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Non- alcoholic Beverages
Breakfast Drinks from Plants
Drink for Caffeine
• Beverages that contain caffeine or purine derivatives,
are used world wide for their stimulating and refreshing
• Caffeine is an alkaloid that is a diuretic and nerve
stimulant (<2%)
• Tea originated in southeastern Asia
• Coffee originated in southwestern Asia
• Cocoa from tropical America
• Lesser known ones
– Cola – south Africa
– Khat – Arabs
– Guarana – South America
• Small molecules that contain nitrogen
possessing purine skeleton.
• 15 compounds are reported
• Adenine and Guanine are nucleotides
Three musketeers
Tea time
• Tea auctions are held in the city of London
every week.
• Only place where tea from every tea
producing country will be on sale.
• Tea tasting is a vital part of setting prices
and buying and selling
– Autumnal, pungent or brisk
– Weedy or chesty
Countries involved
• Originated in around Tibet and is also
indigenous to Assam, China and Southern
• Production:
– Asia – 70%
• India 30% but consumes more than 50%
• Sri Lanka – 10%
– East Africa –Kenya
– Indonesia, Thailand, China, Turkey, USSR
• British are world’s biggest tea drinkers
• Camellia sinensis
– Two main varieties
• C.sinensis var. sinensis
• C. sinensis var. assaminca
• Family: Theaceae
• Mainly grown in subtropics and
mountainous regions of tropics
• It can be grown from above sea level and
just over 2100 meters
• Small evergreen trees
• From rooting of cuttings to maintain uniformity of
particular variety
• They are allowed to grow knee high for easy
• Mature when 4 yrs
• Only first two young leaves and the terminal
buds called as “flush” are picked (high
concentration of caffeine)
• Can be picked every 10 -14 days
• Chinese tea – Green tea, flowery flavor and light
• Assam tea – Black tea, “heavy” stronger
• Black tea: Process involves
– Withering by blowing air through the leaves that are in troughs to
reduce water content and enzymatic release of aroma
– Fermentation – by rolling leaves and leaving them in a warm
damp condition to rupture cells, allow oxidation of phenolics and
turn cooper color
– Finally dry or fire the tea leaves with hot air to remove excess
water, gives black color
• Green tea: Freshly picked leaves are steamed and dried
without the withering stage and thus retain a faint but
distinctive ‘grassy’ taste, and their green color.
Chemistry of tea
• Caffeine the stimulant 3-4%, theobromine
(.017%) and theophylline (.013%
• Tannins
• Polyphenols – flavonoids, catechins
– Anittumor and antimutagenic
– Prevent tumor cell growth and division
– Green tea is 6 times better than black tea
Stories of Tea
• The Chinese believe that tea was first drunk
during the reign of Shen Nung (The Divine
healer) during 2737 BC
• Japanese Tea Ceremony: During Sung Dynasty
(960 -1120) ritualized the preparation and
drinking of tea as contemplation. This was taken
to Japan
– The tea ceremony according to Zen Buddhism is a
means of achieving the ideal state of perfect harmony
and tranquility
– Still very important; Japanese girls attend special
classes; families spend large amounts of money to
built tea huts and buy tea utensils.
Stories of Tea
• A harsh tea tax was placed on tea by King
George III and in 1773 a serious upset occurred
for British East India Company
– “Boston Tea Party” : By way of protest, a group of
American colonists, disguised as Indians, threw a
cargo of tea waiting to be unloaded into the harbor at
– Smuggling became common
– 19th century tea was only for rich
– By Victorian times taking afternoon tea became
• Second only to petroleum, as a revenue earner,
coffee is an immensely valuable commodity.
• This drink revives 1/3 of world’s population.
