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“How Can I Study More

Marcus Simmons
Tech Prep Coordinator
Itawamba Community College
How To Study Effectively
Taking Notes

All good study techniques
Start with good note taking
Habits. Knowing how to
take good notes will
improve your ability to
study more effectively
The Three Stages of Good
             Note taking
• Stage 1 – Get ready to take notes (Before
  – Review your notes from previous lessons
  – Complete all assignments and readings before
  – Bring all needed materials to take notes
• Stage 2 – Taking notes (During Class)
  – Keep your focus on the teacher
  – Listen for signal statements like:
     • Most importantly
     • Remember that…
     • Be sure to include….
  – Write quickly
     • Use abbreviation
     • Place a “?” by things you are not sure about
• Stage 3 – Rewrite your Notes
  – After class rewrite your notes
     • Change abbreviations to complete words
     • Change symbols into words
     • Change shorter sentences to more complete sentences
  – Answer any “?” you had in your notes
10 Study Habits of Successful Students
•   Try not to do too much studying at one time
•   Plan specific times for studying
•   Try to study at the same times each day
•   Set specific goals for your study time
•   Start studying when planned
•   Work on the assignments or materials that are the
    most difficult first
•   Review notes before beginning an assignment
•   Eliminate distractions during study time
•   Call another student for assistance when needed
•   Review schoolwork over the weekends
How To Study Effectively
Preparing an Effective Place to Study
• The “Study Place” should always be
  available to you
• The “Study Place” should be free from
• The “Study Place” should be free from
• The “Study Place” should have all of the
  materials on hand that are needed to study
• The “Study Place” should have a large
  enough desk or table
• The “Study Place” should have a large
  storage area available
• The “Study Place” should have a
  comfortable chair
• The “Study Place” should have enough
• The “Study Place” should be kept at a
  comfortable temperature
How To Study Effectively
Specific Study Methods

There are many methods and techniques
Available to use for studying

You will have to decide which method is best
For you depending on:

-your learning style
-the teaching method used
-the course material to learn
-the type of tests used
How To Study Effectively
Using Acronymic Sentences
    Using an Acronymic Sentence is a good study method for remembering things
    That need to be learn in a specific order.

• Creating an Acronymic Sentence
    – Write each piece of information that needs to be
      learn in order
    – Underline the first letter of each word
    – Write a sentence using the words that begin with
      the underlined letters

Example: The planets in order are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto
Acronymic Sentence = My Very Earthy Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
Can you create an Acronymic
Sentence to learn the Days of the
  Week starting with Sunday?
Using Acronyms
       Using an Acronym is a good study method for remembering things
       That need to be learn in any order.

•   Write the facts you need to remember
•   Underline the first letter of each fact
•   Arrange the first letters to form a word.
•   The word can be real or non-sensible if you
    can remember and pronounce it

Example: “Homes” is an acronym that can be used to memorize or learn the 5 Great
Lakes; Michigan, Erie, Superior, Ontario, Huron
Now can you create an Acronym for
   learning these Mississippi Cities:
Tupelo, Shannon, Okolona, Indianola, P
         ontotoc, Columbus?
Using Pegwords
 Pegwords can be used when one needs to remember a number of things like,
 Five reasons we should conserve energy. Each pegword is then associate with a
 Number corresponding to the number of reasons.

• Think of the fist piece of information to be
• Think of a pegword for the number one (the
  pegword should rhyme with one)
• Create a picture in your mind to associate with
  that pegword
• Repeat points 1-3 with each piece of
  information you are to remember
Examples of Pegwords
Number Word     Pegword
One             Run
Two             Shoe
Three           Tree
Four            Door
Five            Dive
Six             Fix
Seven           Heaven
Eight           Gate
Nine            Sign
Ten             Hen
Example of Pegword use
Learning the reasons to preserve the forests:
1. Forests provide food for animals
2. Forests provide shelter for animals
3. Forests provide lumber for building and paper
See if you can create a learning
     experience using Pegwords for
  learning the following in formation:
• The reason why not to smoke
  – Smoking creates facial wrinkles
  – Smoking is very costly financially
  – Smoking can create terrible coughs
  – Smoking damages the sense of smell
  – Smoking causes bad breath

      Remember to find the key words in the reasons first!
Using Flashcards
Flashcards are a very useful tool in learning or remembering information such
as: Vocabulary Words and Meanings, Math Formulas, History Facts, and Correct
Spellings or Words.
Strategies on how to use Flashcards
• Make Flashcards as you learn to study
   – Carry blank cards with you
   – Organize your cards in decks by topic or subject
• Use both sides of a Card when appropriate
   – Write words on one side and definitions on the other side
   – Flip the cards and learn the information both ways
• Use flashcards in several different colors
   – Different colors can cue your answers
• Illustrate the cards
   – Draw or cut pictures to place on cards
   – The more interesting looking the cards, the less bored one
     becomes using them
• Do not put too much information on any one
  – Each card should contain only ONE piece if
    information to learn
• Always carry your cards with you
  – Review your cards often
  – If you always have your card, wasted or wait time
    can become learning time
• Change the order of the cards frequently
  – You need to learn the information, not which card
    or answer comes next
You can use online flashcards also one
 great site is FlashcardExchange.com
     With FlashcardExchange.com you can use the flashcards
     you create online In a game format or you can print the
     cards or print in a study sheet format.

