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Hr titbits 4
Before you set goals you must:
 Understand what you want to achieve in
the short term and in the long term
 Have clarity of thought
 Have a personal vision
 Be committed to achieving the goal
once you have set one
By Nandu Warrier

To be a good leader, one must, first and
foremost, be a good follower. Then only
can one see things from a followers’
point of view

By Nandu Warrier
A good coach , while being deeply
involved in the progress of the coachee,
must not let emotions like ego, irritability
and the desire to dominate the
exchange come in the way of the
outcome. A good coach needs to be
objective, coldly professional and
devoid of emotions while coaching.
 By Nandu Warrier
 www.nanduwarrier.co.in
Most business deals across borders fail
because of
 Inadequate due diligence on aspects
related to organizational/country culture
 Inability to understand what makes your
opposite number tick
 Lack of patience while closing a deal
By Nandu Warrier
Effective and productive management of a
project involves answering five questions:
 Why are we doing this project- the purpose
 What are the likely outcomes of the projectthe vision
 When do you expect to complete the
 Where is the project to be located
 How do you intend to execute the project
By Nandu Warrier

One cannot commit everything to
memory- one therefore, needs to keep
a convenient tool at hand to download
everything form one’s memory into a
more manageable format.

By Nandu Warrier
 www.nanduwarrier.co.in
The process of coaching and the
resulting conversation throws up endless
possibilities for the coach as well as the
 By Nandu Warrier
 www.nanduwarrier.co.in

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