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morphine drug treatment of candidiasis whitfield’s ointment micafungin caspofungin posaconazole itraconazole fluconazole tolnaftate griseofulvin triazoles topical antifungal agents terbinafine azoles ketoconazole echinocandins amphotericin b kala-azar leishmaniasis trichomoniasis benznidazole nifurtimox trypanosomiasis pharmacotherap giardiasis pharmacotherapy amoebic liver abscess paromomycin 8-hydroxyquinolines diloxanide furoate emetine & dehydroemetine satranidazole secnidazole anaerobic/ mixed intra abdomin nitroimidazole antiamoebic drugs tinidazole metronidazole pharmacotherapy of amoebiasis dermal cysticercosis pharmacotherapy of neurocystic subcutaneous & ocular filarias triple-drug therapy-ida filariasis pharmacotherapy mazzotti reaction diethylcarbamazine citrate(dec ivermectin niclosamide albendazole mebendazole anthelmintics prophylaxis of uti methenamine nitrofurantoin urinary analgesic urinary antiseptics bacitracin polypeptide antibiotics polymixin-b & colistin torezolid linezolid oxazolidinones telavancin glycopeptide antibiotics clindamycin lincomycin lincosamide antibiotics teicoplanin vancomycin uses of aminoglycosides common properties of aminoglyc aminoglycosides streptomycin mechanism of macrolides uses of macrolides telithromycin azithromycin clarithromycin roxithromycin erythromycin macrolides siadh nephrogenic di treatment-diabetes insipidus tolvaptan adh receptor antagonist lypressin desmopressin vasopressin anlogue anti-diuretic drugs k-sparing diuretics mannitol spironolactone osmotic diuretics aldosterone antagonist carbonic anhydrase inhibitors thiazide & thiazide like loop diuretics styptics haematinics vitamin-k lmwh heparin anti-coagulants coagulants drugs acting on raas stemi digoxine nitrates pharmacotherapy of ccf pharmacotherapy of mi anti-hypertensive drugs ditans cgrp-antagonist 5ht1f recpt agonist-lasmiditan triptans ergot alkaloids 5-hydroxytryptamine pharmacotherapy of migraine serotonin-agonist & blockers histaminics & anti-histaminics opioids antagonist inhalational anesthetics intravenous anesthetics dissociative anesthesia conscious sedation preanesthetic medication stages of anaesthesia flumazenile melatonin & agonist z-compounds pharmacotherapy of insomnia combined effects of drugs therapeutic index dose response relationship receptor drug antagonism gpcr bioavailability of drug half life of drug kinetics of elimination factors prolonging drug action excretion of drug distribution of drugs absorption general pharmacology pharmacokinetics lepra-reaction pharmacotherapy of leprosy mac xdr tb mdr-tb who anti-tb regimence first line anti-tubercular drugs anti-tubercular drugs β-lactamase inhibitors extended spectrum penicillins monobactam & carbapenem cephalosporine penicillin fluoroquinolones quinolines co-trimoxazole sulfonamides ticlopidine & clopidogrel dipyridamole. antiplatelet drugs folic acid vitamin-b12 iron preparation streptokinase anti-platelet agents criteria for selection of an appropriate antimicro minimum inhibitory concentration cross resistance chemoprophylaxis superinfection classification of antibiotics hpa axis supression doping anabolic steroids mineralocorticoid glucocorticoids uses of corticosteroids cushing syndrome anti-h.pylori regemence triple & quadraple therapy constipation & diarrhoea emetic & anti-emetics pharmacotherapy of peptic ulcer status asthmaticus mucolytic productive cough cheese reaction serotonin syndrome anti-manic drug bipolar disorder anti-schizophrenia antipsychotics painkiller paracetamol poisoning nsaids non-opioids paracetamol aspirin tramadol centrally acting opioid antagonist opioids deaddiction cocaine local anesthesia techniques spinal anaesthesia lignocaine law seizures phenytoin status epilepticus pharmacotherapy of epilepsy drug induce parkinsonism alzheimer's disease pharmacotherapy of parkinson disease levodopa pheochromocytoma treatment pharmacotherapy of bph prazosin non cardiac use of betablockers therapeutic use of beta blockers beta blockers alpha blockers betablockers in glaucoma narrow angle glaucoma wide angle glaucoma glaucoma pharmacotherapy of glaucoma therapeutic use of adrenergic system sympathomimetic system pressor agents adrenaline adrenergic agonist tubocurarine chloride succinylcholine smr pns pharmacy practical
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