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© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
David Potes, AWS Partner Solutions Architect
Ajay Nair, AWS Principal Product Manager
November 29, 2016
Building Complex
Serverless Applications
• Why serverless?
• Serverless elements on AWS
• Securing your cloud
• Tips and tricks
• Design patterns
Why serverless?
• 52 million monthly users
• 100 million events daily
• 84% cost savings
• 0 servers
• 0 operating system patches
• Automatic scaling
API Gateway
AWS Lambda Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda
Amazon Mobile
Amazon CloudWatch
Amazon Elasticsearch
Amazon S3
Amazon RedshiftAmazon QuickSightEngineering
Marketing & Operations
Bustle.com users
Bustle.com event stream processing
The serverless compute manifesto
Functions are the unit of deployment and scaling.
No machines, VMs, or containers visible in the programming model.
Permanent storage lives elsewhere.
Scales per request. Users cannot over- or under-provision capacity.
Never pay for idle (no cold servers/containers or their costs).
Implicitly fault-tolerant because functions can run anywhere.
BYOC – Bring your own code.
Metrics and logging are a universal right.
Multiple ways to put Lambda to work
Amazon Echo
Amazon SWF
notifications with
Amazon SNS
Amazon Cognito
Amazon S3
Dynamo DB
with API
Alexa, do
my expense
And the list
to grow!
Mo APIs, Mo Problems
Managing multiple versions and stages of an API is difficult.
Monitoring third-party developers’ access is time consuming.
Access authorization is a challenge.
Traffic spikes create an operational burden.
What if I don’t want servers at all?
• Host multiple versions and stages of your APIs
• Create and distribute API keys to developers
• Leverage signature version 4 to authorize access to APIs
• Throttle and monitor requests to protect your back end
• Managed cache to store API responses
Amazon API Gateway
Usage plans: Throttle, Enforce and Track
AWS Lambda
Endpoints on
Amazon EC2
Any publicly
Microservices and AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda + Amazon API Gateway is the
easiest way to create microservices
• Event handlers one function per event type
• Serverless back ends one function per API / path
• Data processing one function per data type
Tips and Tricks
Event Driven Scaling
Things To Remember: Lambda Function
 Memory = “Power Level”
 Higher levels offer more memory and more CPU power
 Performance tuning
 Just-in-time initialization = latency cost the first time (‘cold starts”)
 Container reuse to avoid latency on repeat calls
 Use reuse to your advantage!
 Functions don’t have a notion of state
 Use DynamoDB, S3, or ElastiCache for persistence
 OK to use local cache (just clean up after yourself)
 Use environment variables to pass metadata into your code
Things To Remember: Lambda Application
 Lambda scales by events/requests
 Stream based = number of shards; request* duration for everything else
 Plan for concurrent request rate on downstream services
 Retries are built in for asynchronous and Stream invokes
 Throttles and errors retried
 Plan for retries within your client for synchronous applications
 Use the right access control for downstream services
 IAM roles and permissions for AWS services
 KMS for storing credentials for downstream endpoints
AWS Lambda VPC essentials
• All Lambda functions run in a VPC, all the time
• You can also grant Lambda functions access to resources in
your own VPC (optional)
• Functions configured for VPC access lose internet access by
• The ENIs used by Lambda’s VPC feature hit your quota
• Ensure your subnets have enough IPs for those ENIs.
• Specify at least one subnet in each Availability Zone
AWS Serverless Application Model (“SAM”)
• A common language for describing the contents of a serverless app.
• CloudFormation now “speaks serverless” with native support for
• New CloudFormation tools to package and deploy Lambda-based
• Export Lambda blueprints and functions in SAM
from the AWS Lambda console
Best Practice – Use Versions And Aliases
Versions = immutable copies of code + properties
Aliases = mutable pointers to versions
 Rollbacks
 Staged
 “Lock” behavior
for client
Design Patterns
Interactive Backends
• Bots
• Webhooks
Autonomous IT
• Policy engines
• Infrastructure management
• Operational management
• Live Dashboards
Data workflows
• Content management
• ETL workflows
Multiple Application Types
Amazon API Gateway: Serverless APIs
Mobile apps
AWS Lambda
API Gateway
Endpoints on
Amazon EC2
Any other publicly
accessible endpointAmazon
API Gateway
Amazon Cognito
Authenticate & sync
Amazon Mobile Analytics
Analyze user behavior
AWS Lambda
Run business logic
Amazon S3
Amazon DynamoDB
Store content
Store data
Amazon SNS mobile push
Send push notifications
Serverless Mobile App on AWS
Mobile SDK
Amazon API Gateway
Realtime analytics
1 4
0 9
& Insights
recommendations within
seconds (from 15-20 min)
Scale the expertise of
stylists to all shoppers
Reduce costs by 2X order
of magnitude
Mobile Users
Desktop Users
Online Stylist
Amazon S3
Data Storage
E commerce personalization
VOD Stream
mobile client
Live stream
mobile client
CloudFront S3 Ingest
HQ Copy
Cascading Lambda Functions
Live video transcoding
Where NOT to consider Lambda (today)
• Large software dependencies: Custom software applications with
licensing agreements such as MS-Office document processing, EDA
tools, Oracle databases, etc.
