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Information provided by the United Spinal Association
Hopefully after this presentation you will 
feel more comfortable and less awkward 
when dealing with individuals with disabili-ties. 
And if you are ever unsure how to 
Interact with a person with disabilities, 
Terminology – A quick Look
Disability Etiquette
People Who Use Wheelchairs or Other Mobility Devices 
People who use wheelchairs have different abilities 
and levels of disabilities. Some can use their arms and 
legs and some can not. Some may be able to walk short 
First and foremost remember that a person in a 
wheelchair is an individual and the wheelchair is not 
equipment to that person. The wheelchair is a part of 
their person.
 Don’t push or touch a person’s wheelchair – The chair is part of their personal 
space. Touching the chair or trying to help without instructions could cause the 
person to fall out of the chair, or parts to come loose. 
 Keep the ramps and wheelchair accessible doors unlocked and unblocked – 
According to ADA; signs should mark the entrances, objects should not be blocking 
aisles, and boxes and objects should never be kept or stored on ramps. 
 Be aware of the person’s reach limits – try to keep objects the person will need 
well within their reach. When talking to a person in a wheelchair, try to position 
yourself at their level whenever possible. 
 Be sure to mark hallways with signage marking accessible routes.
 Always ask before helping – often time your help could be a hindrance. Holding 
the arm of a person with a cane or crutch can cause them to lose their balance. 
Opening a door from behind could also cause the person to lose their balance. 
 Arrange for appropriate seating. 
 Falls can be very dangerous. Take every precaution to warn of wet floors, or place 
matting down for security. 
 For persons with canes of crutches, wall railing would be a welcome addition. 
 Be prepared to offer a hand when needed, but ask, “can I help you”.
People Who are Blind 
People who are blind generally have learned to maneuver in 
their everyday situations. There are often very independently 
However; in a new surrounding or school, they may require a 
very specific walk-through of the facilities. They may use a 
guide cane or guide dog. It would be important to make sure 
they are provided with the safest routes to their classes
 Always identify yourself when making contact with a person that is blind. 
Introduce yourself by name and by title. Do not forget to introduce an other 
people in the group. 
Be sure to provide the person that is blind a tour of the facilities. 
 If there are physical changes within the facility, be sure to notify the person 
that is blind and offer another tour. 
 People who are blind may need an arm for balance. – Never take the blind 
person’s arm to lead them, allow them to take your arm. You can guide the 
person’s hand to a banister or back of a chair if needed. 
 If you are walking with a person with a guide dog, walk on the opposite of 
the dog. As you are walking describe the setting including all obstacles. 
Describe obstacles in detail. Remember to note any low hanging objects, or 
objects protruding from the walls or floors.
 Give directions using non-visual cues. In other words; avoid saying, “Walk 
down the aisle and turn right at the wall mural”. 
 If you leave a person that is blind, inform them and ask if they need 
anything before you leave. 
 Never touch the person’s cane or guide dog. The guide dog is working 
and the cane is person space. 
 Offer to read anything the person might need to know, or menus, etc… 
 When serving a person who is blind, give clock directions. Using the term 
your meat is at 12 o’clock will help the person orient themselves to the 
plate and food. 
A Person with Low Vision: 
 Good lighting is vital. 
 Keep walk-ways clear of obstacles
Disability Etiquette
People Who are Deaf or Have a Hearing Loss 
American Sign Language (ASL) is entirely 
a different language from English. 
Different countries have their own signs. 
ASL has its own syntax, very different 
from English. This is why many students 
who are deaf have a hard time with 
English courses and writing.
 When the information being communicated is specific and complex, and 
interpreter is best. For average communication needs, writing back and forth is 
 Try to use the person’s preferred form of communication (sign, voice, writing). 
If you cannot understand the person who is deaf when they voice tell them. 
 When using an interpreter, look at the person who is deaf. It is more respectful 
to look at the person who is deaf. 
 Always include the person who is deaf in all decisions. 
Before speaking to a person who is deaf, make sure to get their attention. 
