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Premier League preview No5: Blackpool

With a weakened squad and dressing-room disquiet, all does not bode well for Blackpool

Jason Euell
Blackpool boasts the experienced Jason Euell up front but whether he can unlock the best defences remains to be seen.

Guardian writers' prediction: 20th (NB: this is not necessarily Louise's prediction, but the average of our writers' tips)

Last season's position: sixth in Championship

Odds to win league: 5,000-1

Almost everyone assumes Blackpool will finish bottom of the Premier League but assumptions can be dangerous. This time last year, most people expected Ian Holloway's side to be relegated from the Championship.

As Jimmy Armfield – who played in the last Tangerines top-flight ensemble – reminds us, Holloway's team of "free spirits" have a "considerable" capacity to "shock". Trips to Bloomfield Road's relatively rough and ready surrounds certainly boast the potential to startle some of the more precious Premier League performers, dictating that Holloway's best hope of survival almost certainly lies at home.

Unfortunately, the ground's expansion – the new stand is looking pretty impressive – means four of their first five games are away. Valuable momentum and morale could be lost at a vital time. No matter. At least Blackpool arrive in football's promised land with an aura of mystery. They are unfamiliar opponents and established sides will not be wise to their individual tricks.

Allied to the natural adrenaline surge which newly promoted teams tend to be propelled by until the clocks go back and the leaves start falling, this capacity could see Holloway's squad clocking up sufficient points before Christmas. That, after all, is what Hull did the season before last, when their impressive autumn form compensated for a post new year collapse.

Neutrals will want to support Blackpool; not only because of Holloway's idiosyncrasies – he will surely be the Premier League's most entertainingly whimsical manager by some distance – but also due to his football philosophy. Refreshingly, his Premier League manifesto is all about trying to stay up courtesy of a free-flowing, attack-minded, passing game.

Or, to be more precise, Spanish type, World Cup-winning football – Tiki-taka. "After watching the World Cup I've realised we need to get more like Spain," Holloway says. "You have to caress the ball, you've got to love it and you must not give it to anyone else."

Holloway's aim of trying to out-score the opposition, rather than pack his defence and aim to sneak odd goals on the counterattack, suggests Blackpool may be reminiscent of Danny Wilson's old Barnsley side. Remember the days when Oakwell used to reverberate to the chant: "It's just like watching Brazil"?

Unfortunately, all is far from harmonious behind the scenes and, at the time of writing, the team are still waiting to be paid promotion bonuses of up to £400,000 a player. The dressing-room antipathy towards Karl Oyston, the chairman, has festered all summer and perhaps explains why Holloway has struggled to reinforce a desperately thin squad. As Gordon Taylor, the PFA's chief executive, recently said: "It's been a nice little surprise for Blackpool to get promoted but they have to live up to their side of the agreement about bonuses."

Since the Premier League's inception in 1992 only one side, West Ham United in 2005-06, have avoided relegation after, a la Blackpool, finishing sixth in football's second tier and winning the play-offs but, compared with Holloway, Alan Pardew had an embarrassment of riches.

Last season Blackpool's turnover of just £7m was the second lowest in the Championship after Scunthorpe United. The Seasiders' wage bill amounted to an extremely modest – by football standards – £4.8m.

Blackpool have yet to spend more than £500,000 on a player and Holloway functions with a full-time support staff of just four. That was increased from three this summer, when the club finally appointed a specialist fitness coach.

At the time of writing Holloway's squad numbered 18, including three goalkeepers, and the sole summer signing has apparently been Dekel Keinan, the Israel international recruited from Maccabi Haifa although, mystifyingly, the defender is not yet listed on Blackpool's website.

"We're 20 million miles behind other clubs," acknowledges Holloway, who cannot have been encouraged by the 2-0 friendly defeat at Steve Coppell's Bristol City. Ominously, Blackpool barely tested the City debutant David James as they hardly mustered a single shot on target.

