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Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 2012
What is Web 2.0 ?

What is web 2.0?

            search button of windows 7 and search for
            ―snipping tool‖

You Tube for education is a safe place
for students to watch thousands of
educational videos without
inappropriate content. PBS, National
Geographic, TED lectures, and Khan
Academy videos can all be found on
Khan Academy

                                             Khan Academy
What an incredible set of resources, coupled with exercises for our students – or anybody for that
matter. The premise is that anyone can call up for FREE, short, bite-sized videos to learn something —
anything — from their catalog.

Some K12 teachers are actually flipping their learning.
Instead of lecturing to their students during the day and giving problems for homework, they are having
students watch the Khan Academy videos for homework, then having students practice in class, with the
teacher there for support. Students can watch and reply those parts they don‘t understand, then get real
support from their real teacher at school. It‘s a no-brainer! www.edweek.org

Khan Academy gets it. Many of our students are quick to utilize video for learning. They can play it back
without having to ‗ask to have that part explained again.‘ They can take it anywhere and learn any time –
at their convenience.

                        All of the videos from Khan Academy are mapped to Common Core standards.
Have you ever wished your job allowed
you to wander the halls and peek into
other teacher‘s classrooms … be that
proverbial fly on the wall?
While some lucky teachers may be able
to do this, most of us do not have this
opportunity. Enter … The Teaching
The Teaching Channel records real
teachers in action in their classroom.
Sometimes the teacher then meets with a
mentor or expert to process teaching
strategies and learning. It is a great way
to get new ideas and learn from each

ZAMZAR is free to use and requires no sign-up.
                                Take a look at:
 I have found this the best place to convert files from one format to another
(e.g. wmv to mp3) and especially during those time when you want to make
   sure that your youtube video is available for your classroom instruction .
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 2012
It is a free tool that inspires you on the topics you
feel passionate about so that you can highlight and
                 share the best content.

                            How can you use this in the classroom?
1. One idea is a to use Scoop.it! as a way of
   curating sources of information and
   posing questions for students to hunt for
   the answers from the links.
2. If you require students to gather articles
   or current events, or research current
   topics, then Scoop.it is a tool that can
   help them do that.

Glogster EDU –Create interactive posters for
instruction or to incorporate in lesson projects for
students to create.

•Highly interactive
•Simple interface
•Upload photos, video,   audio, text and add links


DROPBOX Offers secure, free cloud storage.
An effective file synchronization tool.

See it an action at the workshop!

    • How can you use it (personal and professiona use)?
    • How are teachers using dropbox?
PINTEREST is a place where one can
organize all things interesting, and connect
with others (for FREE!) who share similar

Are you looking for ideas surrounding
Organization? Classroom Design? Teaching
Posters? Literacy Activities? Thematic
Inspiration? Website Resources?

So, request an invite (yes, you need to be
invited to join Pinterest) and then start
pinning! See you on the boards!!

Don‘t forget to cite your sources! There are several online
             tools that make creating your works cited and
bibliographies super easy. Bibme is nice though, because
in addition to being free, it offers MLA as well as APA and
     Chicago styles, useful for high school students taking
     psychology or those dual-enrolled in college courses.

PHOTOSYNTH - Photosynth is a powerful set of
tools for capturing and viewing the world in 3D.
You can take photos in a 360 degree turn and
experience a panoramic view. This is wonderful
for school outings or just to capture the fullness
of a scene. Within the Photosynth website there
is a gallery of Photosynths, with examples such
as Big Ben, the roman colleseum, grand canyon,
fenway park etc.
AUTOCOLLAGE and PhotoStory

   Microsoft OneNote 2010 is a digital notebook that allows you
    to gather and organize text, pictures, digital handwriting,
    audio and video recordings, and more — all in one digital
    notebook on your computer.
   OneNote can help you become more productive by keeping
    the information you need at your fingertips and reducing time
    spent searching for information across e-mail messages,
    paper notebooks, file...

   See Mrs. Wernig‘s OneNote
   Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge
    engine that gathers data on just about
    anything you‘d ever want to know and
    computes results for you. You can look up
    everything from complex math equations, to
    historical or socioeconomic data, to sports
    statistics or paint colors. It‘s an incredibly
    useful tool and one I‘m always surprised
    people don‘t know about (or don‘t use because
    they think it‘s only for math. It‘s not!).
   Take the Tour:
   http://www.wolframalpha.com/tour/what-is-wolframalpha.html
Animoto is a web application
that produces videos from
photos, video clips and music.
Animoto analyzes the
provided photos, video clips
and music to generate a
Most of my students use Audacity (free
software download) but Vocaroo is a
wonderful alternative to creating podcasts.
There is nothing to download, install,
subscribe to, just click record, then ‖click
to stop‖ and you are done!

