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Issues and challenges of B.Ed. Colleges in
Post Covid-19 situation-
Practical Aspects
Dr. Jagannath K. Dange
HOD and Associate Professor
Department of Education
Kuvempu University
Dist: Shimoga,
POST COVID-19……….What and How?
Practical Aspects: Activities, Programme and Policy
1. Online or Classroom or Hybrid Teaching?
2. Two Year B.Ed. Course
• 2 year or/& Integrated Teacher Education Programme
3. Upper primary or middle level (Classes VI to VIII),
secondary level (Classes IX- X) and senior secondary level
Classes (XI- XII).
• Foundational Level/ 1 to 5th standard
4. NEP-2020 Guidelines……………….
Present Pandemic Situation
• United Nation’s policy-300 million students world-wide
out of schools due to covid.
• UNESCO estimates 23.8 million additional children and
youth (pre-primary to tertiary) may drop out or not have
access to school or college next year due to the
pandemic economic impact.
• WHO 2018 Report students will not come to the school
with an Intention of learning. Teachers have to create the
interest among the students in the learning.
• Unified District Information System for Education:
25 crore school children in Indian 15 lakh schools
(UDISE-2018-19,) are facing challenges.
• 2 Crore 20 lakh children out of school in India.
• 33% of students in private schools have started
online teaching.
• Recently central government announced food
package for 80 Cr Poor families.
• About 91.2 crore people have no Internet Facility
• About 75% students from Rural background.
Scenarios of Covid-19
Teacher lost his job and selling plantains
Mother sold her ear ring to get mobile phone for her daughter’s
Online-line learning
Two phases of Covid-19…
I. Challenging phase- we were not ready : Infrastructure, Competencies and
Designing online teaching content
II. Opportunity phase- opportunity for professional development, Teachers
become more dynamic,; Learning, understanding, skill development and
dissemination of knowledge from distant place.
1. Roles of Teacher have changed- Photographer, videographer, script writer,
video editor, hardware and software literate, designers of content.
2. Awareness of repositories, digital content and free sources is important.
3. Change in the institutional structure- classes and meetings-virtual and
4. Taught us lesson- to be open minded, be patient, providing equal
opportunity- bringing equality at least to the reachable. (Motto of Education)
5. No barrier like time and place content and approach. Rich-poor, region and
6. Accessibility by anybody and by anyone, teaching to the entire world and
learning from the entire world; Local to global.
Categories: 4 levels of Institutions worked in Covid-19
1. All Educational activities have deferred and the down time
period becomes a proxy vacation
2. Videos are uploaded on you tube and assignments
collected through E-mails.
3. Combination of tools incorporated LMS(moodle, Google
classroom), Conference tools(Zoom, skype, google meet etc),
Extensive use of MOOCs(SWAYAM, Coursera, Edx) and
Assessment tools like (Quizlet and peer evaluation tools)
4. Classes are conducted according to the timetable but in
synchronous online mode aided by LMS with high level
functionality of all tools in the third level.
B.Ed. Programme- Knowledge, Skills and Attitude (Value)
development course. Reflective practitioners.
Experience Plays an Important role in the learning (Training)
• Practical and field based experiences have the base of
theoretical foundation courses.
• Sometimes whatever students perceive and experience
at the field may not be learnt in the regular theory classes.
• So it is very important to perceive, learn and get the
experiences in the classroom as well as in the field.
The B.Ed. Programme consists of the following courses:
(a) Perspectives in Education: theoretical foundations of
knowledge, contemporary India and education, philosophical,
psychological and sociological perspectives in education.
(b) Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies: understanding of a
discipline, social history of a school subject, and its pedagogical
foundations, with a focus on the learner; and a course on the
theoretical perspectives on assessment for learning.
c). Engagement with the Field/Practicum
Engagement with the Self, the Child, Community and School, at
different levels and through establishing close connections
between different curricular areas.
The above areas can be reached through following
Assessment as well as Giving Experiences for
Blend of Educational Technology is the need of
1. Tests:
• Not just recall/memorise;
• its about think and criticise,
• Evaluate or Judge
(Conventional and Online Mode/Open book)
2. Assignments :
• Not Just Copy, Cut and Paste;
• Come out with own idea,
• Prescription,
• Suggestion,
• work in groups as well as individual,
• Field Based case,
• Visit Library, Visit Laboratory and School and
other learning Resource centres.
