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Recovery: A Solution Focused Approach
▪ Dr. Louise A Stanger,
▪ Faculty SDSU
Interwork Institute
▪ Mint Trainer of
▪ All About
Objectives of Our Time
▪ To Talk about Family , Friend Recovery
▪ To Show Ways in Which Family and
Friends May Engage In Healthy
▪ To Demonstrate ways in which Families,
Friends can take care of themselves
▪ It’s not the absence of
▪ Rather The ability to
move beyond it
▪ Alanon: “ Courage is
fear that has said its
LOVE: What is it ? How does
our brain respond ?
▪ Lust – Testerone and
in Addiction we tend
to lust after
something or
▪ Romantic Love- First
phase this is driven
by an increase in
Romantic Love
▪ Decrease in serotonin
when falling in love –
so moods are highly
▪ Wild inability to
control thoughts
during this stage
▪ Love can mimic
Deep Attachment
▪ Hormones Vasopressin
and Oxytocin are
responsible for creating
pleasurable sensations
especially calm and
▪ After the pleasure centers
have calmed down we
form deep attachment
Definition of Addiction
▪ Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain
reward, motivation, memory and related
▪ Dysfunction in these circuits leads to
characteristic biological, psychological, social
and spiritual manifestations.
▪ This is reflected in an individual pathologically
pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use
and other behaviors.
Courage love compassion - Recovery: A Solution Focused Approach
Courage love compassion - Recovery: A Solution Focused Approach
Healthy Families 

( McMannis PHD & McMannis MSW)
▪ Talking & Loving
▪ Expressing Language
▪ Adapting to Change
▪ Sharing Time
▪ Who’s in Charge
▪ Balancing Closeness
& Difference
▪ Accepting Difference
▪ Seeing The Positive
▪ Effective Problem
▪ Parenting Together
The Stanger Process
Family Systems 

Before Treatment Families
▪ Confused
▪ Bewildered
▪ Attached to The
▪ Deny
▪ Minimize
Feelings Families Have
▪ Confusion
▪ Anger
▪ Sadness
▪ Love
Recovery Includes Everyone
▪ Letting go of what
one cannot control.
▪ Learning how to care
for ourselves and not
be attached to the
▪ Learning about SA/
MH Disorders and
family systems
What is Recovery ????
Recovery Is ……
▪ Lifelong Growth
▪ Development of new
problem solving skills
and strategies
▪ Responding not
▪ Being Mindful and
Compassionate to
self and Others
Families and Friends learn
▪ Addiction is a brain
▪ Detachment- the 4 C.’s
did not cause, can’t
control, cure the
▪ Can celebrate ones
recovery and ones self
▪ To differentiate
between the disorder
and the person
▪ To learn stress
▪ To build a recovery
network of their own,
▪ Visitor
▪ Complainant
▪ Customer
How do you Listen ?
What Type of Communication
Skills Do you Have?
▪ Echo Key Words
▪ Open Ended
▪ Paraphrase
▪ Body Language
▪ Summarize
▪ Self -Disclose
How Ready are you To
▪ Pre-contemplative
▪ Contemplative
▪ Determined
▪ Action
▪ Maintenance
▪ Relapse
▪ Prochaska & DeClemente’s
Stages of Change
7 Principles of Recovery
▪ Abstinence
▪ Peer Support
▪ Medication
▪ Exercise
▪ Ritual
▪ Good Nutrition
▪ Professional
Consultation and
Blueprint For Your Sucess
▪ Physical
▪ Emotional
▪ Spiritual or Consistent
with your Values
Coping Questions >>>>>
▪ What have you done to
take care of yourself?
▪ What do you do to take
care of yourself?
(physically, emotionally,
▪ How are you dealing with
all that is going on?