Depending on what the student prefers you can wave your hand, tap their 
shoulder, etc…
Rephrase rather than repeat sentences if the person does not 
When taking face to face, a well lit and quiet room is best for 
communication. Be mindful that lip reading is important to many of 
these students. Having a window to your back or any backlighting, 
for example, may make it hard for the person to see your face or 
Speak clearly and so not hide your mouth. 
There is never a need to shout or speak loudly.
Disability Etiquette
Disability Etiquette
People with Cerebral Palsy (CP) 
Cerebral is caused by an injury to the central nervous 
system. It is a condition that originates from birth 
and often due to some type of complication during 
People with Cerebral Palsy have a lack of muscle 
control and the extent of their condition can vary 
 People with CP often have slurred speech and uncontrollable muscle 
movements. Interact with them as you would anyone else. 
 People with CP often function normally intellectually, do not pre-judge their 
abilities based on speech, mobility, or first impressions.
Disability Etiquette
Tourette Syndrome 
People with Tourette Syndrome may make 
vocalizations and gestures, such as tics which they 
cannot control. Unfortunately, some of these 
vocalizations and gestures may be offensive in nature. 
There is a small percentage of persons with Tourette 
Syndrome cannot use medication to manage their 
condition. For the small percentage that do have or 
make offensive gestures and vocalizations, classroom 
cooperation should be obtained.
 If a person with Tourette Syndrome has uncontrollable vocalizations, calmly wait for 
them to finish and continue the conversation. 
 Freedom to leave a meeting during these vocalizations might benefit the student. 
Often these urges build up and an opportunity to release in a private setting may be 
People with Epilepsy or Seizure Disorders 
Epilepsy and other seizure disorders are a 
neurological condition characterized by seizures that 
occur as the electrical system in the brain 
malfunctions. Seizures can vary greatly from; 
convulsive, mild tremors, inability to speak, trance like 
appearance, or sleep walking appearance. 
Follow general guidelines to seizure care, and be 
aware of what your business and school’s safety 
procedures include.
 If a person has a seizure there is nothing you can do to stop it. 
 If the person having a seizure has fallen, make sure their head is protected and 
wait for the seizure to run its course. 
 When the seizure has ended, the person may feel tired, disoriented, and 
embarrassed. Try to calm the person and removing others from around the person 
is always best. 
 Be aware that beepers, strobe lights, blinking items can trigger a seizure in some 
 (At ICC) make sure the Supportive Services Coordinator is aware of the person with 
a seizure disorder and that he/she has forwarded you safety information for that 
People with Multiple-Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) & Respiratory Disabilities 
MCS is a sensitivity to chemicals that can cause 
respiratory distress. Respiratory disabilities include; 
asthma, emphysema, and other related conditions and 
An incident of MCS or respiratory disabilities results 
in the individual not being able to breath or catch 
their breath.
 Avoid cleaning products while the person with respiratory disabilities is in your 
 If products must be used, spray or pour the products onto the cleaning cloth and not 
into the air. 
 Try to avoid or eliminate strong smelling perfumes, candles, and lotions. 
 Maintain good room ventilation.
People with HIV or AIDS 
People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or 
Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) have 
impaired immune systems, so their bodies have 
trouble fighting off infections and disease. 
As a reminder, any health condition or disability 
should be kept in confidence – but because of the 
sensitive nature of HIV and AIDS it is vitally 
 You cannot catch HIV from casual contact such as shaking hands. 
 A person with HIV is however in danger of being exposed to germs and virus from 
other people. Try to keep the environment healthy. 
 Because people with HIV or AIDS often feel stigmatized, try to be open and treat 
them as you would anyone else.
People with Psychiatric Disabilities or Mental Illness 
There is a wide range of disorders and illnesses that 
would be considered Psychiatric Disorders or Mental 
Illness; including, stress disorders, antisocial 
behavior, depression disorders, paranoid disorders, 
schizophrenic disorders, etc. 