(Conventional and Online Mode or Blended mode)
3. Practicum: Do, think and write,
Experience and report,
Individual and groups activities. (Conventional and ICT
Based/Online Mode)
4. Tutorials (Conventional and Online Mode)
• Missed opportunities in the classroom can be
• Used intensively for Discussions and handling queries
and supporting others’ views and developing positive
criticizing ability among student-teachers.
• Nurturing the talents to conduct tutorials.
5. Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC) Courses:
Drama, Yoga, health and Personality Development
6. Simulated mode of Teaching (Micro Tg)(ICT Based)
• Use ICT as much as possible….. (Teaching, Learning,
Observation, Training, Supervision, Evaluation,
Managing and Monitoring).
7. School Internship (Heart of the Programme)….
Training/Execution of all competencies (Real Experience
based Mode) Online mode may not be ideal at this
(Training how to conduct online classes)
Initiatives: MHRD and State government & College
• MHRD initiative National Mission on Education through ICT
• Credit courses- SWAYAM- MOOC platform equalant to regular
course (credits can be transferred)
• Swayam Prabha- TV programmes.
• Radio Programmes…
• Own Youtube channels
• Podcasting….(Audio and Video)
• Online Post, Publication, Record Creation, Report Development,
correction and other activities…
• ICT based activities; synchronous and asynchronous modes,
Teaching-learning, supervision, Evaluation
• Competencies for student-teachers and Teacher-
educators- Learning theories bases, HW and SW
• Education Technology rather than Computer Technology
(HW and SW)
• Designing content, maintaining blog, repositories, online
learning, Testing, examination, field work. Assignments.
• College website- sources of information, Mobile learning,
special lectures, videos and collaborations.
• Health Related Precautions, Awareness and handling skills
E-Administration and
Finally …………………E-
Draft National Education Policy 2019
Education Policy-2019 487 pp
Addresses challenges of Education;
29th July 2020, 60 page document presented to the reporters, and
Final circulation at website-66 pages,
• The Four year integrated B.Ed. will, by 2030,
become the minimal degree qualification for school
• Four year ITEP- Plan for all 8 semesters, Blend the
Practical experiences and ICT in the content…
12000 B.Ed. colleges- Around 8 Lakh teachers pass out
every year. What is their Job possibility?
Prepare Curriculum for all levels of Teachers…
Admission to pre-service teacher preparation
1. Will be carried out in large part through subject
and Aptitude tests as conducted by the National
Testing Agency.
2. The full criteria and process for admissions will
be left to the universities and colleges offering
these programmes.
Do aspirants wish to write national level exam for
Taking teacher training course? (Like NEET,JEE,CET)
Whether Salary and status attracts young minds?
Conversion of independent Teacher
Education institutions to multidisciplinary
institutions: All independent TEIs will be
required to convert to multidisciplinary
institutions by 2030.
All stand alone colleges need to start
Undergraduate courses…
What about Aided B.Ed. Institutions?
P10.13.Degree-granting powers: No Affiliation
Degree-granting powers are, at present, vested only
with universities.
This will change, as autonomous colleges will also
gain the freedom to grant their own degrees.
All institutions of education and research, public as
well as private, will be allowed to award degrees in
their own names, irrespective of whether the word
‘university’ figures in their name or not.
1. Develop curriculum, Conduct Examination,
Evaluation and Awarding
2. Justice Verma commission (2012) “Majority of
the Teaching Institutes over 10000 in Number
are not even attempting serious Teacher
Education, But are essentially selling degrees
for a price”. (NEP-P.283)
Is it Apt? and can we expect quality Education?
P12.3.3. Both traditional and open and distance
learning modes to be offered by institutions:
All Type 1 and Type 2 institutions will be encouraged to offer
innovative ODL programmes with the help of the very best
teachers at their institutions.
Type 3 institutions may also offer ODL, based on
receiving appropriate accreditation for the same.
1. Is allowing to offer Distance Mode Learning by the
Private Institutions Ideal ? (issue)
2. All colleges teacher-educators must develop online and
distance courses.. (Challenge)
3. Are the all courses teachers trained enough to develop
ODL content? (Prospect- Teacher educators)
P12.3.9. Massive Open Online Courses: MOOCs have
emerged as an important form of ODL. The demand for
enrolment in high quality MOOCs continues to increase.
