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Sun stockholders approve merger with Oracle
The $7.4 billion acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle was approved by Sun stockholders on Thursday morning, Sun said.

Java yields to other languages on the Java Virtual Machine
Move over, Java. There's more to the Java Virtual Machine than just the Java language these days -- and the field of languages for JVM is growing.

Open-source adoption faces extra obstacles in China
The uphill battle that open-source programs face to steal ground from proprietary software comes with added pitfalls in China, where problems like software piracy take away strengths that open source has elsewhere.

Firefox 3.5's first vulnerability 'self-inflicted,' says scientist
Mozilla has confirmed the first bug in the Firefox 3.5 browser that was launched about two weeks ago.

Mozilla upgrades Jetpack browser booster
Jetpack, Mozilla Labs' open source technology for building functional add-ins to personalize the Firefox browser, has been fitted with more capabilities in an upgrade detailed over the weekend, including enhancements to the SlideBar information access capability.

Google releases open source NX server
Amid the fanfare of last week's Chrome OS announcement, Google quietly released an open source NX server, dubbed Neatx, for remote desktop display.

Windows 7 to get boost from rebounding PC buying plans
Microsoft's timing of Windows 7's launch is "fortuitous" because U.S. corporate PC buying plans are on the upswing for the first time in 18 months, a market research company said this week.

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$EDITOR: Don Marti

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