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Peter Fasano
Global Consulting Principal,
Digital Strategy
Ritesh Patel
EVP, Chief Digital Officer
Ogilvy CommonHealth
Marketing in the Age of
Person-centric Healthcare
It all started with this
For which we fielded a
•  Econsultancy fielded an online survey in September of 2015
•  The survey closed on September 16th with a total of 150 qualified respondents.
•  The sample reflects a range of industries within healthcare.
•  Pharmaceuticals, medical devices and direct healthcare providers comprise the largest
•  The study was aimed at midmarket to large organizations.
•  The highest concentrations of respondents were at companies with over $1.5B, at 43%.
•  All respondents were at manager level or above, with 27% in senior management.
•  Over 90% of responses originated in North America or Western Europe/UK.
Some interesting
Healthcare lags
We are leading the way
and are part of the digital
disruption in our sector
We are fast followers We are threatened by
disruptive forces in our
We don’t see much
change in our sector
Thinking about how digital technology has disrupted your
industry, which statement best describes your
organization today?
Healthcare All Sectors (8/2014)
Healthcare moves at its own pace, even in the
digital realm. Respondents are significantly
more likely to report “no change” than their
peers from other sectors (14% vs 4%).
But for the majority that are under pressure to
evolve, more than one-third describe
themselves as “threatened by disruptive
Where these companies fall on the spectrum
may well be a function of their relative
distance from the end consumer. Parts of
healthcare are uniquely insulated from some
aspects of the new, customer-centric physics
of today, at least for now.
But throughout these findings we’ll see that
gap narrowing, thanks both to external forces
and internal efforts.
What will force innovation ?
Which of these do you think will have the most impact on healthcare
marketing in the next 24 months?
Figure 2 says two things very clearly. First, that
there are multiple stimuli encouraging
healthcare and healthcare marketing. Second, no
one trend dominates - there’s significant variation
within the sector.
Changing patient behavior is the best friend of
the digital marketer trying to drive innovation and
transformation. While it’s not an acute issue, it’s
pervasive and chronic, with three-fourths of
organizations citing its effects.
Some issues are of particular interest to one part of
the industry, but not another. The most striking
example is the shift to outcome-based payments,
which is only cited by 30% of respondents but is
the top issue for two-thirds of them, likely direct
HCPs .
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
The shift to outcome-based payments
The growth of connected devices including wearables
Rise of social media and peer contribution in the
decision making process for patients and HCPs
The availability of new sources of data about patient
behavior and treatment efficacy
The rise of the digital healthcare provider / changing
use of information sources for deciding on approaches
Changing patient behavior: use of mobile, using 3rd
party medical information, online research, etc.
First choice Second choice Third choice
Data is the next frontier
Figure 3 suggests that Healthcare is no
stranger to data, but using it quickly and
flexibly is a challenge.
Two-thirds of respondents say that they’re
unprepared to extract insights from
emerging data sources and another 44% are
no more comfortable with existing data
The industry’s strength is with volume. The
majority of companies say they’re well
prepared to deal with high data volumes.
So what does this
mean for Healthcare
Marketing in a
person-centric world
Make your Content
Content should be Searchable, Findable, Spreadable, Reusable and Mashable
1 in 20 searches are healthcare related
Patient Communities
Are Thriving
We are increasingly creating niches of “Likeminded” people gathering in online places
–  Seeking advice from each other
–  Helping each other
–  Sharing experiences
Because they enable
connections and defy
Because of Online Health Communities, patients are no longer limited to
those in their immediate contact, they have access to others around the globe
with whom they can share experiences, fears, inspiration and information.
Understand and
Support Them Across
the Patient Journey
Diagnostic /
Treatment Support &
Support, Day to Day
Access to life saving
treatments &
medication support
Real World
•  The Most Proactive
–  The most likely to seek out options for all aspects of the patient journey – treatment, how to
manage insurance challenges, how to find the best doctors
•  The Most Vocal
–  The most likely to talk with their doctor about treatment and challenge their doctor if they don’t
feel their treatment is working
•  The Most Influential
–  The most likely to share their
experiences with others
Why Patient
Communities Should
Matter to Pharma
•  These are the patients that are the most proactive, vocal and influential in
finding solutions and the best treatment
A Few are
Unique Community Visitors Per
Month on MedHelp.org
•  Women’s Health – 1,700,000
•  Dermatology – 1,525,000
•  Mental Health - 483,352
•  Cancer - 282,562
•  Allergy - 233,584
•  Respiratory – 192,193
•  Hepatitis C – 94,000
•  Migraine & Headache – 99,000
Engaging with
Patient Opinion
Be Involved in the
Understand the Impact the Patient Voice Has for Your Therapeutic Areas
and Become Active in the Conversation
Data and Healthcare
Steve Jobs"
I think the biggest innovations of the twenty-
first century will be the intersection of biology
and technology. A new era is beginning."