The second step is to cut and paste the
URL of the file and send it to your students
(or teachers).

You can have students create podcasts for
your class without having to provide digital
players or engage in students‘ training.

    Students studying history or those who
    learn better visually, may like Time Toast, a
    tool for creating interactive printable
    timelines. It‘s free and all your students
    need is an email address.

   Tiki Toki is another similar timeline creator.
    Though flashier and incorporating video, it
    limits free accounts to one timeline.
    Whenintime.com is another one
Google Docs offers an online word
processor, spreadsheet and
presentation editor that enables
you and your students to create,
store and share instantly and
securely. There's no software to
download, and all your work is
stored safely online and can be
accessed from any computer.

This site features text to speech with a
variety of voices. This site allows
a teacher to download papers and exams
into Read the Words. This site can also
read many documents such as websites,
publisher, and word.
Students can use this website to have any
text read to them and it is very easy to
learn to use.


How to Use ReadtheWords YouTube video
A Ning can be a great classroom website
and communication tool. For an online
class, it can create the social aspect that is
so important to in online learning.

The Ning can be used to great different
groups, foster online collaboration,
increase student online discussion skills
and more!

Check out Heidi Haynes Jacobs if you are interested in
curriculum development and the common core there are
groups here for you to join. Curriculum 21
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 2012
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers 2012

Interesting ways to use Wordle in the classroom:
Getting F.I.T.
      Some Honorable Mentions
   Gooru (Beta) -2600 Digital Notebooks for learning
   Explania – free animated explanations
   GoAnimate –Create your own animated explanations
   Xtranormal – Animation creation
   Slideshare -Access your presentations online
   Delicious – Social Bookmarking site (Yahool)
   Google Earth –maps and satelitte imagery views of the Earth
   Skype – connect and collaborate globally (videoconference)
   Quizlet - create Online quizzes and flashcards
   Scribd – Share original documents online
   Open Office – open source (Microsoft Office) suite
   Poll Daddy – create online Poll, surveys and quizzes
   Flickr – favorite photo storing and management tool

