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JR 1 – MD (Naturopathy)
1) Introduction to naturopathy
2) Basic principles of naturopathy
3) References and explanation of basic principles
4) Panchamahabhutas / Panchatatva
5) Arogya Raksha Panchatantra
6) Explanation of Panchatantra
7) International principles of naturopathy
What is naturopathy ??
◍ Naturopathy—also called naturopathic medicine—is a medical system that has
evolved from a combination of traditional practices and health care approaches.
◍ It is a drugless therapy that involves the use of the five great elements
(Panchamahabhutas) of nature to restore, to build up, and maintain health –
 Earth (Prithvi)
 Water (Jal)
 Fire (Tej)
 Air (Vayu)
 Ether (Akash)
■ Naturopathy is a system of treatment of the sick without medicines.
■ This system firmly believes that the living body heals itself.
■ Naturopathy is based on the recognition that the body possesses not only a natural ability to
resist disease but inherent mechanisms of recovery and self-regulation.
■ It is a system of treatment that recognizes the existence of vital curative force.
handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir Singh
◍ “Nature cure is a system of building the entire being in harmony with constrictive
principles in nature on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of being.
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
◍ “Naturopathy is distinct of healing, employing the beneficent agency of nature’s forces
of water, air, sunlight, earth power, electricity, magnetism, exercise, rest, proper diet,
various kinds of mechanical treatment mental and moral science.”
By Dr. Benedict lust
◍ “Naturopathy is the science, art, philosophy of adjusting the framework, correcting the
mental influence and supplying the body with its needed elements”
By Dr. J.E. Cummins
What is health according to naturopathy ??
Health is the normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on the
physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of being, in conformity with the constructive principle of nature
applied to individual life.
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
The disease is the abnormal or inharmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human
entity on one or more planes of being, in conformity with the destructive principle of Nature applied to
individual life
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
What is health according to WHO ??
What is Disease according to naturopathy ??
Basic principles of Naturopathy
1. Body heals itself
2. Main cause of the disease is enervation
3. Deposit of metabolic end product/morbid matter in the system is a disease
4. Acute disease is a remedial process-it is itself a cure
5. Food is a building material and it does not increase vitality
6. Fasting does not cure any disease but provides an opportunity for the body to heal
7. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition
8. Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage
9. External treatments whether naturopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic, or homeopathic- give
only relief, and do not cure
10. Patient’s own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary things for nature
cure treatment.
handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
1. Body heals itself
◍ Healing means restoration to a normal condition or making a sick body healthy.
◍ According to naturopathy the cure does not come from outside but from inside.
handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
Health Environments Research & Design Journal 2018, Vol. 11(1) 43-56 ª The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permission:
sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1937586716680567 journals.sagepub.com/home/herd
◍ The healing occurs in 4 stages-
1. hemostasis phase
2. inflammatory phase
3. proliferating phase
4. remodeling phase
◍ The hemostasis phase –
 occurs as the injury happens and is the first response from the body.
The wound causes blood and other fluids to leave the body.
platelets and thrombocytes in the blood start to clump together near the open wound
forming a fibrin network.
This thickens the blood in the immediate area to help stop the bleeding.
This newly formed clot also prevents germs from getting into the body.
the platelets release chemicals that alert the surrounding cells to start the next process and heal
the wound.
◍ Inflammatory phase-
 During the inflammatory phase, the cleaning and healing of the area begin.
Early inflammatory phase (starts within 24-36
hrs. of injury)
Neutrophils infiltration to the wound site (due to
growth factors like TGFβ, PDGF, IGF)
Neutrophils adhere to endothelial cells (who is
surrounding the wound)
Neutrophils roll onto the site
Neutrophils migrate out of the site (by taking out the
bacteria- phagocytosis)
late inflammatory phase (starts within 48-72
hrs. of injury)
Neutrophils replaced by macrophages
And complete the phagocytosis
◍ Proliferative phase-
 The body’s focus during this stage is to close the wound, create new tissue, and repair any
damaged blood vessels in the area.
 Starts after 3rd day and last for 2 weeks
The previous network of tissue containing fibrin and fibronectin
Replaced by
granular tissue new extracellular formation (begins)
◍ Angiogenesis and Remodeling phase-
 this process occurs around 2 or 3 weeks after the injury and can last for 1 year or longer.
 This is the active scar tissue phase of healing.
 As time goes on, the scar tissue has an increased concentration of collagen, which makes it
Angiogenesis is the formation of new vessels (neovascularization)
Along with granulation tissue formation (which looks pink)
Then this granulation tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue (scar formation)
New cellular matrix is formed completely and increased collagen concentration
Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials
of medical physiology. 4th ed. Lansdowne,
South Africa: Juta Legal and Academic; 2008.
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
The wound healing process: An
overview of the cellular and
molecular mechanisms
V.T.B.T.S. et al
The Journal of international medical
The host has a natural response to
wounding involves various
processes of tissue healing that are
triggered by tissue injury, and
encompasses four continuous
phases including coagulation and
haemostasias, inflammation,
proliferation and wound remodelling
with scar tissue deposition.
Reference no. 2
prema sembulingham, k sembulingham (2012) “Chapter 17, Immunity,” in
Essentials of Medical Physiology. 6th ed. New Delhi, New Delhi: JAYPEE
2. Main cause of disease is enervation
◍ Nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and motor and sensory
◍ When there is fatigue in them it is called Enervation.
◍ It is also known as neurasthenia, nerve weakness, nervous breakdown,
depression, or nervous debility.
handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir Singh
Causes of enervation
 Mental and psychological causes
 Sensory excesses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch
 Sensuality-excesses= pleasure of senses, sexual abuse
 nerve leaks
 excess and abuses of diet
 poisonous habits
 bottled brinks
 lack of exercise
 social and financial causes
 lack of rest and sleep
handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
 A neuron or nerve cell is defined as the structural and functional unit of the nervous
 Dendrite is the branched process of neurons, they transmit impulses towards the
nerve cell body.
 Axon is the long process of nerve cells, they transmit impulses away from the nerve
cell body.
 Myelin sheath is a thick lipoprotein sheath that insulates the myelinated nerve fiber.
 Injury to nerve fibers occurs due to the following causes:
1. Obstruction of blood flow
2. Local injection of toxic substances
3. Crushing of nerve fiber
4. Transection of a nerve fiber.
Cause degenerative changes in the neuron
 The term regeneration refers to the regrowth of lost or destroyed part of a tissue. It
starts as early as 4th day after the injury, but becomes more effective only after 30
days and is completed in about 80 days.
Neuron structure,
regeneration, and
Synapse and synaptic transmission
 Injury to nerve fibers occurs due to the following causes:
1. Obstruction of blood flow
2. Local injection of toxic substances
3. Crushing of nerve fiber
4. Transection of a nerve fiber.
Cause degenerative changes in the neuron and the synaptic transmission gets disturbed.
