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Where do data come from? 
 Secondary data 
 Primary Data
Secondary data 
 Secondary data – data someone else has 
 Examples: 
 County health departments 
 Vital Statistics – birth, death certificates 
 Hospital, clinic, school nurse records 
 Private and foundation databases 
 City and county governments 
 Surveillance data from state government programs
Secondary data Limitation 
 When was it collected? For how long? 
 May be out of date for what you want to analyze. 
 May not have been collected long enough for 
detecting trends. 
 There may be missing information on some 
 May be Sample selection bias and source choice are 
 Proxy variables may not be appropriate.
Secondary data Advantages 
 It will save you money and time. 
 It may be very accurate. (Government data are 
funded by large resources)
Primary data 
 Primary data – data you collect 
 Both primary and secondary data have pros and 
 Primary data are collected by several method 
 Observation Method 
 Interview Method 
 Questionnaire 
 Schedules 
 Other methods such as warranty cards, projective 
techniques, consumer panel etc.,
Observation Method 
 The researcher goes in to place and observe the 
condition in their natural state. 
 For structured observation, the researcher specifies in detail 
what is to be observed and how the measurements are to be 
recorded, e.g., an auditor performing inventory analysis in a 
 In unstructured observation, the observer monitors all 
aspects of the phenomenon that seem relevant to the problem 
at hand, e.g., observing children playing with new toys.
Disguised vs Undisguised 
 In disguised observation, the respondents are 
unaware that they are being observed. Disguise 
may be accomplished by using one-way mirrors, 
hidden cameras, or inconspicuous mechanical 
devices. Observers may be disguised as 
shoppers or sales clerks. 
 In undisguised observation, the respondents 
are aware that they are under observation.
Observation Methods 
Observation Method
Personal Observation 
 A researcher observes actual behavior as it 
 The observer does not attempt to manipulate 
the phenomenon being observed but merely 
records what takes place. 
 For example, a researcher might record traffic 
counts and observe traffic flows in a 
department store.
Mechanical Observation 
Do not require respondents' direct participation. 
 turnstiles that record the number of people entering or 
leaving a building. 
 On-site cameras (still, motion picture, or video) 
 Optical scanners in supermarkets 
Do require respondent involvement. 
 eye-tracking monitors 
 voice pitch analyzers 
 devices measuring response latency
 The researcher collects data by examining 
physical records or performing inventory analysis. 
 Data are collected personally by the researcher. 
 The data are based upon counts, usually of 
physical objects. 
For Ex: 
 Number of Products dispatched from inventory 
 Number of undesired event happen in plant A
Content Analysis 
 Content analysis is the analysis of texts of various 
types including writing, images, recordings and 
cultural artifacts. The purpose of content analysis 
is to 
 Make inferences about the antecedents of a communication 
 Describe and make inferences about characteristics of a 
 Make inferences about the effects of a communication. 
 Ex: Search word in online (giving correct suggestion), in 
media content analysis by reporter
Trace Analysis 
Data collection is based on physical traces, or evidence, 
of past behavior. 
 The number of different fingerprints on a page was used to 
gauge the readership of various advertisements in a 
 The position of the radio dials in cars brought in for service 
was used to estimate share of listening audience of various 
radio stations. 
 The magazines people donated to charity were used to 
determine people's favorite magazines. 
 Internet visitors leave traces which can be analyzed to 
examine browsing and usage behavior by using cookies.
 The Interview schedule is referred to as a form filled in 
during a personal interview in which both the interviewers 
as well as the respondent are present. It contains a set of 
questions which are asked and then the columns are filled 
in by an interviewer in a face to face situation.
Types of Interviews 
 Structured and Unstructured interview 
 Focused interview 
 Clinical interview 
 Depth interview
Structured or Directive Interview 
 This is an interview made with a detailed 
standardized schedule. The same questions 
are put to all the respondents and in the same 
order. Each question is asked in the same way 
in each interviews. This type of interview is 
used for large-scale formalized surveys.
Unstructured or Non directive 
 The interviewer encourages the respondent to talk freely 
about a given topic with a minimum of prompting or 
guidance. In this type of interview, a detailed pre-planned 
schedule is not used. Only a broad interview guide is used. 
