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      TextilesAfricaHistory of TextilesWest Africa
The volume represents an attempt of a complex study of the politogenetic processes in their regional and temporary variety. The authors hope that their survey can and should also promote a better understanding of the general tendencies... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
Interracial sex mattered to the British colonial state in West Africa. In Crossing the Color Line, Carina E. Ray goes beyond this fact to reveal how Gold Coasters—their social practices, interests, and anxieties—shaped and defined these... more
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      African StudiesBritish HistoryMaritime HistoryRace and Racism
Depuis octobre 2017, Humanité & Inclusion (HI) a initié un projet d’éducation inclusive au Sahel avec pour but de contribuer à une éducation inclusive de qualité pour les filles et les garçons marginalisés au Burkina Faso, au Mali et au... more
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      West AfricaInclusive EducationIntersectionality and Social InequalityGender and Disability
Bakhtine a décrit le carnaval comme un espace utopique, populiste et festif. Mon propos est que le Grand Magal, un événement religieux mouride au Sénégal ainsi qu'une fête nationale populaire, partage de nombreux parallèles notables avec... more
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      ReligionPovertyWest AfricaSufism
These files were converted from Word Perfect a few years ago and still undergo some correction. The current version is 30th December 2023, which has added clarification on the encoding of 'when' for past events (in chapter 13 and appendix... more
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      West AfricaLinguisticsAfrican languagesAfrican Languages and linguistics
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      West AfricaBiologySorghumHost Plant Resistance
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      GeographyWest AfricaPublic HealthMedicine
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      GeneticsWest AfricaGenetic Diversity
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      ReligionHinduismAfrican StudiesLatin American Studies
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      Information SystemsZoologyMigrationEnergy
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      West AfricaAtmospheric sciencesRainfallSpecific Humidity
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      West AfricaIT ManagementFood SecurityHousehold Consumption
... PETER L. FOREY Department of Paheontology, The Natural Histoy Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD LANCE GRANDE Department qf-Geology, Field Museum of Natural Histov, Roosevelt Road at Luke Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA ...
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      ZoologyWest AfricaSouth AmericaLower cretaceous
Since 2003, the West and Central African (WCA) cotton initiative in the World Trade Organization has stood as an ambitious case of Africa's desire to be integrated into the trading system and yet also receive reparations for past... more
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      West AfricaWTO Trade TopicsAgricultural tradeCotton
Works on the political and economic thoughts of Thomas Sankara have gained recent currency in the light of the resurgence of decolonization of knowledge in both the global North and South. This chapter works from the wide-ranging and... more
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      Political SociologyAfrican StudiesPolitical EconomyMarxism
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      EpidemiologyWest AfricaSurvival AnalysisAdolescent
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      Precision AgricultureWest AfricaSensitivity AnalysisEnvironmental Sciences
Riccardo Pasqualin, Storia dell’Africa. Sulle tracce di una leggenda di John Fage [recensione], in, 12-11-
2021: Storia dell’Africa. Sulle tracce di una leggenda - John Fage - Recensione libro (
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryAfricaWest Africa
Les enseignantes et enseignants, à travers leur appropriation pédagogique des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) se trouvent – quelquefois émerveillés – au milieu de l'Océan. Derrière eux, il y a tout ce qu'ils ont... more
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      West AfricaIntercultural EducationICT in Education
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      African StudiesContemporary ArtWest AfricaAfrican Art History
The term 'feminism' basically stands for the rights and equality of women. There is no definite definition of feminism. The feminist thinkers struggled a lot for making the simple and innocent women of the society aware about this and... more
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      African StudiesEnglish LiteratureAfrican PhilosophyPoetry
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      HistoryWomen's HistoryWest AfricaGender and religion (Women s Studies)
Britain, France and the rest. Similarly Portuguese retained it coastal in Guinea, Angola and Mozambique. While among some the African country whom resisted against colonial masters and live free are: Liberia, Ethiopia and Morocco. Though... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesAfrican PhilosophyMiddle East & North Africa
Summary: Purpose: Cerebral malaria (CM) is suspected to be a potential cause of epilepsy in tropical areas, but little information is available. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of CM in epilepsy among children in Mali. ... more
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      West AfricaEpilepsyMaliHumans