Prema Sembulingham, K Sembulingham (2012) “Nervous system,” in Essentials of
medical physiology. 6th edition. Daryaganj, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
(P) LTD, pp. 757–787.
PNI model
Reference no. 2
Title & author Journal & year Conclusion
Neural-immune interactions in
health and disease
EM;, E.F.S. et al
Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences
The CNS and immune system
communicate via multiple
neuroanatomical and hormonal
routes and molecular
mechanisms. The interactions
between the neuroendocrine
and immune systems provide a
finely tuned regulatory system
required for health.
Disturbances at any level may
lead to changes in susceptibility
to and pathogenesis of
Reference no. 3
Title & author Journal & year conclusion
The Role of Early Life Stress
in HPA Axis and Anxiety
Juruena MF, Eror F, Cleare AJ,
Young AH.
Adv Exp Med Biology
This review examined the
emerging literature concerning
the relationship between
stress, HPA axis function, and
GAD, panic disorder, and
phobias and the role of early
life stress as an important risk
factor for HPA axis dysfunction
and early life stress as an
important risk factor for HPA
axis dysregulation.
3. Deposit of metabolic end products/ Morbid matter in the system is disease
◍ According to naturopathy to keep the body healthy, happy, and holy
Three things are required-
 Innervation- constant and regular nerve supply
 Food and nutrition- food that feeds not fills
 Drainage- elimination, and evacuation
The common cause of all types of disease is the enervation and accumulation of waste
Diseases do not attack people (suddenly)
Diseases grow slowly within the body through continued abuses & accumulating toxemia.
Every disease, acute or chronic develops from the accumulation of toxins, poisons, and wastes in the body
Metabolic end products when not properly eliminated
toxins accumulation like (adipose tissue deposition, and hypercholesterolemia)
Abnormal composition of vital fluids increase Growth of
(blood and lymph)
Lowered vitality
Disturbs the cell health
cell function
Chances of illness
Types of waste matter that need to be eliminated
◍ Catabolic waste matter
◍ Waste matter of undigested and unassimilated food
◍ Waste matter due to infective live foreign bodies like germs and parasites
◍ Waste matter due to foreign substances which are dead
◍ Medicinal waste matter if any
Clinical examples
◍ Gout (deposition of uric acid)
◍ Diabetes mellitus (increase in blood sugar level)
◍ Jaundice (increase in bilirubin level)
◍ Hypercholesterolemia (increase in the cholesterol level in the blood)
◍ Constipation (accumulation of metabolic end waste products)
◍ Sinusitis (accumulation of fluid)
◍ Wilson’s disease (excess accumulation of copper in vital organs)
Reference no. 1
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Obesity: Risk factors,
complications, and strategies
for sustainable long-term weight
Fruh SM.
Journal of medical association of
nurse practitioners
12 October 2017
Obesity promotes a chronic,
low‐grade, inflammatory state,
which is associated with
vascular dysfunction,
thrombotic disorders, multiple
organ damage, and metabolic
dysfunction. These
physiological effects ultimately
lead to the development of a
range of morbidities, including
CVD, T2D, OSA, and certain
cancers along with many
others, as well as causing a
significant impact on mortality.
Reference no. 2
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
High plasma uric acid
concentration: causes and
de Oliveira EP, Burini RC
Diabetology Metabolic Syndrome
2012 Apr 4
Study suggests that metabolic
end product here Uric acid is
responsible for various morbid
conditions like CVD, DM
4. Acute disease is a remedial process - It is itself a cure
◍ What is commonly called acute disease is in reality the result of nature’s effort to eliminate
organic waste matter, foreign matter, and poisons, and to repair injury to living tissues. In
other words, Every so-called acute disease is the result of a cleansing and healing effort of
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
◍ Disease with an abrupt onset and of short duration is called acute disease.
Mosby’s medical dictionary
◍ Acute disease is the body’s natural and normal way of rapidly eliminating accumulated toxins
◍ It is a natural function of the body expressed as fever; mucus flow, coughing, diarrhea,
inflammation, headache, loss of appetite weakness, heaviness, desire to sleep, sore throat,
muscular aches, etc.
◍ Naturopathy beliefs- Acute disease should be permitted free expression without treatment or
palliation or suppression, this ensures rapid restoration of health
◍ The instinct to sleep and fast during acute illness should be honored for rapid restoration and
support innate healing force.
In process of tissue building, there is break down of tissue & toxic /metabolic end products gets eliminated
In Healthy, when nerve energy is normal
/vitality is optimum
This waste product is eliminated from the
blood as fast as evolved
But when nerve energy /vitality is lowered due to any cause
The body becomes enervated & elimination is impaired causing
Accumulation of toxin / metabolic end product
Toxin systemic circulation blood poisoning/toxemia
The accumulation will continue until the nerve energy is restored by
the remaining cause
The so-called disease is nature’s effort to eliminate the toxins from
the blood
Inflammation is characterized by five cardinal signs, namely
Redness (rubor)
Swelling (tumour)
Heat (calor; only applicable to the body’s extremities)
Pain (dolor)
Loss of function (functio laesa)
Present in process of acute diseases
Punchard NA, Whelan CJ, Adcock I. The Journal of Inflammation. J Inflamm (Lond). 2004 Sep 27;1(1):1. doi:
10.1186/1476-9255-1-1. PMID: 15813979; PMCID: PMC1074343.
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Is fever after infection part of
the illness or the cure?
Gardner J.
Emergency nurse
March 2012, volume 19
Study suggests that Fever is not an
illness, but a response to illness,
which in bacterial infections is self-
limiting and does not usually rise
above dangerous levels. fever
reduces pathogen viability, provides
an optimal environment for the
immune response, and speeds up
tissue repair.
Antipyretics reduce fever, but also
reduce the body’s response to
infection and slow the healing
process this suggest that these
effects can increase the duration
and severity of infection.
Reference no. 2
5. Food is a building material and it does not increase vitality
◍ Food, after all, is a powerless substance to build flesh, blood, bones, and nerves.
◍ Only a living breathing organism can convert it into a living tissue. Food is subordinate to
life, to the force inherent in every living creature.
◍ “it is this mysterious life force that decides which and how much of foods supplied to the
body, shall be built up into body tissues” is a quotation that suggests that it is the body, not
food, which is more important.
◍ When food is not digested properly it is fermented and decomposed and resulting in
Food is considered solid food when it’s consumed.
The solid food (say, A kg) undergoes liquefaction on introduction to the organism, a Disintegration process.
The process of liquefaction needs heat from the body (say, X calories).
The extracted food nutrients (say, B kg) undergo a solidification to form the body cells, a Reintegration process.
The process is solidification evolves heat (say, Y calories).
Fallacy of calory concept (a calorie is a unit of heat energy):
Now, X & Y both are latent heat.
Latent heat is dependent on the quantity to which it’s applied.
