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extreme web 
performance for 
mobile devices 
maximiliano @firtman 
Barcelona, Nov 19 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Slides, links and tests 
yes, please 
QA at the end 
(en español también)
performance + mobile + web 
1- Mobile Web today 
2- Performance & Mobile 
3- Tools 
4- Initial loading & perception 
5- Responsiveness & experience
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
1- mobile web today* 
*today: november 2014
1- mobile web today 
- Web Platforms 
- The Android’s problem
web platforms
web platforms 
iOS and Android
Links at firtman,github.io/velocity web platforms 
Adobe Digital Index 
Wikimedia Stats 
web platforms 
Windows Phone 
web platforms 
web platforms 
Apps (Web View) 
web platforms 
Source: Apple
web platforms 
InApp iOS 
Safari iOS7 
Safari iOS8 
web platforms 
web platforms 
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
1% month
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
web platforms
web platforms
web platforms
web platforms 
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
web platforms 
web platforms 
Windows Phone 
InApp iOS 5% 
Safari iOS7 
Safari iOS8 
• Firefox 
• UC Browser 
• Nokia Browser 
• BlackBerry Browser
1- mobile web today 
- Understand the real ecosystem 
- Android browsers 
- Don’t think you are an average user 
- May change future
2- mobile & performance 
- Perception 
- Differences 
- Cellular networks 
- Responsive Web Design
immediate feedback 100ms 
Jakob Nielsen - Usability Engineering
immediate feedback 100ms 
losing user’s flow of thoughts 1s 
Jakob Nielsen - Usability Engineering
500ms delay, +26% user’s frustration 
Source: Radware
why do we need special 
care on mobile?
CPU and GPU 
CPU and GPU 
Wifi, public spaces?
Cellular connections
We have 4G! We don't need to 
worry about performance... 
4G 2G/3G 
Only 4% is on 4G globally 
US Western Europe Asia Global
4G 2G/3G 
~30% of the time 4G was not used 
US Western Europe Asia Global
cellular networks 
Real Bandwidth (Mbps) 
2G 3G Wifi 4G 
0 2 4 6 8
RTT - latency 
cellular networks 
Min Max 
0 250 500 750 1000
Safari, Chrome, Android 91% 71%
Safari, Chrome, Android 91% 71% 
Other non-Android, non-iOS 10%
responsive web design
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Responsive Web Design 
is a TOOL
Responsive Web Design 
Users DON’T care if your site is 
(in terms of RWD)
Users DO care if the site is 
Page size 
mobile vs desktop 
responsive web design 
Much smaller 
Slightly smaller 
Same Size 
Source: guypo.com
Superbowl advertisers 
mobile approach 
responsive web design 
Responsive site 
Source: blogs.keynote.com
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
2- mobile and performance 
- Perception: 1s threshold 
- RTT latency 
- Test on low hardware and 2G/3G
3- tools
3- tools 
- where 
- measuring loading times 
- measuring responsiveness 
- online tools 
- html5 apis
Simulator & Emulator 
Real device 
Windows Phone 
InApp Browser iOS 
Safari iOS 
Windows Phone 
InApp Browser iOS 
Safari iOS 
Windows Phone 
InApp Browser iOS 
Safari iOS 
online tools
online tools
online tools
online tools
remote inspectors
remote inspectors 
Windows Phone 
InApp Browser iOS 
Safari iOS 
Proxies / Network sniffers 
• Charles Proxy 
• Fiddler 
Image from telerik fiddler
Connection simulators 
• Network link conditioner (Mac/iOS) 
• Charles Proxy 
• Clumsy for Windows 
• Net Limiter for Windows 
• SlowyApp for Mac 
• Chrome Developer Tools
html5 apis
Navigation Timing API 
• window.performance 
• Timestamps available 
html5 apis
navigation timing api 
Windows Phone 
InApp Browser iOS 
Safari iOS 
* Android browser only from 4.0
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Navigation Timing API 
html5 apis 
Navigation Timing API 
html5 apis 
:/ .1
html5 apis 
iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 8.1
Navigation Timing API 
html5 apis 
Resource Timing API 
• Information per resource 
• Chrome and IE11 only 
html5 apis
Network information API 
html5 apis 
• Android Browser, Silk (spec #1) type 
• BlackBerry 10, old Firefox (spec #2) bandwidth 
• Firefox, Chrome for Android 38+ (spec #3) type
3- tools 
- Learn where to test 
- Measure loading times 
- Measure responsiveness 
4- initial loading & perception
4- initial loading & perception 
- 1 second threshold 
- classic checklist 
- ATF and the rest 
- responsive web design 
- future visits
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Image from developers.google.com
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
What!!? Do you expect a page load 
in 200ms? 