• OS dependencies: Software packages or applications which rely
on calling underlying Windows RPCs
• Custom hardware: GPU acceleration, hardware affinity
Securing serverless
Security model for AWS API calls
Mobile client
IAM PermissionsAWS Security
Token Service
1. Request token
2. Receive temporary
3. Sign API request
with temporary token
AWS service APIs
4. Make API request
against AWS service API
Web Identity Federation
Web identity federation
(Fine-grained access control)
Fine-Grained Access Control
Images Table
User Image Date Link
Bob aed4c 2013-10-01 s3://…
Bob 5f2e2 2013-09-05 s3://…
Bob f93bae 2013-10-08 s3://…
Alice ca61a 2013-09-12 s3://…
“Allow all authenticated
Facebook users to query the
Images table, but only on items
where their Facebook ID is the
hash key”
Bob “logs in” using
web identity federation
Fine-Grained Access Control
Images Table
User Image Date Link
Bob aed4c 2013-10-01 s3://…
Bob 5f2e2 2013-09-05 s3://…
Bob f93bae 2013-10-08 s3://…
Alice ca61a 2013-09-12 s3://…
Bob can query for images
where User=“Bob”
Bob cannot query for images
where User=“Alice”
Authenticated flow in depth
Mobile apps AWS Lambda lambdaHandler
API Gateway
Invoke with
caller credentials
Service calls are
authorized using
the IAM role
Learn more about fine-grained access permissions
Amazon Cognito
• Generate temporary credentials
and enforce rotation to limit
credential lifetime
• Authenticate through 3rd-party or
Cognito Identity Pools
• Optionally allow anonymous access
• Enables security best practices
through IAM roles
Policy Variables – Amazon DynamoDB
<!– DynamoDB policy -->
"Effect" : "Allow",
"Action" : [ "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:Query",
"dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem" ],
"Resource" : "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:12345678:table/UserData",
"Condition" : {
"ForAllValues:StringEquals" : {
"dynamodb:LeadingKeys" : "${cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:sub}"
Will be replaced by the identity ID
API call flows
Mobile apps AWS Lambda lambdaHandler
API Gateway
Mobile apps AWS Lambda lambdaHandler
API Gateway
Assume Role
Sigv4 Invoke with
caller credentials
Authorized by IAM
Block “bad actors” with CloudFront WAF + API Gateway
Auto-import IP Address Reputation Lists
AWS WAF AWS Lambda Amazon
Elastic Load
Bad Users
(based on ip
Good users
(based on ip
3rd party
Reputation listshttp://amzn.to/28O6I6O
Auto-block by request rate & bad requests
AWS Lambda Amazon
Elastic Load
Bad Users
(based on ip
Good users
(based on ip
http://amzn.to/28P16XX | http://amzn.to/28Uqz6l
Static S3 content
CloudFront Access Logs
Auto-block by request rate & bad requests
http://amzn.to/28P16XX | http://amzn.to/28Uqz6l
VPC Flow Logs
• Agentless
• Enable per ENI, per subnet, or per VPC
• Logged to CloudWatch Logs
• Create CloudWatch metrics from log data
• Alarm on those metrics
Source IP
Destination IP
Source port
Destination port
Interface Protocol Packets
Bytes Start/end time
or reject
VPC Flow Logs: Automation
Private subnet
Metric filter
Filter on all
SSH REJECTFlow Log group
Source IP
Growing Serverless Ecosystem
Logging and Monitoring Applications and Deployment
Build and CI/CD
© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.
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AWS re:Invent 2016: Building Complex Serverless Applications (GPST404)

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. David Potes, AWS Partner Solutions Architect Ajay Nair, AWS Principal Product Manager November 29, 2016 GPST404 Building Complex Serverless Applications
  • 2. Agenda • Why serverless? • Serverless elements on AWS • Securing your cloud • Tips and tricks • Design patterns
  • 4. Bustle.com • 52 million monthly users • 100 million events daily • 84% cost savings • 0 servers • 0 operating system patches • Automatic scaling
  • 5. Amazon API Gateway AWS Lambda Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Redis Amazon Mobile Analytics Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Elasticsearch Service Amazon S3 Amazon RedshiftAmazon QuickSightEngineering Marketing & Operations Design Bustle.com users Bustle.com event stream processing
  • 6. The serverless compute manifesto Functions are the unit of deployment and scaling. No machines, VMs, or containers visible in the programming model. Permanent storage lives elsewhere. Scales per request. Users cannot over- or under-provision capacity. Never pay for idle (no cold servers/containers or their costs). Implicitly fault-tolerant because functions can run anywhere. BYOC – Bring your own code. Metrics and logging are a universal right.
