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IMI mHealth Service
          your USPP* in a billion dollar market
                                           *USPP: unique selling pole position

     Measurement        Status

     History             Report

         mHealth Loop

User                              Advice


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Who we are and what we do

    We are a team of specialists inspired and motivated by the vision of bringing healthcare
    back to the people. Keeping people healthy is real healthcare and will save health organi-
    zations and governments billions of dollars every year and will improve quality of life for
    millions tremendously.
    This personal empowerment to make conscious decisions about the personal wellbeing
    requires personal and basic information about the current state – a device to spot check
    people’s wellbeing and the facility to store the data and see tendencies combined with a
    diary on nutrition, training and treatments. The possibility to share successful plans and
    strategies for a better life can be discussed and shared in the leading social communities.
    With our headquarters in the upper Rhein Valley, between Switzerland and Austria, and
    our branch in Hong Kong, we have direct access to all our important partners and provi-
    ders, beginning from sophisticated software engineering to various production lines in
    China, ready to fulfill our and our customers’ needs.

    With our market leading service, we are offering the unique selling pole position into the
    mHealth industry on the basis of mobile wellness devices.
    Health goes mobile, and the responsibility for health goes back to the people – that’s the
    occasion where you should join in!

“Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come”, Sir Victor Hugo 1852

    Based on more than 10 years of research and development, we are proud to be the first to
    be able to deliver a fully integrated mobile health service that
          •	    is	integrated	
    	     •	    is	interactive
    	     •	    is	secure
    	     •	    is	accurate
    	     •	    is	scalable
    	     •	    can	be	branded	as	your	mHealth	service
          •	    opens	a	wide	range	of	linkages	to	other	platforms	(nutrition	platforms,	
                health datastorage platforms, training platforms, diet platforms,…)
    	     •	    can	be	implemented	as	your	new	business	segment	with	multi	million	
                revenue potential
    	     •	    is	compatible	with	all	common	operating	systems

2   	     •	    enables	operating	companies	to	offer	an	interesting	range	of	services	as	up-		
                and cross selling opportunities.
How it works

The service loop

                                                     Measurement        Status

                                                     History             Report

                                                         mHealth Loop

                                                User                              Advice


The technical background


                                  Measurement                           Calcula-on	
  results                                                                                           Statement                              	
  Assessment                                  Op-miza-on

  A NS             Risk	
  ECG                                                                                                                                   frequency-­‐domain/	
                                                                          ECG/Pulswave                                                                                                          domain                                     disease                                autonomic	
  level             Autonomic	
  Index                       magne-c	
  balance                     Result-­‐	
  Trend                                      waves

  pressure                                                                     mmHg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The measurements

                                        Pulse                               Pulse	
  state                Anabolic/catabolic
  advice                 current	

  s-ffness                   condi-on	

  oxygen                   Oxygen	

  ⁰                                                   to	
                                   Temperature                                                                                                                           C	

What you get
The package we deliver comprises of:

	    •	    Branded	and	hosted	online	software	with	full	functionality
	    •	    Technical	support
	    •	    All	software	updates	free	for	2	years
	    •	    50	hours	of	specialist	trainings	for	your	sales	&	support	team
	    •	    2nd	level	support
	    •	    Access	to	all	data	on	an	anonymous	basis

Screenshot from software (user interface)

We additionally offer you

	    •	    Branded	UBW	phones	(please	ask	for	presentation)
	    •	    Unbranded	UBW	phones		(please	ask	for	presentation)
	    •	    Jacket’s	on	existing	phones	(offer	upon	request)
	    •	    Delivery	of	parts	for	your	own	production
	    •	    Integration	of	smart	phone	apps

Tablet PC´s with sensors                                                    5
Additional devices with bluetooth connection

Your investment and your revenues
    It	takes	a	small	investment	and	a	couple	of	steps	to	generate	revenues	based	on	our	
    mHealth service:

