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  The Surprising Truth
About What Motivates Us
                 Aravind Sesagiri Raamkumar
                 Ajai Loganathan
• About the Author
• Introduction to DRIVE
• Part I – A New Operating System
   – The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0
   – 7 reasons why Carrot and Sticks(CAS) don’t work
   – Circumstances when CAS actually work
   – Type I and Type X
• Part II – The Three Elements
   – Autonomy
   – Mastery
   – Purpose
• Part III- The Type 1 Toolkit
• Conclusion
Introducing Daniel Pink
Daniel H. Pink is an American author and journalist.

He received a Bachelor's degree from Northwestern
University and a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School.

He worked for Vice President Al Gore in the capacity of
chief speechwriter between 1995 to 1997

He is the author of four provocative books about the
changing world of work — including the long-running
New York Times bestseller, A Whole New Mind, and the
#1 New York Times bestseller, Drive. His books have been
translated into 33 languages. Dan lives in
Washington, DC, with his wife and their three children.
Eh, What’s DRIVE?
         1st Drive

         2nd Drive
   Rewards & Punishments
       Carrot & Stick

         3rd Drive
The Motivation Shift
          Rules and norms in society are made based on how
          humans behave and how the world works

                                         Motivation 3.0 –
                                         Based on the
                   Motivation 2.0 –      internal need to
                   Rewards and           learn and do better-
                   Punishments-          intrinsic motivation
                   External Drive-This
Motivation 1.0 –   method badly fails
Survival-Related   for non-routine
to Biological      tasks
A Reality Check

American job market is primarily based on heuristic work.
Heuristic: 70% jobs while Algorithmic:30% jobs

                               Routine work can easily be outsourced and automated

Very difficult to outsource jobs that involve right brained thinking

   Claim: Mismatch between what Science knows and what
   Business does
Carrot and Stick Method
• Enterprises all around the globe have been using this method to get work
  of their people.
• This is prevalent everywhere
• Many of our students take part in surveys only when there are cash gifts or
  other goodies in offer!!!
Duncker’s Candle Experiment

        functional fixedness!!!

• Sam Glucksberg of Princeton came to the conclusion that adding cash
  incentives results in the subjects taking, on average, 3.5 minutes longer to
  really see the solution.

• But this effect goes away if the problem is redesigned to be
  routine(mechanical) instead of requiring creativity (ex:by taking the tacks
  out of the box in candle experiment).
Disadvantages of carrots and
           sticks method
•   They can extinguish intrinsic motivation
•   They can diminish performance
•   They can crush creativity
•   They can crowd out good behavior
•   They can encourage cheating, shortcuts, and unethical behavior
•   They can become addictive
•   They can foster short-term thinking
But Carrots taste good
          too!(Some Advantages)
Carrot and Stick method can work out if
• The employers offer rationale for why the task is necessary. A job that is
   not inherently interesting can become more meaningful if it’s a part of a
   larger purpose – I know it sucks, but got to do it!
• Acknowledge that the task is boring
• Allow people to complete the task their own way (poor man’s chance of
Carrots can work for Creativity
 “Now That” rewards – non-contingent rewards given after the task is complete, can
sometimes work for more creative work.

Guidelines for rewarding non-routine, creative
•Consider non-tangible rewards. Praise and
positive feedback are much less corrosive than
cash and trophies.

•Provide useful information. Give people
meaningful information about their work. The
more feedback focuses on specifics and the
more praise is about effort and strategy rather
than about achieving a particular outcome –
the more effective it can be.
Type I and Type X
                  No No, its not typing I and X in Keyboard!

                       Motivation 2.0 fostered Type X         Motivation 3.0 needs Type I
                                 behavior                             behaviour
                       Fueled by extrinsic desires and       Deals less with external awards
                          concerned less with the             for an activity and more with
                         inherent satisfaction of an           inherent satisfaction of the
                                  activity                             activity itself

Type X   Goal is to move from
                                             Type X                     Type I
         Type X to Type I                         Rewards                 Challenge
                                                Incentives                 Curiosity
                                                    Praise                 The Flow
         Type I
Distinctions b/w Type I and X
Type I behavior is made, not born

                                     Type I’s almost always outperform Type X’s

Type I’s don’t ignore money and recognition

                                       Type I behavior is a renewable resource
                                           Type I = The Sun, burns and it burns
                                           Type X = Coal, burns out eventually

