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  • Member Since 15th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 19th, 2017

[center]Bye guys[/center]


Scootaloo's an orphan, let's get that fact out of the way. She lives in a cardboard box and it's rad as heck.

She also does other orphan stuff.


Big ups to Norse Pony for his editing work.

Chapters (1)

After taking her first bath in a thousand years, Luna discovers that her cutie mark has been a horrible lie. It turns out she isn't Princess of the Moon after all. In fact, she's actually Princess of Uranus.

Is Uranus ready for this?

Probably not.

Big ups to Masked Ferret for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Hello, friends! My name is Lemony Cutewhistle.

I am probably a normal pony.


Editing thanks to Aquaman and Masked Ferret.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling Hives, feels a disturbance. Something unusual, something evil... something festive. It doesn't take her long to discover that the source of this dread is a pony holiday by the name of "Hearth's Warming Eve," and it takes even less time for her to decide what she has to do now: She must steal it.

Yes. The whole thing.

Chapters (1)

This is Ⓑⓤⓣⓣⓞⓝ Ⓜⓐⓢⓗ: Ⓣⓗⓔ Ⓖⓐⓜⓔ. The world's first-ever RPG/FPS/MMO/MOBA/RTS/TBS, now on Joy Boys near you.

You are Button Mash. You have just woken up. You are also playing a video game, because when are you not playing a video game? Hopefully you can make it downstairs. Breakfast is starting.

"I don't even play video games! I don't know what you want from me!"
- Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Button, that's very nice, but I'm trying to balance on this ladder right now, and if you keep distracting me, I'm going to—"
- Mom.

"Is this fanfiction about yourself?"
- Sweetie Belle.

"This was the worst game I've ever played. It should be used as a weed-killer, because that way it would have a reason to exist. 9/10."
- Spike the Dragon


Vector Credits:

Chapters (21)

The charming prequel to A Twilight Sparkle Story

The short tale of how I was trapped in a diabolical plot by a certain purple pony, and conclusive evidence that Twilight Sparkle may in fact be deranged.

Chapters (1)

All Twilight had to do was finish Starswirl the Bearded's final spell. She didn't have to become undead, seal her soul in the Elements of Harmony, or enlist her friends in an effort to fix everything... but you have to play the hand you're dealt.

Even if it's rotting off.


Big ups to Themaskedferret for all her support on this story.

Chapters (1)

"Dear Princess Celestia, as your (former) most faithful student, I feel I have to warn you that this is probably a trap. Chrysalis cannot possibly be serious about this. Why would anyone, much less her, want to shoot a documentary on us?"

Chrysalis, queen of all the changeling hives and infinitely cunning architect of their plans to conquer Equestria, has a problem: She knows diddly-squat about ponies. But Chrysalis is cleverer than most—or all—changelings, and she's already devised a brilliant solution to this trifling issue: Make a movie about them.

Tenth place winner in Equestria Daily's Outside Insight contest.

Chapters (5)

When your life is as dull and cliché as the harmony that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color—or seventeen-and-a-half—to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

Chapters (1)