The game saw Keith Southern, an influential midfielder, suffer knee-ligament damage which could sideline him for months. With the striker Billy Clarke sustaining a serious pre-season knee injury, the squad already looks significantly weaker than last season and Holloway will be heavily dependent on the midfield performances of the £500,000 record buy, the Scotland international Charlie Adam, and Stephen Crainey's continued defensive reliability.

Further forward Holloway at least boasts top-level experience in the shape of Jason Euell and Brett Ormerod but whether that pairing proves capable of unlocking the best defences remains to be seen.

Right now, there are more questions than answers at Blackpool.

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  • Vidic15 Vidic15

    4 Aug 2010, 8:39AM

    Guardian writers' prediction: 20th (NB: this is not necessarily Louise's prediction, but the average of our writers' tips)

    Sorry to be pedantic, but that's exactly what it is. 20th position is one that you can't fool us with.

  • Scamander Scamander

    4 Aug 2010, 8:40AM

    Morning all,

    As a clarets fan I was chuffed to see Blackpool make it up. The gap between Championship and Prem is so massive now that only a few mezzanine teams (e.g. WBA) can bridge it.

    This means each season you'll get A.N.Other turn up in the Prem. Last year it was Burnley and this year it's Blackpool who arrive sqinting in the spotlight.

    Fair play to them - if they've got sense they'll use the season to try and play good football and pocket the cash to ensure the don't go into admin anytime soon. Try and be competitive but don't go overbaord and cripple the club whilst doing so (remember Bradford those many moons ago).

    The Prem's a bit of a joke, you've got the top few battling it out, the middle bit which sees a team try and snaffle the UEFA places and then the third strata which Blackpool will probably belong to.

    Hopefully they'll do what teams in their position normally do (and we did). Have a strong early start when teams underestimate you only to be found out after xmas. Good luck to them though.

    BTW have a private league on the free championship fantasy football (Texaco) game. I'll publish the league PIN and name if anyone fancies it?

  • Anderstone Anderstone

    4 Aug 2010, 8:42AM

    They're going to do a Wigan until half-season, back to mid-to-low table mediocrity by the end of July and stay on top unrelegated.

    Then they're going down miserably next season.

    You read it first here.

  • Grooverider Grooverider

    4 Aug 2010, 8:48AM

    Surely Blackpool will be everyones favorite second team, closely followed by Newcastle this season.

    Ian Holloway's often Cantona-esque diatribes
    Insane fans
    Written off before a ball is kicked

    The Silly season starts here. Good luck!!!.\

  • Plissken Plissken

    4 Aug 2010, 8:54AM

    The lack of support from the board at Blackpool for Holloway and his squad has been absolutely criminal. It is one thing to say thankyou for the windfall and quite another to keep it all to yourself.

  • Sweeting Sweeting

    4 Aug 2010, 8:56AM

    Surely Blackpool will be everyones favorite second team, closely followed by Newcastle this season

    Roofies on the cornflakes this morning or something? And don't call me Shirley.

  • Vidic15 Vidic15

    4 Aug 2010, 8:57AM


    The board can't win; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    If all Pool get out of their season is a stadium upgrade, and 4 years worth of parachute payments, plus allowing their supporters to witness top flight football, then what harm is done?

    I for one am glad they're not pulling a Hull to stay in this league.

  • BenfoId BenfoId

    4 Aug 2010, 9:00AM

    Ominously, Blackpool barely tested the City debutant David James as they hardly mustered a single shot on target.

    David James didn't play in goal in the friendly.....

  • Sweeting Sweeting

    4 Aug 2010, 9:04AM

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  • olvinho olvinho

    4 Aug 2010, 9:04AM


    Sorry to be pedantic, but that's exactly what it is. 20th position is one that you can't fool us with.

    Back to Key Stage 3 maths for you - Louise could have tipped them for 19th, the rest 20th and they'd still easily be placed 20th on average. Sorry to be pedantic.

  • JohnnieGoat JohnnieGoat

    4 Aug 2010, 9:06AM

    have to agree with Vidic15

    maybe the chairman is being tight, but how many more Hulls, southamptons, portsmouths do we need?

    blackpool are likely to get relegated - if they have a load of new signings on PL type wages and bonuses and 2-3 yr contracts, that puts paid to all their money this year + most of their parachute payments

    for what? so they can have players of the caliber of Daniel Cousin and Jimmy Bullard?