Presently, India enrolls the second largest number of
students in MOOCs after the USA. The SWAYAM (Study
Web of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds).
1.Students take MOOCs for credits and can be transferred to
the regular programmes.
2.Is it possible to offer online mode of Learning to
the masses of India? (Reachability)
3.Where no free Internet is provided and only 27
crore people use internet….(Infrastructure)
Faculty in Teacher Education:
Online education:
 Departments of Education must also be able to
offer programmes that are blended and part
time, to enable practicing teachers to continue
their higher education studies and aspire for
professional mobility.
All courses offerings must be available in a range
of formats including part time, evening, blended
and online, in addition to full time programmes.
(Prospect as well as challenge)
15.4. Faculty for Teacher Education
 PhDs in Education and in many related disciplines such as Science
Education, Mathematics Education, Psychology, Child Development,
Sociology, Linguistics and so on, from reputed institutions that meet
international standards, must be encouraged to enter the profession
and contribute as faculty of teacher education programmes.
 Not everyone would be required to have a PhD, but teaching
experience and field research experience will be highly valued.
 It is also desirable for faculty to have at least one degree in
Education (M.Ed. or a Master’s degree M.A-Education or Doctorate in
Education) but this will not be mandatory for faculty.
 Ph.D. in Any subject is eligibility to become Teacher-
Educator.(is it ideal)
The different tracks that teachers will be prepared
for in a B.Ed. programme will include:
a. Foundational and Preparatory school generalist teachers;
b. Subject teachers for Middle and Secondary school;
c. Special education teachers;
d. Art teachers (including visual and performing arts);
e. Teachers for vocational education; and
f. Physical education teachers.
NEP 2020-Not mentioned about Physical Education Courses…
Whether B.Ed. includes the training of Physical Education
P12.4.11.Inviting foreign universities into India: Select
universities (i.e. those from among the top 200 universities in
the world) will be permitted to operate in India.
• Can our Teacher education(Multi disciplinary Hr Edn)
institutions compete with foreign universities?
P16.5.1. Fees for professional education:
In line with the spirit of providing autonomy to educational
institutions to charter their own course, fees for
professional education courses will be left to the management
of educational institutions, both public and private.
• Is it not commercialisation of Education?
Is online Education a viable alternative?
• Equity and access are two bigger problems with
online Education in India.
• According National sample survey- only 11% of
Indian Households have computers, 24% have
internet facilities, which drops to 15% in rural
• A single device in household cannot help
multiple children.
• 50 crore between the age group 5 to 24 in India.
• India 105000 schools have single Teachers
Budget for Education
• 2009 to 2014 3.19% of Total budget
• 2014 to 2019 2.88% average Budget
• Feb 2020 Budget on Education- 99300 Cr
• Based on the cost and population 1995 Education
Budget is almost same in 2019
• Education Mafia- Commercialization and
Can online replace conventional classroom?
1. Screen for long periods of time can be harmful.
2. Electronic gadgets are stimulators but they are harmful
to brain cells.
3. Colour, animation and sound effects may create interest
for some time but more than 15 min it will not be retained.
4. Sort of learning by themselves…
5. Teachers role becomes limited, less supervision than the
normal classroom
6.Entire conversation is shifted to use technology,
Education is not just about information or content delivery
to students via screens.
Neurological science:
• Average time spent on media is 3-4Hrs
• Consuming Electronic Media not allows
you to think.
• Not thinking means- Who is controlling?
Its Media
E-learning is poor substitute for classroom instruction
1. Even teachers are finding it difficult to adopt to online
2. Children are not fully focused on learning…
3.Many poor house-holds not familiar with digital
4.If students remain glued to the screen- Physical and
psychological problems. As it leads to social isolation and
limits personality development
5. Power point slides with borrowed content, Reading in-
front of camera can’t be called E-Teaching(Online Teaching).
Challenges of Online Education
1. In MOOCs the Teacher creates and student consumes.
This misses the Real teaching-learning.
2. Classroom acts as a space where skills such as dialogue,
debate, disagreement and friendship are learnt and
3. Classroom is a laboratory for hands on testing of ideas,
opinions, interpretations and counter arguments. The
diverse and inclusive classroom is the best litmus test for
any theory or insight.