As far as the quantities of A and B are concerned, A >> B. Therefore, X is always greater than Y. That means the body
needs to spend calories every time we eat food, not otherwise!
Food is the needed substance for bodybuilding materials, it’s not an energy giver.
The complexity of the food increases the energy requirements for its processing.
If the food is simpler then it helps the body to conserve energy.
45% - 65%
20% - 35%
10% - 35%
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
Macronutrient balance and
micronutrient amounts through
growth and development.
Savarino G, Corsello A, Corsello G
Italian Journal of Pediatrics
2021 May 8
Both macronutrients and
micronutrients are essential for
children’s nutrition in proper
amounts and balance. The main
macronutrients are proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids, but also
fibers and liquid intake are
important. Also, micronutrients are
essential: the lack of even one of
them can have impairing growth,
delaying maturation, or determining
deficiency diseases
Reference no. 3
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
The alkaline diet: Is there
evidence that an alkaline ph diet
benefits health?
Schwalfenberg, G.K. et al(2011)
Journal of Environmental and Public
it would be prudent to consider an
alkaline diet to assist our body in
creating and maintaining a healthy
pH balance, so that body can heal
◍ The term fasting, implies total or partial abstinence from food or water for several reasons.
Therapeutic fasting by Arnold Devries
Fasting conserves energy- the body’s vital force
 When we eat food as it passes through the body, it must be masticated, digested, and
assimilated, and then the waste is eliminated.
 We have 4 organs of elimination- bowel, kidneys, lungs, and skin, for these organs to work
perfectly, the body must build high vital force.
 So by just abstaining from food or water we can conserve our vital force
The miracle of fasting by Bragg
6. Fasting provides opportunity for body to heal
Fasting means 4 kinds of rest
1. Physical
2. Mental
3. Physiological
4. Sensorium
1. It gives vital organs a complete rest
2. It promotes the breaking down and absorption of exudates, effusions, deposits, diseased
tissue, and abnormal growths.
3. It accelerates the healing process
4. It clears and strengthens the mind
Benefits of Fasting
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Fasting as a Therapy in
Neurological Disease
Phillips MCL
2019 Oct 17
fasting is a simple, multi-targeted,
and essentially “metabolic” therapy
with a healthy track record for
treating a variety of neurological
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Intermittent Fasting and Human
Metabolic Health
Patterson RE, Laughlin GA,
LaCroix AZ, Hartman SJ,
Natarajan L, Senger CM,
Martínez ME, Villaseñor A, Sears
DD, Marinac CR, Gallo LC.
Journal of academy of
nutrition and dietetics
2015 august
in humans, even a single fasting
interval (e.g., overnight) can reduce
basal concentrations of metabolic
biomarkers associated with chronic
disease such as insulin and
Intermittent fasting regimens
attempt to translate the positive
effects of fasting regimens in
rodents and other mammals into a
practical eating pattern for reducing
the risk of chronic disease in
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Health Benefits of Fasting and
Caloric Restriction
Golbidi S, Daiber A, Korac B, Li H,
Essop MF, Laher I.
Current Diabetes reports
Fasting or periodic calorie restriction also
prevents unwanted effects of chronic energy
restriction such as malnutrition. Intermittent
fasting, by acting as acute intermittent
stressor, activates stress-response pathways
that lead to improvement in well-being.
 Germs are not causative factors of disease.
 Body has its defenses & in a healthy body, they are immediately killed or made ineffective if
they get entry. Our body has got ingenious/numerous series of defenses.
 EXAMPLE: Tonsils act as a filler to protect the body from the invasion of bacteria & aid in the
formation of WBC, which are the body’s defenders, Despite this, if bacteria reach the
stomach, they are destroyed by the HCL of the stomach.
 If germs enter the nose they sneeze out if entered into the lungs- coughed out if reached the
bloodstream- engulfed by leucocytes.
7. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition
According to LOUIS PASTEUR (father of bacteriology)
When the body is enervated, excretion and secretion are disturbed
Toxins accumulate (toxemia)
Toxemia provides the soil and ground for germs to multiply and grow
Hence germs do not cause dirt, it is dirt that attracts germs
It means we should keep our bloodstream clean
No toxemia no dirt no disease
Which concludes that “many bacteria coexist peacefully in the human body, pathogenic organisms will
only multiply when the body’s equilibrium is disturbed
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Gut Microbiota and Diarrhea:
An Updated Review
Li Y, Xia S, Jiang X, Feng
Frontiers in cellular and
infection microbiology
2021 Apr 15
Diarrhea is related to changes of
gut microbiota and balanced gut
microbiota is resistant to the
colonization of diarrhea
pathogens. diarrhea is highly
associated with gut microbiota
Life is a drama of nutrition and drainage controlled by the nervous system
For this drama physical exercise or activity is a must
External muscles are under control but internal (involuntary) is not under the control
When exercise is done muscles get strengthened
But if remains inactive for a longer period its fibers become flabby or undergo degeneration
8. Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Exercise and metabolic health:
beyond skeletal muscle
Thyfault JP, Bergouignan A.
2020 Aug
Regular exercise and/or moderate to
vigorous physical activity has a
pronounced protective effect against
metabolic disease. We posit that the
multi-tissue adaptations induced by
exercise underly its powerful disease-
modifying impact.
◦ The great treatment is education, advice & awareness which makes the mind peaceful & quiet =
naturopaths are teacher
◦ Peacefulness & quietness of the mind play an important role in recovery. mental satisfaction or
autosuggestion much more important than external treatment or activity = Our therapy treats the
individual as a whole {mind + body + soul}
9. External treatments whether naturopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic or
homeopathic- give only relief, do not cure
Christie, M.D. (2016) Explainer: How do drugs work? The University of Sydney.
Available at: https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2016/04/29/explainer--how-do-drugs-work-.html (Accessed: March 13, 2023).
How conventional medicine works?- It just relief symptoms by hindering mechanism – does not CURE
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Naturopathy in Australia: Where
are we now? Where are we
Ooi SL, McLean L, Pak SC.
Complementary Therapies in
Clinical Practices
2018 Nov
Naturopathy in Australia has developed
from being perceived as “a minor cult
system” to a whole system practice of
CM that integrates the understanding of
health and the human body, with
traditional therapeutic knowledge
◦ Last but not least is that it’s the patient’s own will to get well (determination & faith).
◦ So many people complain of their ailments & say that they are destined to be sick all the time.
◦ First make up your mind that wants health which will come by healthful living, not by medicines. Go &
stay in nature a center where natural treatment & natural food is provided = therefore naturopaths are
the best teacher they teach how to live …
10. Patient’s own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary things for
nature cure treatment.
◦ Nature Cure is a system of building the entire being in harmony & the constructive principle of
nature on the physical, mental, moral & spiritual planes of being
By Henry Lindlahr, MD
◦ Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care, its an art, science,
philosophy & practice of diagnosis, treatment & prevention of illness
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
Title and author Journal and year conclusion
Patient-physician relationship -
Communication is the key
Honavar SG.