 The interviewer avoids channeling the interview directions. 
 This interviewing is more useful in case studies rather than 
in surveys.
Focused Interview 
 This is a semi-structured interview where the 
investigator attempts to focus the discussion on 
the actual effects of a given experience to which 
the respondents have been exposed. 
 The interview is focused on the subjective 
experiences of the respondent, i.e., his attitudes, 
and emotional responses regarding the situation 
under study.
Clinical interview 
 This is similar to the focused interview but with 
a subtle difference. 
 While the focused interview is concerned with 
the effects of a specific experience, clinical 
interview is concerned with broad underlying 
feelings or motivations or with the course of 
the individual's life experiences.
Depth interview 
 This is an intensive and searching interview 
aiming at studying the respondent's opinion, 
emotions or convictions on the basis of an 
interview guide. This is generally a lengthy 
procedure designed to encourage free 
expression of his/her feeling, emotion, his 
knowledge about particular area of study.
Advantages and Disadvantages of 
 The interview is more appropriate for complex situations. 
 It is useful for collecting in-depth information. 
 Information can be supplemented. 
 Questions can be explained. 
 Interviewing has a wider application 
 Interviewing is time consuming and expensive. 
 The quality of data depends upon the quality of the interviewer. 
 The quality of data may vary when may interviewers are used. 
 The researcher may introduce his/her bias.
 List of a research or survey questions asked to 
respondents, and designed to extract specific 
information from the respondents is called as 
Steps in Questionnaire 
 Preparation 
 Constructing the first draft 
 Self-evaluation 
 External evaluation 
 Revision 
 Pre-test or Pilot study 
 Revision 
 Second Pre-test if necessary 
 Preparing final Copy
Types of questions 
1.Factual questions 
Normally pertain to respondents ages, education, library experience, 
memberships in professional organizations, or any other pertinent personal data 
needed in the study. 
2. Opinion and Attitude Question 
When the purpose of a survey is to obtain information about respondents 
beliefs. feelings, values, and related concepts, opinion and attitude questions can 
be used 
3. Information question 
In some types of survey research, investigators might attempt to determine 
how respondents know about a given topic and how or when their research 
subjects gained certain knowledge
Types of questions 
4. Self perception question 
 These questions is about the self-perceptions of respondents in a 
given topic or area. 
5. Standard of action question 
 In some types of surveys, investigators might attempt to determine 
how respondents will act in certain circumstances or how subjects 
feel about a new development or forthcoming event. 
6. Projective questions 
 At times, questions are used that allow respondents to answer 
inquiries in an indirect manner by imposing their personal feelings, 
attitudes, or beliefs on another person or group of persons.
Unstructured and Structured 
Questions can also be classified, on the basis of 
form and method of response, into two major 
categories: Unstructured and structured. 
 Unstructured Question: 
 allow respondents to reply freely without having to select 
one of several provided responses 
 Structured Question 
 It specifies the respondents answer in a several provided 
options in a question.
Way of Administering 
 Collective Administration - One of the best way of 
administering a questionnaire is to obtain a captive audience 
such as students in classroom, people attending a function. 
 Administration in a public places - Sometimes you can 
administer a questionnaire in a public place such as a 
shopping Center, health center, hospital, school or pub, it is 
dependent upon the type of study population . 
 The mailed questionnaire - The most common approach to 
collecting information is to send the questionnaire to 
prospective respondents by mail.
Schedule Method 
 Incase informants are largely uneducated and 
data cannot be collected by the mailed 
questionnaire method. 
 Questionnaires are sent through the 
enumerators to collect information. (Schedule 
 Enumerator explains the scope and objective 
to respondent and get the data whatever you 
Other Method if data collection 
 Warranty cards: To collect information regarding their products 
from customer. 
 Distributor or store audits: Distributors get the retail stores 
audited through salesmen and use such information to estimate 
market size, market share, seasonal purchasing pattern 
 Projective techniques: Projective techniques (or what are 
sometimes called as indirect interviewing techniques) for the 
collection of data have been developed by psychologists to use 
projections of respondents for inferring about underlying motives, 
urges, or intentions which are such that the respondent either 
resists to reveal them or is unable to figure out himself. (e.g. 
sentence completion, story completion and pictorial representation 
test etc)
 Nature, scope and object of study (Most 
 Availability of fund. 