 Type I behavior promotes greater physical and
 mental well-being
Pink’s Three Elements



Autonomy – its my way on the
ROWE(Results-Only Work           A Cornell University study on workers autonomy at 320
Environment)                     small businesses discovered that businesses that
                                 offered autonomy grew at four times the rate of the
•People don’t have schedules.    control-oriented firms and had one-third the turnover.
They show up when they
want. They don’t have to be in
                                                               Time-When they do it
the office at a certain time –   Task-What they do
or any time for that matter.                                  When’s your best time
                                    3M’s 15% time
                                                                   to work?
•They just have to get their      Google’s 20% time
work done. How they do                                         Best Buy un-schedule
it, when they do it and where
they do it is up to them.        Technique-How they            Team-Who they do it
                                        do it                        with
                                     Zappos case                Who do you want to
       Independence                                                work with?
Motivation 2.0 (control) needed     Mastery begins with “flow” – optimal
compliance while Motivation 3.0     experiences when the challenges we face are
(autonomy) demands                  exquisitely matched to our abilities.
                                    In flow, Goals become crystal clear and efforts
Start with Goldilocks Tasks…        to achieve them are very black and white.

                                    People live so deeply engaged, that their sense
                                    of time, place and even self melt away.

                                                Flow is essential to mastery
                                                Flow doesn’t guarantee mastery
                                                Flow happens in a moment
                                                while mastery unfolds over
                                                months, years, sometimes
3 Laws of Mastery
             • It requires the capacity to see your abilities not as finite, but as infinitely
Mastery is a • Use learning goals instead of performance goals.

             • It demands effort, grit, and deliberate practice
             • Intense practice of more than 10 years
Mastery is a • “Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you
   pain        don’t feel like doing them” – Julius Erving

           • It’s impossible to fully realize, which makes it simultaneously frustrating
             and alluring
Mastery is • You can approach it, home in on it but you’ll never touch it. The joy is in
   an        the pursuit more than the realization.
 A third leg – purpose, which provides a context for its two
 mates, activation energy for living

  Motivation                             Motivation
     2.0                                    3.0       Purpose maximization is
               Traditional businesses                 taking its place alongside
               have long considered                   profit maximization -
               Purpose “ornamental”                   inspiration , guiding
               As an emotional
               catalyst, wealth                       The new “purpose motive”
               maximization lacks the                 is expressing itself in three
               power to fully mobilize                ways: Goals, Words, Policies
               human energies.

Work                 Volunteerism
Purpose offered in organization
                  Companies use profits to reach purpose, giving employees control over how
      Goals       the organization gives back to the community might do more to improve their
                  overall satisfaction than one more “if-then” financial incentive. Their goal is to
                  pursue purpose- and to use profit as the catalyst rather than the objective.

                   Emphasize more than self-interest, Change in pronoun “I” to “We”. In
      Words        motivation 3.0 “We” wins.

                    Stringent corporate policies led to unethical behavior, better approach to
                    enlist the power of autonomy in the service of purpose maximization.
      Policy        e.g. Fixing some budget to charitable well-being,20% time with a purpose.

The Good life

Study conducted at University of Rochester, soon to be
graduated students about their life goals.

Profit goals – ill being, depression, anxiety
Purpose goals – well being, Intrinsic motivation
• Understanding the mismatch between what science knows and what
  business does – gap is wide, results are alarming.
• Things we consider “natural” – carrot and stick – not only ineffective in
  many situations but crush the high-level, creative, conceptual
  abilities, future economic and social abilities.
• The secret to high performance isn’t our biological drive or our reward-
  and-punishment but our third drive- desire to direct our own lives, to
  extend and expand our abilities and to live a life of purpose.
• We’re designed to be active and engaged and not to be passive and
Tool Kit -            Type 1 for Individuals

  Set a reminder on you computer or mobile phone 40 times a week
  (5 to 6 times a day).

    Each time the device beeps write down
    what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, whether you’re in “flow”.

