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CIIC 5995-100 / ICOM 5995-100
Human Perspective in Artificial Intelligence
Professor José Meléndez, PhD
“The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any
role in my mechanism of thought.”
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Next Up
• Linguistics
• Making Voice Out Loud
• Inner Voice
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Exam, Report, and Homework
• Homework #7 (online and available on Moodle)
• Due Tonight Monday April 20, 2020 by 11:59PM.
• Exam #2 (unchanged)
• Scheduled as Planned for Wednesday, April 22, 2020
• Online only.
• Available beginning Today Monday April 20, 2020 at 5:45PM.
• Due by Wednesday, April 22, 2020 by 11:59PM.
• Homework #6
• This is your Project Report Brief due Monday, April 13, 2020 by
11:59PM (Extended until April 17, 2020).
Next Up
• Linguistics
• Making Voice Out Loud
• Inner Voice
Linguistics – Definition
The scientific study of language and its structure,
including the study of morphology, syntax,
phonetics, and semantics. Specific branches of
linguistics include sociolinguistics, dialectology,
psycholinguistics, computational linguistics,
historical-comparative linguistics, and applied
• Human capacity to learn language (not languages)
• Tool for understanding how the mind works
• Phonetics – sounds of language
• Phonology – how sounds interact with each other
• Morphology – how words are put together (e.g.
• Syntax – structure of phrases and sentences
• Semantics – meaning
• Pragmatics – using language to get things done
• Historical – Development of language
• Sociolinguistics – how different social groups use
• Psycho- or Neurolinguistics – language in the mind
Discourse Comprehension - Spanish
El procedimiento es realmente bastante simple. Primero, organizas
las cosas en diferentes grupos. Por supuesto, una pila puede ser
suficiente dependiendo de cuánto hay que hacer. Si tiene que ir a
otro lugar debido a la falta de instalaciones, ese es el siguiente paso,
de lo contrario, está bastante bien preparado. Es importante no
exagerar las cosas. Es decir, es mejor hacer muy pocas cosas a la vez
que demasiadas. A corto plazo, esto puede no parecer importante,
pero pueden surgir complicaciones fácilmente. Un error también
puede ser costoso. Al principio, todo el procedimiento parecerá
complicado. Pronto, sin embargo, se convertirá en otra faceta de la
vida. Es difícil prever el fin de la necesidad de esta tarea en el futuro
inmediato, pero nunca se puede saber. Una vez completado el
procedimiento, se organizan los materiales en diferentes grupos
nuevamente. Entonces pueden ser puestos en sus lugares
apropiados. Eventualmente, se utilizarán una vez más y todo el ciclo
tendrá que repetirse. Sin embargo, eso es parte de la vida.
Translated from Bransford and Johnson, 1972.
Next Up
• Making Voice Out Loud
• Inner Voice
• OPEN Q/A FOR EXAM PREP ScanQR Code to Verify your Class Attendance
Making Voice – A complex subsystem
Learn how VOCAL CORDS work for Speech and Singing | #DrDan
Making Voice System – Four Components
Learn how VOCAL CORDS work for Speech and Singing | #DrDan
• Breath, power source, and energy of voice
• Pair of vocal folds: valve-like structure of muscle and tissue
• Buzzy sound
• Vocal tract that amplifies sound
• Modified by throat, mouth, and nasal
• Tongue and lips that shape the sound into meaning
• Produce recognizable words
Making Voice
The human voice can be modified in many ways.
Consider the spectrum of sounds
• Whispering
• Speaking
• Orating (making a speech)
• Shouting
• Rapping
• Singing
• Boleros
• Rock
• Opera
Making Voice – Feedback Loop
Consider the role of hearing…
What happens if your ears are covered when you speak?
Making Voice – Feedback Loops
Layer 7
Conscious Thought
Layer 6
(Simulated Reality)
Layer 5
Subconscious Thought
(Concept Application)
Layer 4
Subconscious Processing
Layer 3
Bioelectrical Signaling
Layer 2
Actuators / Receptors
Layer 1
(Sensible Energies)
• “Real time”
• Multiple Subsystems
• Multiple Layers
• Multiple Instances
• How much is conscious?
• How much is subconscious?
• Too complex for HSI model?
Thinking without Speaking Out Loud
The Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky, p. 59. (Modified)
Host Layers, or the “you” you think is you.