  • 7. Multiple ways to put Lambda to work AWS CloudFormation custom resources Amazon Echo skills Amazon SWF tasks Customized notifications with Amazon SNS Amazon Cognito triggers Amazon S3 triggers Amazon Dynamo DB triggers Amazon Kinesis processors Microservices with API Gateway Alexa, do my expense report And the list continues to grow!
  • 8. Mo APIs, Mo Problems Managing multiple versions and stages of an API is difficult. Monitoring third-party developers’ access is time consuming. Access authorization is a challenge. Traffic spikes create an operational burden. What if I don’t want servers at all?
  • 9. • Host multiple versions and stages of your APIs • Create and distribute API keys to developers • Leverage signature version 4 to authorize access to APIs • Throttle and monitor requests to protect your back end • Managed cache to store API responses Amazon API Gateway
  • 10. Throttle Usage plans: Throttle, Enforce and Track Internet Mobile apps Websites Partner Services AWS Lambda functions API Gateway response cache Endpoints on Amazon EC2 Any publicly accessible endpoint Amazon CloudWatch Amazon CloudFront API Gateway
  • 11. Microservices and AWS Lambda AWS Lambda + Amazon API Gateway is the easiest way to create microservices • Event handlers one function per event type • Serverless back ends one function per API / path • Data processing one function per data type
  • 14. Things To Remember: Lambda Function  Memory = “Power Level”  Higher levels offer more memory and more CPU power  Performance tuning  Just-in-time initialization = latency cost the first time (‘cold starts”)  Container reuse to avoid latency on repeat calls  Use reuse to your advantage!  Functions don’t have a notion of state  Use DynamoDB, S3, or ElastiCache for persistence  OK to use local cache (just clean up after yourself)  Use environment variables to pass metadata into your code
  • 15. Things To Remember: Lambda Application  Lambda scales by events/requests  Stream based = number of shards; request* duration for everything else  Plan for concurrent request rate on downstream services  Retries are built in for asynchronous and Stream invokes  Throttles and errors retried  Plan for retries within your client for synchronous applications  Use the right access control for downstream services  IAM roles and permissions for AWS services  KMS for storing credentials for downstream endpoints
  • 16. AWS Lambda VPC essentials • All Lambda functions run in a VPC, all the time • You can also grant Lambda functions access to resources in your own VPC (optional) • Functions configured for VPC access lose internet access by default • The ENIs used by Lambda’s VPC feature hit your quota • Ensure your subnets have enough IPs for those ENIs. • Specify at least one subnet in each Availability Zone
  • 17. AWS Serverless Application Model (“SAM”) • A common language for describing the contents of a serverless app. • CloudFormation now “speaks serverless” with native support for SAM. • New CloudFormation tools to package and deploy Lambda-based apps. • Export Lambda blueprints and functions in SAM from the AWS Lambda console
  • 18. Best Practice – Use Versions And Aliases Versions = immutable copies of code + properties Aliases = mutable pointers to versions  Rollbacks  Staged promotions  “Lock” behavior for client
  • 20. Interactive Backends • Bots • Webhooks Autonomous IT • Policy engines • Infrastructure management Analytics • Operational management • Live Dashboards Data workflows • Content management • ETL workflows Multiple Application Types
  • 21. Amazon API Gateway: Serverless APIs Internet Mobile apps Websites Services AWS Lambda functions AWS API Gateway cache Endpoints on Amazon EC2 Any other publicly accessible endpointAmazon CloudWatch Amazon CloudFront Amazon API Gateway
  • 22. Amazon Cognito Authenticate & sync Amazon Mobile Analytics Analyze user behavior AWS Lambda Run business logic Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Store content Store data Amazon SNS mobile push notifications Send push notifications Serverless Mobile App on AWS Mobile SDK Amazon API Gateway
  • 24. Ingest/ Collect Consume/ visualize Store Process/ analyze Data 1 4 0 9 5 Outcomes & Insights Personalized recommendations within seconds (from 15-20 min) Scale the expertise of stylists to all shoppers Reduce costs by 2X order of magnitude … Mobile Users Desktop Users Analytics Tools Online Stylist Amazon Redshift Amazon Kinesis AWS Lambda Amazon DynamoDB AWS Lambda Amazon S3 Data Storage E commerce personalization