   http://pinterest.com/ginrew/free-tools-for-

                                   Thank you. Liz Wernig

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  • 2. What is Web 2.0 ? What is web 2.0?
  • 4. THE AMAZING SNIPPING TOOL search button of windows 7 and search for ―snipping tool‖
  • 5. Youtube.com/education You Tube for education is a safe place for students to watch thousands of educational videos without inappropriate content. PBS, National Geographic, TED lectures, and Khan Academy videos can all be found on YoutubeEDU.
  • 6. Khan Academy Khan Academy What an incredible set of resources, coupled with exercises for our students – or anybody for that matter. The premise is that anyone can call up for FREE, short, bite-sized videos to learn something — anything — from their catalog. Some K12 teachers are actually flipping their learning. Instead of lecturing to their students during the day and giving problems for homework, they are having students watch the Khan Academy videos for homework, then having students practice in class, with the teacher there for support. Students can watch and reply those parts they don‘t understand, then get real support from their real teacher at school. It‘s a no-brainer! www.edweek.org Khan Academy gets it. Many of our students are quick to utilize video for learning. They can play it back without having to ‗ask to have that part explained again.‘ They can take it anywhere and learn any time – at their convenience. All of the videos from Khan Academy are mapped to Common Core standards.
  • 7. Have you ever wished your job allowed you to wander the halls and peek into other teacher‘s classrooms … be that proverbial fly on the wall? While some lucky teachers may be able to do this, most of us do not have this opportunity. Enter … The Teaching Channel. The Teaching Channel records real teachers in action in their classroom. Sometimes the teacher then meets with a mentor or expert to process teaching strategies and learning. It is a great way to get new ideas and learn from each other! (MassachusettsDiscoveryDenBlog)
  • 8. ZAMZAR is free to use and requires no sign-up. Take a look at: http://www.zamzar.com I have found this the best place to convert files from one format to another (e.g. wmv to mp3) and especially during those time when you want to make sure that your youtube video is available for your classroom instruction .
  • 10. It is a free tool that inspires you on the topics you feel passionate about so that you can highlight and share the best content. How can you use this in the classroom? 1. One idea is a to use Scoop.it! as a way of curating sources of information and posing questions for students to hunt for the answers from the links. 2. If you require students to gather articles or current events, or research current topics, then Scoop.it is a tool that can help them do that. http://www.scoop.it/t/getting-f-i-t-free-internet- tools-for-teachers
  • 11. Glogster EDU –Create interactive posters for instruction or to incorporate in lesson projects for students to create. •Highly interactive •Simple interface •Upload photos, video, audio, text and add links http://lwernig.edu.glogster.com/workshop/ http://ncarroll.edu.glogster.com/iditarod
  • 12. DROPBOX Offers secure, free cloud storage. An effective file synchronization tool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFb0NaeRmdg See it an action at the workshop! • How can you use it (personal and professiona use)? • How are teachers using dropbox?
  • 13. PINTEREST is a place where one can organize all things interesting, and connect with others (for FREE!) who share similar passions. Are you looking for ideas surrounding Organization? Classroom Design? Teaching Posters? Literacy Activities? Thematic Inspiration? Website Resources? So, request an invite (yes, you need to be invited to join Pinterest) and then start pinning! See you on the boards!! http://pinterest.com/ginrew/ http://pinterest.com/pbsnewshour/why-i-go-to-school/ WAYS TO USE PINTEREST IN THE CLASSROOM
  • 14. Don‘t forget to cite your sources! There are several online tools that make creating your works cited and bibliographies super easy. Bibme is nice though, because in addition to being free, it offers MLA as well as APA and Chicago styles, useful for high school students taking psychology or those dual-enrolled in college courses.
  • 15. http://us.partnersinlearningnetwork.com PHOTOSYNTH - Photosynth is a powerful set of tools for capturing and viewing the world in 3D. You can take photos in a 360 degree turn and experience a panoramic view. This is wonderful for school outings or just to capture the fullness of a scene. Within the Photosynth website there is a gallery of Photosynths, with examples such as Big Ben, the roman colleseum, grand canyon, fenway park etc. AUTOCOLLAGE and PhotoStory
  • 16. http://us.partnersinlearningnetwork.com  Microsoft OneNote 2010 is a digital notebook that allows you to gather and organize text, pictures, digital handwriting, audio and video recordings, and more — all in one digital notebook on your computer.  OneNote can help you become more productive by keeping the information you need at your fingertips and reducing time spent searching for information across e-mail messages, paper notebooks, file...  See Mrs. Wernig‘s OneNote
  • 17. Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that gathers data on just about anything you‘d ever want to know and computes results for you. You can look up everything from complex math equations, to historical or socioeconomic data, to sports statistics or paint colors. It‘s an incredibly useful tool and one I‘m always surprised people don‘t know about (or don‘t use because they think it‘s only for math. It‘s not!).  Take the Tour:  http://www.wolframalpha.com/tour/what-is-wolframalpha.html
  • 18. Animoto is a web application that produces videos from photos, video clips and music. Animoto analyzes the provided photos, video clips and music to generate a video.
  • 19. Most of my students use Audacity (free software download) but Vocaroo is a wonderful alternative to creating podcasts. There is nothing to download, install, subscribe to, just click record, then ‖click to stop‖ and you are done! The second step is to cut and paste the URL of the file and send it to your students (or teachers). You can have students create podcasts for your class without having to provide digital players or engage in students‘ training. http://vocaroo.com/
  • 20. Students studying history or those who learn better visually, may like Time Toast, a tool for creating interactive printable timelines. It‘s free and all your students need is an email address.  Tiki Toki is another similar timeline creator. Though flashier and incorporating video, it limits free accounts to one timeline. Whenintime.com is another one
  • 21. Google Docs offers an online word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor that enables you and your students to create, store and share instantly and securely. There's no software to download, and all your work is stored safely online and can be accessed from any computer. http://www.google.com/edu/teachers/
  • 22. www.readthewords.com This site features text to speech with a variety of voices. This site allows a teacher to download papers and exams into Read the Words. This site can also read many documents such as websites, publisher, and word. Students can use this website to have any text read to them and it is very easy to learn to use. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BezIRHR2PwM How to Use ReadtheWords YouTube video
  • 24. A Ning can be a great classroom website and communication tool. For an online class, it can create the social aspect that is so important to in online learning. The Ning can be used to great different groups, foster online collaboration, increase student online discussion skills and more! Check out Heidi Haynes Jacobs if you are interested in curriculum development and the common core there are groups here for you to join. Curriculum 21
  • 29. WORD CLOUDS Interesting ways to use Wordle in the classroom: http://www.slideshare.net/mberner/38-intersting-ways-to-use-wordle-in-the-classroom
  • 30. Getting F.I.T. Some Honorable Mentions  Gooru (Beta) -2600 Digital Notebooks for learning  Explania – free animated explanations  GoAnimate –Create your own animated explanations  Xtranormal – Animation creation  Slideshare -Access your presentations online  Delicious – Social Bookmarking site (Yahool)  Google Earth –maps and satelitte imagery views of the Earth  Skype – connect and collaborate globally (videoconference)  Quizlet - create Online quizzes and flashcards  Scribd – Share original documents online  Open Office – open source (Microsoft Office) suite  Poll Daddy – create online Poll, surveys and quizzes  Flickr – favorite photo storing and management tool  
  • 31. http://pinterest.com/ginrew/free-tools-for- teachers/ Thank you. Liz Wernig lwernig@mursd.org www.m-ums.com/moodle