One profile architected
for delivering
and maximizing
Health Profile"
Frictionless Insights"
Patient Scheduling"
RealAge Test"
Dynamic Profile"
Prescription Apps"
Brain Health"
ShareCare Health
Data-driven Dialogue"Health Profile"
5B !
Health data facts"
Dynamically delivered
based upon users’
interests and health
needs with topics
ranging from A-Z "
Consumer Driven Data"
62.1M"total number of "
“opted-in” users"
950K+"new members added
each month"
A Day in the Life"
Jennifer Cooper!
Nashville, TN - Diabetes Patient"
RealAge 46.8 (3.6 years older)"
7am" 11pm"Noon"
Wake up:!
8 hours
Bad traffic
during rush
Conference Call"
healthy meal"
Take daily
vitamin D pill"
Intense meeting"
Phone call with
your spouse"
Extended period
of sitting"
Conference call"
Personal call with
college friend"
Listened to
happy music"
5 mile run"
phone call"
High blood
Watson Health: A Cognitive System
Reads and Sees
Watson can read and
understand millions of
images & documents.
• Medical Texts
• Evidence-Based Guidelines
• Peer-reviewed Articles
• Clinical records
• Medical Image Data
Generates and Evaluates
• Watson searches, extracts candidate
recommendations scores and ranks decisions
Learns and Adapts
• Decisions being made by
leading Physicians feed the
Interacts & Engages
• Understands and engages me
• Learns and improves over time
• Helps me discover
• Establishes trust
• Has endless capacity for insight
• Operates in a timely fashion
Enhance, scale, and accelerate expertise across the domains of
health and wellness, and facilitate collaboration across the
communities of care
Population Health
Specific Care
and Wellness
Real World
Home Health
Public Health
Medical Devices
and Diagnostics
Population Health
Identify care gaps and
deliver timely,
coordinated care
Ensure that care
approaches address
individuals' social context
Real World
Uncover health
interventions to inform
care approaches
Specific Care
Apply best care protocols
to manage chronic
and Wellness
Empower individuals to
live healthier, more
productive lives
Accelerate research
and improve
Med device
Lab &
Clinical Genomic
Payments &
Terminology &
Patient cohorts Disease progression
Adverse events Drug efficacy Comparative effectiveness
Pricing models
Provider segmentation
Sales deploymentMarketing effectivenessOff-label use
Site Selection
Insights as a service delivered by Watson Health platform
Data and Knowledge Ingested by Watson health Platform
•  Content
–  Searchable
–  Findable
–  Shareable
•  Patients
–  Communities
–  Opinion leaders
•  Data
–  Mobile
–  EHR
–  Artificial Intelligence
To check out the
conversation from the
Ritesh Patel
EVP, Chief Digital Officer
Ogilvy CommonHealth
Peter Fasano
Global Consulting Principal,
Digital Strategy

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Marketing in the Age of Person-centric Healthcare

  • 1. Thanks for joining us today! The Webinar will begin shortly…
  • 2. Hello! Peter Fasano Global Consulting Principal, Digital Strategy OgilvyRED @PFasano Ritesh Patel EVP, Chief Digital Officer Ogilvy CommonHealth @ritters90
  • 3. Marketing in the Age of Person-centric Healthcare
  • 4. 4 It all started with this
  • 5. 5 For which we fielded a survey Methodology: •  Econsultancy fielded an online survey in September of 2015 •  The survey closed on September 16th with a total of 150 qualified respondents. •  The sample reflects a range of industries within healthcare. •  Pharmaceuticals, medical devices and direct healthcare providers comprise the largest subgroups. •  The study was aimed at midmarket to large organizations. •  The highest concentrations of respondents were at companies with over $1.5B, at 43%. •  All respondents were at manager level or above, with 27% in senior management. •  Over 90% of responses originated in North America or Western Europe/UK.
  • 7. 7 Healthcare lags 21% 31% 34% 14% 19% 41% 36% 4% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% We are leading the way and are part of the digital disruption in our sector We are fast followers We are threatened by disruptive forces in our industry We don’t see much change in our sector Thinking about how digital technology has disrupted your industry, which statement best describes your organization today? Healthcare All Sectors (8/2014) Healthcare moves at its own pace, even in the digital realm. Respondents are significantly more likely to report “no change” than their peers from other sectors (14% vs 4%). But for the majority that are under pressure to evolve, more than one-third describe themselves as “threatened by disruptive forces.” Where these companies fall on the spectrum may well be a function of their relative distance from the end consumer. Parts of healthcare are uniquely insulated from some aspects of the new, customer-centric physics of today, at least for now. But throughout these findings we’ll see that gap narrowing, thanks both to external forces and internal efforts.