     You have to register on the site, but the general services
     of the site are free.
Using the Loci Method
     This is method of remembering items by imagining a place you are very
     Familiar with, and associating the item to remember to that location –
     Very good for Kinesthetic Learners (motion or movement)

• Imagine yourself walking through a very
  familiar location or area (Your Kitchen)
• Associate specific locations and activities with
  the items you want to remember

Example: Imagine your kitchen. You want to remember three Presidents. The
Presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Richard Nixon. Now picture
Walking into your Kitchen – Washington is eating cherries at the kitchen table, Jefferson
Is reading at the table, and Nixon is standing with the refrigerator open.
The Loci Method is difficult for some
people are not Kinesthetic Learners.
 See if you can apply the Kinesthetic
  Learning Method to remembering
       these famous inventors:

Thomas Edison
Alexander G. Bell
George W. Carver
Benjamin Franklin
Using the Image-Name Technique
• This method is very easy and short and used
  for remembering people or places.

Example: remembering Jay Leno
by picturing his protruding, large chin.
Can you Think of an example?
Using the ASPIRE System
• A – Approach/Attitude/Arrange
  – Approach your studies with a positive attitude
  – Arrange your schedule to eliminate distractions
• S – Select/Survey/Study
  – Select a reasonable chunk of material to study
  – Survey the headings, graphics, pre and post- questions
  – Study marking any information you do not understand
• P – Put aside/Piece together
  – Put aside your books and notes
  – Piece together what you have study and try to
    summarize that information yourself
• I – Inspect/Investigate/Inquire
   – Inspect what you did not understand
   – Investigate all available sources of information
     (textbooks, online, dictionary…)
   – Inquire from support professionals
     (Librarians, tutors, teachers, …)
• R – Reconsider/reflect/Relay
   – Reconsider the content; what questions would you ask the
   – Reflect on the material; how can I apply this material
   – Relay understanding; how would I make this information more
     interesting or easier to understand to other students
• E – Evaluate/Examine/Explore
   – Evaluate your grades on tests and assignments and look for
     patterns or weaknesses
   – Examine you progress on improving weak areas
   – Explore options for you with teachers, tutors, other students
Using Study Groups
Study Groups can be very beneficial in some situations.
There are Several things to consider when thinking about
using Study Groups:

1.   Benefits of a Study Group
2.   Starting a Study Group
3.   Characteristics of a Good Study Group
4.   Pitfalls of Study Groups
Benefits of a Study Group
• A support group can be a motivator
• Easier to ask classmates questions
• Your commitment might be stronger because the group depends on
  all members
• Study groups add a strong auditory aspect to your learning
• One or more group member is likely to understand something that
  you do not
• You can learn new study techniques or habit from other members
• You can compare your notes with other students
• Teaching or explaining concepts to other group members will
  reinforce your learning
• Face it! Studying can be boring. Study with others can make the
  studying more enjoyable
Getting a Study Group Started
• Get to know your classmates well before
  asking them to join your study group – you
  should be able to answer “yes” to each of
  these questions:
  – Is this classmate motivated to learn?
  – Does the classmate understand the subject well?
  – Is this classmate dependable?
  – Would this classmate be tolerant of other ideas?
  – Would you like to work with this classmate?
• Invite the correct number of classmates to your Study
  group (the best number seems to be between 3-5
  students per group)
• Decide how often and how long the Group will meet
  each week (best is 2 or 3 times a weeks, and sessions
  between 60 and 90 minutes)
• Decide where to meet (this location should be without
• Decide on the goals of the Group (goals can include;
  reviewing notes, discussing readings, and study for
• Decide on a leader for the group, and if the leader will
  be the same or change each week
• Set an agenda for each meeting including specific
  member assignments
• Develop a contact list for the members with all of their
  contact information and provide to each member.
Characteristics of a Successful Study Group
• Each group member contributes
• Group members actively listen without interrupting each other
• Group members work together to resolve any problems arising
  without the group
• Members are prompt and come ready to work
• The group stay on task according to the agenda
• Members always show each other respect
• Members should feel comfortable with constructive criticisms
• Members should feel free to ask questions
• At the end of each meeting, an agenda is set with assignments for
  the next meeting
• Above all, a positive attitude that “we can do this together” is
Possible Pitfalls of a Study Group
• Do not let the Study Group get
  distraction from the agenda
• Do not let the Study Group
  become a social group
• Do not allow members to
  attend unprepared
• Do not let negativity slip into
  the group
• Do not let one or two
  members dominate the group