No really, we just need the 
Let’s see 
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
• From 150 to 1000 ms per redirect 
• mydomain.com -> m.mydomain.com 
• URL shorteners
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
• From 1 to 5s
Basic browser behavior 
• Network Fetch 
• Parsing 
• Rendering
Basic browser behavior 
Basic browser behavior 
The 14K limit
The 14K limit 
• TCP slow start 
• Initial congestion window: ~14.6Kb (compressed) 
• > 14Kb will create another roundtrip
We need to separate 
ATF in 1s = 1 RTT ~ < 14Kb 
HTML + CSS + JavaScript 
Avoid JavaScript frameworks 
• Embrace Vanilla JS 
• If you really need them, load them after ATF 
• Think on alternatives or partial frameworks
Careful with Data URI in CSS 
• Images are non-blocking by default 
• Using Data URI in CSS creates blocking images 
• Use them only on non-ATF external CSS
Compress resources 
• Use Gzip in HTTP 
• For text-based files only
Client side rendering 
• Careful with client-side frameworks 
• Try to render the initial view server-side 
• Render at least a basic view
Client side rendering 
• Careful with client-side frameworks 
• Try to render the initial view server-side 
• Render at least a basic view 
Web Fonts 
• Blocks text rendering 
• Fonts are bigger than 14Kb 
• Use them with care 
• Remove characters 
• Simplify glyphs 
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design 
• Media queries block rendering (all of them) 
• ATF content on mobile is not the same
DON’T rely on 
RWD techniques only 
for first view
is the future
We are not saying go m.*
Responsive Web Design 
• Using same URL for mobile/desktop still a good a idea 
• Mix it with RESS / adaptive web design 
• Load media queries CSS async 
• Use server-side libraries 
• WURFL or DeviceAtlas
After ATF is ready 
• Load rest of your content 
• Gain experience while rendering ATF: 
current performance, screen density, bandwidth 
• Make decisions: HD/SD
Async scripts 
<script async src=""></script> HTML5
Defer non-ATF CSS 
• No defer or async attributes (yet) 
• Inject <link> after rendering 
• load, requestAnimationFrame
Speed future visits 
• Be cache friendly 
• Use Application Cache for ATF content 
• Create a custom cache
4- initial loading & perception 
- ATF in 1s (illusion) 
- No redirects, GZip, no scripts 
- Only ATF CSS, careful with fonts 
- Defer anything else
5- responsiveness & experience
4- responsiveness & experience 
- consistent frame rate 
- immediate feedback 
- scrolling 
- your new enemy
consistent fps 
Keep framerate high and consistent 
• Main UI thread as free as possible 
• Avoid repainting (software bitmap calculations)
• Avoid DOM manipulations inside loops/scroll 
var e = document.querySelector("#test"); 
for (var i=0; i<100; i++) { 
// change e attributes 
• Promote GPU layers smartly 
selector { 
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0); 
-webkit-perspective: 1000; 
selector { 
z-index: 10; 
• Don’t animate from JavaScript for basic stuff 
• Use requestAnimationFrame
remember 100ms immediate 
Immediate feedback 
• The 300ms delay 
• mobile viewport (“user-scalable=no” on some browsers) 
• FastClick solution
Immediate feedback 
• FastClick solution
Immediate feedback 
• Mobile Viewport on Chrome 
<meta name=viewport 
Immediate feedback 
• Mobile Fixed Viewport on IE 
<meta name=viewport 
user-scalable=no" > 
Immediate feedback 
• CSS on IE 
html { 
-ms-touch-action: manipulation; 
touch-action: manipulation; 
Distract the user
Storage for immediate feedback 
• web storage vs web sql vs indexeddb 
• think about async vs sync 
• Finally IndexedDB on iOS 8!
.getCurrentPosition(cbOK, cbKO, 
{ maximumAge: 60000 }); 
Geolocation cache
• avoid re-painting 
• use touch overflow for momentum 
• don’t use JavaScript scrollers 
• on large scrolling areas: copy native
Large scrolling areas 
Let’s copy native frameworks: 
• iOS: UITableView 
• Android: ListView & Adapters
Large scrolling areas 
• Object pool
Infinite scroll 
• DOM vs. iframe vs. object pool 
• changes on iOS8
Your new enemy
Careful with some design features 
• GPU vs CPU repaint 
• Important on scroll, transitions & animations
Careful with some design features 
• Transforms: translate, scale, rotate and opacity GPU 
• border-radius, gradients, shadows, filters CPU repaint
5- responsiveness & experience 
- 100s feedback 
- Consistent fps 
- Avoid CPU repaints 
- Embrace GPU smartly 
- Profile & test
uf! we've 
covered a lot! 
Picture from Simon Howden freedigitalphotos.net!
1- Mobile Web today 
2- Mobile Performance 
3- Tools 
4- Initial load & perception 
5- Responsiveness & experience
Slides, links and tests 
final thoughts 
- measure and profile on the real world 
- don’t redirect, reduce requests 
- atf content in 1s, defer the rest 
- be simple, be aggressive
you can reach a good experience 
firt.mobi/mh5 firt.mobi/pmw 
50% OFF!

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