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
2018 Nov
Patient–physician relationship is a
complex psychosocial interplay of
vulnerability, trust, and authority in a
professional setting. It has been
legally defined as “a consensual
relationship in which the patient
knowingly seeks the physician's
assistance and the physician
knowingly accepts the person as a
The word ‘Pancha tattva' originates from Sanskrit, where “Pancha" stands for five and "tattva"
indicates elements. Following the universal law of life, everything on this planet is composed of five
basic elements or the "panchamahabhutas". These are :
◍ Akash (Sky or Space) as consciousness
◍ Vayu (Air) as awareness
◍ Jal (Water) as mind
◍ Agni (Fire) as intelligence
◍ Prithvi (Earth) as body
Diagram of linkage between cellular organelles, organs and five elements. The clockwise rotation of five elements in order,
circulates from the wood to water-type. The human organs, which are connected to the five elements, also rotates along with
them. In the innermost pentagon arrow-lines present mutual nourishment cycle, arrow-dashed lines indicate mutual restrain
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
The five elements of the cell
Chung S, Cha S, Lee SY, Park
JH, Lee S
Integrative Medicine research
2017 Oct 18
the human body, using the five
elements theory, it is evident that
cellular organelles are organically,
or functionally connected to each
other as the circle of the five
elements. Furthermore, matching
the ER, GA, lysosome (vacuole),
mitochondria, and PM to the
wood-, fire-, earth-, metal-, and
◍ Arogya Raksha Panchatantra (five principles of healthy living), is a Naturopathy and Yoga
lifestyle practice
◍ Proposed by an eminent Indian Naturopath Dr. B. Venkat Rao, observed to modify the
behavioral risk factors
◦ Two meals/per day
◦ Prayer twice a day
◦ Drink plenty of water (nearly 8-10 glasses/day)
◦ Fast once a week
◦ Exercise daily for 1hour
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
"Effect of Arogya Raksha
Panchatantra (five lifestyle
principles) on hematological
parameters and anthropometric
measures among healthy
volunteers: a pilot study“
Naresh Kumar, et al
Journal of Complementary and
Integrative Medicine, vol. 18, no.
3, 2021, pp. 641-644.
study indicate that adapting
Naturopathy and Yoga lifestyle
based on proposed lifestyle
practices may be beneficial in
reducing the risk factors for non-
communicable diseases.
1. Two meals/ day
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
Eating two larger meals a day
(breakfast and lunch) is more
effective than six smaller meals in a
reduced-energy regimen for patients
with type 2 diabetes: a randomized
crossover study
Kahleova H, et al
2014 Aug
hypoenergetic diet (a restriction of
2,092 kJ/day) consumed as breakfast and
lunch reduced body weight, HFC, fasting
plasma glucose, C-peptide and glucagon,
and increased calculated insulin sensitivity
(OGIS), more six, more frequent, meals.
These results suggest that eating two larger
meals a day (breakfast and lunch) may be
more beneficial for patients with type 2
diabetes than six smaller meals during the
2. Prayer twice a day
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
Prayer and healing: A medical
and scientific perspective on
randomized controlled trials
Andrade C, Radhakrishnan R
Indian Journal of Psychiatry.
2009 Oct-Dec
In the broadest sense, prayer
describes thoughts, words or
deeds that address or petition a
divine entity or force.
3. Drink plenty of water (nearly 8-10 glasses/day)
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
Water as an essential nutrient: the
physiological basis of hydration
Jéquier E, Constant F.
European Journal of Clinical
Water, a vital nutrient, has numerous
critical roles in the human body. Its
balance is very essential for the
maintenance of health and life. On an
average, a sedentary adult should
drink 1.5 l of water per day, as water
is the only liquid nutrient that is really
essential for body hydration and is
vital for the body to function properly.
Properties of water
Water as a building material
◍ It is present in each cell of our body and the various tissues and
compartments and acts first as a building material.
Water as a solvent, a reaction medium, a reactant, and a reaction product
◍ It acts as a solvent for ionic compounds and solutes such as glucose and
amino acids.
◍ It weakens the electrostatic forces and hydrogen bonding between other
◍ It helps in the hydrolysis of other macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates,
lipids, and so on).
Water as a carrier
◍ It is essential for cellular homeostasis because it transports nutrients to cells
and removes wastes from cells
◍ It allows blood circulation, which is essential for the function of all organs
and tissues of the body
Water and thermoregulation
◍ it has a large heat capacity, which helps in changes in body temperature
◍ it has a large capacity for the vaporization of heat, which allows a loss of
heat from the body via sweating.
Water as a lubricant and shock absorber
◍ It in combination with viscous molecules, forms lubricating fluids for joints,
saliva, the digestive system, and the respiratory system.
4. Fast once in a week
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
Health Benefits of Fasting and
Caloric Restriction
Golbidi S, Daiber A, Korac B, Li H,
Essop MF, Laher I.
Current Diabetes reports
Fasting or periodic calorie restriction
also prevents unwanted effects of
chronic energy restriction such as
malnutrition. Intermittent fasting, by
acting as acute intermittent stressor,
activates stress-response pathways
that lead to improvement in well-
5. Exercise daily for 1 hour
Title and author Journal and year Conclusion
Health Benefits of Exercise
Ruegsegger GN, Booth FW.
Cold Spring Harbor Perspective in
2018 Jul 2
Exercise is a powerful tool in the
fight to prevent and treat numerous
chronic diseases. its whole-body,
health-promoting nature, the
integrative responses to exercise
should surely attract a great detail of
interest as the notion of “exercise is
In 1989, a definition of naturopathic medicine and the description of the six naturopathic
principles was formally codified and accepted by the two North American national naturopathic
associations (the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Canadian
Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).
The naturopathic principles taught in most countries include:
• First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere)
• Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrixnaturae)
• Treat the Cause (tollecausam)
• Treat The Whole Person (tolletotum)
• Doctor as Teacher (docere)
• Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
International naturopathic principles
• First Do No Harm (Primum Non-Nocere, Worthington Hooker 1847)-
Naturopathic physicians choose the most non-invasive and least toxic
treatments necessary for each patient.
• The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae Hippocrates)-
Naturopathic doctors recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
• Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam)-Naturopathic doctors
identify, address and remove the underlying causes of disease.
About naturopathy (2022) World Naturopathic Federation. Available at:
• Doctor As Teacher (Docere dr. Belus)-Educating and supporting patients on
personal health management is an important role for naturopathic doctors. They
empower patients to take responsibility for their health.
• Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)-This is a holistic concept that
recognizes the body as an integrated whole. A naturopathic assessment
addresses the nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, and physical, mental,
emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors in a person’s life.
• Prevention (Preventare)-Naturopathic doctors promote a focus on overall
health, wellness, and disease prevention.
Thank you !!