    Initial payment of USD 250’000,--
    	      •	   for	the	branding	of	the	software
    	      •	   technical	implementation
    	      •	   Training	for	your	trainers	and	support	people
    	      •	   (if	necessary:	for	cell	phone	production	+	20	phones	)

    revenue in %
    of the net sales price for mHealth service

       license level         basic          advanced         premium

           bronze             40%                50%          60%         > 1 Million users *)

            silver            50%                60%          70%         >	5	million	users	*)

                              40%                50%          60%
            gold                                                          <	5	million	users	*)
                              60%                70%          80%

                            coaching	by	IMI	or	third	party

                            coaching by licencee

    *) users = total mobiles operated, notified at beginning of every month


The service packages

basic mHealth service                                                     wellness package

advanced mHealth service                                              wellness	&	fitness	package

                                                               wellness,	fitness	&	coaching	package	+	
premium mHealth service                                                       BodyWave

personal history                                                 basic        advanced       premium
      bloodpressure                                               √               √                √
      pulse                                                       √               √                √
      stress level diagramm                                       √               √                √
      temperature                                                 √               √                √

diary function
       exercise	                                                  √               √                √
       nutrition                                                  √               √                √

       treatment                                                  √               √                √

nutrition advice
       traffic light diagramm                                     √               √                √
       recipe store                                               √               √                √
	      linkage	to	other	platforms	(e.g.	WIKIFood,…)               √               √                √

training advice
       age and measurement specific training                      √               √                √

access generator
       generating access codes for other users                    √               √                √

fitness observer
       full ANS recording with body sensors                                       √                √
                                                                                  √                √
       optimal training plan

body wave
       modulated	frequency	information	acc.	to	Dr.	Dr.	Lingg                      √                √

       15	min	daily	personal	service	over	videocall                                                √

recommended	sales	price	in	USD	/	month	                         4.90            7.90         19.90

optional: connections to mobile apps


          IMI Health AG
           Felbaweg	10	
           9494 Schaan

   IMI Ltd. - Swiss Independent
 Institute for Medical Innovation
        28/F.,	Tesbury	Centre
       28	Queen‘s	Road	East
        Wanchai, Hong Kong

