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  • Member Since 8th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2022

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2020 Update · 2:40pm Aug 24th, 2020

I know I said last time that I would have Chapter 3 up for you by Halloween/New Years, but one of my aunts fell really ill in mid-October and lost her second battle with Cancer in late November, so for a long time now I just haven't been in the mood to write with Chapter 3 nearly completed.

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Report Ciroton · 451 views ·

The Stars That Come At Twilight Chapter 2 - COMPLETE · 8:28pm Aug 18th, 2019

Chapter 2 is finally finished and out of preview, so for those of you that ignored it because it's a preview, go ahead, it's all there now! For those that did, I hope this is a good excuse to read it again or something. I don't know. Either way, I'm happy its done.

Now, I get to have anxiety over Chapter 3! Yaaaay... x.x

(In all seriousness, hopefully it will be done before Halloween. End of the year at worst. I am SO going to eat these words if my next post is the New Years post. Haha.)

Report Ciroton · 415 views ·

The End of an Era · 9:00pm Feb 20th, 2019

This is my commentary on the announced Final Season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. If you are disinterested, feel free to skip this entry.

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Report Ciroton · 609 views ·

Poll Results! · 3:24am Dec 15th, 2018

Thank you to all 10 of you who voted. The results were pretty decisive; most of you would rather that I wait until I get a 2rd party to overview my work.

However, I feel bad not giving you something for Christmas (or whatever holiday near this time that yo celebrate), so I will institute the following.


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Report Ciroton · 460 views ·

A Poll for the Future. · 6:38pm Nov 27th, 2018

Sorry for the silence this past little while. I've been very busy IRL and I needed to get a new computer too (my previous one was an 8 and a half year-old Lenovo G550 whose hard disk started to fail) which meant a whole lot transferring and stuff. Writing wise, things have been going well. I wish I could say the same for editing. I had thought I found someone to help me edit back in July, but after a couple of weeks/sessions they had 'family issues' to take care of. Naturally, I let them have

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Delay Update · 2:50pm Jun 3rd, 2018

Sorry all for the lack of progress or communication regarding the next chapter. However, this time it's not, entirely, my fault.

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Report Ciroton · 342 views ·

Still not dead! · 7:46pm Apr 9th, 2018

Apologies for the radio silence. I have been dreadfully busy since New Years.

To keep this blog post short and sweet there is good news!

Chapter Two of 'The Stars That Come At Twilight' is finally ready for editing!

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Happy New Year! - 2018 Edition · 3:30pm Jan 1st, 2018

Another year has come and gone, and as we march forward, we must realize that things; both good and bad, must come to an end. This year, I am going to keep things short and simple. What are your plans for the New Year? What are you looking forward to the most? For me, that would have to be the following:

- Getting my full driver's license (finally)

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Report Ciroton · 289 views ·

Rememberance Day 2017 · 5:03am Nov 11th, 2017

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A Very Spooky Update · 4:50am Oct 24th, 2017


I mean, I'M ALIVE! WOO! \o/

So, where have I been the past 7 months? Dead inside! =D But seriously, real life can bite my a**. I've barely seen any episodes of Season 7. The finale? Not happening. The movie? Not happening either. So! To that end, on to my three announcements!

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Report Ciroton · 396 views ·