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  • 2. Index 1) Introduction to naturopathy 2) Basic principles of naturopathy 3) References and explanation of basic principles 4) Panchamahabhutas / Panchatatva 5) Arogya Raksha Panchatantra 6) Explanation of Panchatantra 7) International principles of naturopathy
  • 4. What is naturopathy ?? ◍ Naturopathy—also called naturopathic medicine—is a medical system that has evolved from a combination of traditional practices and health care approaches. ◍ It is a drugless therapy that involves the use of the five great elements (Panchamahabhutas) of nature to restore, to build up, and maintain health –  Earth (Prithvi)  Water (Jal)  Fire (Tej)  Air (Vayu)  Ether (Akash) Earth (Prithvi) Water (jal) Fire (tej) Air (vayu) Ether (akash)
  • 5. ■ Naturopathy is a system of treatment of the sick without medicines. ■ This system firmly believes that the living body heals itself. ■ Naturopathy is based on the recognition that the body possesses not only a natural ability to resist disease but inherent mechanisms of recovery and self-regulation. ■ It is a system of treatment that recognizes the existence of vital curative force. handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir Singh
  • 6. Definition ◍ “Nature cure is a system of building the entire being in harmony with constrictive principles in nature on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of being. Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr ◍ “Naturopathy is distinct of healing, employing the beneficent agency of nature’s forces of water, air, sunlight, earth power, electricity, magnetism, exercise, rest, proper diet, various kinds of mechanical treatment mental and moral science.” By Dr. Benedict lust ◍ “Naturopathy is the science, art, philosophy of adjusting the framework, correcting the mental influence and supplying the body with its needed elements” By Dr. J.E. Cummins
  • 7. What is health according to naturopathy ?? Health is the normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of being, in conformity with the constructive principle of nature applied to individual life. Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The disease is the abnormal or inharmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on one or more planes of being, in conformity with the destructive principle of Nature applied to individual life Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr What is health according to WHO ?? What is Disease according to naturopathy ??
  • 8. Basic principles of Naturopathy 1. Body heals itself 2. Main cause of the disease is enervation 3. Deposit of metabolic end product/morbid matter in the system is a disease 4. Acute disease is a remedial process-it is itself a cure 5. Food is a building material and it does not increase vitality 6. Fasting does not cure any disease but provides an opportunity for the body to heal itself. 7. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition 8. Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage 9. External treatments whether naturopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic, or homeopathic- give only relief, and do not cure 10. Patient’s own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary things for nature cure treatment. handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
  • 9. 1. Body heals itself ◍ Healing means restoration to a normal condition or making a sick body healthy. ◍ According to naturopathy the cure does not come from outside but from inside. handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
  • 10. Health Environments Research & Design Journal 2018, Vol. 11(1) 43-56 ª The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1937586716680567 journals.sagepub.com/home/herd
  • 11. ◍ The healing occurs in 4 stages- 1. hemostasis phase 2. inflammatory phase 3. proliferating phase 4. remodeling phase
  • 12. ◍ The hemostasis phase –  occurs as the injury happens and is the first response from the body. The wound causes blood and other fluids to leave the body. platelets and thrombocytes in the blood start to clump together near the open wound forming a fibrin network. This thickens the blood in the immediate area to help stop the bleeding. This newly formed clot also prevents germs from getting into the body. the platelets release chemicals that alert the surrounding cells to start the next process and heal the wound.
  • 13. ◍ Inflammatory phase-  During the inflammatory phase, the cleaning and healing of the area begin. Early inflammatory phase (starts within 24-36 hrs. of injury) Neutrophils infiltration to the wound site (due to growth factors like TGFβ, PDGF, IGF) Neutrophils adhere to endothelial cells (who is surrounding the wound) Neutrophils roll onto the site Neutrophils migrate out of the site (by taking out the bacteria- phagocytosis) late inflammatory phase (starts within 48-72 hrs. of injury) Neutrophils replaced by macrophages And complete the phagocytosis
  • 14. ◍ Proliferative phase-  The body’s focus during this stage is to close the wound, create new tissue, and repair any damaged blood vessels in the area.  Starts after 3rd day and last for 2 weeks The previous network of tissue containing fibrin and fibronectin Replaced by granular tissue new extracellular formation (begins)
  • 15. ◍ Angiogenesis and Remodeling phase-  this process occurs around 2 or 3 weeks after the injury and can last for 1 year or longer.  This is the active scar tissue phase of healing.  As time goes on, the scar tissue has an increased concentration of collagen, which makes it stronger. Angiogenesis is the formation of new vessels (neovascularization) Along with granulation tissue formation (which looks pink) Then this granulation tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue (scar formation) New cellular matrix is formed completely and increased collagen concentration
  • 16. 1 . Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. 4th ed. Lansdowne, South Africa: Juta Legal and Academic; 2008.
  • 17. Title and author Journal and year Conclusion The wound healing process: An overview of the cellular and molecular mechanisms V.T.B.T.S. et al The Journal of international medical research 2009 The host has a natural response to wounding involves various processes of tissue healing that are triggered by tissue injury, and encompasses four continuous phases including coagulation and haemostasias, inflammation, proliferation and wound remodelling with scar tissue deposition.
  • 18. Reference no. 2 prema sembulingham, k sembulingham (2012) “Chapter 17, Immunity,” in Essentials of Medical Physiology. 6th ed. New Delhi, New Delhi: JAYPEE BROTHERS MEDICAL PUBLISHERS (P) LTD, pp. 107–121.
  • 19. 2. Main cause of disease is enervation ◍ Nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and motor and sensory nerves. ◍ When there is fatigue in them it is called Enervation. ◍ It is also known as neurasthenia, nerve weakness, nervous breakdown, depression, or nervous debility. handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir Singh
  • 20. Causes of enervation  Mental and psychological causes  Sensory excesses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch  Sensuality-excesses= pleasure of senses, sexual abuse  nerve leaks  excess and abuses of diet  poisonous habits  bottled brinks  lack of exercise  social and financial causes  lack of rest and sleep handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
  • 21.  A neuron or nerve cell is defined as the structural and functional unit of the nervous system.  Dendrite is the branched process of neurons, they transmit impulses towards the nerve cell body.  Axon is the long process of nerve cells, they transmit impulses away from the nerve cell body.  Myelin sheath is a thick lipoprotein sheath that insulates the myelinated nerve fiber.  Injury to nerve fibers occurs due to the following causes: 1. Obstruction of blood flow 2. Local injection of toxic substances 3. Crushing of nerve fiber 4. Transection of a nerve fiber. Cause degenerative changes in the neuron  The term regeneration refers to the regrowth of lost or destroyed part of a tissue. It starts as early as 4th day after the injury, but becomes more effective only after 30 days and is completed in about 80 days. Neuron structure, regeneration, and degeneration
  • 22. Synapse and synaptic transmission  Injury to nerve fibers occurs due to the following causes: 1. Obstruction of blood flow 2. Local injection of toxic substances 3. Crushing of nerve fiber 4. Transection of a nerve fiber. Cause degenerative changes in the neuron and the synaptic transmission gets disturbed. Prema Sembulingham, K Sembulingham (2012) “Nervous system,” in Essentials of medical physiology. 6th edition. Daryaganj, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD, pp. 757–787.