▪ How are you detaching
with compassion
Scaling Questions
▪ Motivation
▪ Confidence
Ways in Which you may help your
loved one in recovery
▪ Encourage continued work in
12 step or other
▪ Understand that immersion in
a program does not mean a
recovering person does not
love you. They go to
meetings everyday so they
may learn to love themselves
▪ Be honest, no more secrets
▪ Set Boundaries
▪ Use Problem solving skills
▪ Learn to detach with love and
stop protective adaptive
behaviors that were unhelpful
ie paying for everything,
bailing out, making excuses
▪ Do not keep alcohol or other
drugs in the home.
▪ Discuss with your loved one
Steps to Recovery
▪ Embrace the Right
▪ Use problem solving
skills learned
▪ Learn to identify and
manage stress over co-
occurring disorders –
Steps to Recovery
▪ Build a recovery life style
( abstinence, alternative
modalities for chronic pain
meal plans etc)
▪ Let go of self defeating
behaviors and negative self
▪ Stay Focused - a job
▪ Be prepared for life time
▪ Be prepared not everyday is
a celebration. There may be
some tough days
▪ Suggest healthy meal schedule
▪ Encourage a loved one to state
feelings rather then act out
▪ Encourage new friendships .
Support a healthy exercise
▪ Encourage if appropriate
relaxation , meditation techniques.
▪ Practice or be willing to try what
you suggest
Magic Words
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Oh
▪ Really
▪ Whatever
Cultivate Compassion
▪ “Compassion is a sensitivity to
suffering with a commitment
to try and alleviate and prevent
that suffering “
▪ The human brain is different
as it has “emotional memory “
Ie we are not the zebra and
the lion
▪ Greater Good Science Center UC
Emotional Memory
▪ Attachment System gets
fused with fear
▪ Fear becomes dominant
▪ Emotional loop opens up
and fear dominates they
are in a loop which
focuses on negative
Emotional Memory
▪ Brain is “Velcro for
negative and Threat
Based and Teflon for
▪ Examples : Vacation
▪ Can you think of one
Shifting The Conversation

Exercise : Imagine your
excitement over a vacation or
possibility of winning the
Switch on purpose to an
argument or one of your core
Attention and refocusing takes us
out of the anger loop
Mattheiu Ricard, “ “Are minds are
like gardens they grow
Three Kinds of Happy Lives

Martin Seligman, 2004 Ted Talk
▪ Pleasant Life- find in life as many things
pleasant as you can
▪ The life of engagement –life in work, parenting,
love and leisure
▪ The meaningful life- knowing your highest
strengths and using them to the fullest in
service to something higher then yourselves
Exuberant Human Beings
▪ Surround themselves
with other Happy Folks
( Framington Heart Study)
▪ They Smile when they
mean it. (Academy of Management
▪ The Cultivate Resilience
(“ Fall 7 Times Stand up
▪ Resilience is the opposite
of Depression
Exuberant Human Beings
▪ They are mindful of the
good by celebrating small
and big victories
▪ They Appreciate Simple
Pleasures ( get caught up or
carried away in projects – Flat
▪ They try to be happy (Fake
it till you make it!) Journal of Positive
▪ Nix Small Talk for Deeper
Conversation (Psychological
More Habits
▪ They spend money
on other people (Science)
▪ Practice Random Kindness
▪ They Make a Point to
▪ They Uphold In-
Person Connections
▪ They do not Confuse
Temporary with
And Some More…..
▪ They Value a Good
Mixed Tape-Music is
▪ They Unplug-
meditate, disconnect
And Some More….