• Finns drinks on average 5 cups each day
• Japanese bath in coffee grounds for the health
giving properties
• Turks scan the dregs of their coffee cups for
omens of future
• Native of Abyssinia
• By Ethiopians goatherds
– Noticed that their goats were unusually frisky after
eating the ripe red berries of wild coffee bushes
• 2nd AD, local tribe men
– made small cakes from the pulverized fruits mixed
with fat and grains to sustain them on long journeys
and to relieve fatigue
– Made stimulant drink by fermenting berries and
mixing with water.
• Arabs were the first to brew coffee
The spread
• 13th century – coffee houses were established
and the drink became very popular
• Quickly spread to turkey and the surrounding
– Gesture of hospitality by offering a cup of strong black
brew to visitors.
• Reached Europe around 1616
• By 1675 it became a rage in London
– “penny universities”
– English stock exchange, the merchant banks and first
insurance companies all had beginnings in coffee
The plant
• Coffea arabica (arabica coffee) – 75%, C.
canephora (robusta coffee) 24% and C.
liberica are grown commercially
• Family - Rubiaceae
• Three varieties are known
– Arabica
– Robusta
– Liberica
• Source of coffee is the seed that is part of a fleshy berry (sometimes
called as cherry)
• Grows well at higher elevation. Plants are grown directly from seed.
Harvesting after 3 -5 yrs and will produce coffee for 30 yrs.
• Small tree with glossy, evergreen leaves and white, sweet smelling
• After fertilization, mature berries turning dark green to yellow then
• Inside the sweet pulpy outer layers are two coffee-seed surrounded
by a delicate silvery seed coat.
• Cannot tolerate frost they are grown in tropical and sub-tropical
countries with an average rainfall of at least 1.9 meters per annum
• After picking berries, mostly by hand, the sweet pulp
which surrounds the coffee beans (really seeds) which
develop inside each cherry – like fruit is removed in one
of two ways.
– Dry process – produces beans sometimes known as ‘hard’,
‘native’, or ‘natural’ in trade
• Dry whole fruit in the sun
• Remove dried pulp and fine endocarp and the silver lining around
the seed
– Wet processing produ ces mild but superior flavor coffee
• Depulped machine
• The parchment is washed and left for fermenting for 12 -24 hrs –
leading to chemical change takes place to give characteristic aroma
and taste
• Beans then dried and the fine endocarp is removed
• Instant coffee making
– Coarsely ground coffee is placed in sealed stainless percolators and
brewed under pressure for several hrs.
– Coffee aroma is added
– The concentrate is either
• sprayed under high pressure through fine nozzles into a very high towers. As
the liquid falls back it dries into powder which is tumbled with steam to form
granules OR
• Freeze dried - Coffee brew is dried into thin sheets which is often cut into
granules. Temperature is then raised under vacuum. This will water is “boiled
–off” without the coffee getting wet. There is no heat damage or loss of
• Roasting – reduces the moisture and bring out aromatic oils
• Very sophisticated-computer control mechanism is involved
• Varieties: variety of coffee, region it is grown, preparation method
and roasting time
Coffee Chemistry
• Caffeine (1-2%)
• Chlorogenic acid
• Tannins (3-5%)
• Sugars (15-17%)
• Fatty oils (10 -15%)
• Proteins (10 -15%)
• Chicory: Cichorium intybus
– Bittter fleshy taproot are ground and roasted
for use either alone or miced with coffee
• Fig: Ficus carica
– Roasted and ground, Austrian and Bavarian
coffees are well known for this addition
• Dandelion: Taraxacum officinale
– Roots have stimulant and tonic but o caffeine
Non- alcoholic Beverages
• Cocoa and chocolate are prepared from the
seeds of the cocoa tree
• A native of Mexico and found in South American
• It was chief drink of the Aztecs and other native
• It was part of the diet of the plumed serpent God
• Cocoa beans were used as currency by Aztecs
• The use of cocoa by other than natives is of
recent origin
• Theobroma cacao (meaning food of the
• Family - Sterculeaceae
• It is a small tree 15 – 25 ft, with numerous
branches. The flowers and fruits re borne
directly on the tree trunk.