 Time factor. 
 Precision required.

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Method of data collection

  • 2. Where do data come from?  Secondary data  Primary Data
  • 3. Secondary data  Secondary data – data someone else has collected  Examples:  County health departments  Vital Statistics – birth, death certificates  Hospital, clinic, school nurse records  Private and foundation databases  City and county governments  Surveillance data from state government programs
  • 4. Secondary data Limitation  When was it collected? For how long?  May be out of date for what you want to analyze.  May not have been collected long enough for detecting trends.  There may be missing information on some observations.  May be Sample selection bias and source choice are bias.  Proxy variables may not be appropriate.
  • 5. Secondary data Advantages  It will save you money and time.  It may be very accurate. (Government data are funded by large resources)
  • 6. Primary data  Primary data – data you collect  Both primary and secondary data have pros and cons.  Primary data are collected by several method  Observation Method  Interview Method  Questionnaire  Schedules  Other methods such as warranty cards, projective techniques, consumer panel etc.,
  • 7. Observation Method  The researcher goes in to place and observe the condition in their natural state.  For structured observation, the researcher specifies in detail what is to be observed and how the measurements are to be recorded, e.g., an auditor performing inventory analysis in a store.  In unstructured observation, the observer monitors all aspects of the phenomenon that seem relevant to the problem at hand, e.g., observing children playing with new toys.
  • 8. Disguised vs Undisguised Observation  In disguised observation, the respondents are unaware that they are being observed. Disguise may be accomplished by using one-way mirrors, hidden cameras, or inconspicuous mechanical devices. Observers may be disguised as shoppers or sales clerks.  In undisguised observation, the respondents are aware that they are under observation.
  • 9. Observation Methods Personal Observation Mechanical Observation Trace Analysis Content Analysis Audit Observation Method
  • 10. Personal Observation  A researcher observes actual behavior as it occurs.  The observer does not attempt to manipulate the phenomenon being observed but merely records what takes place.  For example, a researcher might record traffic counts and observe traffic flows in a department store.
  • 11. Mechanical Observation Do not require respondents' direct participation.  turnstiles that record the number of people entering or leaving a building.  On-site cameras (still, motion picture, or video)  Optical scanners in supermarkets Do require respondent involvement.  eye-tracking monitors  voice pitch analyzers  devices measuring response latency
  • 12. Audit  The researcher collects data by examining physical records or performing inventory analysis.  Data are collected personally by the researcher.  The data are based upon counts, usually of physical objects. For Ex:  Number of Products dispatched from inventory  Number of undesired event happen in plant A
  • 13. Content Analysis  Content analysis is the analysis of texts of various types including writing, images, recordings and cultural artifacts. The purpose of content analysis is to  Make inferences about the antecedents of a communication  Describe and make inferences about characteristics of a communication  Make inferences about the effects of a communication.  Ex: Search word in online (giving correct suggestion), in media content analysis by reporter
  • 14. Trace Analysis Data collection is based on physical traces, or evidence, of past behavior. Examples:  The number of different fingerprints on a page was used to gauge the readership of various advertisements in a magazine.  The position of the radio dials in cars brought in for service was used to estimate share of listening audience of various radio stations.  The magazines people donated to charity were used to determine people's favorite magazines.  Internet visitors leave traces which can be analyzed to examine browsing and usage behavior by using cookies.
  • 15. Interview  The Interview schedule is referred to as a form filled in during a personal interview in which both the interviewers as well as the respondent are present. It contains a set of questions which are asked and then the columns are filled in by an interviewer in a face to face situation.
  • 16. Types of Interviews  Structured and Unstructured interview  Focused interview  Clinical interview  Depth interview
  • 17. Structured or Directive Interview  This is an interview made with a detailed standardized schedule. The same questions are put to all the respondents and in the same order. Each question is asked in the same way in each interviews. This type of interview is used for large-scale formalized surveys.