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How To Study Effectively

  • 1. “How Can I Study More Effectively” Marcus Simmons Tech Prep Coordinator Itawamba Community College
  • 3. Taking Notes All good study techniques Start with good note taking Habits. Knowing how to take good notes will improve your ability to study more effectively
  • 4. The Three Stages of Good Note taking • Stage 1 – Get ready to take notes (Before Class) – Review your notes from previous lessons – Complete all assignments and readings before class – Bring all needed materials to take notes
  • 5. • Stage 2 – Taking notes (During Class) – Keep your focus on the teacher – Listen for signal statements like: • Most importantly • Remember that… • Be sure to include…. – Write quickly • Use abbreviation • Place a “?” by things you are not sure about
  • 6. • Stage 3 – Rewrite your Notes – After class rewrite your notes • Change abbreviations to complete words • Change symbols into words • Change shorter sentences to more complete sentences – Answer any “?” you had in your notes
  • 7. 10 Study Habits of Successful Students • Try not to do too much studying at one time • Plan specific times for studying • Try to study at the same times each day • Set specific goals for your study time • Start studying when planned • Work on the assignments or materials that are the most difficult first • Review notes before beginning an assignment • Eliminate distractions during study time • Call another student for assistance when needed • Review schoolwork over the weekends
  • 9. Preparing an Effective Place to Study • The “Study Place” should always be available to you • The “Study Place” should be free from interruptions • The “Study Place” should be free from distractions • The “Study Place” should have all of the materials on hand that are needed to study • The “Study Place” should have a large enough desk or table • The “Study Place” should have a large storage area available • The “Study Place” should have a comfortable chair • The “Study Place” should have enough light • The “Study Place” should be kept at a comfortable temperature
  • 11. Specific Study Methods There are many methods and techniques Available to use for studying You will have to decide which method is best For you depending on: -your learning style -the teaching method used -the course material to learn -the type of tests used
  • 13. Using Acronymic Sentences Using an Acronymic Sentence is a good study method for remembering things That need to be learn in a specific order. • Creating an Acronymic Sentence – Write each piece of information that needs to be learn in order – Underline the first letter of each word – Write a sentence using the words that begin with the underlined letters Example: The planets in order are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Acronymic Sentence = My Very Earthy Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
  • 14. Can you create an Acronymic Sentence to learn the Days of the Week starting with Sunday?
  • 15. Using Acronyms Using an Acronym is a good study method for remembering things That need to be learn in any order. • Write the facts you need to remember • Underline the first letter of each fact • Arrange the first letters to form a word. • The word can be real or non-sensible if you can remember and pronounce it Example: “Homes” is an acronym that can be used to memorize or learn the 5 Great Lakes; Michigan, Erie, Superior, Ontario, Huron
  • 16. Now can you create an Acronym for learning these Mississippi Cities: Tupelo, Shannon, Okolona, Indianola, P ontotoc, Columbus?
  • 17. Using Pegwords Pegwords can be used when one needs to remember a number of things like, Five reasons we should conserve energy. Each pegword is then associate with a Number corresponding to the number of reasons. • Think of the fist piece of information to be remembered • Think of a pegword for the number one (the pegword should rhyme with one) • Create a picture in your mind to associate with that pegword • Repeat points 1-3 with each piece of information you are to remember
  • 18. Examples of Pegwords Number Word Pegword One Run Two Shoe Three Tree Four Door Five Dive Six Fix Seven Heaven Eight Gate Nine Sign Ten Hen
  • 19. Example of Pegword use FIRST Learning the reasons to preserve the forests: 1. Forests provide food for animals 2. Forests provide shelter for animals 3. Forests provide lumber for building and paper
  • 20. See if you can create a learning experience using Pegwords for learning the following in formation: • The reason why not to smoke – Smoking creates facial wrinkles – Smoking is very costly financially – Smoking can create terrible coughs – Smoking damages the sense of smell – Smoking causes bad breath Remember to find the key words in the reasons first!
  • 21. Using Flashcards Flashcards are a very useful tool in learning or remembering information such as: Vocabulary Words and Meanings, Math Formulas, History Facts, and Correct Spellings or Words.
  • 22. Strategies on how to use Flashcards • Make Flashcards as you learn to study – Carry blank cards with you – Organize your cards in decks by topic or subject • Use both sides of a Card when appropriate – Write words on one side and definitions on the other side – Flip the cards and learn the information both ways • Use flashcards in several different colors – Different colors can cue your answers • Illustrate the cards – Draw or cut pictures to place on cards – The more interesting looking the cards, the less bored one becomes using them
  • 23. • Do not put too much information on any one card – Each card should contain only ONE piece if information to learn • Always carry your cards with you – Review your cards often – If you always have your card, wasted or wait time can become learning time • Change the order of the cards frequently – You need to learn the information, not which card or answer comes next
