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Blog: Is homeopathy a sham?
Blog: Is homeopathy a sham?

When homeopathy is taught at tertiary institutions it lends the controversial practice an elevated level of credibility…

Rebecca Kamm: The oldest romance writer in the world

Meet just-turned-105-years-old romance novelist Ida Pollock, the world's oldest producer of bodice rippers.

Shelly Bridgeman: Are you scared of dying?

Are you scared of death? Is this a reasonable response or an irrational emotion? How have you overcome such a fear in the…

Louise Thompson: Stop chasing the why

Figure out what you are not letting go of. An old rejection that niggles away at the back of your mind. Make a note and…


Cancer's 'nagging wife' factor Cancer's 'nagging wife' factor

Married men with prostate cancer have a much better…

'We wrote our own vows' 'We wrote our own vows'

Holly and Stuart Bryant had always planned to get…

More Relationships
Don Kavanagh: Take measures
Don Kavanagh: Take measures

Be careful of those overly generous pours, writes Don Kavanagh.

Rebecca Kamm: Is your relationship normal?
Rebecca Kamm: Is your relationship normal?

What does a “normal” relationship look like? You may as well bellow “What are humans like?” into thin air, the answer is…

Shelley Bridgeman: Can I stir fry an idea in your think-wok?
Shelley Bridgeman: Can I stir fry an idea in your think-wok?

Let's take a fresh look at the evolving and perennially interesting topic of corporate speak.

Shelley Bridgeman: What do you think about smoking in movies?
Shelley Bridgeman: What do you think about smoking in movies?

Shelley Bridgeman says it's about time the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was exposed for its portrayal of smoking…

Life & Style comment

Louise Thompson: Why the constant comparing?

Louise Thompson: Why the constant comparing?

There is a new game sweeping the nation. Have you heard of it? Almost everyone is playing. It can be addictive and fun to start with, but over the long term players report rampant dissatisfaction, absence of joy and a low…


Don Kavanagh: Spirit of the Deep South

Don Kavanagh: Spirit of the Deep South

Drink it on its own, or as a cocktail, but never with cola, says Don Kavanagh.

Rebecca Kamm: Sex ed for adults

Rebecca Kamm: Sex ed for adults

Sex news! Sex news! A smattering of diverse studies about doing it has been circulating of late. Get up to speed.

Shelley Bridgeman: Busting the arguments against same-sex marriage

Shelley Bridgeman: Busting the arguments against same-sex marriage

What do you think of the arguments against same-sex marriage? Are they inherently flawed or do some of them make sense to you?


Rebecca Kamm: The problem with perfect life advice

Rebecca Kamm: The problem with perfect life advice

There is a constant background hum of advice - to put it mildly - for ladies finding their way.


Shelley Bridgeman: Supermarket snacking - sampling or stealing?

Shelley Bridgeman: Supermarket snacking - sampling or stealing?

They’re the people who give supermarket shoppers a bad name. They blithely eat grapes in the produce section and dried apricots from the bulk food bins.


Nicky Park: Can anyone run?

Nicky Park: Can anyone run?

I'm always keen to get more outdoorsy. There's something about being active in the air that feels wholesome and satisfying. I'm forever envious of the sporty folks I see pounding the pavement, looking all happy, bopping…

Louise Thompson: Blitz limiting beliefs

Louise Thompson: Blitz limiting beliefs

Do any of these sound familiar? I have to stay in this job or we won't be able to make the mortgage, I have no choice. I have no choice but to go to see Mum again this evening.


Rebecca Kamm: Will Pinterest for men last?

Rebecca Kamm: Will Pinterest for men last?

How long will Manteresting last? Is the gathering of inspirational imagery a predominantly female or “gatherer” instinct?


Shelley Bridgeman: How to profit from the poor

Shelley Bridgeman: How to profit from the poor

What do you think of businesses that profit from low income households? Is it okay or is it unconscionable?

Life & Style comment Archives


Where's the vision, Mr Williamson?
Where's the vision, Mr Williamson?

The policies and planks of Mayor Len Brown should be subjected to the challenge of a worthy rival in…

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What I've learnt watching NZ films
Collins confronts sport's last taboo
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