Next Up
• Inner Voice
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Inner Voice – Letter from Albert Einstein
An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field
By Jacques Hadamard
Inner Voice – Letter from Albert Einstein
(A) The words or the language, as they are written or
spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of
thought. The psychical entities which seem to serve as
elements in thought are certain signs and more or less
clear images which can be “voluntarily” reproduced and
There is, of course, a certain connection between those
elements and relevant logical concepts. It is also clear that
the desire to arrive finally at logically connected concepts is
the emotional basis of this rather vague play with the
above-mentioned elements. But taken from a psychological
viewpoint, this combinatory play seems to be the essential
feature in productive thought — before there is any
connection with logical construction in words or other
kinds of signs which can be communicated to others.
Inner Voice
(B) The above-mentioned elements are, in my case, of
visual and some of muscular type. Conventional words
or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in
a secondary stage, when the mentioned associative
play is sufficiently established and can be reproduced
at will.
Inner Voice
(C) According to what has been said, the play with the
mentioned elements is aimed to be analogous to
certain logical connections one is searching for.
Inner Voice
(D) Visual and motor. In a stage when words intervene
at all, they are, in my case, purely auditive, but they
interfere only in a secondary stage, as already
Inner Voice
(E) It seems to me that what you call full consciousness
is a limit case which can never be fully accomplished.
This seems to me connected with the fact called the
narrowness of consciousness (Enge des Bewusstseins).
Remark: Professor Max Wertheimer has tried to
investigate the distinction between mere associating or
combining of reproducible elements and between
understanding (organisches Begreifen); I cannot judge
how far his psychological analysis catches the essential
Inner Voice
Brain Cells & Memory - Analog & Digital
Brain Inter-Cellular Communication
Prediction Error and Expectations
Mini-Module Concept Application – Fast
• Simplifies Reality
• Fabricates Reality (Fills in Blanks)

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Hpai class 18 - inner voice - 042020

  • 1. CIIC 5995-100 / ICOM 5995-100 Human Perspective in Artificial Intelligence (HPAI) Professor José Meléndez, PhD “The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought.” - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
  • 2. Next Up • Linguistics • Making Voice Out Loud • Inner Voice • OPEN Q/A FOR EXAM PREP ScanQR Code to Verify your Class Attendance https://forms.gle/newZj7do8D6KVPwz8 https://forms.gle/newZj7do8D6KVPwz8
  • 3. Exam, Report, and Homework • Homework #7 (online and available on Moodle) • Due Tonight Monday April 20, 2020 by 11:59PM. • Exam #2 (unchanged) • Scheduled as Planned for Wednesday, April 22, 2020 • Online only. • Available beginning Today Monday April 20, 2020 at 5:45PM. • Due by Wednesday, April 22, 2020 by 11:59PM. • Homework #6 • This is your Project Report Brief due Monday, April 13, 2020 by 11:59PM (Extended until April 17, 2020).
  • 4. Next Up • Linguistics • Making Voice Out Loud • Inner Voice • OPEN Q/A FOR EXAM PREP
  • 5. Linguistics – Definition The scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics. Specific branches of linguistics include sociolinguistics, dialectology, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, historical-comparative linguistics, and applied linguistics.
  • 6. Linguistics • Human capacity to learn language (not languages) • Tool for understanding how the mind works • Phonetics – sounds of language • Phonology – how sounds interact with each other • Morphology – how words are put together (e.g. grammar) • Syntax – structure of phrases and sentences • Semantics – meaning • Pragmatics – using language to get things done • Historical – Development of language • Sociolinguistics – how different social groups use language • Psycho- or Neurolinguistics – language in the mind
  • 7. Discourse Comprehension - Spanish DISCUSSION El procedimiento es realmente bastante simple. Primero, organizas las cosas en diferentes grupos. Por supuesto, una pila puede ser suficiente dependiendo de cuánto hay que hacer. Si tiene que ir a otro lugar debido a la falta de instalaciones, ese es el siguiente paso, de lo contrario, está bastante bien preparado. Es importante no exagerar las cosas. Es decir, es mejor hacer muy pocas cosas a la vez que demasiadas. A corto plazo, esto puede no parecer importante, pero pueden surgir complicaciones fácilmente. Un error también puede ser costoso. Al principio, todo el procedimiento parecerá complicado. Pronto, sin embargo, se convertirá en otra faceta de la vida. Es difícil prever el fin de la necesidad de esta tarea en el futuro inmediato, pero nunca se puede saber. Una vez completado el procedimiento, se organizan los materiales en diferentes grupos nuevamente. Entonces pueden ser puestos en sus lugares apropiados. Eventualmente, se utilizarán una vez más y todo el ciclo tendrá que repetirse. Sin embargo, eso es parte de la vida. Translated from Bransford and Johnson, 1972.