4. Learn to work in teams will be missing. Direct
human engagement- social learning: teacher-student,
peer group interactions
5. Determined and firm learning minds can be
adjusted well at online But not all.
6. Not ideal for all kinds of learners unless it is
developed on UDL-Universal Design Learning.
7. Teachers can’t monitor all learners in online
8. Practical difficulty- no infrastructure, internet &
Hybrid Teaching:
• Hybrid approach by Balancing
online classes and classroom
teaching- Blended mode of instruction
is unavoidable.
An opportunity for change through Online:
1.More opportunity for self-study.
2.Artificial intelligence for language learning and other needs.
3. Teaching students for differently abled.
4.Pedagogic materials must be made available in national
languages and can help in overcoming the shortage of
5.We must ensure that every needy student has access a
smartphone or laptop.
6. Poor signal problem must be resolved.
7. Adopt MOOCs offered at SWAYAM platform for credit
transfers in the coming semesters.
Learning Theories: Must be base for Online Teaching
• Behaviorism: Attempt & error, stimulus & response. programmed
instruction- (Impact on Teaching)
• Cognitivism: Information processing, Formation of cognitive structures,
Human mind–Computer; STM & LTM, Computer Aided Instruction (IOT)
• Constructivism: “Recognition and reconstruction’’ Experience based
learning- Influence of others on in individual learning (IOT)
• Social constructivism: Learning is social and social participation, “learn
from one another” ZPD and theory of scaffolding (IOT)
• Connectivism: last 20 years, cloud computing, social networking.
Learning is creating networks. Nodes- People, library, Laboratory, books,
databases, websites, organisations and any other sources.
• Humanism: Practicing Morality, value of an individual and personal
freedom, Emphasise Human dignity.
Myths about online Education
1. Online education is for young and tech savvy: All teachers have to make a
clear and conscious shift despite their age and attitude.
2. Online teaching is a stopgap arrangement: Online teaching has become
an integral part of our education system. Those who embrace technology
will survive.
3. Online teaching is not egalitarian (equal, open): all students need smart
phone, laptop and internet certainly help all students because of flexibility.
4. Technology eventually replace teacher: Teachers cannot be replaced but
roles have been changed; content designers, syllabus developers,
knowledge sharers.
5. Students prefer face to face interaction not online teaching: Both
technology and teachers are need by the students, every time teachers
cant help and provide opportunity for independent learning.
6. Online teaching is not effective as face to face mode: A good teacher will
adjust the content and delivery according to the mode and context.
7. Degrees and diplomas obtained through online mode are not valid:
Online and offline degrees are virtually same.
• Students: Digitally literate, Use Digital content,
Attend Online Tests, Assignment.
• Teachers: Digitally well literate, Awareness of online
repositories, Studio based competencies, Content
creators, Digital content, Online teaching,
Assessment, evaluation, Correction, and
Monitoring, counselling individual and groups.
• Managements: Update classrooms, ICT
improvisations, hire online teachers, Content
developers, software developers Etc….Reaching
Remote learner, Develop digital library.
• Policy Makers: Restructure the workload(16hrs)
WHO and UNESCO suggested… Prepare for school opening:
1. Schools and colleges must have an operational budgets adapted to the
2. Boost the confidence of parents, students, teachers in-terms of school
3. Renovate or improve hygiene facilities; washrooms, toilets and
bathrooms with running water.
4. Collaborate and support education stakeholders; Teachers, students,
school principals, Education officers, Educational supervisors and
Pedagogical advisors.
5. Develop partnership with NGOs, and Private actors.
6. Make equity a top priority-students who have not able to participate in
online or home based learning.
7. Support Physical and Emotional well-being(mental health of children)
pandemic caused stress and anxiety
8. Trust the professionalism of Teachers: Assess the impact of school closure on
Teaching, Learning and Student well-being.