On July 12, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) removed after one month the barrier on LNG cargoes entering or leaving the loading bay at the Bonny terminal in the Niger Delta that it had imposed on Nigeria LNG... more
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      West AfricaEuropean Energy PolicyOil and gasNigeria
L’enregistrement des électeurs est un moment clef du processus électoral, trop rarement pris en compte par les chercheurs. Cet article, exploratoire, est écrit du point de vue d’un observateur participant, responsable d’un point... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceWest Africa
Many mining and development experts consider artisanal diamond mining to be a form of gambling. In Sierra Leone’s mining areas, this comparison also recurs occasionally in miners’ discourses. However, the idea that mining is like gambling... more
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      History of West AfricaGambling StudiesWest AfricaStereotypes
Competition from weeds is one of major biophysical constraints to rice (Oryza spp.) production in sub-Saharan Africa. Smallholder rice farmers require efficient, affordable and labor-saving weed management technologies. Mechanical weeders... more
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      West AfricaBiologySmallholder Farmers & Poverty AlleviationMechanical weed control
The Bamiléké of Cameroon have long believed that after the corpses of their ancestors have rotted they can be exhumed and the skulls used to communicate with the spirits of the dead, as well as their godhead, to receive spiritual... more
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      Death StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)West AfricaCult of Saints
US-IRAN RELATIONS: COMPETING AND OVERLAPPING INTERESTS IN A TURBULENT REGION by MAHMOOD MONSHIOURI AND SHIRIN JAFARINASAB KERMANI. In the post-1979 Iranian revolution, the US-Iran relations have become one of the most antagonistic... more
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      Football (soccer)West AfricaSyriaMiddle East Politics
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      Evolutionary BiologyMolecular EvolutionPlant BiologyWest Africa
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      West AfricaEnvironmental Sciences
La production de coton en Afrique de l’Ouest est basée sur un système de production intensive chimique qui a des effets négatifs sur la santé humaine et l’environnement. La volatilité du marché mondial est également problématique,... more
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      AgroecologySustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentWest Africa
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      PsychologyWest AfricaBrazilReligion and medicine
Commemorating its 50th anniversary of independence as a sovereign state in 2010, the West African country of Mali is abuzz with celebration. The centuries-old tradition of vibrant storyteller-musicians sing, accompanied by the mellifluous... more
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      Development StudiesSustainable DevelopmentWest AfricaNational Parks
Report presenting the main findings from a community-based emancipatory disability research conducted in three counties (Bong, Nimba and Grand Gedeh) in Liberia in West Africa. The research focused on the physical, social, cultural,... more
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      West AfricaCommunity ParticipationEmancipatory ResearchDisability and Health
This paper analyses the emerging gas industry in Ghana, specifically natural gas price formation and identifies the constraints to the development of gas markets, and the role of policy in shaping this market. Our findings indicate that a... more
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      West AfricaGhanaNatural GasCompetition & Regulatory Economics
Food security in West Africa could be improved if basic taxonomic information about pests and biocontrol agents was readily available for the region. Because predatory ladybeetles have been important elements in pest management programs... more
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      West AfricaBiogeographyBiodiversity ConservationCoccinellidae
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyStable Isotope AnalysisSouth Asia
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
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      Public AdministrationSocial AnthropologyWest AfricaChina
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      Nutrition and DieteticsWest AfricaPakistanSeasonality
This report analyses road accessibility, transport corridors and checkpoints set up in border towns in West Africa. An innovative model shows that the population base of border towns could be 14% greater if there were no delays at border... more
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      AccessibilityInfrastructure PlanningWest Africa
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      ReligionHistoryAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
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      Remote SensingHydrologyWater resourcesWest Africa
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      ZoologyWest AfricaPopulation DynamicsDISTRIBUTION
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      Human EcologyEnvironmental ScienceRemote SensingPolitical Ecology
In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionComparative LiteratureAnthropology
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      African StudiesAnthropologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican History
Ostatniego ćwierćwiecza polskich przemian politycznych dotyka i niniejsza publikacja, która jest zbiorem artykułów przygotowanych przez pracowników naukowych i doktorantów z różnych ośrodków w kraju. Prace dotykają zarówno polityki... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisBelarusian StudiesNATOSecurity