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The "Forget This Site" feature in Firefox 3.5 is incomplete

Along with private browsing, Firefox 3.5 introduced a "Forget this site" feature for cases when private browsing was not invoked up-front. I found the implementation incomplete.

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Web site of Malaysia's foreign ministry compromised

In today's podcast: Web site of Malaysia's foreign ministry compromised; Stolen Twitter documents appear on Techcrunch; Japanese worry about Net privacy.

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Stupid users respond to spam? Survey said... (ding) 12% do!

A recent survey by MAAWG concluded that email users are stupid, because some of them sometimes "respond" to spam. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers feign shock and horror that people are a bit dim sometimes.

By Richi Jennings: your humble blogwatcher, who selected these bloggy morsels for your enjoyment. Not to mention the SQL KISS...

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Twitter's misplaced trust in the cloud

Its employees entrusted the cloud with sensitive data. Now TechCrunch is having a field day while Twitter twists in the wind.

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British authorities investigating DDOS attacks

In today's podcast: British authorities investigating DDOS attacks; Antitrust fine pushes Intel into red ink; China bans shock therapy for Net addiction.

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Firefox 3.5 'highly critical' security hole in the wild

A memory corruption vulnerability could allow execution of malicious code.

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Dell says PC demand is stabilizing

In today's podcast: Dell says PC demand is stabilizing; UK, not North Korea, was source of DDOS attacks; WiMax subscriber growth slowed in Q1.

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Another Fix it bug in Microsoft software

For the third time in the last couple weeks Microsoft has a simple fix that disables software with a critical flaw.

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Patriot Act rains on cloud storage parade

Weak privacy protections make the U.S. an unfriendly place for non-U.S. companies to host data.

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Number of Chinese botnets declines

In today's podcast: Number of Chinese botnets declines; Dell to test Google's Chrome OS; and Chrome OS won't squeeze out Android.

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Windows of mass destruction

We still don't know if the recent wave of attacks on South Korean and U.S Websites were being masterminded by North Korea, but we do know the attacks were being made by tens of thousands of compromised Windows PCs. Including, perhaps, the one you're using right now.

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Microsoft patches two zero-day flaws

In today's podcast: Microsoft patches two zero-day flaws; PC makers unenthusiastic about Google Chrome OS; and Twitter closes accounts spreading Koobface.

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This IT security pilot fish has 15 years of audit experience in IT and knows what he expects from auditors. So when he gets the report of a young internal auditor who thinks he knows everything about IT, fish has a ready response.

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RIAA lawsuit throws good money after bad

The RIAA acknowledged that mass lawsuits failed to stop the tide of piracy - and severely damaged the industry's public image. So why is it still pursuing the Thomas-Rasset case?

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Super secure document service

Watchdox Spotlight protects your documents from prying eyes and even cameras.

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