  • 24. Title & author Journal & year Conclusion Neural-immune interactions in health and disease EM;, E.F.S. et al Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2002 The CNS and immune system communicate via multiple neuroanatomical and hormonal routes and molecular mechanisms. The interactions between the neuroendocrine and immune systems provide a finely tuned regulatory system required for health. Disturbances at any level may lead to changes in susceptibility to and pathogenesis of autoimmune/inflammatory disease.
  • 26. Title & author Journal & year conclusion The Role of Early Life Stress in HPA Axis and Anxiety Juruena MF, Eror F, Cleare AJ, Young AH. Adv Exp Med Biology 2020 This review examined the emerging literature concerning the relationship between stress, HPA axis function, and GAD, panic disorder, and phobias and the role of early life stress as an important risk factor for HPA axis dysfunction and early life stress as an important risk factor for HPA axis dysregulation.
  • 27. 3. Deposit of metabolic end products/ Morbid matter in the system is disease ◍ According to naturopathy to keep the body healthy, happy, and holy Three things are required-  Innervation- constant and regular nerve supply  Food and nutrition- food that feeds not fills  Drainage- elimination, and evacuation The common cause of all types of disease is the enervation and accumulation of waste
  • 28. Diseases do not attack people (suddenly) Diseases grow slowly within the body through continued abuses & accumulating toxemia. Every disease, acute or chronic develops from the accumulation of toxins, poisons, and wastes in the body
  • 29. Metabolic end products when not properly eliminated toxins accumulation like (adipose tissue deposition, and hypercholesterolemia) Abnormal composition of vital fluids increase Growth of pathogens (blood and lymph) Lowered vitality Disturbs the cell health cell function Chances of illness DISEASE
  • 30. Types of waste matter that need to be eliminated ◍ Catabolic waste matter ◍ Waste matter of undigested and unassimilated food ◍ Waste matter due to infective live foreign bodies like germs and parasites ◍ Waste matter due to foreign substances which are dead ◍ Medicinal waste matter if any
  • 31. Clinical examples ◍ Gout (deposition of uric acid) ◍ Diabetes mellitus (increase in blood sugar level) ◍ Jaundice (increase in bilirubin level) ◍ Hypercholesterolemia (increase in the cholesterol level in the blood) ◍ Constipation (accumulation of metabolic end waste products) ◍ Sinusitis (accumulation of fluid) ◍ Wilson’s disease (excess accumulation of copper in vital organs)
  • 36. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Obesity: Risk factors, complications, and strategies for sustainable long-term weight management. Fruh SM. Journal of medical association of nurse practitioners 12 October 2017 Obesity promotes a chronic, low‐grade, inflammatory state, which is associated with vascular dysfunction, thrombotic disorders, multiple organ damage, and metabolic dysfunction. These physiological effects ultimately lead to the development of a range of morbidities, including CVD, T2D, OSA, and certain cancers along with many others, as well as causing a significant impact on mortality.
  • 38. Title and author Journal and year conclusion High plasma uric acid concentration: causes and consequences de Oliveira EP, Burini RC Diabetology Metabolic Syndrome 2012 Apr 4 Study suggests that metabolic end product here Uric acid is responsible for various morbid conditions like CVD, DM
  • 39. 4. Acute disease is a remedial process - It is itself a cure ◍ What is commonly called acute disease is in reality the result of nature’s effort to eliminate organic waste matter, foreign matter, and poisons, and to repair injury to living tissues. In other words, Every so-called acute disease is the result of a cleansing and healing effort of nature Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr ◍ Disease with an abrupt onset and of short duration is called acute disease. Mosby’s medical dictionary
  • 40. ◍ Acute disease is the body’s natural and normal way of rapidly eliminating accumulated toxins ◍ It is a natural function of the body expressed as fever; mucus flow, coughing, diarrhea, inflammation, headache, loss of appetite weakness, heaviness, desire to sleep, sore throat, muscular aches, etc. ◍ Naturopathy beliefs- Acute disease should be permitted free expression without treatment or palliation or suppression, this ensures rapid restoration of health ◍ The instinct to sleep and fast during acute illness should be honored for rapid restoration and support innate healing force.
  • 41. In process of tissue building, there is break down of tissue & toxic /metabolic end products gets eliminated In Healthy, when nerve energy is normal /vitality is optimum This waste product is eliminated from the blood as fast as evolved But when nerve energy /vitality is lowered due to any cause The body becomes enervated & elimination is impaired causing Accumulation of toxin / metabolic end product Toxin systemic circulation blood poisoning/toxemia The accumulation will continue until the nerve energy is restored by the remaining cause The so-called disease is nature’s effort to eliminate the toxins from the blood
  • 42. Inflammation is characterized by five cardinal signs, namely Redness (rubor) Swelling (tumour) Heat (calor; only applicable to the body’s extremities) Pain (dolor) Loss of function (functio laesa) Present in process of acute diseases Punchard NA, Whelan CJ, Adcock I. The Journal of Inflammation. J Inflamm (Lond). 2004 Sep 27;1(1):1. doi: 10.1186/1476-9255-1-1. PMID: 15813979; PMCID: PMC1074343.
  • 43. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Is fever after infection part of the illness or the cure? Gardner J. Emergency nurse March 2012, volume 19 Study suggests that Fever is not an illness, but a response to illness, which in bacterial infections is self- limiting and does not usually rise above dangerous levels. fever reduces pathogen viability, provides an optimal environment for the immune response, and speeds up tissue repair. Antipyretics reduce fever, but also reduce the body’s response to infection and slow the healing process this suggest that these effects can increase the duration and severity of infection. Reference no. 2
  • 45. 5. Food is a building material and it does not increase vitality ◍ Food, after all, is a powerless substance to build flesh, blood, bones, and nerves. ◍ Only a living breathing organism can convert it into a living tissue. Food is subordinate to life, to the force inherent in every living creature. ◍ “it is this mysterious life force that decides which and how much of foods supplied to the body, shall be built up into body tissues” is a quotation that suggests that it is the body, not food, which is more important. ◍ When food is not digested properly it is fermented and decomposed and resulting in disease
  • 46. Food is considered solid food when it’s consumed. The solid food (say, A kg) undergoes liquefaction on introduction to the organism, a Disintegration process. The process of liquefaction needs heat from the body (say, X calories). The extracted food nutrients (say, B kg) undergo a solidification to form the body cells, a Reintegration process. The process is solidification evolves heat (say, Y calories). Fallacy of calory concept (a calorie is a unit of heat energy):
  • 47. Now, X & Y both are latent heat. Latent heat is dependent on the quantity to which it’s applied. As far as the quantities of A and B are concerned, A >> B. Therefore, X is always greater than Y. That means the body needs to spend calories every time we eat food, not otherwise! Food is the needed substance for bodybuilding materials, it’s not an energy giver. The complexity of the food increases the energy requirements for its processing. If the food is simpler then it helps the body to conserve energy.