      Record your observations, look at the patterns, and consider the
      following questions,

Which moments produced feelings of “flow”?
 Where were you? What were you working on?
Are certain times of day more flow-friendly than others?
 Restructure based on your findings.
How might you increase the number of optimal experiences
 and reduce the moments when you felt disengaged?
repairing continues…
Ask a Big Question? – orienting your life toward greater purpose
e.g. She invented a device that made people’s lives easier
She taught two generations of children how to read.
What’s your sentence?
 Keep asking small question – to keep yourself motivated
 Ask yourself whether you were better today than yesterday?
 Did you do more? Less? Specifically, did you learn your ten vocabulary?

 You need not be a master by day 3, but is the best way of ensuring you will be
 one by day 3,000.
 So , before sleeping ask yourself “Was I better today than yesterday?”

Take a SAGMEISTER – Stefan Sagmesiter takes
Sabbatical once in 7 year.
Self-performance review.
Moving closer to mastery
 Remember deliberate practice: is about changing performance, setting
  goals and straining yourself to reach a bit higher each time
 Repeat, repeat, repeat
 Seek constant, critical feedback
 Focus ruthlessly on where you need help
 Prepare for the process to be mentally and physically exhausting

Take Blank three-by-five inch card, write your answer to these question;
 What gets you up in the morning?
 What keeps you up at night?
Repeat it until you have crafted something you can
 live with.
Tool Kit -         Type 1 for Organizations

 Try implementing 20% time progressively (e.g. Google)
 Encourage peer to peer “now-that” rewards
 Conduct autonomy audit
3 steps towards giving control
 Involve people in goal-setting (individuals are interested in
    pursuing goals they had created)
 Use non controlling language (instead of “must” say “consider”)
 Hold office hours ( transparency within leaders and employee)

Intrinsic Motivation, setup an environment that makes
 people feel good about participating.
Give users autonomy.
• Ensure internal and external fairness
• Pay more-than-average (giving bonus at the initial stage
  and bypass if-then rewards and helps take money off the table

Apply autonomy, mastery and purpose while giving assignment.
Have a FedEx day ( students to work on any problem to solve it).
Give kids some allowance (helps them to save or spend money , offers them a
measure of autonomy)
Do not combine chores(understanding mutual family obligations) with money.

Why am I learning this?
How is it relevant to the world I live in now?
Apply what they are studying.
Check out these 5 schools
Autonomy, mastery and purpose provided in these schools,
1) Big picture learning – students in charge of their own education
2) Sudbury valley school
3) The Tinkering School
4) Puget sound community school
5) Montessori schools

Turn students into Teachers
Give an opportunity for students to teach, proves them a way towards
Overview of Drive book