  • billysbar billysbar

    4 Aug 2010, 9:06AM

    Guardian writers' prediction: 20th (NB: this is not necessarily Louise's prediction, but the average of our writers' tips)

    Sorry to be pedantic, but that's exactly what it is. 20th position is one that you can't fool us with.

    Sorry to be ultra pedantic, but if, say, 10 writers are predicting where they'd finish and, say, Louise predicted 19th and all the others 20th, then the average would be 19.9. This would then have to be rounded to 20th. So, 20th is not necessarily Louise's prediction.

    I'm sure they all said 20th but you started the pedantry!

  • Vidic15 Vidic15

    4 Aug 2010, 9:08AM

    Alright, point taken. My maths isn't good, but Louise sure as hell tipped them for 20th. Actually, maybe she tipped Newcastle for 20th, Blackpool 19th.

  • worldsworst worldsworst

    4 Aug 2010, 9:14AM

    Surely Blackpool will be everyones favorite second team, closely followed by Newcastle this season.

    Joey Barton, Kevin Nolan, Alan Smith, Andy Carroll et al. Surely you must be joking?

  • billysbar billysbar

    4 Aug 2010, 9:17AM

    Since the Premier League's inception in 1992 only one side, West Ham United in 2005-06, have avoided relegation after, a la Blackpool, finishing sixth in football's second tier and winning the play-offs but, compared with Holloway, Alan Pardew had an embarrassment of riches.

    And how many teams are on that list? That information is crucial to the implied point really.

    It's all maths this morning!!

  • gingerbollock gingerbollock

    4 Aug 2010, 9:21AM

    I'm looking forward to see if Charlie Adam gets any chances near the box to show off tyhat lovely left foot. But I'd prefer not top have to watch Ormerod on MOTD if that's OK.

  • worldsworst worldsworst

    4 Aug 2010, 9:25AM

    Probably more than you might think. The team who finishes sixth in the championship tends to have hit that position through a decent finish to the season and have a good degree of momentum. They tend to beat the teams who have just missed out on automatic promotion and who are therefore on a bit of a downer. In fact, I have often thought that it would be a good idea to put a bet on the sixth placed team winning the play offs. The odds tend to be good, and they have that momentum.

    Crystal Palace spring to mind. They sneaked into that position after a blinding run of form in their last ten games or so in the year they were last promoted.

  • Terrierboy Terrierboy

    4 Aug 2010, 9:25AM


    The board can't win; damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    If all Pool get out of their season is a stadium upgrade, and 4 years worth of parachute payments, plus allowing their supporters to witness top flight football, then what harm is done?

    I for one am glad they're not pulling a Hull to stay in this league.

    I think the original point about the board referred more to them refusing to pay bonuses than to spend silly money on transfers. Read the article before posting.

  • Vidic15 Vidic15

    4 Aug 2010, 9:29AM


    My point remains.

    Usually, these things happen not because they are stingy, but because it is a necessity. Whether it has to do with money spent in the transfer market, or elsewhere. Good on the board

  • Terrierboy Terrierboy

    4 Aug 2010, 9:31AM

    But regardless of whether it's a good idea (and whether or not you think footballers are overpaid), if a contract includes a bonus it must be paid - simple as that. The players got the club promoted to earn their promotion bonus, the club needs to pay it.

  • MaiGo MaiGo

    4 Aug 2010, 9:34AM

    Second favourite teams usually have the hallmark of being plucky winners.
    For instance: Reading, Hull before they combusted, Fulham

    Derby wasn't everyone's second fav team were they?

  • janik17 janik17

    4 Aug 2010, 9:36AM

    Teams who finished 6th to win the play-offs:

    1992 - Blackburn
    1997 - Crystal Palace
    2004 - Crystal Palace
    2005 - West Ham
    2010 - Blackpool

    Though Blackburn won the Div.2 play-offs, and are being excluded from this list on that basis, seeing as they finished 4th in their first season up.