Individuals with psychiatric disabilities and mental 
illnesses may have very individual behaviors or 
characteristic behaviors based on their illness.
 Stress can always aggravate any psychiatric condition, always try to minimalize the 
 If the person with the mental illness or psychiatric disability tells you of their 
condition – research the condition and learn what you can about it. 
 Contact your Support Services Coordinator for assistance and advise in dealing with 
persons with psychiatric disabilities. (Keep in mind the person must give permission 
for the Coordinator to discuss their specific condition with you – in most cases the 
Coordinator has already obtained this permission from the student.) 
 In any crisis situation, stay calm, and send for help from the campus police or the 
Supportive Service Cooridnator.
People with Learning Disabilities 
The category of Learning Disabilities encompasses a 
large number of conditions and disorders. A student 
can have a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in 
reading comp., reading recog., written expression, oral 
expression, math calculation, math reasoning, and 
educationally disabled. 
There are specific methods that can be used in 
dealing with these students, but here are some 
general rules to follow.
 Be prepare to give oral instructions or explain written instructions when needed. 
 Realize that extra time may be needed for written assignments. 
 Be prepared to provide detailed written instructions if needed. 
 Be direct and precise with your communication. 
 Ask the person how they best learn or how they would prefer material presented to 
them; written or orally. 
 Allow assistive devices such as recorders or note-takers. 
 Understand that a quiet and distraction free environment may be required.
People with Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury 
People with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have some 
type of damage to the brain due to an accident or 
stroke. This is a growing population due to car 
The severity can vary greatly and often the process 
of recovery (which may never be fully recovered) is a 
long one.
 Many factors that affect people with learning disabilities also affect people with TBI 
 There may be mobility losses that are not obvious; for example, a person may can 
move their hand but not be able to write or correctly hold a pen or pencil. 
 A person with TBI may also have issues with impulse control. The person may make 
abrupt comments that are offensive and not realize they have offended someone. 
 The person with TBI may often seem pushy and demanding. They often get frustrating 
at not being able to fully get their point across and as a result appear demanding and 
 A person with TBI is also likely to have short term memory problems. 
 A person with TBI often has directional or orientation problems.
 Be prepared to repeat instructions and commands several times; and ask often if the 
person understands. 
 The person with TBI is often easily distracted and may even become frustrated or 
angry at those distractions. 
 The person with TBI will most likely have issues with organization and may need 
assistance in arranging or organizing their materials.
Asperger’s and Autism Disorders 
Asperger’s is merely a syndrome within the autism 
spectrum disorders (ASD). Asperger’s is considered 
to be on the high functioning end of the spectrum. 
Along with Asperger’s and other autism disorders, 
there are often associated issues such as; depression, 
learning disabilities, or language and speech problems. 
The range can be from completely non-verbal and 
socially non-functioning to very high level of 
functioning. Dealing with these students requires 
knowing what behaviors can be expected.
 A person with Asperger’s or ASD will like have very limited and/or inappropriate 
social interactions. Often time they will have memorized learned responses to 
frequently asked questions such as; “how are you today”. 
 A person with Asperger’s or ASD may appear to have a very robotic or repetitive 
speech style. 
 They may have rather high verbal skills and vocabulary, but will have problems with 
the subtlety of language. 
 They often have severe problems understand and interpreting facial expression, 
gestures, and other non-verbal communication. 
 Their conversations will most like be centered around themselves without an 
understanding of others around them.
 Persons with Asperger’s or ASD have problems with non-literal expressions and 
 They will often have problems understanding social and emotional issues. 
 They will most likely fail to make any eye contact during a conversation. 
 They will often become obsessed with a specific topic or subject matter and want to 
talk about and read about it constantly. They will try to bring the topic of conversation 
back to the subject or topic they are obsessed with like; cats, history, geography. 
 They may also have some noticeable ticks, mannerisms, and body movements that 
are repetitive by nature.
Disability Etiquette
What should you know?
