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Bridgit Finley, PT, DPT, M.Ed., OCS
Check us out on Facebook
State the ACR clinical definition of FM.
Identify 5 or more overlapping co-morbidities.
Outline the risk factors.
Describe the non-pharmacologic approach to
Review the prognoses for FM patients.
Pre Test
FM is caused by a virus?
3-6% of the population
has FM?
FM is progressive and
FM is diagnosed with a
blood test?
Exercise has been shown
to decrease FM
Fibromyalgia – what is it?
Be skeptical if you read something that says it will
“cure” symptoms.
Patients need to understand their symptoms so that
they can begin to take control and manage their pain.
Common condition characterized by long-term,
body-wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles,
tendons, and other soft tissue.
A chronic pain state.
Nerve stimuli causing pain (reduced pain threshold).
Symptoms: fatigue, morning stiffness, sleep
problems, headaches, depression and anxiety.
Definition of Fibromyalgia
“Chronic and widespread pain located at 11
or more of 18 tender points.”
American College of Rheumatology,
In 1908, Gowen first described FMS.
A common and complex chronic pain disorder that
affects people physically, mentally and socially.
It is a syndrome rather than a disease.
A syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms
that occur together without an identifiable cause.
A disease, which is a medical condition with specific
cause or causes and recognizable signs and
Fibromyalgia is a set of symptoms not caused by a
Tissue pathology with distinctive symptoms and a
causative agent.
Tuberculosis, causing a chronic cough, tubercle
bacillus is causative agent and can be cured.
Science of Fibromyalgia
Tends to be treated rather dismissively by Medical
Controversy – not disease process, can’t be cured.
Problem with doctors is that it can not be understood
according to the classic medical model.
This model is used with all medical training.
What is the problem?
It is not a primary psychological disorder.
As in many chronic conditions, psychological factors
may play a role.
May “up regulate” the central nervous system.
Abnormal pain transmission response
Disordered sensory processing.
What is the problem?
The stimuli causing pain originates mainly in the
Skeletal muscle metabolism – decrease blood flow
which causes chronic fatigue and weakness.
Hence the increased pain with strenuous exertion.
The bottom line – unknown
Sleep disturbances, which are common in FB
patients, may actually cause the condition.
Pilot studies have shown a possible inherited
tendency toward the disease. Very preliminary.
Perception of Pain
Pain is a universal experience that serves the vital
function of triggering avoidance.
Cardinal symptom of FM is widespread body pain.
Tender points at musculoskeletal junction.
Amplification of nervous system.
Pain is Personal
Some 30 years ago, Melzeck and Wall proposed that
pain is a complex integration of noxious stimuli, and
cognitive factors. In other words, the emotional
aspects of having a chronic pain state and one's
rationalization of the problem may both influence the
final experience of pain.
A chronic musculoskeletal syndrome characterized
by widespread:
musculoskeletal aches and pain
stiffness in the muscle tissue, ligaments, and tendons
soft tissue tenderness
general fatigue
sleep disorders
gastrointestinal disorders
affects the neck, shoulders, chest, legs, and lower
symptoms similar to those of chronic fatigue
syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome.
10 million US  3-6% of population
~ 80% are women
highest incidence  women 20 to 55 years of age
Genetic component
Among siblings and mothers and daughters
Incidence rises with age, by 80 years old – 8% of the
Risk Factors
Age more common in young adults, increases with
Gender  10 x more common in women
Genetic  familial patterns suggest the disorder may
be inherited
Often follows a trauma  infectious or stress
Risk Factors
Sleep disorders  unknown whether sleep difficulties
are a cause or a result of fibromyalgia
Rheumatic Disease  RA or Lupus more likely to
develop FA
unknown etiology
produces vague symptoms that may be associated
with diminished blood flow to certain parts of the
brain and increased amounts of substance P
substance P  thought to be a sensory
neurotransmitter involved in the communication of
pain, touch, and temperature from body to brain.