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Overview of Drive book

  • 1. DRIVE The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Aravind Sesagiri Raamkumar Ajai Loganathan
  • 2. Agenda • About the Author • Introduction to DRIVE • Part I – A New Operating System – The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0 – 7 reasons why Carrot and Sticks(CAS) don’t work – Circumstances when CAS actually work – Type I and Type X • Part II – The Three Elements – Autonomy – Mastery – Purpose • Part III- The Type 1 Toolkit • Conclusion
  • 3. Introducing Daniel Pink Daniel H. Pink is an American author and journalist. He received a Bachelor's degree from Northwestern University and a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School. He worked for Vice President Al Gore in the capacity of chief speechwriter between 1995 to 1997 He is the author of four provocative books about the changing world of work — including the long-running New York Times bestseller, A Whole New Mind, and the #1 New York Times bestseller, Drive. His books have been translated into 33 languages. Dan lives in Washington, DC, with his wife and their three children.
  • 4. Eh, What’s DRIVE? 1st Drive Biological Food Water Sex 2nd Drive Rewards & Punishments Carrot & Stick 3rd Drive Intrinsic Motivation
  • 5. The Motivation Shift Rules and norms in society are made based on how humans behave and how the world works Motivation 3.0 – Based on the Motivation 2.0 – internal need to Rewards and learn and do better- Punishments- intrinsic motivation External Drive-This Motivation 1.0 – method badly fails Survival-Related for non-routine to Biological tasks drive
  • 6. A Reality Check American job market is primarily based on heuristic work. Heuristic: 70% jobs while Algorithmic:30% jobs Routine work can easily be outsourced and automated Very difficult to outsource jobs that involve right brained thinking Claim: Mismatch between what Science knows and what Business does
  • 7. Carrot and Stick Method • Enterprises all around the globe have been using this method to get work of their people. • This is prevalent everywhere • Many of our students take part in surveys only when there are cash gifts or other goodies in offer!!!
  • 8. Duncker’s Candle Experiment functional fixedness!!!
  • 9. Experiments… • Sam Glucksberg of Princeton came to the conclusion that adding cash incentives results in the subjects taking, on average, 3.5 minutes longer to really see the solution. • But this effect goes away if the problem is redesigned to be routine(mechanical) instead of requiring creativity (ex:by taking the tacks out of the box in candle experiment).
  • 10. Disadvantages of carrots and sticks method • They can extinguish intrinsic motivation • They can diminish performance • They can crush creativity • They can crowd out good behavior • They can encourage cheating, shortcuts, and unethical behavior • They can become addictive • They can foster short-term thinking
  • 11. But Carrots taste good too!(Some Advantages) Carrot and Stick method can work out if • The employers offer rationale for why the task is necessary. A job that is not inherently interesting can become more meaningful if it’s a part of a larger purpose – I know it sucks, but got to do it! • Acknowledge that the task is boring • Allow people to complete the task their own way (poor man’s chance of autonomy).
  • 12. Carrots can work for Creativity too “Now That” rewards – non-contingent rewards given after the task is complete, can sometimes work for more creative work. Guidelines for rewarding non-routine, creative work: •Consider non-tangible rewards. Praise and positive feedback are much less corrosive than cash and trophies. •Provide useful information. Give people meaningful information about their work. The more feedback focuses on specifics and the more praise is about effort and strategy rather than about achieving a particular outcome – the more effective it can be.
  • 13. Type I and Type X No No, its not typing I and X in Keyboard! Motivation 2.0 fostered Type X Motivation 3.0 needs Type I behavior behaviour Fueled by extrinsic desires and Deals less with external awards concerned less with the for an activity and more with inherent satisfaction of an inherent satisfaction of the activity activity itself Type X Goal is to move from Type X Type I Type X to Type I Rewards Challenge Incentives Curiosity Praise The Flow Type I
  • 14. Distinctions b/w Type I and X Type I behavior is made, not born Type I’s almost always outperform Type X’s Type I’s don’t ignore money and recognition Type I behavior is a renewable resource Type I = The Sun, burns and it burns Type X = Coal, burns out eventually Type I behavior promotes greater physical and mental well-being
  • 15. Pink’s Three Elements Mastery Autonomy Purpose ELEMENTS
  • 16. Autonomy – its my way on the highway ROWE(Results-Only Work A Cornell University study on workers autonomy at 320 Environment) small businesses discovered that businesses that offered autonomy grew at four times the rate of the •People don’t have schedules. control-oriented firms and had one-third the turnover. They show up when they want. They don’t have to be in Time-When they do it the office at a certain time – Task-What they do or any time for that matter. When’s your best time 3M’s 15% time to work? •They just have to get their Google’s 20% time work done. How they do Best Buy un-schedule it, when they do it and where they do it is up to them. Technique-How they Team-Who they do it do it with Autonomy Zappos case Who do you want to Independence work with?
  • 17. Mastery Motivation 2.0 (control) needed Mastery begins with “flow” – optimal compliance while Motivation 3.0 experiences when the challenges we face are (autonomy) demands exquisitely matched to our abilities. engagement(Mastery). In flow, Goals become crystal clear and efforts Start with Goldilocks Tasks… to achieve them are very black and white. People live so deeply engaged, that their sense of time, place and even self melt away. Flow is essential to mastery Flow doesn’t guarantee mastery Flow happens in a moment while mastery unfolds over months, years, sometimes decades.