PROTECT and IMPROVE the Quality
of Teacher Education
“If you fail to plan,
you are planning to fail”
Benjamin Franklin
“Those who fail to learn from the
past are doomed to repeat it”
Winston Churchill
Thank You
Dr. Jagannath K. Dange
Department of Education
Kuvempu University
Dist: Shimoga,

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Issues and Challenges of B.Ed.Colleges in Post Covid-19 Situation.(practical aspects)

  • 1. Issues and challenges of B.Ed. Colleges in Post Covid-19 situation- Practical Aspects Dr. Jagannath K. Dange HOD and Associate Professor Department of Education Kuvempu University Shankaraghatta Dist: Shimoga, Karnataka jkdange@gmail.com http://jkdange.blogspot.com
  • 2. POST COVID-19……….What and How? Practical Aspects: Activities, Programme and Policy 1. Online or Classroom or Hybrid Teaching? 2. Two Year B.Ed. Course And • 2 year or/& Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP)? 3. Upper primary or middle level (Classes VI to VIII), secondary level (Classes IX- X) and senior secondary level Classes (XI- XII). And • Foundational Level/ 1 to 5th standard 4. NEP-2020 Guidelines……………….
  • 3. Present Pandemic Situation • United Nation’s policy-300 million students world-wide out of schools due to covid. • UNESCO estimates 23.8 million additional children and youth (pre-primary to tertiary) may drop out or not have access to school or college next year due to the pandemic economic impact. • WHO 2018 Report students will not come to the school with an Intention of learning. Teachers have to create the interest among the students in the learning.
  • 4. • Unified District Information System for Education: 25 crore school children in Indian 15 lakh schools (UDISE-2018-19,) are facing challenges. • 2 Crore 20 lakh children out of school in India. • 33% of students in private schools have started online teaching. • Recently central government announced food package for 80 Cr Poor families. • About 91.2 crore people have no Internet Facility • About 75% students from Rural background.
  • 5. Scenarios of Covid-19 Teacher lost his job and selling plantains Mother sold her ear ring to get mobile phone for her daughter’s Online-line learning
  • 6. Two phases of Covid-19… I. Challenging phase- we were not ready : Infrastructure, Competencies and Designing online teaching content II. Opportunity phase- opportunity for professional development, Teachers become more dynamic,; Learning, understanding, skill development and dissemination of knowledge from distant place. 1. Roles of Teacher have changed- Photographer, videographer, script writer, video editor, hardware and software literate, designers of content. 2. Awareness of repositories, digital content and free sources is important. 3. Change in the institutional structure- classes and meetings-virtual and online 4. Taught us lesson- to be open minded, be patient, providing equal opportunity- bringing equality at least to the reachable. (Motto of Education) 5. No barrier like time and place content and approach. Rich-poor, region and religion. 6. Accessibility by anybody and by anyone, teaching to the entire world and learning from the entire world; Local to global.
  • 7. Categories: 4 levels of Institutions worked in Covid-19 1. All Educational activities have deferred and the down time period becomes a proxy vacation 2. Videos are uploaded on you tube and assignments collected through E-mails. 3. Combination of tools incorporated LMS(moodle, Google classroom), Conference tools(Zoom, skype, google meet etc), Extensive use of MOOCs(SWAYAM, Coursera, Edx) and Assessment tools like (Quizlet and peer evaluation tools) 4. Classes are conducted according to the timetable but in synchronous online mode aided by LMS with high level functionality of all tools in the third level.
  • 8. B.Ed. Programme- Knowledge, Skills and Attitude (Value) development course. Reflective practitioners. Experience Plays an Important role in the learning (Training) • Practical and field based experiences have the base of theoretical foundation courses. • Sometimes whatever students perceive and experience at the field may not be learnt in the regular theory classes. • So it is very important to perceive, learn and get the experiences in the classroom as well as in the field.
  • 9. The B.Ed. Programme consists of the following courses: (a) Perspectives in Education: theoretical foundations of knowledge, contemporary India and education, philosophical, psychological and sociological perspectives in education. (b) Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies: understanding of a discipline, social history of a school subject, and its pedagogical foundations, with a focus on the learner; and a course on the theoretical perspectives on assessment for learning. c). Engagement with the Field/Practicum Engagement with the Self, the Child, Community and School, at different levels and through establishing close connections between different curricular areas.
  • 10. The above areas can be reached through following components: Assessment as well as Giving Experiences for Student-teachers Blend of Educational Technology is the need of hour…… 1. Tests: • Not just recall/memorise; • its about think and criticise, • Evaluate or Judge (Conventional and Online Mode/Open book)
  • 11. 2. Assignments : • Not Just Copy, Cut and Paste; • Come out with own idea, • Prescription, • Suggestion, • work in groups as well as individual, • Field Based case, • Visit Library, Visit Laboratory and School and other learning Resource centres. (Conventional and Online Mode or Blended mode)
  • 12. 3. Practicum: Do, think and write, Experience and report, Individual and groups activities. (Conventional and ICT Based/Online Mode) 4. Tutorials (Conventional and Online Mode) • Missed opportunities in the classroom can be fulfilled….. • Used intensively for Discussions and handling queries and supporting others’ views and developing positive criticizing ability among student-teachers. • Nurturing the talents to conduct tutorials.
