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Aorangi investors to get money back
Aorangi investors to get money back

Investors in the late Allan Hubbard's frozen Aorangi Securities have been told they can expect to be repaid most, if not…

Inside Money: NZ Super ventures in the distressed zone

This quite nifty interactive graphic from the UK Guardian website makes a pretty picture out of three-plus distressing…

Brent Sheather:Taming the finance monster

If there is one thing that keeps local Reserve Bank and Treasury officials awake at night it is probably the thought of…

Inside Money: Think-tanking by numbers - a self-interested portrait

As much as it can be, the inaugural report of the recently-rebranded The New Zealand Initiative is relatively free of…


Shares and property lift KiwiSaver Shares and property lift KiwiSaver

KiwiSaver funds with higher exposures to growth assets…

Helen Twose: Tax credit stops when you travel Helen Twose: Tax credit stops when you travel

I'm about to head off on my OE. I'm not sure how long…

More KiwiSaver
FMA probes investors in collapsed Ross Assets
FMA probes investors in collapsed Ross Assets

New Zealand's market regulator has written to Ross Asset Management investors trying to get information to help its probe…

Mary Holm: If you don't understand it, steer clear
Mary Holm: If you don't understand it, steer clear

Sales pitch can be convincing but too often complicated investments are much riskier than portrayed

Kiwis living pay day to pay day
Kiwis living pay day to pay day

Nearly half of New Zealanders are living pay day to pay day without a nest egg to fall back on in case of emergencies.

Alleged credit card fraudster travelled to NZ on fake passports
Alleged credit card fraudster travelled to NZ on fake passports

A man arrested in Australia for "significant'' credit card fraud is alleged to have used money fleeced from bank accounts…

Personal Finance

Inside Money: Why Fisher made quick-fire changes
Inside Money: Why Fisher made quick-fire changes

Just before I was fired some years ago from my ill-defined, supra-editorial position at a publishing…

Still room for NZ shares to grow, says AMP Capital

New Zealand shares can continue their rally this year after a stellar performance in 2012 as a growing economy underpins…

Inside Money: Austerity now - was 1951 our most influential year?

New Zealand's disproportionate influence on world affairs has been highlighted once more as a dodgy data point sparked…

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