  • 24. You can use online flashcards also one great site is FlashcardExchange.com With FlashcardExchange.com you can use the flashcards you create online In a game format or you can print the cards or print in a study sheet format. You have to register on the site, but the general services of the site are free.
  • 25. Using the Loci Method This is method of remembering items by imagining a place you are very Familiar with, and associating the item to remember to that location – Very good for Kinesthetic Learners (motion or movement) • Imagine yourself walking through a very familiar location or area (Your Kitchen) • Associate specific locations and activities with the items you want to remember Example: Imagine your kitchen. You want to remember three Presidents. The Presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Richard Nixon. Now picture Walking into your Kitchen – Washington is eating cherries at the kitchen table, Jefferson Is reading at the table, and Nixon is standing with the refrigerator open.
  • 26. The Loci Method is difficult for some people are not Kinesthetic Learners. See if you can apply the Kinesthetic Learning Method to remembering these famous inventors: Thomas Edison Alexander G. Bell George W. Carver Benjamin Franklin
  • 27. Using the Image-Name Technique • This method is very easy and short and used for remembering people or places. Example: remembering Jay Leno by picturing his protruding, large chin. Can you Think of an example?
  • 28. Using the ASPIRE System • A – Approach/Attitude/Arrange – Approach your studies with a positive attitude – Arrange your schedule to eliminate distractions • S – Select/Survey/Study – Select a reasonable chunk of material to study – Survey the headings, graphics, pre and post- questions – Study marking any information you do not understand • P – Put aside/Piece together – Put aside your books and notes – Piece together what you have study and try to summarize that information yourself
  • 29. • I – Inspect/Investigate/Inquire – Inspect what you did not understand – Investigate all available sources of information (textbooks, online, dictionary…) – Inquire from support professionals (Librarians, tutors, teachers, …) • R – Reconsider/reflect/Relay – Reconsider the content; what questions would you ask the author – Reflect on the material; how can I apply this material – Relay understanding; how would I make this information more interesting or easier to understand to other students • E – Evaluate/Examine/Explore – Evaluate your grades on tests and assignments and look for patterns or weaknesses – Examine you progress on improving weak areas – Explore options for you with teachers, tutors, other students
  • 30. Using Study Groups Study Groups can be very beneficial in some situations. There are Several things to consider when thinking about using Study Groups: 1. Benefits of a Study Group 2. Starting a Study Group 3. Characteristics of a Good Study Group 4. Pitfalls of Study Groups
  • 31. Benefits of a Study Group • A support group can be a motivator • Easier to ask classmates questions • Your commitment might be stronger because the group depends on all members • Study groups add a strong auditory aspect to your learning experience • One or more group member is likely to understand something that you do not • You can learn new study techniques or habit from other members • You can compare your notes with other students • Teaching or explaining concepts to other group members will reinforce your learning • Face it! Studying can be boring. Study with others can make the studying more enjoyable
  • 32. Getting a Study Group Started • Get to know your classmates well before asking them to join your study group – you should be able to answer “yes” to each of these questions: – Is this classmate motivated to learn? – Does the classmate understand the subject well? – Is this classmate dependable? – Would this classmate be tolerant of other ideas? – Would you like to work with this classmate?
  • 33. • Invite the correct number of classmates to your Study group (the best number seems to be between 3-5 students per group) • Decide how often and how long the Group will meet each week (best is 2 or 3 times a weeks, and sessions between 60 and 90 minutes) • Decide where to meet (this location should be without distractions) • Decide on the goals of the Group (goals can include; reviewing notes, discussing readings, and study for exams) • Decide on a leader for the group, and if the leader will be the same or change each week • Set an agenda for each meeting including specific member assignments • Develop a contact list for the members with all of their contact information and provide to each member.
  • 34. Characteristics of a Successful Study Group • Each group member contributes • Group members actively listen without interrupting each other • Group members work together to resolve any problems arising without the group • Members are prompt and come ready to work • The group stay on task according to the agenda • Members always show each other respect • Members should feel comfortable with constructive criticisms • Members should feel free to ask questions • At the end of each meeting, an agenda is set with assignments for the next meeting • Above all, a positive attitude that “we can do this together” is maintained
  • 35. Possible Pitfalls of a Study Group • Do not let the Study Group get distraction from the agenda • Do not let the Study Group become a social group • Do not allow members to attend unprepared • Do not let negativity slip into the group • Do not let one or two members dominate the group