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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries

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S1:Politics and Processes of preparing National Plans and Budgets to achieve the MDGs -A. Farhat
Session 1: Politics and processes of preparing national plans and budgets to achieve the MDGs
S1:Opportunities and challenges to preparing national plans and budgets to achieve the MDGs-Ethiopia
Session 1: Politics and processes of preparing national plans and budgets to achieve the MDGs
S1:Politics and Processes of National Planning and Budgeting in Bangladesh - Sajjad Zohir
Session 1: Politics and processes of preparing national plans and budgets to achieve the MDGs
S2: MDG Needs Assessments in MDG-Based Poverty Reduction Strategies - G. Schmidt-Traub & Albert Cho
S2: MDG Needs Assessment Process in Tajikistan - Temur Basilia, UNDP Tajikistan
S2: MDG Needs Assessment: Methodology and Costing, Tajikistan - Tuya Altangerel, UNDP Tajikistan
S3: Country Experience on MDG-PRS Processes. Eileen Petit-Mshana, WHO/MDG Centre in Nairobi
Session 3: Country adaptation of the needs assessments methodologies in Africa.
S3: MDG-Based National Plans in MICs. From Needs to Policies to Actions. Roddy Rivas-Llosa, Peru
Session 3: Country adaptation of the needs assessments methodologies: case of Middle Income Countries.
Lunch Session: Monitoring Human Development: DevInfo Orientation, Jesper Moller, DGO
Lunch Session: DevInfo as a monitoring tool for the MD/MDGs.
S5: Strategy formulation to achieve the MDGs: policy options - Rathin Roy, UNDP
Session 5: Strategy formulation to achieve the MDGs: policy options.
S6: MDGs and MTEF - Sudharshan Canagarajah, World Bank
Session 6: Financing MDGs
S6: Scaling up for the MDGs: Macroeconomic and Policy Challenges. IMF
S7: Overview of concept of scaling-up - George Laryea-Adjei, UNICEF
Session 7: Scaling-up interventions
S7: Scaling Up to National Food Security Programmes: Concepts and Examples. Abdul Kobakiwal, FAO
S7: Food for Education and the Essential Package for School-age Children. Flora Sibanda Mulder, WFP
S7: Scaling Up and Accelerating for Sustainable Gains in Gender and Education. Carol Watson, UNICEF
S7: Scaling up health systems - Why and How, Issues and Strategies. Paolo Piva, WHO
Session 7: Scaling-up interventions