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Narcissistic personality disorder is a
mental disorder in which people have an
inflated sense of their own importance, a
deep need for admiration and a lack of
empathy for others. But behind this
mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile
self-esteem that's vulnerable to the
slightest criticism.
 A narcissistic personality disorder causes
problems in many areas of life, such as
relationships, work, school or financial affairs.
You may be generally unhappy and
disappointed when you're not given the
special favors or admiration you believe you
deserve. Others may not enjoy being around
you, and you may find your relationships
 Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is
centered around talk therapy
 DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:
 Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
 Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
 Exaggerating your achievements and talents
 Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
 Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally
special people
 Requiring constant admiration
 Having a sense of entitlement
 Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
 Taking advantage of others to get what you want
 Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
 Being envious of others and believing others envy you
 Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
 Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence,
it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence
into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more
than you value others.
 It's not known what causes narcissistic
personality disorder. As with other mental
disorders, the cause is likely complex.
Narcissistic personality disorder may be
linked to:
 Mismatches in parent-child relationships with
either excessive pampering or excessive
 Genetics or psychobiology — the connection
between the brain and behavior and thinking
 Narcissistic personality disorder is rare. During childhood and
teen years, children may show traits of narcissism, but this may
simply be typical of their age and doesn't mean they'll go on to
develop narcissistic personality disorder.
 Narcissistic personality disorder affects more males than
females, and it often begins in the teens or early adulthood.
 Although the cause of narcissistic personality disorder isn't
known, some researchers think that in biologically vulnerable
children, parenting styles that overemphasize the child's
specialness and criticize fears and failures may be partially
responsible. The child may hide low self-esteem by developing
a superficial sense of perfection and behavior that shows a need
for constant admiration.
Complications of narcissistic personality
disorder, if left untreated, can include:
Relationship difficulties
Problems at work or school
Drug or alcohol abuse
Suicidal thoughts or behavior
 Narcissistic personality disorder is diagnosed
based on:
 Signs and symptoms
 A thorough psychological evaluation that may
include filling out questionnaires
 A physical exam to make sure you don't have
a physical problem causing your symptoms
 Some features of narcissistic personality
disorder are similar to those of other
personality disorders. Also, it's possible to be
diagnosed with more than one personality
disorder at the same time.
 Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk
therapy, also called psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can help you:
 Learn to relate better with others so your relationships are more
intimate, enjoyable and rewarding
 Understand the causes of your emotions and what drives you to
compete, to distrust others, and perhaps to despise yourself and
 Because personality traits can be difficult to change, therapy may take
several years. Areas of change are directed at helping you accept
responsibility and learning to:
 Accept and maintain real personal relationships and collaboration with
 Recognize and accept your actual competence and potential so you
can tolerate criticisms or failures
 Increase your ability to understand and regulate your feelings
 Understand and tolerate the impact of issues related to your self-
 Release your desire for unattainable goals and ideal conditions and
gain an acceptance of what's attainable and what you can accomplish
There are no medications specifically used
to treat narcissistic personality disorder.
However, if you have symptoms of
depression, anxiety or other conditions,
medications such as antidepressants or
anti-anxiety drugs may be helpful.
 You may feel defensive about treatment or think it's unnecessary. The
nature of narcissistic personality disorder can also leave you feeling that
therapy is not worth your time and attention, and you may be tempted to
 However, it's important to:
 Keep an open mind. Focus on the rewards of treatment.
 Stick to your treatment plan. Attend scheduled therapy sessions and
take any medications as directed. Remember, it can be hard work and
you may have occasional setbacks.
 Learn about it. Educate yourself about narcissistic personality disorder
so you can better understand symptoms, risk factors and treatments.
 Get treatment for substance abuse or other mental health
problems. Your addictions, depression, anxiety and stress can feed off
each other, leading to a cycle of emotional pain and unhealthy behavior.
 Learn relaxation and stress management. Try stress-reduction
techniques, such as meditation, yoga or tai chi. These can be soothing
and calming.
 Stay focused on your goal. Recovery from narcissistic personality
disorder takes time. Stay motivated by keeping your recovery goals in
mind and reminding yourself that you can work to repair damaged
relationships and become happier with your life.
