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Web Services
with the
Semantic Web
to Create a
Global Read-Write
Graph of Data

Markus Lanthaler
Graz University of Technology
Web services are increasingly popular
Twitter      Facebook     Google
15 billion    5 billion   5 billion
 per day      per day     per day
Semantic Web is still in its infancy
Lightweight semantic annotations
     start to gain acceptance
Increasing interest in the relationship of
   RESTful services and Linked Data
Increasing interest in the relationship of
   RESTful services and Linked Data
© Nesster

            Most previous efforts assume
            RPC-style. REST is different.

    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]
    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]

    "type": "object",
    "model": "[foaf:Person]",
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "type": "number", "model": "[ex:id]" },
      "first_name": {
        "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:firstName]" },
      "last_name": {
        "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:surname]" },
    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]

    "type": "object",
    "model": "[foaf:Person]",
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "type": "number", "model": "[ex:id]" },
      "first_name": {
        "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:firstName]" },
      "last_name": {
        "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:surname]" },
    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]

    "type": "object",
    "model": "[foaf:Person]",
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "type": "number", "model": "[ex:id]" },
      "first_name": {
        "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:firstName]" },
      "last_name": {
        "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:surname]" },
    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]

          "/user/{id}": {
            "mediaType": "application/json",
            "seredasjDescription": "#",
            "variables": {
              "id": {
                 "binding": "#properties/knows/id"
            } },
            "requestDescription": "#"
    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]

      "links": {
        "/user/search{?query}": {
           "mediaType": "application/json",
           "seredasjDescription": "personlist.json",
           "semantics": {
             "[iana:relation]": "[iana:search]" },
           "variables": {
             "query": { "model": "[foaf:name]" }
    "id": 556410,
    "first_name": "Markus",
    "last_name": "Lanthaler",
    "gender": "male",
    "knows": [
      { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" },
      { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ]
Two Algorithms
1   select ← createSelect(query)
 2   bindings ← tripleStore.execute(select)
 4   for each binding in bindings do
 5     deleteData ← createDeleteData(query, binding)
 6     operations.add(deleteData)
 7     insertData ← insertDeleteData(query, binding)
 8     operations.add(insertData)
 9   end for
11   operations.sort()
12   translateDataOperations(operations)
1   do
 2     requests ← retrievePotentialRequests(triples)
 3     progress ← false
 4     while requests.hasNext() = true do
 5       request ← requests.next()
 6       request.setData(triples)
 7       request.setData(tripleStore)
 8       if isValid(request) = true then
 9         if request.submit() = success then
10           resp ← request.parseResponse()
11           triples.update(resp.getTriples())
12           tripleStore.update(resp.getTriples())
13           requests.remove(request)
14           progress ← true
15         end if
16       end if
17     end while
18   while progress = true
19   if triples.empty() = true then
20     success()
21   else
22     error(triples)
23   end if
Publication Management Service
/author/{id}                   /publication/{id}
            foaf:Person                     foaf:Document
id           ex:persId             id            ex:pubId
name         foaf:givenName    X   title         dc:title      X
lastname     foaf:familyName   X   authors[] dc:creator        X
address      v:adr                      id       ex:persId     X
     city    v:locality                 name foaf:name
     country v:country-name
 2     _:public1 a foaf:Document ;
 3               dc:title "My first paper" ;
 4               dc:creator _:author1 ;
 5               dc:creator auth:cg789 .
 6     _:author1 a foaf:Person ;
 7               foaf:givenName "Markus" ;
 8               foaf:familyName "Lanthaler" ;
 9               v:adr _:addr1 .
10     _:addr1 v:country-name "Italy" .
11   }

POST /publication/               POST /author/
  { "title": "My first paper",
    "authors": [
      { "id": "cg789" }

201 Created
Location: /publication/p489/
 2     _:public1 a foaf:Document ;
 3     pub:p489 dc:title "My first paper" ;
 4               dc:creator _:author1 ;
 5               dc:creator auth:cg789 .
 6     _:author1 a foaf:Person ;
 7     auth:ml98 foaf:givenName "Markus" ;
 8               foaf:familyName "Lanthaler" ;
 9               v:adr _:addr1 .
10     _:addr1 v:country-name "Italy" .
11   }

POST /publication/               POST /author/
  { "title": "My first paper",     { "name": "Markus",
    "authors": [                     "lastname": "Lanthaler",
      { "id": "cg789" }              "address": {
    ]                                  "country": "Italy"
  }                                } }

201 Created                      201 Created
Location: /publication/p489/     Location: /author/ml98
 2     _:public1 a foaf:Document ;
 3     pub:p489 dc:title "My first paper" ;
 4               dc:creator auth:ml98 ;
 5               dc:creator auth:cg789 .
 6     _:author1 a foaf:Person ;
 7     auth:ml98 foaf:givenName "Markus" ;
 8               foaf:familyName "Lanthaler" ;
 9               v:adr _:addr1 .
10     _:addr1 v:country-name "Italy" .
11   }

PUT /publication/p489
  { "title": "My first paper",
    "authors": [
      { "id": "cg789" },
      { "id“: "ml98" }

200 OK
do it on-the-fly
Thank You

© 2011, Markus Lanthaler. Some Rights Reserved.

