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Key Points for Boldface Questions on GMAT

Use this concise video to understand certain key points for Boldface Questions on GMAT Critical Reasoning. These concepts will be helpful in solving verbal problems on GMAT.

Key Points for Boldface Questions on GMAT
In GMAT boldface questions, a passage will be provided that has one or more portions in boldface. The question will be to determine what role those portions play in the passage. The boldface questions are a part of the GMAT that tends to give candidates pause. Many find themselves somewhat confused by the format and the vocabulary used and begin doubting their abilities. In this short article, we will cover the key points to keep in mind regarding the GMAT boldface questions.
The Key Points
First of all, do not be scared. Boldface questions are extremely logical and it is entirely possible to get 100% accuracy on them. In fact, many students have reported that they were able to get through the GMAT without getting a single boldface question wrong. The main reason why students tend to be scared of the boldface questions is that they do not have the proper strategy for tackling them. We have covered this strategy in another article. Let us quickly recap it before moving on.
Strategy Recap
The strategy begins with identifying the conclusion of the passage. Then you must link the bold parts of the passage with the conclusion. The third step is very important; you must have a clear idea of what you are expecting from the typical answer choices, or else the typical vocabulary involved in the answer choices will confuse you.

Another important aspect of this strategy and preparing for the boldface questions is to familiarize yourself with the unique vocabulary of these questions. We have already prepared another article on this topic; please go through it carefully, while preparing for the boldface questions.

Finally, when answering the boldface questions on your GMAT, follow the grid method for eliminating incorrect answer choices, as always. Remember, on the GMAT, it is not about finding a perfect answer choice, or the "correct" answer choice; it is about finding the most appropriate of the five answer choices presented. Have the grid in place, and once you have eliminated four answer choices, the one that is left is the best answer choice.

This article has deliberately been kept brief; for a more elaborate explanation, please refer to Experts' Global's Stage One Critical Reasoning videos.

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