  • 8. 8 What will force innovation ? Which of these do you think will have the most impact on healthcare marketing in the next 24 months? Figure 2 says two things very clearly. First, that there are multiple stimuli encouraging healthcare and healthcare marketing. Second, no one trend dominates - there’s significant variation within the sector. Changing patient behavior is the best friend of the digital marketer trying to drive innovation and transformation. While it’s not an acute issue, it’s pervasive and chronic, with three-fourths of organizations citing its effects. Some issues are of particular interest to one part of the industry, but not another. The most striking example is the shift to outcome-based payments, which is only cited by 30% of respondents but is the top issue for two-thirds of them, likely direct HCPs . 21% 17% 12% 12% 26% 13% 5% 10% 14% 21% 14% 35% 4% 8% 14% 19% 18% 27% 30% 35% 40% 52% 58% 75% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% The shift to outcome-based payments The growth of connected devices including wearables Rise of social media and peer contribution in the decision making process for patients and HCPs The availability of new sources of data about patient behavior and treatment efficacy The rise of the digital healthcare provider / changing use of information sources for deciding on approaches Changing patient behavior: use of mobile, using 3rd party medical information, online research, etc. First choice Second choice Third choice
  • 9. 9 Data is the next frontier 9%   10%   12%   17%   23%   28%   22%   32%   36%   43%   47%   50%   50%   40%   30%   17%   18%   6%   8%   5%   0%   20%   40%   60%   80%   100%   Developing  policies  in  line  with  privacy  regula?on  for   gathering,  permissioning  and  using  it  correctly   Collec?ng/managing  very  high  volumes  of  data  securely   Developing  pa?ent  insight  from  exis?ng  data  sources  (CRM,   medical  databases,  etc.)  and  integra?ng  into  marke?ng   programs   Collec?ng/managing  very  high  volumes  of  data  quickly   Developing  pa?ent  insight  from  emerging  data  sources  (ie   wearables,  etc.)  and  integra?ng  into  marke?ng  programs   Thinking  about  pa?ent  data,  how  prepared  is  your   organiza?on  in  the  following?   Very  unprepared   Unprepared   Somewhat  prepared   Very  prepared   Figure 3 suggests that Healthcare is no stranger to data, but using it quickly and flexibly is a challenge. Two-thirds of respondents say that they’re unprepared to extract insights from emerging data sources and another 44% are no more comfortable with existing data sources. The industry’s strength is with volume. The majority of companies say they’re well prepared to deal with high data volumes.
  • 10. So what does this mean for Healthcare Marketing in a person-centric world
  • 11. 11 Make your Content Searchable Content should be Searchable, Findable, Spreadable, Reusable and Mashable
  • 12. 12 1 in 20 searches are healthcare related
  • 13. 13 70%   SYMPTOMATI C   To  figure  out  what  condi?on  they  might  have   before  seeing  a  doctor     52%   PRE-­‐ APPOINTMENT   To  understand  what  to  discuss  with  a  doctor     84%   POST-­‐DOC   To  learn  about  treatment  op?ons  a^er   receiving  an  ini?al  diagnosis     61%   CONSIDERATION   To  learn  about  Rx  treatment  choices  and  side   effects     64%   SWITCHING   To  research  alterna?ve    treatment  side  effects   online  when  thinking  about  switching  a  Rx   treatment     Pa?ents  turn  to  search  throughout  their  journey   source:      Manhaean  Research,  Google  Consumer  Study  2015  among  online  pa?ents    
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15 Patient Communities Are Thriving We are increasingly creating niches of “Likeminded” people gathering in online places –  Seeking advice from each other –  Helping each other –  Sharing experiences 15
  • 16. 16 Because they enable connections and defy Isolation Because of Online Health Communities, patients are no longer limited to those in their immediate contact, they have access to others around the globe with whom they can share experiences, fears, inspiration and information.
  • 17. 17 Understand and Support Them Across the Patient Journey MD & CARE TEAM Diagnostic / Treatment Support & Information FAMILY & FRIENDS Support, Day to Day Care PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES Access to life saving treatments & medication support OTHER PATIENTS Empathy Information Real World Experience
  • 18. 18 •  The Most Proactive –  The most likely to seek out options for all aspects of the patient journey – treatment, how to manage insurance challenges, how to find the best doctors •  The Most Vocal –  The most likely to talk with their doctor about treatment and challenge their doctor if they don’t feel their treatment is working •  The Most Influential –  The most likely to share their experiences with others Why Patient Communities Should Matter to Pharma •  These are the patients that are the most proactive, vocal and influential in finding solutions and the best treatment
  • 19. 19 A Few are Influencing Thousands 10% 20% 70% Unique Community Visitors Per Month on MedHelp.org •  Women’s Health – 1,700,000 •  Dermatology – 1,525,000 •  Mental Health - 483,352 •  Cancer - 282,562 •  Allergy - 233,584 •  Respiratory – 192,193 •  Hepatitis C – 94,000 •  Migraine & Headache – 99,000
  • 21. 21 Be Involved in the Conversation Understand the Impact the Patient Voice Has for Your Therapeutic Areas and Become Active in the Conversation
  • 23. 23 Steve Jobs" “" ”" I think the biggest innovations of the twenty- first century will be the intersection of biology and technology. A new era is beginning."