Lowers the threshold of synaptic excitability
several other possible causes:
autonomic nervous system dysfunction
chronic sleep disorders
emotional stress or trauma
immune or endocrine system dysfunction
upper spinal cord injury
viral or bacterial infection
Signs and Symptoms
vary, depending on stress level, physical activity, time
of day, and the weather
pain  primary symptom
pain and tenderness in specific trigger points when
pressure is applied
aching, burning, throbbing, or move around the body
muscle tightness, soreness, and spasms
S & S Continued
unable to carry out normal daily activities even
though muscle strength is not affected
pain  often worse in morning, improves throughout
day, worsens at night
symptoms may be constant or intermittent for years
sleep disorders/fatigue  restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea
gastrointestinal  abdominal pain, bloating, gas, cramps,
alternating diarrhea and constipation, IBS
numbness or tingling sensations
chronic headaches  may include facial and jaw pain (TMJ)
frequent urination, strong urge to urinate, painful urination
sensation of swelling (edema) in hands and feet even though
not present
cognitive or memory impairment
Co-morbidities and FM
Post-exertional malaise and muscle pain
Morning Stiffness
Numbness and Tingling
Dizziness or Light-headedness
Increased chemical, mechanical, and thermal
Trigger Points
 Main points of pain
in Fibromyalgia patients
Pelvic Girdle
No laboratory tests
Must rely on patients self reported symptoms
3 month history
Exam based on American College of Rheumatology
Estimated that it takes an average of five years to get
To receive a diagnosis of FM
Medical History
widespread pain in all four quadrants of their body for a
minimum of three months
at least 11 of the 18 specified tender points when
pressure is applied.
Rule Out other Conditions
Cervical & Lumbar DDD
Chronic Fatigue
Irritable Bowel
Lyme Disease
Viral hepatitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sleep Disorders
Fibromyalgia Damages Your Joints
Increase pain has not been correlated with any joint or
muscle damage.
It is important to understand that activity is good for
your joints and will help patients with Fibromyalgia
control pain.
Fibromyalgia is not fatal
You look fine, so nothing is wrong with you.
Pain is cultural
Our society does not really want to know “How are
You were diagnosed with fibromyalgia because your
doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with you.
American College of Rheumatology
Pain Management
Lifestyle adjustment
 avoid nonessential activities
Good Nutrition
Stress Management
 Use of relaxation techniques  meditation, biofeedback
Sleep Management
 Avoid caffeine
 Regular sleep routine
Avoid sugar
Avoid caffeine – this will improve your sleep
Limit alcohol
Maintain proper body weight
Limit processed food
Chocolate is OK and may release serotonin
Pain Management
Goal  reduce pain, improve sleep, and relieve
associated symptoms
antidepressant agents  relieve sleep disorders, reduce
muscle pain, treat depression
small doses of aspirin or acetaminophen  relief of
pain and muscle stiffness
Lyrica/cymbalta/Savella -
Pain Management
Trigger point injections  injection of local
anestheticand/or corticosteroid into a tender point
and then stretching involved muscle
local anesthetic   blood flow to the muscle
corticosteroids   inflammation
Exercise  low-impact aerobic activity and strength
Improved Fitness – symptoms are decreased with
aerobic exercise.
25-60% HHR, 3days/week, 20-30 minutes
Significant decrease in the Fibromyalgia Impact
ACSM Guidelines are too strenuous
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy  Modalities
Manual therapy
Home Program
Capsaicin creams
Massage tools
Rice bags
Warm clothes
Pillows - Beds
No cure – lifelong condition. Very rare for them to
develop lupus or MS
Better ways to diagnose and treat the chronic pain
disorder continue to be developed.
FDA – new medications
Clinical studies demonstrate that can reduce
Does not shorten life span.
Support Groups
National Fibromyalgia Association
Walk of FAME (Fibromyalgia Awareness Means
Emotional/Social Support and Education
Post Test
There is no cure for FM?
FM has been shown to
shorten a persons life
FM will cause joint
FM is a disease?
FM has an unknown
Case Study
34 yo female with
diagnosis of FM
Wants to be start an
exercise program
Goals are to loose
weight and be able to
sleep better
What questions will you
ask her?
What exercises are
Do you feel comfortable
working with the client?
TED Talks
Use your brain to control pain.

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Fibromyalgia lecture2010

  • 2. Bridgit Finley, PT, DPT, M.Ed., OCS bfinley@ptcentral.org www.ptcentral.org 579-1600 Check us out on Facebook
  • 3. Objectives State the ACR clinical definition of FM. Identify 5 or more overlapping co-morbidities. Outline the risk factors. Describe the non-pharmacologic approach to treatment. Review the prognoses for FM patients.