Markus Lanthaler                     @MarkusLanthaler
Markus.Lanthaler@student.TUGraz.at   http://www.slideshare.net/lanthaler
Image Credits
(1) http://galleries.www.frut.lv/en/5432/959
(3) Adapted from “Two Billion is Cool,” M. Thomson. Available:
(5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scream
(9) http://www.flickr.com/photos/nesster/3168425434/

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Aligning Web Services with the Semantic Web to Create a Global Read-Write Graph of Data

  • 1. Aligning Web Services with the Semantic Web to Create a Global Read-Write Graph of Data Markus Lanthaler Graz University of Technology
  • 2. Web services are increasingly popular
  • 3. Twitter Facebook Google 15 billion 5 billion 5 billion per day per day per day
  • 4. Semantic Web is still in its infancy
  • 6. Lightweight semantic annotations start to gain acceptance
  • 7. Increasing interest in the relationship of RESTful services and Linked Data
  • 8. Increasing interest in the relationship of RESTful services and Linked Data
  • 9. © Nesster Most previous efforts assume RPC-style. REST is different.
  • 10. simplicity son
  • 11. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] }
  • 12. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] } "type": "object", "model": "[foaf:Person]", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "model": "[ex:id]" }, "first_name": { "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:firstName]" }, "last_name": { "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:surname]" }, ...
  • 13. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] } "type": "object", "model": "[foaf:Person]", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "model": "[ex:id]" }, "first_name": { "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:firstName]" }, "last_name": { "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:surname]" }, ...
  • 14. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] } "type": "object", "model": "[foaf:Person]", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "model": "[ex:id]" }, "first_name": { "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:firstName]" }, "last_name": { "type": "string", "model": "[foaf:surname]" }, ...
  • 15. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] } "/user/{id}": { "mediaType": "application/json", "seredasjDescription": "#", "variables": { "id": { "binding": "#properties/knows/id" } }, "requestDescription": "#" } }
  • 16. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] } "links": { "/user/search{?query}": { "mediaType": "application/json", "seredasjDescription": "personlist.json", "semantics": { "[iana:relation]": "[iana:search]" }, "variables": { "query": { "model": "[foaf:name]" } } },
  • 17. { "id": 556410, "first_name": "Markus", "last_name": "Lanthaler", "gender": "male", "knows": [ { "id": 586807, "name": "Christian Gütl" }, { "id": 790980, "name": "John Doe" } ] }
  • 19. 1 select ← createSelect(query) 2 bindings ← tripleStore.execute(select) 3 4 for each binding in bindings do 5 deleteData ← createDeleteData(query, binding) 6 operations.add(deleteData) 7 insertData ← insertDeleteData(query, binding) 8 operations.add(insertData) 9 end for 10 11 operations.sort() 12 translateDataOperations(operations)
  • 20. 1 do 2 requests ← retrievePotentialRequests(triples) 3 progress ← false 4 while requests.hasNext() = true do 5 request ← requests.next() 6 request.setData(triples) 7 request.setData(tripleStore) 8 if isValid(request) = true then 9 if request.submit() = success then 10 resp ← request.parseResponse() 11 triples.update(resp.getTriples()) 12 tripleStore.update(resp.getTriples()) 13 requests.remove(request) 14 progress ← true 15 end if 16 end if 17 end while 18 while progress = true 19 if triples.empty() = true then 20 success() 21 else 22 error(triples) 23 end if
  • 22. /author/{id} /publication/{id} foaf:Person foaf:Document id ex:persId id ex:pubId name foaf:givenName X title dc:title X lastname foaf:familyName X authors[] dc:creator X address v:adr id ex:persId X city v:locality name foaf:name country v:country-name
  • 23. 1 INSERT DATA { 2 _:public1 a foaf:Document ; 3 dc:title "My first paper" ; 4 dc:creator _:author1 ; 5 dc:creator auth:cg789 . 6 _:author1 a foaf:Person ; 7 foaf:givenName "Markus" ; 8 foaf:familyName "Lanthaler" ; 9 v:adr _:addr1 . 10 _:addr1 v:country-name "Italy" . 11 } POST /publication/ POST /author/ { "title": "My first paper", "authors": [ { "id": "cg789" } ] } 201 Created Location: /publication/p489/
  • 24. 1 INSERT DATA { 2 _:public1 a foaf:Document ; 3 pub:p489 dc:title "My first paper" ; 4 dc:creator _:author1 ; 5 dc:creator auth:cg789 . 6 _:author1 a foaf:Person ; 7 auth:ml98 foaf:givenName "Markus" ; 8 foaf:familyName "Lanthaler" ; 9 v:adr _:addr1 . 10 _:addr1 v:country-name "Italy" . 11 } POST /publication/ POST /author/ { "title": "My first paper", { "name": "Markus", "authors": [ "lastname": "Lanthaler", { "id": "cg789" } "address": { ] "country": "Italy" } } } 201 Created 201 Created Location: /publication/p489/ Location: /author/ml98
  • 25. 1 INSERT DATA { 2 _:public1 a foaf:Document ; 3 pub:p489 dc:title "My first paper" ; 4 dc:creator auth:ml98 ; 5 dc:creator auth:cg789 . 6 _:author1 a foaf:Person ; 7 auth:ml98 foaf:givenName "Markus" ; 8 foaf:familyName "Lanthaler" ; 9 v:adr _:addr1 . 10 _:addr1 v:country-name "Italy" . 11 } PUT /publication/p489 { "title": "My first paper", "authors": [ { "id": "cg789" }, { "id“: "ml98" } ] } 200 OK
  • 27. Thank You © 2011, Markus Lanthaler. Some Rights Reserved. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
  • 28. Questions? Markus Lanthaler @MarkusLanthaler Markus.Lanthaler@student.TUGraz.at http://www.slideshare.net/lanthaler
  • 29. Image Credits (1) http://galleries.www.frut.lv/en/5432/959 (3) Adapted from “Two Billion is Cool,” M. Thomson. Available: http://corp.klout.com/blog/2011/07/two-billion-is-cool/ (5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scream (9) http://www.flickr.com/photos/nesster/3168425434/