  • 13. 5. Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC) Courses: Drama, Yoga, health and Personality Development 6. Simulated mode of Teaching (Micro Tg)(ICT Based) • Use ICT as much as possible….. (Teaching, Learning, Observation, Training, Supervision, Evaluation, Managing and Monitoring). 7. School Internship (Heart of the Programme)…. Training/Execution of all competencies (Real Experience based Mode) Online mode may not be ideal at this stage. (Training how to conduct online classes)
  • 14. Initiatives: MHRD and State government & College • MHRD initiative National Mission on Education through ICT • Credit courses- SWAYAM- MOOC platform equalant to regular course (credits can be transferred) • Swayam Prabha- TV programmes. • Radio Programmes… • Own Youtube channels • Podcasting….(Audio and Video) • Online Post, Publication, Record Creation, Report Development, correction and other activities… • ICT based activities; synchronous and asynchronous modes, Teaching-learning, supervision, Evaluation
  • 15. • Competencies for student-teachers and Teacher- educators- Learning theories bases, HW and SW competencies. • Education Technology rather than Computer Technology (HW and SW) • Designing content, maintaining blog, repositories, online learning, Testing, examination, field work. Assignments. • College website- sources of information, Mobile learning, special lectures, videos and collaborations. • Health Related Precautions, Awareness and handling skills
  • 17. Draft National Education Policy 2019 Draft National Education Policy-2019 487 pp Addresses challenges of Education; 1.Access 2.Equity 3.Quality 4.Affordability 5.Accountability 29th July 2020, 60 page document presented to the reporters, and Final circulation at website-66 pages, FULL DOCUMENT NOT YET RELEASED
  • 18. NEP-2020 • The Four year integrated B.Ed. will, by 2030, become the minimal degree qualification for school teachers. • Four year ITEP- Plan for all 8 semesters, Blend the Practical experiences and ICT in the content… (Challenge) 12000 B.Ed. colleges- Around 8 Lakh teachers pass out every year. What is their Job possibility?
  • 19. Prepare Curriculum for all levels of Teachers… KG-2 Yrs 5+3+3+4
  • 20. Admission to pre-service teacher preparation programmes: 1. Will be carried out in large part through subject and Aptitude tests as conducted by the National Testing Agency. 2. The full criteria and process for admissions will be left to the universities and colleges offering these programmes. Do aspirants wish to write national level exam for Taking teacher training course? (Like NEET,JEE,CET) Whether Salary and status attracts young minds?
  • 21. Conversion of independent Teacher Education institutions to multidisciplinary institutions: All independent TEIs will be required to convert to multidisciplinary institutions by 2030. All stand alone colleges need to start Undergraduate courses… What about Aided B.Ed. Institutions?
  • 22. P10.13.Degree-granting powers: No Affiliation System Degree-granting powers are, at present, vested only with universities. This will change, as autonomous colleges will also gain the freedom to grant their own degrees. All institutions of education and research, public as well as private, will be allowed to award degrees in their own names, irrespective of whether the word ‘university’ figures in their name or not.