        t				+423	230	30	60
        f				+423	230	30	62

@ info@imi-health-technology.com
w³ www.imi-health-technology.com



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imi mHealth Service

  • 1. IMI mHealth Service your USPP* in a billion dollar market *USPP: unique selling pole position Measurement Status imi History Report mHealth Loop User Advice Report Action , 2 D ion he th -7 ton vill n t eal . 5 g Pa 1 i H ec in p 1 m 0 .C , D h U 0 e 1 ., as rt it 2 th t 1 St mm s a su t u ee m W a
  • 2. Who we are and what we do We are a team of specialists inspired and motivated by the vision of bringing healthcare back to the people. Keeping people healthy is real healthcare and will save health organi- zations and governments billions of dollars every year and will improve quality of life for millions tremendously. This personal empowerment to make conscious decisions about the personal wellbeing requires personal and basic information about the current state – a device to spot check people’s wellbeing and the facility to store the data and see tendencies combined with a diary on nutrition, training and treatments. The possibility to share successful plans and strategies for a better life can be discussed and shared in the leading social communities. With our headquarters in the upper Rhein Valley, between Switzerland and Austria, and our branch in Hong Kong, we have direct access to all our important partners and provi- ders, beginning from sophisticated software engineering to various production lines in China, ready to fulfill our and our customers’ needs. With our market leading service, we are offering the unique selling pole position into the mHealth industry on the basis of mobile wellness devices. Health goes mobile, and the responsibility for health goes back to the people – that’s the occasion where you should join in! “Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come”, Sir Victor Hugo 1852 Based on more than 10 years of research and development, we are proud to be the first to be able to deliver a fully integrated mobile health service that • is integrated • is interactive • is secure • is accurate • is scalable • can be branded as your mHealth service • opens a wide range of linkages to other platforms (nutrition platforms, health datastorage platforms, training platforms, diet platforms,…) • can be implemented as your new business segment with multi million revenue potential • is compatible with all common operating systems 2 • enables operating companies to offer an interesting range of services as up- and cross selling opportunities. www.imi-health-technology.com
  • 3. How it works The service loop Measurement Status imi History Report mHealth Loop User Advice Report Action The technical background 3 www.imi-health-technology.com
  • 4. 4 Measurement Calcula-on  &  results Statement  Assessment Op-miza-on Status  A NS Risk  of  burnout  syndrom/risk  of   Non-­‐  Invasive   Heart  rate  variability One  channel  ECG frequency-­‐domain/  -me   heart  aNack/  risk  of  vascular   s-mula-on  of   ECG/Pulswave domain disease autonomic  ac-vity   by  modulated   Stress  level Autonomic  Regula-on  Index magne-c  and  laser   ANS  balance Result-­‐  Trend waves blood  pressure  in  combina-on   Blood  pressure mmHg with  other  vital  factors Fitness  state Cardiovagal  recovery  in  the  post-­‐   Complex  Demodula-on   exercise  period Method The measurements Pulse Pulse  wave  transit  -me metabolic  state Metabolic  state Anabolic/catabolic Nutri-on  advice current  needs  of   carbohydrates,Fats  and  proteins Arterial  s-ffness condi-on  of  arteries www.imi-health-technology.com to  be  interpreted  by  a  doctor  or   Blood  oxygen Oxygen  content  in  blood health  specialist ANS   balancing                                                ⁰ to  be  interpreted  by  a  doctor  or   cardiovagal   Temperature C  /  ⁰F health  specialist recovery Planned:  blood  fat  and  blood  sugar  measurement  (bloodless)
  • 5. What you get The package we deliver comprises of: • Branded and hosted online software with full functionality • Technical support • All software updates free for 2 years • 50 hours of specialist trainings for your sales & support team • 2nd level support • Access to all data on an anonymous basis Screenshot from software (user interface) We additionally offer you • Branded UBW phones (please ask for presentation) • Unbranded UBW phones (please ask for presentation) • Jacket’s on existing phones (offer upon request) • Delivery of parts for your own production • Integration of smart phone apps Tablet PC´s with sensors 5 Additional devices with bluetooth connection www.imi-health-technology.com
  • 6. Your investment and your revenues It takes a small investment and a couple of steps to generate revenues based on our mHealth service: Initial payment of USD 250’000,-- • for the branding of the software • technical implementation • Training for your trainers and support people • (if necessary: for cell phone production + 20 phones ) revenue in % of the net sales price for mHealth service license level basic advanced premium bronze 40% 50% 60% > 1 Million users *) silver 50% 60% 70% > 5 million users *) 40% 50% 60% gold < 5 million users *) 60% 70% 80% coaching by IMI or third party coaching by licencee *) users = total mobiles operated, notified at beginning of every month 6 www.imi-health-technology.com
  • 7. The service packages basic mHealth service wellness package advanced mHealth service wellness & fitness package wellness, fitness & coaching package + premium mHealth service BodyWave personal history basic advanced premium bloodpressure √ √ √ pulse √ √ √ stress level diagramm √ √ √ temperature √ √ √ diary function exercise √ √ √ nutrition √ √ √ treatment √ √ √ nutrition advice traffic light diagramm √ √ √ recipe store √ √ √ linkage to other platforms (e.g. WIKIFood,…) √ √ √ training advice age and measurement specific training √ √ √ access generator generating access codes for other users √ √ √ fitness observer full ANS recording with body sensors √ √ √ √ optimal training plan body wave modulated frequency information acc. to Dr. Dr. Lingg √ √ coaching 15 min daily personal service over videocall √ recommended sales price in USD / month 4.90 7.90 19.90 optional: connections to mobile apps 7 www.imi-health-technology.com
  • 8. imi HEALTH TECHNOLOGY IMI Health AG Felbaweg 10 9494 Schaan Liechtenstein IMI Ltd. - Swiss Independent Institute for Medical Innovation 28/F., Tesbury Centre 28 Queen‘s Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong t +423 230 30 60 f +423 230 30 62 @ info@imi-health-technology.com w³ www.imi-health-technology.com 8 www.imi-health-technology.com