  • 48. 45% - 65% calories 20% - 35% calories 10% - 35% calories
  • 49. Title and author Journal and year Conclusion Macronutrient balance and micronutrient amounts through growth and development. Savarino G, Corsello A, Corsello G Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2021 May 8 Both macronutrients and micronutrients are essential for children’s nutrition in proper amounts and balance. The main macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, but also fibers and liquid intake are important. Also, micronutrients are essential: the lack of even one of them can have impairing growth, delaying maturation, or determining deficiency diseases
  • 51. Title and author Journal and year Conclusion The alkaline diet: Is there evidence that an alkaline ph diet benefits health? Schwalfenberg, G.K. et al(2011) Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2011 it would be prudent to consider an alkaline diet to assist our body in creating and maintaining a healthy pH balance, so that body can heal itself.
  • 52. ◍ The term fasting, implies total or partial abstinence from food or water for several reasons. Therapeutic fasting by Arnold Devries Fasting conserves energy- the body’s vital force  When we eat food as it passes through the body, it must be masticated, digested, and assimilated, and then the waste is eliminated.  We have 4 organs of elimination- bowel, kidneys, lungs, and skin, for these organs to work perfectly, the body must build high vital force.  So by just abstaining from food or water we can conserve our vital force The miracle of fasting by Bragg 6. Fasting provides opportunity for body to heal
  • 53. Fasting means 4 kinds of rest 1. Physical 2. Mental 3. Physiological 4. Sensorium 1. It gives vital organs a complete rest 2. It promotes the breaking down and absorption of exudates, effusions, deposits, diseased tissue, and abnormal growths. 3. It accelerates the healing process 4. It clears and strengthens the mind Benefits of Fasting
  • 55. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Fasting as a Therapy in Neurological Disease Phillips MCL Nutrients. 2019 Oct 17 fasting is a simple, multi-targeted, and essentially “metabolic” therapy with a healthy track record for treating a variety of neurological diseases.
  • 57. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Intermittent Fasting and Human Metabolic Health Patterson RE, Laughlin GA, LaCroix AZ, Hartman SJ, Natarajan L, Senger CM, Martínez ME, Villaseñor A, Sears DD, Marinac CR, Gallo LC. Journal of academy of nutrition and dietetics 2015 august in humans, even a single fasting interval (e.g., overnight) can reduce basal concentrations of metabolic biomarkers associated with chronic disease such as insulin and glucose. Intermittent fasting regimens attempt to translate the positive effects of fasting regimens in rodents and other mammals into a practical eating pattern for reducing the risk of chronic disease in humans.
  • 59. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Health Benefits of Fasting and Caloric Restriction Golbidi S, Daiber A, Korac B, Li H, Essop MF, Laher I. Current Diabetes reports 2017 Fasting or periodic calorie restriction also prevents unwanted effects of chronic energy restriction such as malnutrition. Intermittent fasting, by acting as acute intermittent stressor, activates stress-response pathways that lead to improvement in well-being.
  • 60.  Germs are not causative factors of disease.  Body has its defenses & in a healthy body, they are immediately killed or made ineffective if they get entry. Our body has got ingenious/numerous series of defenses.  EXAMPLE: Tonsils act as a filler to protect the body from the invasion of bacteria & aid in the formation of WBC, which are the body’s defenders, Despite this, if bacteria reach the stomach, they are destroyed by the HCL of the stomach.  If germs enter the nose they sneeze out if entered into the lungs- coughed out if reached the bloodstream- engulfed by leucocytes. 7. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition
  • 61. According to LOUIS PASTEUR (father of bacteriology) When the body is enervated, excretion and secretion are disturbed Toxins accumulate (toxemia) Toxemia provides the soil and ground for germs to multiply and grow Hence germs do not cause dirt, it is dirt that attracts germs It means we should keep our bloodstream clean No toxemia no dirt no disease Which concludes that “many bacteria coexist peacefully in the human body, pathogenic organisms will only multiply when the body’s equilibrium is disturbed
  • 63. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Gut Microbiota and Diarrhea: An Updated Review Li Y, Xia S, Jiang X, Feng Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2021 Apr 15 Diarrhea is related to changes of gut microbiota and balanced gut microbiota is resistant to the colonization of diarrhea pathogens. diarrhea is highly associated with gut microbiota alterations.
  • 64. Life is a drama of nutrition and drainage controlled by the nervous system For this drama physical exercise or activity is a must External muscles are under control but internal (involuntary) is not under the control When exercise is done muscles get strengthened But if remains inactive for a longer period its fibers become flabby or undergo degeneration 8. Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage
  • 66. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Exercise and metabolic health: beyond skeletal muscle Thyfault JP, Bergouignan A. Diabetologia. 2020 Aug Regular exercise and/or moderate to vigorous physical activity has a pronounced protective effect against metabolic disease. We posit that the multi-tissue adaptations induced by exercise underly its powerful disease- modifying impact.
  • 67. ◦ The great treatment is education, advice & awareness which makes the mind peaceful & quiet = naturopaths are teacher ◦ Peacefulness & quietness of the mind play an important role in recovery. mental satisfaction or autosuggestion much more important than external treatment or activity = Our therapy treats the individual as a whole {mind + body + soul} 9. External treatments whether naturopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic or homeopathic- give only relief, do not cure
  • 68. Christie, M.D. (2016) Explainer: How do drugs work? The University of Sydney. Available at: https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2016/04/29/explainer--how-do-drugs-work-.html (Accessed: March 13, 2023). How conventional medicine works?- It just relief symptoms by hindering mechanism – does not CURE
  • 69. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Naturopathy in Australia: Where are we now? Where are we heading? Ooi SL, McLean L, Pak SC. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practices 2018 Nov Naturopathy in Australia has developed from being perceived as “a minor cult system” to a whole system practice of CM that integrates the understanding of health and the human body, with traditional therapeutic knowledge
  • 70. ◦ Last but not least is that it’s the patient’s own will to get well (determination & faith). ◦ So many people complain of their ailments & say that they are destined to be sick all the time. ◦ First make up your mind that wants health which will come by healthful living, not by medicines. Go & stay in nature a center where natural treatment & natural food is provided = therefore naturopaths are the best teacher they teach how to live … 10. Patient’s own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary things for nature cure treatment.