  • 26. 26 One profile architected for delivering ultrapersonalization and maximizing interoperability! Health Profile"
  • 27. 27 Frictionless Insights" Patient-Provider Connection" Transparency" Telehealth" Patient Scheduling" AskMD" Health! Trackers! RealAge Test" Programs" Email Engagement" Dynamic Profile" Personalized Content" Medical Records" Prescription Apps" Brain Health" ShareCare Health Profile
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29 Data-driven Dialogue"Health Profile" 5B ! Health data facts" Dynamically delivered based upon users’ interests and health needs with topics ranging from A-Z "
  • 30. 30 Consumer Driven Data" 62.1M"total number of " “opted-in” users" 950K+"new members added each month" HEARTBURN/" DIGESTION" 10.3M! HIGH CHOLESTEROL" 6.1M! BACK PAIN" 5.7M! DIABETES" 5.6M! ASTHMA" 4.9M! CHRONIC PAIN" 2.4M!
  • 31. 31 A Day in the Life" Jennifer Cooper! Nashville, TN - Diabetes Patient" RealAge 46.8 (3.6 years older)" 7am" 11pm"Noon" Wake up:! 8 hours sleep! Early bedtime" Missed breakfast" Bad traffic during rush hour" Productive Conference Call" Healthy snack" Daily weigh-in" Unhealthy lunch" Moderately healthy meal" Take daily vitamin D pill" Stressful/ Intense meeting" Stressful Conference Call" Unhealthy snack" Phone call with your spouse" Social discussion" Extended period of sitting" Stressful Conference call" Personal call with college friend" Listened to happy music" 5 mile run" Uneasy phone call" Positive meeting" High blood pressure reading"
  • 32. 32 Watson Health: A Cognitive System Reads and Sees Watson can read and understand millions of images & documents. • Medical Texts • Evidence-Based Guidelines • Peer-reviewed Articles • Clinical records • Medical Image Data Generates and Evaluates • Watson searches, extracts candidate recommendations scores and ranks decisions Learns and Adapts • Decisions being made by leading Physicians feed the engine Interacts & Engages • Understands and engages me • Learns and improves over time • Helps me discover • Establishes trust • Has endless capacity for insight • Operates in a timely fashion Enhance, scale, and accelerate expertise across the domains of health and wellness, and facilitate collaboration across the communities of care
  • 33. 33 Solutions Population Health Management Condition Specific Care Health and Wellness Social Programs Discovery Solutions Real World Evidence Individual Social Programs Education Governments Home Health Agencies Practitioners Hospitals Therapists Health Plans Family Public Health Medical Devices and Diagnostics Bio-Pharma Employers Payers Data Insights
  • 34. 34 Population Health Management Identify care gaps and deliver timely, coordinated care Social Programs Ensure that care approaches address individuals' social context Real World Evidence Uncover health interventions to inform care approaches Condition Specific Care Apply best care protocols to manage chronic conditions Health and Wellness Empower individuals to live healthier, more productive lives Discovery Solutions Accelerate research and improve treatments ... Exogenous data Med device Lab & diag. Clinical Genomic Payments & Claims ... Terminology & taxonomy Published texts Scientific journals Medical guidelines Patient cohorts Disease progression Risk Factors Population Analytics Adverse events Drug efficacy Comparative effectiveness Pricing models Provider segmentation Sales deploymentMarketing effectivenessOff-label use Patient-trial Matching Site Selection Insights as a service delivered by Watson Health platform Data and Knowledge Ingested by Watson health Platform
  • 35. 35 •  Content –  Searchable –  Findable –  Shareable •  Patients –  Communities –  Opinion leaders •  Data –  Mobile –  EHR –  Artificial Intelligence Summary
  • 36. 36 To check out the conversation from the summit http://bit.ly/1Pvjx3F
  • 37. Questions? Ritesh Patel EVP, Chief Digital Officer Ogilvy CommonHealth @ritters90 Peter Fasano Global Consulting Principal, Digital Strategy OgilvyRED @PFasano