  • 25. Laptop Encoders HLS S3 Playback VOD Stream mobile client CloudFront Streaming Live stream mobile client CloudFront S3 Ingest 480p Transcode HQ Copy 360p Transcode Audio-only Transcode Thumbnail QOS Analytics Cascading Lambda Functions Live video transcoding
  • 26. Where NOT to consider Lambda (today) • Large software dependencies: Custom software applications with licensing agreements such as MS-Office document processing, EDA tools, Oracle databases, etc. • OS dependencies: Software packages or applications which rely on calling underlying Windows RPCs • Custom hardware: GPU acceleration, hardware affinity
  • 28. Security model for AWS API calls Mobile client IAM PermissionsAWS Security Token Service 1. Request token 2. Receive temporary credentials 3. Sign API request with temporary token AWS service APIs 4. Make API request against AWS service API
  • 29. Web Identity Federation Users IAM Web identity federation (Fine-grained access control) Amazon DynamoDB
  • 30. Fine-Grained Access Control Images Table User Image Date Link Bob aed4c 2013-10-01 s3://… Bob 5f2e2 2013-09-05 s3://… Bob f93bae 2013-10-08 s3://… Alice ca61a 2013-09-12 s3://… “Allow all authenticated Facebook users to query the Images table, but only on items where their Facebook ID is the hash key” Bob “logs in” using web identity federation
  • 31. Fine-Grained Access Control Images Table User Image Date Link Bob aed4c 2013-10-01 s3://… Bob 5f2e2 2013-09-05 s3://… Bob f93bae 2013-10-08 s3://… Alice ca61a 2013-09-12 s3://… Bob Bob can query for images where User=“Bob” Bob cannot query for images where User=“Alice”
  • 32. Authenticated flow in depth Mobile apps AWS Lambda lambdaHandler API Gateway Sigv4 Invoke with caller credentials Service calls are authorized using the IAM role Learn more about fine-grained access permissions http://amzn.to/1YkxcjR DynamoDB
  • 33. Amazon Cognito • Generate temporary credentials and enforce rotation to limit credential lifetime • Authenticate through 3rd-party or Cognito Identity Pools • Optionally allow anonymous access • Enables security best practices through IAM roles
  • 34. Policy Variables – Amazon DynamoDB <!– DynamoDB policy --> { "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:Query", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem" ], "Resource" : "arn:aws:dynamodb:REGION:12345678:table/UserData", "Condition" : { "ForAllValues:StringEquals" : { "dynamodb:LeadingKeys" : "${cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:sub}" } } } Will be replaced by the identity ID
  • 35. API call flows Mobile apps AWS Lambda lambdaHandler Register Login API Gateway Mobile apps AWS Lambda lambdaHandler ListPets GetPet API Gateway Assume Role CreatePet Sigv4 Invoke with caller credentials Authorized by IAM http://bit.ly/28P5ypl
  • 36. Block “bad actors” with CloudFront WAF + API Gateway http://amzn.to/28SekaB
  • 37. Auto-import IP Address Reputation Lists Amazon CloudFront AWS WAF AWS Lambda Amazon CloudWatch Elastic Load Balancing Amazon EC2 Amazon RDS Bad Users (based on ip reputation) Good users (based on ip source) 3rd party Reputation listshttp://amzn.to/28O6I6O
  • 38. Auto-block by request rate & bad requests Amazon CloudFront AWS WAF AWS Lambda Amazon CloudWatch Elastic Load Balancing Amazon EC2 Amazon RDS Bad Users (based on ip source) Good users (based on ip source) http://amzn.to/28P16XX | http://amzn.to/28Uqz6l Static S3 content CloudFront Access Logs
  • 39. Auto-block by request rate & bad requests http://amzn.to/28P16XX | http://amzn.to/28Uqz6l
  • 40. VPC Flow Logs • Agentless • Enable per ENI, per subnet, or per VPC • Logged to CloudWatch Logs • Create CloudWatch metrics from log data • Alarm on those metrics AWS account Source IP Destination IP Source port Destination port Interface Protocol Packets Bytes Start/end time Accept or reject
  • 41. VPC Flow Logs: Automation Amazon SNS CloudWatch Logs Private subnet Compliance app AWS Lambda If SSH REJECT > 10, then… Elastic Network Interface Metric filter Filter on all SSH REJECTFlow Log group CloudWatch alarm Source IP
  • 42. Growing Serverless Ecosystem Logging and Monitoring Applications and Deployment Build and CI/CD
  • 43. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Register for a Bootcamp Get in-depth knowledge and training from AWS Instructors and Solutions Architects. reinvent.awsevents.com/training #AWSTraining Get AWS Certified Onsite Demonstrate your technical proficiency and receive special recognition onsite. Register today. reinvent.awsevents.com/certification #AWSCertified Take Hands-on Labs Practice with AWS in a live environment. Choose from 100+ lab topics and attend a Spotlight Lab session. Free Onsite