• Mature at 4 – 5yrs. It flowers throughout
the year, so one gets several crops
• Source of cocoa is the seeds
• The fruit is a large pod with mucilage pulp and 40 – 60 seeds
• The pulp and seeds are scooped out of the fruit, cured and usually
– The seeds are piled in heaps in sweating boxes (houses or vats) for
several days.
– The beans become brownish, lose their bitter taste and develop aroma
– They are then wasted and dried and polished to remove any dry pulp
– The seeds are roasted in iron drums to develop flavor and increase the
fat and protein content and lower tannins
– The beans are passed under roller to remove the shells
– The seeds are finally ground to an oily paste – the bitter chocolate
• Sweet chocolate – by adding sugar and various spices
• Milk chocolate – milk, sugar and other spices
• Cocoa – 2/3rd fat is removed and the residue is powdered
• The oil is cocoa butter
• Contains caffeine alkaloid called theobromine (1 -3%) –
the stimulant
• Caffeine (.2 – 3%)
• It also has fat (35-40%) and starch (15%)
• It also contain phenyl ethylamine, a natural
amphetamine found in human brain, which induces
feeling of euphoria
• The level of this is claimed, decrease when one is in
love-sick – explaining the craving of chocolate as a
solace at such times
• Also has reputation as an aphrodisiac and Casanova is
said to prefer this as an inducement to romance
• Cola nitida (Sterculiaceae)
• Native of west Africa
• Seeds contain caffeine and kolanin – a
cardiac stimulant
• Coco-cola – has kola and cocoa; now
cocoa leaf extract and caffeine is used
Mate and guarana
• Mate – Ilex paraguariensis
– Leaves are used after drying over fire and crushed
into coarse pieces
– Traditionally drunk from a gourd. Has hot water and
mate mixed, a straw is used.
• Guarana – Paullinia cupana
– Caffeine rich seeds are used.
– Seeds are roasted and crushed with cassava flour
into a paste that is formed into rods
– A glass of guarana is made by scrapping the cylinder
and mixing it with water
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Non- alcoholic Beverages

  • 2. Drink for Caffeine • Beverages that contain caffeine or purine derivatives, are used world wide for their stimulating and refreshing qualities. • Caffeine is an alkaloid that is a diuretic and nerve stimulant (<2%) • Tea originated in southeastern Asia • Coffee originated in southwestern Asia • Cocoa from tropical America • Lesser known ones – Cola – south Africa – Khat – Arabs – Guarana – South America
  • 3. Purines • Small molecules that contain nitrogen possessing purine skeleton. • 15 compounds are reported • Adenine and Guanine are nucleotides
  • 5. Tea time • Tea auctions are held in the city of London every week. • Only place where tea from every tea producing country will be on sale. • Tea tasting is a vital part of setting prices and buying and selling – Autumnal, pungent or brisk – Weedy or chesty
  • 6. Countries involved • Originated in around Tibet and is also indigenous to Assam, China and Southern Cambodia • Production: – Asia – 70% • India 30% but consumes more than 50% • Sri Lanka – 10% – East Africa –Kenya – Indonesia, Thailand, China, Turkey, USSR • British are world’s biggest tea drinkers
  • 7. Plant • Camellia sinensis – Two main varieties • C.sinensis var. sinensis • C. sinensis var. assaminca • Family: Theaceae • Mainly grown in subtropics and mountainous regions of tropics • It can be grown from above sea level and just over 2100 meters
  • 9. Morphology • Small evergreen trees • From rooting of cuttings to maintain uniformity of particular variety • They are allowed to grow knee high for easy picking • Mature when 4 yrs • Only first two young leaves and the terminal buds called as “flush” are picked (high concentration of caffeine) • Can be picked every 10 -14 days
  • 10. Process • Chinese tea – Green tea, flowery flavor and light • Assam tea – Black tea, “heavy” stronger • Black tea: Process involves – Withering by blowing air through the leaves that are in troughs to reduce water content and enzymatic release of aroma – Fermentation – by rolling leaves and leaving them in a warm damp condition to rupture cells, allow oxidation of phenolics and turn cooper color – Finally dry or fire the tea leaves with hot air to remove excess water, gives black color • Green tea: Freshly picked leaves are steamed and dried without the withering stage and thus retain a faint but distinctive ‘grassy’ taste, and their green color.
