need, very often against his interest.
  • 6. PERSUADING and INFLUENCING scale Diametrically opposed More against than for Neutral More for than against Neutral In total agreement
  • 7. Foundation for effective influence • Effective influencers, better leaders • Common goal and achievement Communication • Derived from a combination of your knowledge, skills, Personal your knowledge, skills, personality and character Personal power • Behaviours and approaches matter • Values that you demonstrate! Credibilty Influencing in a nutshell - let's see it!
  • 8. Key sources of personal power Leaders have another source of power – POSITION power
  • 9. What is more powerful and important? OR??
  • 10. Some influencing techniques 1. Using logic and evidence 2. Customizing the message 3. Acknowledging opposite perspectives 4. Asking for it (!) 5. Providing options 6. Asking questions...
  • 11. How to prepare for influencing others 1) Prepare your case Clarify your purpose, position and objective, who is your speaker/stakeholder? Anticipate potential points of resistance for each speaker 2) Ask for what you want Define what you want – BE CLEAR! Create a combined goal or objective Customising the message (what is in for them, idetify their interests) Choose the right media/format to present the message so it appeals to speakers Use questions (open or close ended) Use questions (open or close ended) 3) Make your case Acknowledge opposite opinions and the truth, move on with alternatives Use logic and evidence to support your position Providing options that people can agree to without compromising their position or dignity Determine what theycan agree to and offer a solution. 4) Ask for commitment and finalise Assess readiness and ask for commitment when appropriate. If not ready, ask what you can do to get commitment and continue to make your case. If ready, ask for commitment.
  • 15. Social styles and Behaviours Demanding Driving – very goal orintated and are result focused Friendly -team player, can easly encourage others, are good at seeing value in others Detailed and Analytical - perfectionists, set up high standards, systematic Detailed and Analytical - perfectionists, set up high standards, systematic and well organised, close attention to details Enthusiastic and Expressive - high level of assertiveness coupled with much emotional expression
  • 16. Social styles and Behaviours under pressure Demanding Driving – People who are normally directive, become autocratic Friendly -People who are typically supportive and co- operative start to acquiesce Detailed and Analytical -People who are usually quite and less emotional begin to avoid participation and emotional involvement Enthusiastic and Expressive -People who are usually socially engaging resort to attack
  • 17. How to influence your boss... Set the scene – then keep focused on tasks, outcomes etc. Keep things brief and to the point Provide positive data first Use benefits as much as possible – concentrate on the positive Use consequences carefully Use as much of their own information first and replay their data Stick to the main issues/main factors if possible
  • 18. How to influence your boss... Add new data and insights Test for receptivity of the information as you are providing it Keep information in a logical order – sequential Beware of saying anything that you can’t back up factually Pay attention to what is important to them – what are their motivators Discussion should be based on facts and implications/outcomes Remember senior managers get rewarded for getting right outcomes quickly
  • 19. Real – life examples
  • 20. Summary Is there anything I have learnt today? Share with us!