▪ They LOL Laughter
is the best medicine
▪ They walk the walk
▪ They go outside
▪ They devote some
time to giving
▪ They spend some
time on a pillow
▪ Dailygood.org
▪ Alanon Family
▪ Hazelden
▪ Dr. Louise Stanger
▪ 619-507-1699
Falling Up

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Courage love compassion - Recovery: A Solution Focused Approach

  • 1. Courage-Compassion-Love
 Recovery: A Solution Focused Approach ▪ Dr. Louise A Stanger, Ed.D, LCSW, BRI II, CIP ▪ Faculty SDSU Interwork Institute ▪ Mint Trainer of Trainers ▪ All About Interventions
  • 2. Objectives of Our Time Together ▪ To Talk about Family , Friend Recovery ▪ To Show Ways in Which Family and Friends May Engage In Healthy Communications ▪ To Demonstrate ways in which Families, Friends can take care of themselves
  • 3. Courage ▪ It’s not the absence of fear ▪ Rather The ability to move beyond it ▪ Alanon: “ Courage is fear that has said its prayers”
  • 4. LOVE: What is it ? How does our brain respond ? ▪ Lust – Testerone and in Addiction we tend to lust after something or someone ▪ Romantic Love- First phase this is driven by an increase in dopamine
  • 5. Romantic Love ▪ Decrease in serotonin when falling in love – so moods are highly unstable ▪ Wild inability to control thoughts during this stage ▪ Love can mimic addiction
  • 6. Deep Attachment ▪ Hormones Vasopressin and Oxytocin are responsible for creating pleasurable sensations especially calm and security ▪ After the pleasure centers have calmed down we form deep attachment
  • 7. Definition of Addiction ▪ Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. ▪ Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. ▪ This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.
  • 10. Healthy Families 
 ( McMannis PHD & McMannis MSW) ▪ Talking & Loving ▪ Expressing Language ▪ Adapting to Change ▪ Sharing Time Together ▪ Who’s in Charge ▪ Balancing Closeness & Difference ▪ Accepting Difference ▪ Seeing The Positive ▪ Effective Problem Solving ▪ Parenting Together
  • 13. Before Treatment Families ▪ Confused ▪ Bewildered ▪ Attached to The Problem ▪ Deny ▪ Minimize
  • 14. Feelings Families Have ▪ Confusion ▪ Anger ▪ Sadness ▪ Love
  • 15. Recovery Includes Everyone ▪ Letting go of what one cannot control. ▪ Learning how to care for ourselves and not be attached to the problem ▪ Learning about SA/ MH Disorders and family systems
  • 17. Recovery Is …… ▪ Lifelong Growth ▪ Development of new problem solving skills and strategies ▪ Responding not Reacting ▪ Being Mindful and Compassionate to self and Others
  • 18. Families and Friends learn ▪ Addiction is a brain disease ▪ Detachment- the 4 C.’s did not cause, can’t control, cure the disorder, ▪ Can celebrate ones recovery and ones self care ▪ To differentiate between the disorder and the person ▪ To learn stress reduction ▪ To build a recovery network of their own, Alanon
  • 20. How do you Listen ?
  • 21. What Type of Communication Skills Do you Have? ▪ Echo Key Words ▪ Open Ended Questions ▪ Paraphrase ▪ Body Language ▪ Summarize ▪ Self -Disclose
  • 22. How Ready are you To Change???? ▪ Pre-contemplative ▪ Contemplative ▪ Determined ▪ Action ▪ Maintenance ▪ Relapse ▪ Prochaska & DeClemente’s Stages of Change
  • 23. 7 Principles of Recovery ▪ Abstinence ▪ Peer Support ▪ Medication ▪ Exercise ▪ Ritual ▪ Good Nutrition ▪ Professional Consultation and Services
  • 24. Blueprint For Your Sucess ▪ Physical ▪ Emotional ▪ Spiritual or Consistent with your Values
  • 25. Coping Questions >>>>> ▪ What have you done to take care of yourself? ▪ What do you do to take care of yourself? (physically, emotionally, spiritually) ▪ How are you dealing with all that is going on? ▪ How are you detaching with compassion