  • 11. Chemistry of tea • Caffeine the stimulant 3-4%, theobromine (.017%) and theophylline (.013% • Tannins • Polyphenols – flavonoids, catechins – Anittumor and antimutagenic – Prevent tumor cell growth and division – Green tea is 6 times better than black tea
  • 12. Stories of Tea • The Chinese believe that tea was first drunk during the reign of Shen Nung (The Divine healer) during 2737 BC • Japanese Tea Ceremony: During Sung Dynasty (960 -1120) ritualized the preparation and drinking of tea as contemplation. This was taken to Japan – The tea ceremony according to Zen Buddhism is a means of achieving the ideal state of perfect harmony and tranquility – Still very important; Japanese girls attend special classes; families spend large amounts of money to built tea huts and buy tea utensils.
  • 13. Stories of Tea • A harsh tea tax was placed on tea by King George III and in 1773 a serious upset occurred for British East India Company – “Boston Tea Party” : By way of protest, a group of American colonists, disguised as Indians, threw a cargo of tea waiting to be unloaded into the harbor at Boston. – Smuggling became common – 19th century tea was only for rich – By Victorian times taking afternoon tea became common
  • 14. Coffee • Second only to petroleum, as a revenue earner, coffee is an immensely valuable commodity. • This drink revives 1/3 of world’s population. • Finns drinks on average 5 cups each day • Japanese bath in coffee grounds for the health giving properties • Turks scan the dregs of their coffee cups for omens of future
  • 16. Discovery • Native of Abyssinia • By Ethiopians goatherds – Noticed that their goats were unusually frisky after eating the ripe red berries of wild coffee bushes • 2nd AD, local tribe men – made small cakes from the pulverized fruits mixed with fat and grains to sustain them on long journeys and to relieve fatigue – Made stimulant drink by fermenting berries and mixing with water. • Arabs were the first to brew coffee
  • 17. The spread • 13th century – coffee houses were established and the drink became very popular • Quickly spread to turkey and the surrounding areas. – Gesture of hospitality by offering a cup of strong black brew to visitors. • Reached Europe around 1616 • By 1675 it became a rage in London – “penny universities” – English stock exchange, the merchant banks and first insurance companies all had beginnings in coffee houses
  • 18. The plant • Coffea arabica (arabica coffee) – 75%, C. canephora (robusta coffee) 24% and C. liberica are grown commercially • Family - Rubiaceae • Three varieties are known – Arabica – Robusta – Liberica
  • 19. Morphology • Source of coffee is the seed that is part of a fleshy berry (sometimes called as cherry) • Grows well at higher elevation. Plants are grown directly from seed. Harvesting after 3 -5 yrs and will produce coffee for 30 yrs. • Small tree with glossy, evergreen leaves and white, sweet smelling flowers • After fertilization, mature berries turning dark green to yellow then red. • Inside the sweet pulpy outer layers are two coffee-seed surrounded by a delicate silvery seed coat. • Cannot tolerate frost they are grown in tropical and sub-tropical countries with an average rainfall of at least 1.9 meters per annum
  • 20. Processing • After picking berries, mostly by hand, the sweet pulp which surrounds the coffee beans (really seeds) which develop inside each cherry – like fruit is removed in one of two ways. – Dry process – produces beans sometimes known as ‘hard’, ‘native’, or ‘natural’ in trade • Dry whole fruit in the sun • Remove dried pulp and fine endocarp and the silver lining around the seed – Wet processing produ ces mild but superior flavor coffee • Depulped machine • The parchment is washed and left for fermenting for 12 -24 hrs – leading to chemical change takes place to give characteristic aroma and taste • Beans then dried and the fine endocarp is removed