The Office of Supportive Services 
The Office of Supportive Services/or the special education teacher 
is there to assist you. Within the boundaries of privacy, OSS or your 
special education department can often assist you with students in 
numerous ways. 
Always check with OSS or your special education department if you 
have problems. 
Marcus Simmons – Coordinator OSS 
Office Student Support Center E 123 – Tupelo Campus 
662.620.5314 – mgsimmons@iccms.edu

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Disability Etiquette

  • 1. Disability Etiquette Information provided by the United Spinal Association
  • 2. Hopefully after this presentation you will feel more comfortable and less awkward when dealing with individuals with disabili-ties. And if you are ever unsure how to Interact with a person with disabilities, JUST ASK!
  • 3. Terminology – A quick Look
  • 6. People Who Use Wheelchairs or Other Mobility Devices People who use wheelchairs have different abilities and levels of disabilities. Some can use their arms and legs and some can not. Some may be able to walk short distances. First and foremost remember that a person in a wheelchair is an individual and the wheelchair is not equipment to that person. The wheelchair is a part of their person.
  • 7.  Don’t push or touch a person’s wheelchair – The chair is part of their personal space. Touching the chair or trying to help without instructions could cause the person to fall out of the chair, or parts to come loose.  Keep the ramps and wheelchair accessible doors unlocked and unblocked – According to ADA; signs should mark the entrances, objects should not be blocking aisles, and boxes and objects should never be kept or stored on ramps.  Be aware of the person’s reach limits – try to keep objects the person will need well within their reach. When talking to a person in a wheelchair, try to position yourself at their level whenever possible.  Be sure to mark hallways with signage marking accessible routes.
  • 8.  Always ask before helping – often time your help could be a hindrance. Holding the arm of a person with a cane or crutch can cause them to lose their balance. Opening a door from behind could also cause the person to lose their balance.  Arrange for appropriate seating.  Falls can be very dangerous. Take every precaution to warn of wet floors, or place matting down for security.  For persons with canes of crutches, wall railing would be a welcome addition.  Be prepared to offer a hand when needed, but ask, “can I help you”.
  • 9. People Who are Blind People who are blind generally have learned to maneuver in their everyday situations. There are often very independently mobile. However; in a new surrounding or school, they may require a very specific walk-through of the facilities. They may use a guide cane or guide dog. It would be important to make sure they are provided with the safest routes to their classes
  • 10.  Always identify yourself when making contact with a person that is blind. Introduce yourself by name and by title. Do not forget to introduce an other people in the group. Be sure to provide the person that is blind a tour of the facilities.  If there are physical changes within the facility, be sure to notify the person that is blind and offer another tour.  People who are blind may need an arm for balance. – Never take the blind person’s arm to lead them, allow them to take your arm. You can guide the person’s hand to a banister or back of a chair if needed.  If you are walking with a person with a guide dog, walk on the opposite of the dog. As you are walking describe the setting including all obstacles. Describe obstacles in detail. Remember to note any low hanging objects, or objects protruding from the walls or floors.
  • 11.  Give directions using non-visual cues. In other words; avoid saying, “Walk down the aisle and turn right at the wall mural”.  If you leave a person that is blind, inform them and ask if they need anything before you leave.  Never touch the person’s cane or guide dog. The guide dog is working and the cane is person space.  Offer to read anything the person might need to know, or menus, etc…  When serving a person who is blind, give clock directions. Using the term your meat is at 12 o’clock will help the person orient themselves to the plate and food. A Person with Low Vision:  Good lighting is vital.  Keep walk-ways clear of obstacles
  • 13. People Who are Deaf or Have a Hearing Loss American Sign Language (ASL) is entirely a different language from English. Different countries have their own signs. ASL has its own syntax, very different from English. This is why many students who are deaf have a hard time with English courses and writing.