  • 27. Ways in Which you may help your loved one in recovery ▪ Encourage continued work in 12 step or other ▪ Understand that immersion in a program does not mean a recovering person does not love you. They go to meetings everyday so they may learn to love themselves ▪ Be honest, no more secrets ▪ Set Boundaries ▪ Use Problem solving skills ▪ Learn to detach with love and stop protective adaptive behaviors that were unhelpful ie paying for everything, bailing out, making excuses etc ▪ COMMUNICATE ▪ Do not keep alcohol or other drugs in the home. ▪ Discuss with your loved one
  • 28. Steps to Recovery ▪ Embrace the Right Attitude ▪ Use problem solving skills learned ▪ Learn to identify and manage stress over co- occurring disorders –
  • 29. Steps to Recovery ▪ Build a recovery life style ( abstinence, alternative modalities for chronic pain meal plans etc) ▪ Let go of self defeating behaviors and negative self talk ▪ Stay Focused - a job ▪ Be prepared for life time growth ▪ Be prepared not everyday is a celebration. There may be some tough days
  • 30. HELP WITH HALT ▪ Suggest healthy meal schedule ▪ Encourage a loved one to state feelings rather then act out frustrations ▪ Encourage new friendships . Support a healthy exercise program ▪ Encourage if appropriate relaxation , meditation techniques. ▪ Practice or be willing to try what you suggest
  • 31. Magic Words ▪ Yes ▪ No ▪ Oh ▪ Really ▪ Whatever
  • 32. Cultivate Compassion ▪ “Compassion is a sensitivity to suffering with a commitment to try and alleviate and prevent that suffering “ ▪ The human brain is different as it has “emotional memory “ Ie we are not the zebra and the lion ▪ Greater Good Science Center UC Berkley
  • 33. Emotional Memory ▪ Attachment System gets fused with fear ▪ Fear becomes dominant ▪ Emotional loop opens up and fear dominates they are in a loop which focuses on negative behaviors
  • 34. Emotional Memory ▪ Brain is “Velcro for negative and Threat Based and Teflon for Positive” ▪ Examples : Vacation ▪ Can you think of one
  • 35. Shifting The Conversation
 Mindfulness Exercise : Imagine your excitement over a vacation or possibility of winning the lottery Switch on purpose to an argument or one of your core worries Attention and refocusing takes us out of the anger loop Mattheiu Ricard, “ “Are minds are like gardens they grow naturally”.
  • 36. Three Kinds of Happy Lives
 Martin Seligman, 2004 Ted Talk ▪ Pleasant Life- find in life as many things pleasant as you can ▪ The life of engagement –life in work, parenting, love and leisure ▪ The meaningful life- knowing your highest strengths and using them to the fullest in service to something higher then yourselves
  • 37. Exuberant Human Beings ▪ Surround themselves with other Happy Folks ( Framington Heart Study) ▪ They Smile when they mean it. (Academy of Management Journal) ▪ The Cultivate Resilience (“ Fall 7 Times Stand up 8) ▪ Resilience is the opposite of Depression
  • 38. Exuberant Human Beings ▪ They are mindful of the good by celebrating small and big victories ▪ They Appreciate Simple Pleasures ( get caught up or carried away in projects – Flat Stanley) ▪ They try to be happy (Fake it till you make it!) Journal of Positive Psychology ▪ Nix Small Talk for Deeper Conversation (Psychological Sciences)
  • 39. More Habits ▪ They spend money on other people (Science) ▪ Practice Random Kindness ▪ They Make a Point to Listen ▪ They Uphold In- Person Connections ▪ They do not Confuse Temporary with Permanent
  • 40. And Some More….. ▪ They Value a Good Mixed Tape-Music is Powerful ▪ They Unplug- meditate, disconnect
  • 41. And Some More…. ▪ They LOL Laughter is the best medicine ▪ They walk the walk ▪ They go outside ▪ They devote some time to giving ▪ They spend some time on a pillow
  • 43. Resources ▪ Dailygood.org ▪ Alanon Family Groups ▪ NAMI ▪ Hazelden Publications ▪ Dr. Louise Stanger ▪ 619-507-1699