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When the Real GMAT Feels Different from the Prep Done…

Use this video to understand a scenario when the Real GMAT Feels Different from the Prep Done.

When the Real GMAT Feels Different from the Prep Done…

When the Real GMAT feels Different from the Prep Done

Experts' Global consistently advises its students to take as many mock tests as possible, before their real GMAT, even offering a set of 15 full-length practice tests. The primary reason behind this practice is so that the students can develop a good sense of what giving the real GMAT will be like, before the exam day. However, sometimes, even the most well-prepared candidates arrive at the exam hall to find that the test seems strange and unfamiliar to them. In this short article, we will cover why this happens and how to avoid letting this ruin your performance, should you find yourself in this situation.

Why the Test Might Feel Different

If the test seems different to you in some way, you might experience it in a few different ways. You may feel as if the concepts that you have read are not applying; the difficulty level might seem higher, or lower, or the questions may just "feel" different. Do not worry; this is not unusual. Due to the GMAT's "No Repeat" policy, it is possible that you did multiple versions of the official guide, or you may have repeated some other material. The repetition of questions might have made the tests seem easier to you; it is a very common phenomenon. However, on the real GMAT questions do not repeat, meaning the test will feel a lot more uncomfortable.

How to Tackle this Situation

If your test seems more difficult than you imagined, it is not necessarily a bad thing. In all likelihood, if you are getting more difficult questions, it means that you are doing well. Just hang in there and keep performing and you will soon find that nothing is as alien as it seems and all that you have learned will come into use. Do not give up and just take the questions one at a time. Relatedly, you must ensure that you answer each question, and not leave a single one blank. Make sure to get every question, even if you have to guess blindly in the last few seconds. Remember, on the GMAT, the penalty for leaving a section incomplete is higher than that for getting a question incorrect, thus, it makes more sense to attempt every question, even if you are not entirely sure of the answer than to skip any questions.

This article has deliberately been kept brief; for a more elaborate explanation, please refer to Experts' Global's Stage One videos.

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