  • 71. ◦ Nature Cure is a system of building the entire being in harmony & the constructive principle of nature on the physical, mental, moral & spiritual planes of being By Henry Lindlahr, MD ◦ Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care, its an art, science, philosophy & practice of diagnosis, treatment & prevention of illness American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
  • 72. Title and author Journal and year conclusion Patient-physician relationship - Communication is the key Honavar SG. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2018 Nov Patient–physician relationship is a complex psychosocial interplay of vulnerability, trust, and authority in a professional setting. It has been legally defined as “a consensual relationship in which the patient knowingly seeks the physician's assistance and the physician knowingly accepts the person as a patient.
  • 73. The word ‘Pancha tattva' originates from Sanskrit, where “Pancha" stands for five and "tattva" indicates elements. Following the universal law of life, everything on this planet is composed of five basic elements or the "panchamahabhutas". These are : ◍ Akash (Sky or Space) as consciousness ◍ Vayu (Air) as awareness ◍ Jal (Water) as mind ◍ Agni (Fire) as intelligence ◍ Prithvi (Earth) as body PANCHAMAHABHUTAS/ PANCHATATVA
  • 75. Diagram of linkage between cellular organelles, organs and five elements. The clockwise rotation of five elements in order, circulates from the wood to water-type. The human organs, which are connected to the five elements, also rotates along with them. In the innermost pentagon arrow-lines present mutual nourishment cycle, arrow-dashed lines indicate mutual restrain cycle.
  • 76. Title and author Journal and year Conclusion The five elements of the cell Chung S, Cha S, Lee SY, Park JH, Lee S Integrative Medicine research 2017 Oct 18 the human body, using the five elements theory, it is evident that cellular organelles are organically, or functionally connected to each other as the circle of the five elements. Furthermore, matching the ER, GA, lysosome (vacuole), mitochondria, and PM to the wood-, fire-, earth-, metal-, and water-types
  • 77. ◍ Arogya Raksha Panchatantra (five principles of healthy living), is a Naturopathy and Yoga lifestyle practice ◍ Proposed by an eminent Indian Naturopath Dr. B. Venkat Rao, observed to modify the behavioral risk factors AROGYA RAKSHA PANCHATATRA
  • 78. ◦ Two meals/per day ◦ Prayer twice a day ◦ Drink plenty of water (nearly 8-10 glasses/day) ◦ Fast once a week ◦ Exercise daily for 1hour
  • 79. Title and author Journal and year Conclusion "Effect of Arogya Raksha Panchatantra (five lifestyle principles) on hematological parameters and anthropometric measures among healthy volunteers: a pilot study“ Naresh Kumar, et al Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, vol. 18, no. 3, 2021, pp. 641-644. study indicate that adapting Naturopathy and Yoga lifestyle based on proposed lifestyle practices may be beneficial in reducing the risk factors for non- communicable diseases.
  • 80. 1. Two meals/ day Title and author Journal and year Conclusion Eating two larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch) is more effective than six smaller meals in a reduced-energy regimen for patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover study Kahleova H, et al Diabetology 2014 Aug hypoenergetic diet (a restriction of 2,092 kJ/day) consumed as breakfast and lunch reduced body weight, HFC, fasting plasma glucose, C-peptide and glucagon, and increased calculated insulin sensitivity (OGIS), more six, more frequent, meals. These results suggest that eating two larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch) may be more beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes than six smaller meals during the day.
  • 81. 2. Prayer twice a day Title and author Journal and year Conclusion Prayer and healing: A medical and scientific perspective on randomized controlled trials Andrade C, Radhakrishnan R Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2009 Oct-Dec In the broadest sense, prayer describes thoughts, words or deeds that address or petition a divine entity or force.
  • 82. 3. Drink plenty of water (nearly 8-10 glasses/day) Title and author Journal and year Conclusion Water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis of hydration Jéquier E, Constant F. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2010 Water, a vital nutrient, has numerous critical roles in the human body. Its balance is very essential for the maintenance of health and life. On an average, a sedentary adult should drink 1.5 l of water per day, as water is the only liquid nutrient that is really essential for body hydration and is vital for the body to function properly.
  • 83. Properties of water Water as a building material ◍ It is present in each cell of our body and the various tissues and compartments and acts first as a building material. Water as a solvent, a reaction medium, a reactant, and a reaction product ◍ It acts as a solvent for ionic compounds and solutes such as glucose and amino acids. ◍ It weakens the electrostatic forces and hydrogen bonding between other molecules. ◍ It helps in the hydrolysis of other macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and so on).
  • 84. Water as a carrier ◍ It is essential for cellular homeostasis because it transports nutrients to cells and removes wastes from cells ◍ It allows blood circulation, which is essential for the function of all organs and tissues of the body Water and thermoregulation ◍ it has a large heat capacity, which helps in changes in body temperature ◍ it has a large capacity for the vaporization of heat, which allows a loss of heat from the body via sweating. Water as a lubricant and shock absorber ◍ It in combination with viscous molecules, forms lubricating fluids for joints, saliva, the digestive system, and the respiratory system.
  • 86. 4. Fast once in a week Title and author Journal and year Conclusion Health Benefits of Fasting and Caloric Restriction Golbidi S, Daiber A, Korac B, Li H, Essop MF, Laher I. Current Diabetes reports 2017 Fasting or periodic calorie restriction also prevents unwanted effects of chronic energy restriction such as malnutrition. Intermittent fasting, by acting as acute intermittent stressor, activates stress-response pathways that lead to improvement in well- being.
  • 87. 5. Exercise daily for 1 hour Title and author Journal and year Conclusion Health Benefits of Exercise Ruegsegger GN, Booth FW. Cold Spring Harbor Perspective in Medicine. 2018 Jul 2 Exercise is a powerful tool in the fight to prevent and treat numerous chronic diseases. its whole-body, health-promoting nature, the integrative responses to exercise should surely attract a great detail of interest as the notion of “exercise is medicine”
  • 88. In 1989, a definition of naturopathic medicine and the description of the six naturopathic principles was formally codified and accepted by the two North American national naturopathic associations (the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND). The naturopathic principles taught in most countries include: • First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere) • Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrixnaturae) • Treat the Cause (tollecausam) • Treat The Whole Person (tolletotum) • Doctor as Teacher (docere) • Disease Prevention and Health Promotion International naturopathic principles
  • 89. • First Do No Harm (Primum Non-Nocere, Worthington Hooker 1847)- Naturopathic physicians choose the most non-invasive and least toxic treatments necessary for each patient. • The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae Hippocrates)- Naturopathic doctors recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. • Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam)-Naturopathic doctors identify, address and remove the underlying causes of disease. About naturopathy (2022) World Naturopathic Federation. Available at: https://worldnaturopathicfederation.org/about-naturopathy/
  • 90. • Doctor As Teacher (Docere dr. Belus)-Educating and supporting patients on personal health management is an important role for naturopathic doctors. They empower patients to take responsibility for their health. • Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)-This is a holistic concept that recognizes the body as an integrated whole. A naturopathic assessment addresses the nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, and physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors in a person’s life. • Prevention (Preventare)-Naturopathic doctors promote a focus on overall health, wellness, and disease prevention.