  • 23. 1. Develop curriculum, Conduct Examination, Evaluation and Awarding Degrees…..(Challenge) 2. Justice Verma commission (2012) “Majority of the Teaching Institutes over 10000 in Number are not even attempting serious Teacher Education, But are essentially selling degrees for a price”. (NEP-P.283) Is it Apt? and can we expect quality Education? (Issue)
  • 24. P12.3.3. Both traditional and open and distance learning modes to be offered by institutions: All Type 1 and Type 2 institutions will be encouraged to offer innovative ODL programmes with the help of the very best teachers at their institutions. Type 3 institutions may also offer ODL, based on receiving appropriate accreditation for the same. 1. Is allowing to offer Distance Mode Learning by the Private Institutions Ideal ? (issue) 2. All colleges teacher-educators must develop online and distance courses.. (Challenge) 3. Are the all courses teachers trained enough to develop ODL content? (Prospect- Teacher educators)
  • 25. P12.3.9. Massive Open Online Courses: MOOCs have emerged as an important form of ODL. The demand for enrolment in high quality MOOCs continues to increase. Presently, India enrolls the second largest number of students in MOOCs after the USA. The SWAYAM (Study Web of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds). 1.Students take MOOCs for credits and can be transferred to the regular programmes. 2.Is it possible to offer online mode of Learning to the masses of India? (Reachability) 3.Where no free Internet is provided and only 27 crore people use internet….(Infrastructure)
  • 26. Faculty in Teacher Education: Online education:  Departments of Education must also be able to offer programmes that are blended and part time, to enable practicing teachers to continue their higher education studies and aspire for professional mobility. All courses offerings must be available in a range of formats including part time, evening, blended and online, in addition to full time programmes. (Prospect as well as challenge)
  • 27. 15.4. Faculty for Teacher Education  PhDs in Education and in many related disciplines such as Science Education, Mathematics Education, Psychology, Child Development, Sociology, Linguistics and so on, from reputed institutions that meet international standards, must be encouraged to enter the profession and contribute as faculty of teacher education programmes.  Not everyone would be required to have a PhD, but teaching experience and field research experience will be highly valued.  It is also desirable for faculty to have at least one degree in Education (M.Ed. or a Master’s degree M.A-Education or Doctorate in Education) but this will not be mandatory for faculty.  Ph.D. in Any subject is eligibility to become Teacher- Educator.(is it ideal)
  • 28. The different tracks that teachers will be prepared for in a B.Ed. programme will include: a. Foundational and Preparatory school generalist teachers; b. Subject teachers for Middle and Secondary school; c. Special education teachers; d. Art teachers (including visual and performing arts); e. Teachers for vocational education; and f. Physical education teachers. NEP 2020-Not mentioned about Physical Education Courses… Whether B.Ed. includes the training of Physical Education teachers?
  • 29. P12.4.11.Inviting foreign universities into India: Select universities (i.e. those from among the top 200 universities in the world) will be permitted to operate in India. • Can our Teacher education(Multi disciplinary Hr Edn) institutions compete with foreign universities? P16.5.1. Fees for professional education: In line with the spirit of providing autonomy to educational institutions to charter their own course, fees for professional education courses will be left to the management of educational institutions, both public and private. • Is it not commercialisation of Education?
  • 30. Is online Education a viable alternative? • Equity and access are two bigger problems with online Education in India. • According National sample survey- only 11% of Indian Households have computers, 24% have internet facilities, which drops to 15% in rural areas. • A single device in household cannot help multiple children.
  • 31. • 50 crore between the age group 5 to 24 in India. • India 105000 schools have single Teachers Budget for Education • 2009 to 2014 3.19% of Total budget • 2014 to 2019 2.88% average Budget • Feb 2020 Budget on Education- 99300 Cr • Based on the cost and population 1995 Education Budget is almost same in 2019 • Education Mafia- Commercialization and Privatization.
  • 32. Can online replace conventional classroom? 1. Screen for long periods of time can be harmful. 2. Electronic gadgets are stimulators but they are harmful to brain cells. 3. Colour, animation and sound effects may create interest for some time but more than 15 min it will not be retained. 4. Sort of learning by themselves… 5. Teachers role becomes limited, less supervision than the normal classroom 6.Entire conversation is shifted to use technology, Education is not just about information or content delivery to students via screens.
  • 33. Neurological science: • Average time spent on media is 3-4Hrs (India) • Consuming Electronic Media not allows you to think. • Not thinking means- Who is controlling? Its Media
  • 34. E-learning is poor substitute for classroom instruction 1. Even teachers are finding it difficult to adopt to online teaching.. 2. Children are not fully focused on learning… 3.Many poor house-holds not familiar with digital Technology, 4.If students remain glued to the screen- Physical and psychological problems. As it leads to social isolation and limits personality development 5. Power point slides with borrowed content, Reading in- front of camera can’t be called E-Teaching(Online Teaching).
  • 35. Challenges of Online Education 1. In MOOCs the Teacher creates and student consumes. This misses the Real teaching-learning. 2. Classroom acts as a space where skills such as dialogue, debate, disagreement and friendship are learnt and practiced. 3. Classroom is a laboratory for hands on testing of ideas, opinions, interpretations and counter arguments. The diverse and inclusive classroom is the best litmus test for any theory or insight.