  • 4. Pre Test FM is caused by a virus? 3-6% of the population has FM? FM is progressive and fatal? FM is diagnosed with a blood test? Exercise has been shown to decrease FM symptoms? False True False False True
  • 5. Introduction Fibromyalgia – what is it? Be skeptical if you read something that says it will “cure” symptoms. Patients need to understand their symptoms so that they can begin to take control and manage their pain.
  • 6. Overview Common condition characterized by long-term, body-wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissue. A chronic pain state. Nerve stimuli causing pain (reduced pain threshold). Symptoms: fatigue, morning stiffness, sleep problems, headaches, depression and anxiety.
  • 7. Definition of Fibromyalgia “Chronic and widespread pain located at 11 or more of 18 tender points.” American College of Rheumatology, 1990. In 1908, Gowen first described FMS.
  • 8. Fibromyalgia A common and complex chronic pain disorder that affects people physically, mentally and socially. It is a syndrome rather than a disease. A syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms that occur together without an identifiable cause.
  • 9. Disease A disease, which is a medical condition with specific cause or causes and recognizable signs and symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a set of symptoms not caused by a disease. Tissue pathology with distinctive symptoms and a causative agent. Tuberculosis, causing a chronic cough, tubercle bacillus is causative agent and can be cured.
  • 10. Science of Fibromyalgia Tends to be treated rather dismissively by Medical Community. Controversy – not disease process, can’t be cured. Problem with doctors is that it can not be understood according to the classic medical model. This model is used with all medical training.
  • 11. What is the problem? It is not a primary psychological disorder. As in many chronic conditions, psychological factors may play a role. May “up regulate” the central nervous system. Abnormal pain transmission response Disordered sensory processing.
  • 12. What is the problem? The stimuli causing pain originates mainly in the muscles. Skeletal muscle metabolism – decrease blood flow which causes chronic fatigue and weakness. Hence the increased pain with strenuous exertion.
  • 13. Causes The bottom line – unknown Sleep disturbances, which are common in FB patients, may actually cause the condition. Pilot studies have shown a possible inherited tendency toward the disease. Very preliminary.
  • 14. Perception of Pain Pain is a universal experience that serves the vital function of triggering avoidance. Cardinal symptom of FM is widespread body pain. Tender points at musculoskeletal junction. Amplification of nervous system.
  • 15. Pain is Personal Some 30 years ago, Melzeck and Wall proposed that pain is a complex integration of noxious stimuli, and cognitive factors. In other words, the emotional aspects of having a chronic pain state and one's rationalization of the problem may both influence the final experience of pain.
  • 16. Description A chronic musculoskeletal syndrome characterized by widespread: musculoskeletal aches and pain stiffness in the muscle tissue, ligaments, and tendons soft tissue tenderness general fatigue sleep disorders gastrointestinal disorders depression
  • 17. FMS affects the neck, shoulders, chest, legs, and lower back symptoms similar to those of chronic fatigue syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome.
  • 18. Epidemiology 10 million US  3-6% of population ~ 80% are women highest incidence  women 20 to 55 years of age Genetic component Among siblings and mothers and daughters Incidence rises with age, by 80 years old – 8% of the population.
  • 19. Risk Factors Age more common in young adults, increases with age Gender  10 x more common in women Genetic  familial patterns suggest the disorder may be inherited Often follows a trauma  infectious or stress
  • 20. Risk Factors Sleep disorders  unknown whether sleep difficulties are a cause or a result of fibromyalgia Rheumatic Disease  RA or Lupus more likely to develop FA
  • 21. Pathophysiology unknown etiology produces vague symptoms that may be associated with diminished blood flow to certain parts of the brain and increased amounts of substance P substance P  thought to be a sensory neurotransmitter involved in the communication of pain, touch, and temperature from body to brain. Lowers the threshold of synaptic excitability
  • 22. Pathophysiology several other possible causes: autonomic nervous system dysfunction chronic sleep disorders emotional stress or trauma immune or endocrine system dysfunction upper spinal cord injury viral or bacterial infection
  • 23. Signs and Symptoms vary, depending on stress level, physical activity, time of day, and the weather pain  primary symptom pain and tenderness in specific trigger points when pressure is applied aching, burning, throbbing, or move around the body (migratory) muscle tightness, soreness, and spasms
  • 24. S & S Continued unable to carry out normal daily activities even though muscle strength is not affected pain  often worse in morning, improves throughout day, worsens at night symptoms may be constant or intermittent for years
  • 25. Co-morbidities sleep disorders/fatigue  restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea gastrointestinal  abdominal pain, bloating, gas, cramps, alternating diarrhea and constipation, IBS numbness or tingling sensations chronic headaches  may include facial and jaw pain (TMJ) frequent urination, strong urge to urinate, painful urination (dysuria) sensation of swelling (edema) in hands and feet even though not present cognitive or memory impairment
  • 26. Co-morbidities and FM Post-exertional malaise and muscle pain Morning Stiffness Numbness and Tingling Dizziness or Light-headedness Increased chemical, mechanical, and thermal sensitivities.