  • 14.  When the information being communicated is specific and complex, and interpreter is best. For average communication needs, writing back and forth is fine.  Try to use the person’s preferred form of communication (sign, voice, writing). If you cannot understand the person who is deaf when they voice tell them.  When using an interpreter, look at the person who is deaf. It is more respectful to look at the person who is deaf.  Always include the person who is deaf in all decisions. Before speaking to a person who is deaf, make sure to get their attention. Depending on what the student prefers you can wave your hand, tap their shoulder, etc…
  • 15. Rephrase rather than repeat sentences if the person does not understand. When taking face to face, a well lit and quiet room is best for communication. Be mindful that lip reading is important to many of these students. Having a window to your back or any backlighting, for example, may make it hard for the person to see your face or lips. Speak clearly and so not hide your mouth. There is never a need to shout or speak loudly.
  • 18. People with Cerebral Palsy (CP) Cerebral is caused by an injury to the central nervous system. It is a condition that originates from birth and often due to some type of complication during birth. People with Cerebral Palsy have a lack of muscle control and the extent of their condition can vary greatly.
  • 19.  People with CP often have slurred speech and uncontrollable muscle movements. Interact with them as you would anyone else.  People with CP often function normally intellectually, do not pre-judge their abilities based on speech, mobility, or first impressions.
  • 21. Tourette Syndrome People with Tourette Syndrome may make vocalizations and gestures, such as tics which they cannot control. Unfortunately, some of these vocalizations and gestures may be offensive in nature. There is a small percentage of persons with Tourette Syndrome cannot use medication to manage their condition. For the small percentage that do have or make offensive gestures and vocalizations, classroom cooperation should be obtained.
  • 22.  If a person with Tourette Syndrome has uncontrollable vocalizations, calmly wait for them to finish and continue the conversation.  Freedom to leave a meeting during these vocalizations might benefit the student. Often these urges build up and an opportunity to release in a private setting may be beneficial.
  • 23. People with Epilepsy or Seizure Disorders Epilepsy and other seizure disorders are a neurological condition characterized by seizures that occur as the electrical system in the brain malfunctions. Seizures can vary greatly from; convulsive, mild tremors, inability to speak, trance like appearance, or sleep walking appearance. Follow general guidelines to seizure care, and be aware of what your business and school’s safety procedures include.
  • 24.  If a person has a seizure there is nothing you can do to stop it.  If the person having a seizure has fallen, make sure their head is protected and wait for the seizure to run its course.  When the seizure has ended, the person may feel tired, disoriented, and embarrassed. Try to calm the person and removing others from around the person is always best.  Be aware that beepers, strobe lights, blinking items can trigger a seizure in some people.  (At ICC) make sure the Supportive Services Coordinator is aware of the person with a seizure disorder and that he/she has forwarded you safety information for that student.
  • 25. People with Multiple-Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) & Respiratory Disabilities MCS is a sensitivity to chemicals that can cause respiratory distress. Respiratory disabilities include; asthma, emphysema, and other related conditions and diseases. An incident of MCS or respiratory disabilities results in the individual not being able to breath or catch their breath.
  • 26.  Avoid cleaning products while the person with respiratory disabilities is in your presence.  If products must be used, spray or pour the products onto the cleaning cloth and not into the air.  Try to avoid or eliminate strong smelling perfumes, candles, and lotions.  Maintain good room ventilation.
  • 27. People with HIV or AIDS People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) have impaired immune systems, so their bodies have trouble fighting off infections and disease. As a reminder, any health condition or disability should be kept in confidence – but because of the sensitive nature of HIV and AIDS it is vitally important.
  • 28.  You cannot catch HIV from casual contact such as shaking hands.  A person with HIV is however in danger of being exposed to germs and virus from other people. Try to keep the environment healthy.  Because people with HIV or AIDS often feel stigmatized, try to be open and treat them as you would anyone else.
  • 29. People with Psychiatric Disabilities or Mental Illness There is a wide range of disorders and illnesses that would be considered Psychiatric Disorders or Mental Illness; including, stress disorders, antisocial behavior, depression disorders, paranoid disorders, schizophrenic disorders, etc. Individuals with psychiatric disabilities and mental illnesses may have very individual behaviors or characteristic behaviors based on their illness.