    So it's only Palace in '97 & '04 that finish 6th win play-offs and get relegated applies to.

  • logdeflume logdeflume

    4 Aug 2010, 9:36AM


    Blackpool play Wigan opening day. Good time to slot the likes of Insomnia, Rodallega et al into your fantasy football teams

    Way ahead of you on that one mate Insomnia, Roddy, and new signing Alcaraz,who had a fantastic world cup are all in the Fantasy team for day one. It does however depend on which Wigan team turn up, their consistency was fooking looney tunes last season!


    I have signed up to your league sir, looking forward to another great Fantasy football season, watch out for Boca Seniors!

  • Debaser92 Debaser92

    4 Aug 2010, 9:41AM

    The chairman here really is a hateful bastard, Holloway might be my bet to be the first manager sacked as he leaves early in the season realising that Blackpool are heading for a Derby-esque season. Mr chairman, pay the players what they deserve.

  • Vidic15 Vidic15

    4 Aug 2010, 9:48AM


    Unlike Derby who feel they belong in the Prem, pretty sure all the noises from Bloomfield indicate that they are happy to reap the rewards of a refurbished stadium and parachute payments.

  • kaiserslautern kaiserslautern

    4 Aug 2010, 10:05AM

    Blackpool to scrap it out for the final relegation place, narrowly going down in a blaze of glory on the last day after winning 1-0 at Old Trafford.
    Don't think they will necessarily finish 20th, there is a lot of flotsam and jetsam at the bottom of the Premier League.

    Oystons, what a dynasty that is....

    If there are any Guardian A-listers lurking, is Pick The Score happening this year? Please tell me it is, how else do I get excited about Wigan v Newcastle?

  • WirSindFinke WirSindFinke

    4 Aug 2010, 10:05AM

    A few inaccuracies here.

    The whole bonus thing has been wildly over-reported and I'd argue against there being 'disquiet' in the camp. Make no mistake, the spirit in the camp will still be very strong. Of course, a few big reversals could give this a knock, but 'Pool will battle all season. When Derby set the lowest points total, they visibly gave in before Christmas.

    I wonder if Louise has actually seen the new stand, as to label it 'impressive' is a bit misleading. A semi-permanent steel frame, with stanchions running across the front of the stand will be quirky, but I can only imagine the faces of the country's hacks when they find that this is where they will be located. I hope they're made to enter from Back Henry Street too, as this will really give them a wake up call from visiting the likes of the Emirates, Old Trafford and Stamford Bridge.

    I'd also contend with a statement suggesting we will have a front 'pairing' of Jason Euell and Brett Ormerod. Not once last season did we play with two strikers, favouring a 4-3-3 formation all season. Also, Euell was rarely utilised, and on the odd occasion when he was, he was mainly favoured in the midfield three, certainly in the second half of the season. Still, with us running low on numbers I suppose it's not out of the realms of possibility that he may be required in a more forward role.

    The last sentence is probably the best of the article. We still need to make around eight signings to have a squad large enough to make it through to the January transfer window. The quality of these signings will be the key to a plucky campaign and a disastrous one (on-the-field, at least).

    One thing's certain, we will tackle this season in the most frugal way possible. And in an age of Hull, Portsmouth, et al, this probably isn't a bad thing.

  • larrylynx larrylynx

    4 Aug 2010, 10:06AM

    I'm confident that we will get a few new players in before the end of August some of whom will probably be loanees. At the moment, selling clubs and agents are demanding too much money but they'll be forced to accept less as the transfer window nears even more so with the new squad limit and home grown players rules. I am hopeful we'll pick up three or four Premier League standard players in this way.

    Getting promotion was a miracle and staying up will require an even greater miracle but I believe we can do it. There are enough bad teams in the Premier League for us to have a chance of staying up. I'm looking forward to us defying the odds again.

  • Scamander Scamander

    4 Aug 2010, 10:06AM


    Have accepted you!

    Few others seem to have joined as well - quality!

    Any more fancy it - Texaco Fantasy Football League (free) for Championship
    my league's PIN: 3034

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