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Needs Assessment, Costing and Financing Strategies

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UN Millennium Project MDG Needs Assessments:
January 2004
UN Millennium Project MDG Needs Assessments: Country Studies of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Overview of MDG Costing Methodologies
October 2003
Making Sense of MDG Costing
August 2004
By Jan Vandemoortele & Rathin Roy,
Poverty Group, UNDP
Financing MDGs: An Issues Note
by Selim Jahan, Poverty Group UNDP
Achieving the MDGs: A Critique and A Strategy
August 2004
By Sanjay Reddy and Antoine Heuty.
Included here is the report in English and French, and a PowerPoint presentation.
Are MDGs feasible?
June 2002
By Jan Vandermoortele, Poverty Group UNDP
MDG Cost Estimates: The Limits of Expert Knowledge
April 2004
By Rathin Roy and Antoine Heuty, Poverty Group UNDP
Nicaragua: Objetivos de Desarrollo de Milenio y Metas Nacionales
"Escenarios de Inversión Social al 2015 para Alcanzar los Objetivos en Salud, Educacion y Saneamiento y Agua" This report aims at estimating the financial costs of reaching the Milenium Development Goals and the National Development Goals in the areas of Health, Water and Education.
Peru MDG Prediction Model and Preliminary Costing document
December 2004
The Prediction Model report, for which Peru was a pilot.
Timor-Leste: Costing the MDGs: concept and strategy
April 2004
Ethiopia: MDGR Technical Annex
October 2003
Financing the Development Goals: An analysis of Tanzania, Cameroon, Malawi, Uganda and Philippines
March 2002
This Summary Report of 5 MDG costing studies was carried out by national researchers in each of the 5 countries. These studies were commissioned by UNDP in preparation for a special panel held during the Financing for Development Conference and are part of UNDP's championing of the MDGs. The introduction to the report will shed additional light into the scope and purpose of this combined summary.
Philippines - MDG Costing Study
Cameroon - MDG Costing Study
Malawi - MDG Costing Study
February 2002
Uganda - MDG Costing Study
April 2002
This paper provides an overview of Uganda's key national development targets and strategies, relates the targets and strategies to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and assesses the feasibility and the costs of achieving the MDGs via the strategic sector plans that are aimed at realizing specific goals in the country's Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). On the basis of the progress made to date towards achieving the national economic and human development goals, the paper concludes that according to the base case scenario, Uganda can attain the international income poverty targets.
Tanzania - MDG Costing Study
Terms of Reference: Country studies on Meeting the Development Goals
TORs used for UNDP Country Studies
Summary of Ediscussion: MDG Costing
November 2003
A reference note for those involved in costing exercises. This reference note was derived from contributions to an eDiscussion held on MDGNet. Issues addressed include the decision to undertake a costing exercise, costing Goal 1, costing vs financing the MDGs, global comparability vs local specificity, synergies and spillovers between the goals, marginal and average costs, and absorptive capacity.
MDGNet Queries on Costing
Link to the queries and discussions held on MDGNet concerning costing. Includes requests for TORs, sharing comparative experiences, and discussing costing women's work.
MDG Costing Bibliography
The Costs of Attaining the Millennium Development Goals
by: World Bank
Using two different approaches, the World Bank estimates that, if countries improve their policies and institutions, the additional foreign aid required to reach the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 is between $40-$60 billion a year. This estimate is consistent with other agencies' estimates of the costs of achieving individual goals, such as those for education and health. By itself, this additional aid will not be sufficient to attain the goals, as many countries will have to reform their policies and improve service delivery to make the additional spending effective.
Additional Guidelines for MDG costing studies
Includes Purchasing Power Parity conversion rates (from local currency units to PPP$). An Overview of Data Requirements and an illustration of Methodology for Estimating Recurrent Cost of EFA
Millennium Project Handbook for Preparing National Development Strategies to achieve the MDGs
How Costly is it to Achieve the MDG of Halving Poverty by 2015. by Nanak Kakwani and Hyun Sun
MDGs Needs Assesment Report 2005
by: UNDP-Kenya
10 October 2005
MDGs needs assessment and costing reportreport