  • 30.  Stress can always aggravate any psychiatric condition, always try to minimalize the stress.  If the person with the mental illness or psychiatric disability tells you of their condition – research the condition and learn what you can about it.  Contact your Support Services Coordinator for assistance and advise in dealing with persons with psychiatric disabilities. (Keep in mind the person must give permission for the Coordinator to discuss their specific condition with you – in most cases the Coordinator has already obtained this permission from the student.)  In any crisis situation, stay calm, and send for help from the campus police or the Supportive Service Cooridnator.
  • 31. People with Learning Disabilities The category of Learning Disabilities encompasses a large number of conditions and disorders. A student can have a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in reading comp., reading recog., written expression, oral expression, math calculation, math reasoning, and educationally disabled. There are specific methods that can be used in dealing with these students, but here are some general rules to follow.
  • 32.  Be prepare to give oral instructions or explain written instructions when needed.  Realize that extra time may be needed for written assignments.  Be prepared to provide detailed written instructions if needed.  Be direct and precise with your communication.  Ask the person how they best learn or how they would prefer material presented to them; written or orally.  Allow assistive devices such as recorders or note-takers.  Understand that a quiet and distraction free environment may be required.
  • 33. People with Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury People with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have some type of damage to the brain due to an accident or stroke. This is a growing population due to car accidents. The severity can vary greatly and often the process of recovery (which may never be fully recovered) is a long one.
  • 34.  Many factors that affect people with learning disabilities also affect people with TBI  There may be mobility losses that are not obvious; for example, a person may can move their hand but not be able to write or correctly hold a pen or pencil.  A person with TBI may also have issues with impulse control. The person may make abrupt comments that are offensive and not realize they have offended someone.  The person with TBI may often seem pushy and demanding. They often get frustrating at not being able to fully get their point across and as a result appear demanding and pushy.  A person with TBI is also likely to have short term memory problems.  A person with TBI often has directional or orientation problems.
  • 35.  Be prepared to repeat instructions and commands several times; and ask often if the person understands.  The person with TBI is often easily distracted and may even become frustrated or angry at those distractions.  The person with TBI will most likely have issues with organization and may need assistance in arranging or organizing their materials.
  • 36. Asperger’s and Autism Disorders Asperger’s is merely a syndrome within the autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Asperger’s is considered to be on the high functioning end of the spectrum. Along with Asperger’s and other autism disorders, there are often associated issues such as; depression, learning disabilities, or language and speech problems. The range can be from completely non-verbal and socially non-functioning to very high level of functioning. Dealing with these students requires knowing what behaviors can be expected.
  • 37.  A person with Asperger’s or ASD will like have very limited and/or inappropriate social interactions. Often time they will have memorized learned responses to frequently asked questions such as; “how are you today”.  A person with Asperger’s or ASD may appear to have a very robotic or repetitive speech style.  They may have rather high verbal skills and vocabulary, but will have problems with the subtlety of language.  They often have severe problems understand and interpreting facial expression, gestures, and other non-verbal communication.  Their conversations will most like be centered around themselves without an understanding of others around them.
  • 38.  Persons with Asperger’s or ASD have problems with non-literal expressions and communication.  They will often have problems understanding social and emotional issues.  They will most likely fail to make any eye contact during a conversation.  They will often become obsessed with a specific topic or subject matter and want to talk about and read about it constantly. They will try to bring the topic of conversation back to the subject or topic they are obsessed with like; cats, history, geography.  They may also have some noticeable ticks, mannerisms, and body movements that are repetitive by nature.
  • 41. The Office of Supportive Services The Office of Supportive Services/or the special education teacher is there to assist you. Within the boundaries of privacy, OSS or your special education department can often assist you with students in numerous ways. Always check with OSS or your special education department if you have problems. Marcus Simmons – Coordinator OSS Office Student Support Center E 123 – Tupelo Campus 662.620.5314 – mgsimmons@iccms.edu