  • 27. Trigger Points  Main points of pain in Fibromyalgia patients Neck Back Shoulders Pelvic Girdle Hands Knees Elbows Hips
  • 28. Diagnosis No laboratory tests Must rely on patients self reported symptoms 3 month history Exam based on American College of Rheumatology criteria. Estimated that it takes an average of five years to get diagnosed.
  • 29. To receive a diagnosis of FM Medical History widespread pain in all four quadrants of their body for a minimum of three months at least 11 of the 18 specified tender points when pressure is applied.
  • 30. Rule Out other Conditions Cancer Cervical & Lumbar DDD Chronic Fatigue Depression Hypothyroidism Irritable Bowel Syndrome Hypothyroidism Polymyalgia Lyme Disease Viral hepatitis Rheumatoid Arthritis Sleep Disorders
  • 31. Myth Fibromyalgia Damages Your Joints Increase pain has not been correlated with any joint or muscle damage. It is important to understand that activity is good for your joints and will help patients with Fibromyalgia control pain. Fibromyalgia is not fatal True
  • 32. Myth You look fine, so nothing is wrong with you. Pain is cultural Our society does not really want to know “How are you?” You were diagnosed with fibromyalgia because your doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with you. American College of Rheumatology
  • 33. Treatment Pain Management Lifestyle adjustment  avoid nonessential activities Good Nutrition Stress Management  Use of relaxation techniques  meditation, biofeedback Exercise Sleep Management  Avoid caffeine  Regular sleep routine
  • 34. Nutrition Avoid sugar Avoid caffeine – this will improve your sleep Limit alcohol Maintain proper body weight Limit processed food Chocolate is OK and may release serotonin
  • 35. Pain Management Goal  reduce pain, improve sleep, and relieve associated symptoms Medication antidepressant agents  relieve sleep disorders, reduce muscle pain, treat depression small doses of aspirin or acetaminophen  relief of pain and muscle stiffness Lyrica/cymbalta/Savella -
  • 36. Pain Management Trigger point injections  injection of local anestheticand/or corticosteroid into a tender point and then stretching involved muscle local anesthetic   blood flow to the muscle corticosteroids   inflammation
  • 37. Treatment Exercise  low-impact aerobic activity and strength training. Improved Fitness – symptoms are decreased with aerobic exercise. 25-60% HHR, 3days/week, 20-30 minutes Significant decrease in the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire ACSM Guidelines are too strenuous
  • 38. Physical Therapy Physical Therapy  Modalities Manual therapy Stretching C-V Home Program Capsaicin creams Massage tools Rice bags Warm clothes Pillows - Beds
  • 39. Prognosis No cure – lifelong condition. Very rare for them to develop lupus or MS Better ways to diagnose and treat the chronic pain disorder continue to be developed. FDA – new medications Clinical studies demonstrate that can reduce symptoms. Does not shorten life span.
  • 40. Support Groups National Fibromyalgia Association www.fmaware.org Podcasts Walk of FAME (Fibromyalgia Awareness Means Everything) Emotional/Social Support and Education
  • 41. Post Test There is no cure for FM? FM has been shown to shorten a persons life span? FM will cause joint damage? FM is a disease? FM has an unknown etiology? True False False False True
  • 42. Case Study 34 yo female with diagnosis of FM Wants to be start an exercise program Goals are to loose weight and be able to sleep better What questions will you ask her? What exercises are appropriate? Do you feel comfortable working with the client?
  • 43. TED Talks Use your brain to control pain. Pain

Editor's Notes

  1. Patients need to make sense of the pain. It is a somewhat respectable diagnosis within the last 10 years.
  2. Most patients need to be reassured that their symptoms are the product of a real disease.
  3. Was that painful, how would your rate the pain 0-10. If average pain score &amp;gt; 6/10.