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Saturday, October 5, 13
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Saturday, October 5, 13
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Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
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Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT 5
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@TwitterEng | HackMIT 6
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Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT 7
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Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT 8
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Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
Streaming Snapshot
Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
Breaking Bad
Final Season
#breakingbad, #felina
Boston Redsox
#redsox, @redsox,
Breaking Bad
Final Season
#breakingbad, #bloodmoney
Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
JSON and >53bits
Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
JSON and >53bits
use the _str version so you don’t hit this
Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
Explore the API
Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT 14
Saturday, October 5, 13
@TwitterEng | HackMIT
Come and see us
Saturday, October 5, 13

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HackMIT Lightning Talk

  • 4. @TwitterEng | HackMIT Core Objects 4 User Timeline Social Graph Tweet Saturday, October 5, 13
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  • 9. @TwitterEng | HackMIT Sources 9 Search Streaming Snapshot Timelines Saturday, October 5, 13
  • 10. @TwitterEng | HackMIT Snapshots 10 Breaking Bad Final Season “Felina” 9/29 #breakingbad, #felina Boston Redsox Game 7/29 #redsox, @redsox, @Raysbaseball Breaking Bad Final Season “Bloodmoney” 8/11 #breakingbad, #bloodmoney Saturday, October 5, 13
  • 11. @TwitterEng | HackMIT JSON and >53bits 11 (380749093766561793).toString() "380749093766561800" Saturday, October 5, 13
  • 12. @TwitterEng | HackMIT JSON and >53bits 12 (380749093766561793).toString() "380749093766561800" use the _str version so you don’t hit this Saturday, October 5, 13
  • 13. @TwitterEng | HackMIT Explore the API 13 Saturday, October 5, 13
  • 14. @TwitterEng | HackMIT 14 Docs https://dev.twitter.com https://dev.twitter.com/console Code https://github.com/mbilotti/hashtag_aggregator https://github.com/kmonkeyjam/trends_cloud https://github.com/twitter/hbc Visuals http://www.flickr.com/photos/twitteroffice/sets/72157633647745984/ Saturday, October 5, 13
  • 15. @TwitterEng | HackMIT Come and see us 15 @themattharris@kmonkeyjam @kasittig@vmbarry Saturday, October 5, 13