 Because the cause of narcissistic personality
disorder is unknown, there's no known way to
prevent the condition. However, it may help
 Get treatment as soon as possible for
childhood mental health problems
 Participate in family therapy to learn healthy
ways to communicate or to cope with conflicts
or emotional distress
 Attend parenting classes and seek guidance
from therapists or social workers if needed

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narcissistic personality disorder

  • 2. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
  • 3.  A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.  Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy (psychotherapy).
  • 4.  DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:  Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance  Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it  Exaggerating your achievements and talents  Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate  Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people  Requiring constant admiration  Having a sense of entitlement  Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations  Taking advantage of others to get what you want  Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others  Being envious of others and believing others envy you  Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner  Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.
  • 5.  It's not known what causes narcissistic personality disorder. As with other mental disorders, the cause is likely complex. Narcissistic personality disorder may be linked to:  Mismatches in parent-child relationships with either excessive pampering or excessive criticism  Genetics or psychobiology — the connection between the brain and behavior and thinking
  • 6.  Narcissistic personality disorder is rare. During childhood and teen years, children may show traits of narcissism, but this may simply be typical of their age and doesn't mean they'll go on to develop narcissistic personality disorder.  Narcissistic personality disorder affects more males than females, and it often begins in the teens or early adulthood.  Although the cause of narcissistic personality disorder isn't known, some researchers think that in biologically vulnerable children, parenting styles that overemphasize the child's specialness and criticize fears and failures may be partially responsible. The child may hide low self-esteem by developing a superficial sense of perfection and behavior that shows a need for constant admiration.
  • 7. Complications of narcissistic personality disorder, if left untreated, can include: Relationship difficulties Problems at work or school Depression Drug or alcohol abuse Suicidal thoughts or behavior
  • 8.  Narcissistic personality disorder is diagnosed based on:  Signs and symptoms  A thorough psychological evaluation that may include filling out questionnaires  A physical exam to make sure you don't have a physical problem causing your symptoms  Some features of narcissistic personality disorder are similar to those of other personality disorders. Also, it's possible to be diagnosed with more than one personality disorder at the same time.
  • 9.  Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy, also called psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can help you:  Learn to relate better with others so your relationships are more intimate, enjoyable and rewarding  Understand the causes of your emotions and what drives you to compete, to distrust others, and perhaps to despise yourself and others  Because personality traits can be difficult to change, therapy may take several years. Areas of change are directed at helping you accept responsibility and learning to:  Accept and maintain real personal relationships and collaboration with co-workers  Recognize and accept your actual competence and potential so you can tolerate criticisms or failures  Increase your ability to understand and regulate your feelings  Understand and tolerate the impact of issues related to your self- esteem  Release your desire for unattainable goals and ideal conditions and gain an acceptance of what's attainable and what you can accomplish
  • 10. There are no medications specifically used to treat narcissistic personality disorder. However, if you have symptoms of depression, anxiety or other conditions, medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs may be helpful.
  • 11.  You may feel defensive about treatment or think it's unnecessary. The nature of narcissistic personality disorder can also leave you feeling that therapy is not worth your time and attention, and you may be tempted to quit.  However, it's important to:  Keep an open mind. Focus on the rewards of treatment.  Stick to your treatment plan. Attend scheduled therapy sessions and take any medications as directed. Remember, it can be hard work and you may have occasional setbacks.  Learn about it. Educate yourself about narcissistic personality disorder so you can better understand symptoms, risk factors and treatments.  Get treatment for substance abuse or other mental health problems. Your addictions, depression, anxiety and stress can feed off each other, leading to a cycle of emotional pain and unhealthy behavior.  Learn relaxation and stress management. Try stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation, yoga or tai chi. These can be soothing and calming.  Stay focused on your goal. Recovery from narcissistic personality disorder takes time. Stay motivated by keeping your recovery goals in mind and reminding yourself that you can work to repair damaged relationships and become happier with your life.
  • 12.  Because the cause of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown, there's no known way to prevent the condition. However, it may help to:  Get treatment as soon as possible for childhood mental health problems  Participate in family therapy to learn healthy ways to communicate or to cope with conflicts or emotional distress  Attend parenting classes and seek guidance from therapists or social workers if needed