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The ultimate outcome of ultranationalism is the disappearance of the state altogether, and its replacement by power structures that do not recognize any form of democratic control by the very people these structures affect. Nor do these... more
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      NationalismArt Theory and PoliticsIndependenceKurdish Nationalism
This article explores the nexus between conflicting geopolitical imagi- naries and socioeconomic tensions in northern Mali, examining microlevel processes whereby extralegal and criminal economies have reshaped political and armed mobi-... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesNorth Africa StudiesInternational SecurityPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Tourism to indigenous populations is criticised as a form of modern colonialism, because the dominating tourist culture might overwhelm the so called fragile indigenous culture. This ethical research tries to evaluate this assertion on... more
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      EthicsTourism StudiesEcotourismEthnography
AARMS Vol. 12, No. 2 (2013) 247–271. In 2012 the seemingly stable country of Mali experienced a sudden collapse, this along with the declaration of independence of the brand new Tuareg state, the massive spread of extreme Islamism... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesWest AfricaTuareg Pastoral Nomads
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      Politics in Sub-Saharan AfricaMaliRebellionTuareg
The names of the insurgent groups include historical, cultural, ethnic, territorial and doctrinal references that appear too specific to be considered accidental and thus could be indicative of their strategy. The examples of terrorist... more
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      EtymologyArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicRational Choice
Following the relative democratization of African societies in the 1990s, several countries found themselves caught in the grip of po litical instability, rising ethno-nationalist claims, and ethnically-based insurgent movements calling... more
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      Social MovementsAfricaRace and EthnicityPolitical Violence and Terrorism
La conflictividad en Mali representa un ejemplo más de las guerras intraestales de la posguerra fría compuesta por multitud de variables de fricción y actores que afrontan las diferencias mediante mecanismos violentos. La respuesta... more
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      Conflict ResolutionEthnic ConflictPeace and Conflict ManagementYihad. Terrorism
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesWest AfricaIslamismMali
In: PANORAMA of global security environment 2013, pp. 415-430. ISBN: 978-80-971124-5-5
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesAfricaWest Africa
Although the 2012 takeover of northern Mali by a coalition of jihadi groups (including Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Ansar Dine and the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa) caught much of the world by surprise, armed jihadism... more
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      TerrorismMaliSalafi-jihadist groupsTuareg Rebellion Mali MNLA
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)FulaniTuaregTuareg Music
The thesis classifies cases of majoritarian and power-sharing democracy in plural societies. The research questions are: How are democratic regimes in plural societies articulated? Which dimensions can grasp the institutional varieties... more
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      Comparative PoliticsRace and EthnicityDemocracyDiversity & Inclusion
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
It seems that the process in which a state exists in a permanent mode of questioning its own history, language, symbols, and the very meaning of a “people” can only exist in the revolutionary practice of the stateless state. This... more
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      RevolutionsColonialismNationalism And State BuildingFlags (Vexillology)
Friedensabkommen bei denen die Hauptparteien abwesend sind, deren Vermittler nur seine Vorteile im Auge hat, und die unter der Aufsicht einer internationalen Staatengemeinschaft abgehalten werden, deren Bemühungen lediglich ein... more
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      PeaceMaliTuareg Rebellion Mali MNLAFriedens- und Konfliktforschung
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      West AfricaUnited NationsTuareg Pastoral NomadsMali
This article investigates four case studies in Sub Saharan Africa (Madagascar, Malawi, Mali and Niger) that made the successful transition to democracy in the early 1990s within the global ‘Third Wave.’ Alas, all cases reverted to... more
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      African StudiesPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceAfrica
The new French documentary Les Salafistes (The Salafis) that pre-miered January 26, 2016, in a small number of French theaters offers iconographic imagery seldom seen in the public space: a string of interviews with some of the leading... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyAfrican StudiesFrench History
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)FulaniTuaregTuareg Music
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      North Africa StudiesMaliSahelTuareg Rebellion Mali MNLA
The military intervention in Libya in 2011 has sparked an intensive debate about the success of the operation and reopened several discussions on humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect. In this article, we posit that... more
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      Social MovementsHumanitarian InterventionArmed ConflictLibya
Honvédségi Szemle, 142. évfolyam, 2. szám, 2014/2. szám, 78-92. oldal
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrica
El 21 de marzo de 2012, a apenas un mes de las elecciones, un golpe de Estado militar derrocó al régimen malí, abriéndose un periodo de incertidumbre política. El principal detonante de la intentona golpista fue el conflicto armado que... more
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