  • 21. Processing • Instant coffee making – Coarsely ground coffee is placed in sealed stainless percolators and brewed under pressure for several hrs. – Coffee aroma is added – The concentrate is either • sprayed under high pressure through fine nozzles into a very high towers. As the liquid falls back it dries into powder which is tumbled with steam to form granules OR • Freeze dried - Coffee brew is dried into thin sheets which is often cut into granules. Temperature is then raised under vacuum. This will water is “boiled –off” without the coffee getting wet. There is no heat damage or loss of aroma • Roasting – reduces the moisture and bring out aromatic oils • Very sophisticated-computer control mechanism is involved • Varieties: variety of coffee, region it is grown, preparation method and roasting time
  • 22. Coffee Chemistry • Caffeine (1-2%) • Chlorogenic acid • Tannins (3-5%) • Sugars (15-17%) • Fatty oils (10 -15%) • Proteins (10 -15%)
  • 23. Substitutes • Chicory: Cichorium intybus – Bittter fleshy taproot are ground and roasted for use either alone or miced with coffee • Fig: Ficus carica – Roasted and ground, Austrian and Bavarian coffees are well known for this addition • Dandelion: Taraxacum officinale – Roots have stimulant and tonic but o caffeine
  • 25. Cocoa • Cocoa and chocolate are prepared from the seeds of the cocoa tree • A native of Mexico and found in South American rainforest • It was chief drink of the Aztecs and other native Americans • It was part of the diet of the plumed serpent God Quetzalcoatl. • Cocoa beans were used as currency by Aztecs • The use of cocoa by other than natives is of recent origin
  • 26. Cocoa • Theobroma cacao (meaning food of the Gods) • Family - Sterculeaceae • It is a small tree 15 – 25 ft, with numerous branches. The flowers and fruits re borne directly on the tree trunk. • Mature at 4 – 5yrs. It flowers throughout the year, so one gets several crops annually
  • 27. Cocoa • Source of cocoa is the seeds • The fruit is a large pod with mucilage pulp and 40 – 60 seeds • The pulp and seeds are scooped out of the fruit, cured and usually fermented – The seeds are piled in heaps in sweating boxes (houses or vats) for several days. – The beans become brownish, lose their bitter taste and develop aroma – They are then wasted and dried and polished to remove any dry pulp – The seeds are roasted in iron drums to develop flavor and increase the fat and protein content and lower tannins – The beans are passed under roller to remove the shells – The seeds are finally ground to an oily paste – the bitter chocolate • Sweet chocolate – by adding sugar and various spices • Milk chocolate – milk, sugar and other spices • Cocoa – 2/3rd fat is removed and the residue is powdered • The oil is cocoa butter
  • 28. Chemistry • Contains caffeine alkaloid called theobromine (1 -3%) – the stimulant • Caffeine (.2 – 3%) • It also has fat (35-40%) and starch (15%) • It also contain phenyl ethylamine, a natural amphetamine found in human brain, which induces feeling of euphoria • The level of this is claimed, decrease when one is in love-sick – explaining the craving of chocolate as a solace at such times • Also has reputation as an aphrodisiac and Casanova is said to prefer this as an inducement to romance
  • 30. Kola • Cola nitida (Sterculiaceae) • Native of west Africa • Seeds contain caffeine and kolanin – a cardiac stimulant • Coco-cola – has kola and cocoa; now cocoa leaf extract and caffeine is used
  • 32. Mate and guarana • Mate – Ilex paraguariensis – Leaves are used after drying over fire and crushed into coarse pieces – Traditionally drunk from a gourd. Has hot water and mate mixed, a straw is used. • Guarana – Paullinia cupana – Caffeine rich seeds are used. – Seeds are roasted and crushed with cassava flour into a paste that is formed into rods – A glass of guarana is made by scrapping the cylinder and mixing it with water