  • 18. 3 Laws of Mastery • It requires the capacity to see your abilities not as finite, but as infinitely improvable Mastery is a • Use learning goals instead of performance goals. mindset • It demands effort, grit, and deliberate practice • Intense practice of more than 10 years Mastery is a • “Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you pain don’t feel like doing them” – Julius Erving • It’s impossible to fully realize, which makes it simultaneously frustrating and alluring Mastery is • You can approach it, home in on it but you’ll never touch it. The joy is in an the pursuit more than the realization. asymptote
  • 19. Purpose A third leg – purpose, which provides a context for its two mates, activation energy for living Motivation Motivation 2.0 3.0 Purpose maximization is Traditional businesses taking its place alongside have long considered profit maximization - Purpose “ornamental” inspiration , guiding principle. As an emotional catalyst, wealth The new “purpose motive” maximization lacks the is expressing itself in three power to fully mobilize ways: Goals, Words, Policies human energies. Work Volunteerism disengagement
  • 20. Purpose offered in organization Companies use profits to reach purpose, giving employees control over how Goals the organization gives back to the community might do more to improve their overall satisfaction than one more “if-then” financial incentive. Their goal is to pursue purpose- and to use profit as the catalyst rather than the objective. Emphasize more than self-interest, Change in pronoun “I” to “We”. In Words motivation 3.0 “We” wins. Stringent corporate policies led to unethical behavior, better approach to enlist the power of autonomy in the service of purpose maximization. Policy e.g. Fixing some budget to charitable well-being,20% time with a purpose. The Good life Study conducted at University of Rochester, soon to be graduated students about their life goals. Profit goals – ill being, depression, anxiety Purpose goals – well being, Intrinsic motivation
  • 21. • Understanding the mismatch between what science knows and what business does – gap is wide, results are alarming. • Things we consider “natural” – carrot and stick – not only ineffective in many situations but crush the high-level, creative, conceptual abilities, future economic and social abilities. • The secret to high performance isn’t our biological drive or our reward- and-punishment but our third drive- desire to direct our own lives, to extend and expand our abilities and to live a life of purpose. • We’re designed to be active and engaged and not to be passive and compliant.
  • 22. Tool Kit - Type 1 for Individuals Set a reminder on you computer or mobile phone 40 times a week (5 to 6 times a day). Each time the device beeps write down what you’re doing, how you’re feeling, whether you’re in “flow”. Record your observations, look at the patterns, and consider the following questions, Which moments produced feelings of “flow”? Where were you? What were you working on? Are certain times of day more flow-friendly than others? Restructure based on your findings. How might you increase the number of optimal experiences and reduce the moments when you felt disengaged?
  • 23. repairing continues… Ask a Big Question? – orienting your life toward greater purpose e.g. She invented a device that made people’s lives easier She taught two generations of children how to read. What’s your sentence? Keep asking small question – to keep yourself motivated Ask yourself whether you were better today than yesterday? Did you do more? Less? Specifically, did you learn your ten vocabulary? You need not be a master by day 3, but is the best way of ensuring you will be one by day 3,000. So , before sleeping ask yourself “Was I better today than yesterday?” Take a SAGMEISTER – Stefan Sagmesiter takes Sabbatical once in 7 year. Self-performance review.
  • 24. Moving closer to mastery  Remember deliberate practice: is about changing performance, setting goals and straining yourself to reach a bit higher each time  Repeat, repeat, repeat  Seek constant, critical feedback  Focus ruthlessly on where you need help  Prepare for the process to be mentally and physically exhausting Take Blank three-by-five inch card, write your answer to these question;  What gets you up in the morning?  What keeps you up at night? Repeat it until you have crafted something you can live with.
  • 25. Tool Kit - Type 1 for Organizations  Try implementing 20% time progressively (e.g. Google)  Encourage peer to peer “now-that” rewards  Conduct autonomy audit 3 steps towards giving control  Involve people in goal-setting (individuals are interested in pursuing goals they had created)  Use non controlling language (instead of “must” say “consider”)  Hold office hours ( transparency within leaders and employee) Intrinsic Motivation, setup an environment that makes people feel good about participating. Give users autonomy.
  • 26. • Ensure internal and external fairness • Pay more-than-average (giving bonus at the initial stage and bypass if-then rewards and helps take money off the table Apply autonomy, mastery and purpose while giving assignment. Have a FedEx day ( students to work on any problem to solve it). Give kids some allowance (helps them to save or spend money , offers them a measure of autonomy) Do not combine chores(understanding mutual family obligations) with money. , Why am I learning this? How is it relevant to the world I live in now? Apply what they are studying.
  • 27. Check out these 5 schools Autonomy, mastery and purpose provided in these schools, 1) Big picture learning – students in charge of their own education 2) Sudbury valley school 3) The Tinkering School 4) Puget sound community school 5) Montessori schools Turn students into Teachers Give an opportunity for students to teach, proves them a way towards mastery.