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  • Member Since 8th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2022

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2020 Update · 2:40pm Aug 24th, 2020

I know I said last time that I would have Chapter 3 up for you by Halloween/New Years, but one of my aunts fell really ill in mid-October and lost her second battle with Cancer in late November, so for a long time now I just haven't been in the mood to write with Chapter 3 nearly completed.

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Report Ciroton · 451 views · Story: The Stars That Come at Twilight ·

Master To Do List:
*Last Updated: 02/08/20) (D/M/Y)*

1) The Stars That Come At Twilight Chapter 3 - [|-O-O-O-O] [Rough Draft.]

Key: [|] Current Phase [O] Not Started [X] Complete Phase

[Initial Planning] - [Initial Draft] - [2nd Draft] - [Prime Editing] - [Final Editing]

Episode Review Master Post

Comments ( 61 )
  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61

Thank you! :D

Happy Birthday Ciroton!

2097466 Where in Canada do you live? I see them in every comic store I go to, and many book stores also. I'm in southern Ontario myself.


I only review the stuff I watch/read. Unfortunately, the comics hold very little interest to me. Not just the MLP ones, but all comic books, I have found, do little to keep my interest. (Yes, that includes Marvel and DC stuff as well) Not to mention that I have literally seen none available in Canada (in physical form) without shipping them in from the states which, with the Canadian Dollar the way it is now, would in total cost double the price of the comic itself. I know I can get them online too, but I don't have the inclination to search for them.

So, I am sorry, but I highly doubt you will ever see me do reviews for the comics.

(And a belated Happy New Year to you as well)

  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61
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