  • 36. 4. Learn to work in teams will be missing. Direct human engagement- social learning: teacher-student, peer group interactions 5. Determined and firm learning minds can be adjusted well at online But not all. 6. Not ideal for all kinds of learners unless it is developed on UDL-Universal Design Learning. 7. Teachers can’t monitor all learners in online teaching. 8. Practical difficulty- no infrastructure, internet & resources.
  • 37. BEST OPTION- Hybrid Teaching: • Hybrid approach by Balancing online classes and classroom teaching- Blended mode of instruction is unavoidable.
  • 38. An opportunity for change through Online: 1.More opportunity for self-study. 2.Artificial intelligence for language learning and other needs. 3. Teaching students for differently abled. 4.Pedagogic materials must be made available in national languages and can help in overcoming the shortage of teachers. 5.We must ensure that every needy student has access a smartphone or laptop. 6. Poor signal problem must be resolved. 7. Adopt MOOCs offered at SWAYAM platform for credit transfers in the coming semesters.
  • 39. Learning Theories: Must be base for Online Teaching • Behaviorism: Attempt & error, stimulus & response. programmed instruction- (Impact on Teaching) • Cognitivism: Information processing, Formation of cognitive structures, Human mind–Computer; STM & LTM, Computer Aided Instruction (IOT) • Constructivism: “Recognition and reconstruction’’ Experience based learning- Influence of others on in individual learning (IOT) • Social constructivism: Learning is social and social participation, “learn from one another” ZPD and theory of scaffolding (IOT) • Connectivism: last 20 years, cloud computing, social networking. Learning is creating networks. Nodes- People, library, Laboratory, books, databases, websites, organisations and any other sources. • Humanism: Practicing Morality, value of an individual and personal freedom, Emphasise Human dignity.
  • 40. Myths about online Education 1. Online education is for young and tech savvy: All teachers have to make a clear and conscious shift despite their age and attitude. 2. Online teaching is a stopgap arrangement: Online teaching has become an integral part of our education system. Those who embrace technology will survive. 3. Online teaching is not egalitarian (equal, open): all students need smart phone, laptop and internet certainly help all students because of flexibility. 4. Technology eventually replace teacher: Teachers cannot be replaced but roles have been changed; content designers, syllabus developers, knowledge sharers. 5. Students prefer face to face interaction not online teaching: Both technology and teachers are need by the students, every time teachers cant help and provide opportunity for independent learning. 6. Online teaching is not effective as face to face mode: A good teacher will adjust the content and delivery according to the mode and context. 7. Degrees and diplomas obtained through online mode are not valid: Online and offline degrees are virtually same.
  • 41. Expectations…….. • Students: Digitally literate, Use Digital content, Attend Online Tests, Assignment. • Teachers: Digitally well literate, Awareness of online repositories, Studio based competencies, Content creators, Digital content, Online teaching, Assessment, evaluation, Correction, and Monitoring, counselling individual and groups. • Managements: Update classrooms, ICT improvisations, hire online teachers, Content developers, software developers Etc….Reaching Remote learner, Develop digital library. • Policy Makers: Restructure the workload(16hrs)
  • 42. WHO and UNESCO suggested… Prepare for school opening: 1. Schools and colleges must have an operational budgets adapted to the situation 2. Boost the confidence of parents, students, teachers in-terms of school safety 3. Renovate or improve hygiene facilities; washrooms, toilets and bathrooms with running water. 4. Collaborate and support education stakeholders; Teachers, students, school principals, Education officers, Educational supervisors and Pedagogical advisors. 5. Develop partnership with NGOs, and Private actors. 6. Make equity a top priority-students who have not able to participate in online or home based learning. 7. Support Physical and Emotional well-being(mental health of children) pandemic caused stress and anxiety 8. Trust the professionalism of Teachers: Assess the impact of school closure on Teaching, Learning and Student well-being.
  • 43. Discuss Plan Action PROTECT and IMPROVE the Quality of Teacher Education
  • 44. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” Benjamin Franklin “Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it” Winston Churchill
  • 45. Thank You Dr. Jagannath K. Dange Department of Education Kuvempu University Shankaraghatta Dist: Shimoga, Karnataka drjkdange@gmail.com http://jkdange.blogspot.com