  • 18. Unstructured or Non directive interview  The interviewer encourages the respondent to talk freely about a given topic with a minimum of prompting or guidance. In this type of interview, a detailed pre-planned schedule is not used. Only a broad interview guide is used.  The interviewer avoids channeling the interview directions.  This interviewing is more useful in case studies rather than in surveys.
  • 19. Focused Interview  This is a semi-structured interview where the investigator attempts to focus the discussion on the actual effects of a given experience to which the respondents have been exposed.  The interview is focused on the subjective experiences of the respondent, i.e., his attitudes, and emotional responses regarding the situation under study.
  • 20. Clinical interview  This is similar to the focused interview but with a subtle difference.  While the focused interview is concerned with the effects of a specific experience, clinical interview is concerned with broad underlying feelings or motivations or with the course of the individual's life experiences.
  • 21. Depth interview  This is an intensive and searching interview aiming at studying the respondent's opinion, emotions or convictions on the basis of an interview guide. This is generally a lengthy procedure designed to encourage free expression of his/her feeling, emotion, his knowledge about particular area of study.
  • 22. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interview Advantages:  The interview is more appropriate for complex situations.  It is useful for collecting in-depth information.  Information can be supplemented.  Questions can be explained.  Interviewing has a wider application Disadvantages:  Interviewing is time consuming and expensive.  The quality of data depends upon the quality of the interviewer.  The quality of data may vary when may interviewers are used.  The researcher may introduce his/her bias.
  • 23. Questionnaire  List of a research or survey questions asked to respondents, and designed to extract specific information from the respondents is called as Questionnaire.
  • 24. Steps in Questionnaire Construction  Preparation  Constructing the first draft  Self-evaluation  External evaluation  Revision  Pre-test or Pilot study  Revision  Second Pre-test if necessary  Preparing final Copy
  • 25. Types of questions 1.Factual questions Normally pertain to respondents ages, education, library experience, memberships in professional organizations, or any other pertinent personal data needed in the study. 2. Opinion and Attitude Question When the purpose of a survey is to obtain information about respondents beliefs. feelings, values, and related concepts, opinion and attitude questions can be used 3. Information question In some types of survey research, investigators might attempt to determine how respondents know about a given topic and how or when their research subjects gained certain knowledge
  • 26. Types of questions 4. Self perception question  These questions is about the self-perceptions of respondents in a given topic or area. 5. Standard of action question  In some types of surveys, investigators might attempt to determine how respondents will act in certain circumstances or how subjects feel about a new development or forthcoming event. 6. Projective questions  At times, questions are used that allow respondents to answer inquiries in an indirect manner by imposing their personal feelings, attitudes, or beliefs on another person or group of persons.
  • 27. Unstructured and Structured question Questions can also be classified, on the basis of form and method of response, into two major categories: Unstructured and structured.  Unstructured Question:  allow respondents to reply freely without having to select one of several provided responses  Structured Question  It specifies the respondents answer in a several provided options in a question.
  • 28. Way of Administering Questionnaire  Collective Administration - One of the best way of administering a questionnaire is to obtain a captive audience such as students in classroom, people attending a function.  Administration in a public places - Sometimes you can administer a questionnaire in a public place such as a shopping Center, health center, hospital, school or pub, it is dependent upon the type of study population .  The mailed questionnaire - The most common approach to collecting information is to send the questionnaire to prospective respondents by mail.
  • 29. Schedule Method  Incase informants are largely uneducated and data cannot be collected by the mailed questionnaire method.  Questionnaires are sent through the enumerators to collect information. (Schedule Method)  Enumerator explains the scope and objective to respondent and get the data whatever you want.
  • 30. Other Method if data collection  Warranty cards: To collect information regarding their products from customer.  Distributor or store audits: Distributors get the retail stores audited through salesmen and use such information to estimate market size, market share, seasonal purchasing pattern (Observation).  Projective techniques: Projective techniques (or what are sometimes called as indirect interviewing techniques) for the collection of data have been developed by psychologists to use projections of respondents for inferring about underlying motives, urges, or intentions which are such that the respondent either resists to reveal them or is unable to figure out himself. (e.g. sentence completion, story completion and pictorial representation test etc)
  • 31. SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE METHOD FOR DATA COLLECTION  Nature, scope and object of study (Most important).  Availability of fund.  Time factor.  Precision required.