  • 8. Next Up • Making Voice Out Loud • Inner Voice • OPEN Q/A FOR EXAM PREP ScanQR Code to Verify your Class Attendance https://forms.gle/newZj7do8D6KVPwz8 https://forms.gle/newZj7do8D6KVPwz8
  • 9. Making Voice – A complex subsystem Learn how VOCAL CORDS work for Speech and Singing | #DrDan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLgAQTMgZ6g
  • 10. Making Voice System – Four Components Learn how VOCAL CORDS work for Speech and Singing | #DrDan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLgAQTMgZ6g Actuator • Breath, power source, and energy of voice Vibrator • Pair of vocal folds: valve-like structure of muscle and tissue • Buzzy sound Resonator • Vocal tract that amplifies sound • Modified by throat, mouth, and nasal Articulators • Tongue and lips that shape the sound into meaning • Produce recognizable words
  • 11. Making Voice The human voice can be modified in many ways. Consider the spectrum of sounds • Whispering • Speaking • Orating (making a speech) • Shouting • Rapping • Singing • Boleros • Rock • Opera
  • 12. Making Voice – Feedback Loop Consider the role of hearing… What happens if your ears are covered when you speak?
  • 13. Making Voice – Feedback Loops HOST LAYERS Layer 7 Conscious Thought Layer 6 Presentation (Simulated Reality) MINI-MODULE LAYERS Layer 5 Subconscious Thought (Concept Application) Layer 4 Subconscious Processing MEDIA LAYERS Layer 3 Bioelectrical Signaling Layer 2 Actuators / Receptors Layer 1 Occurrences (Sensible Energies) • “Real time” • Multiple Subsystems • Multiple Layers • Multiple Instances • How much is conscious? • How much is subconscious? • Too complex for HSI model?
  • 14. Thinking without Speaking Out Loud DISCUSSION – HOW DO YOU THINK? The Society of Mind, Marvin Minsky, p. 59. (Modified) THINK Host Layers, or the “you” you think is you.
  • 15. Next Up • Inner Voice • OPEN Q/A FOR EXAM PREP ScanQR Code to Verify your Class Attendance https://forms.gle/newZj7do8D6KVPwz8 https://forms.gle/newZj7do8D6KVPwz8
  • 16. Inner Voice – Letter from Albert Einstein An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field By Jacques Hadamard
  • 17. Inner Voice – Letter from Albert Einstein (A) The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought. The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be “voluntarily” reproduced and combined. There is, of course, a certain connection between those elements and relevant logical concepts. It is also clear that the desire to arrive finally at logically connected concepts is the emotional basis of this rather vague play with the above-mentioned elements. But taken from a psychological viewpoint, this combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought — before there is any connection with logical construction in words or other kinds of signs which can be communicated to others. https://fs.blog/2014/04/einstein-productive-thought-combinatory-creativity/
  • 18. Inner Voice (B) The above-mentioned elements are, in my case, of visual and some of muscular type. Conventional words or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in a secondary stage, when the mentioned associative play is sufficiently established and can be reproduced at will. https://fs.blog/2014/04/einstein-productive-thought-combinatory-creativity/
  • 19. Inner Voice (C) According to what has been said, the play with the mentioned elements is aimed to be analogous to certain logical connections one is searching for. https://fs.blog/2014/04/einstein-productive-thought-combinatory-creativity/
  • 20. Inner Voice (D) Visual and motor. In a stage when words intervene at all, they are, in my case, purely auditive, but they interfere only in a secondary stage, as already mentioned. https://fs.blog/2014/04/einstein-productive-thought-combinatory-creativity/
  • 21. Inner Voice (E) It seems to me that what you call full consciousness is a limit case which can never be fully accomplished. This seems to me connected with the fact called the narrowness of consciousness (Enge des Bewusstseins). Remark: Professor Max Wertheimer has tried to investigate the distinction between mere associating or combining of reproducible elements and between understanding (organisches Begreifen); I cannot judge how far his psychological analysis catches the essential point. https://fs.blog/2014/04/einstein-productive-thought-combinatory-creativity/
  • 24. OPEN Q/A FOR EXAM PREP Brain Cells & Memory - Analog & Digital Brain Inter-Cellular Communication Prediction Error and Expectations Mini-Module Concept Application – Fast • Simplifies Reality • Fabricates Reality (Fills in Blanks)