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Linux bugs: Whaddaya want for nothin’?

A Linux newbie is frustrated by a widespread Ubuntu bug and goes straight to the source in London to get the story about how they're fixed.

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Microsoft nearly admits: Wikipedia killed Encarta

Within the last few days Microsoft quietly announced it is killing its Encarta encyclopedia, with the actual date of death October, 2009. What it hinted at, but didn't quite say, was that Wikipedia killed it.

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100% cure for Conficker

Worried about Conficker? You don't have to be. There's a software patch that will get rid of all your Conficker worries once and for all! Better still, it will also rid you of 99.9999% of all your malware concerns once and for all. Its name is Linux.

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Gmail inline translation on the way?

Google has scheduled an event commemorating the 5th anniversary of Gmail in Brussels today. Word on the street is that Google will announce ...

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60 Minutes missed the elephant in the room

The story on 60 Minutes about the Conficker worm missed the larger picture.

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Good-Bye XP. Hello Windows 7

Free support for Windows XP ends on April 14th, and the Windows 7 release candidate arrives in May, coincidence? I don't think so.

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PC to Mac: Cheap is the new cool

Microsoft has unveiled a new ad campaign designed to hit Apple where it hurts: In people's wallets. A new ad shows real people trying to buy affordable laptops, and ending up buying PCs rather than Macs because they can't afford high-priced hardware. The campaign even uses jujitsu against Apple coolness, saying that cheap is the new cool.

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Free software for avoiding the "Microsoft tax"

Windows users essentially pay a Microsoft tax for every PC they buy --- the cost of extra security software they need to buy every year, plus the time it takes to rid their PCs of "crapware" and other software junk. But there's no need to pay that tax --- I've got advice on the best free security software and de-crapifying software so you won't have to pay a dime or waste a minute.

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How to make a half-a-billion bucks with Linux

Deliver a great Linux distribution, add quality middleware, steer clear on proprietary entanglements, and be named Red Hat.

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Do Windows users pay a Microsoft tax?

A few days ago, Steve Ballmer stirred up a hornet's nest when he said that Apple users pay a $500 tax for buying Macs instead of PCs. What he neglected to mention, though, is that plenty of people believe they pay a Microsoft tax for using Windows --- and it's not the price of operating system they're complaining about.

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Five great, obsolete operating systems

You might not want to run any of these operating systems today, but in their time and in their place, they were great.

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A newbie turns to Linux

After failing to fully connect a mixed home Wi-Fi network of Win 98, XP, Vista, Mac OS and Linux machines, I turn to Linux to replace Win 98, but things don't start out well at all.

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Novell's marriage of Linux and Windows

With its latest Linux release Novell, Novell has made Linux about as close to Windows as it can get. Whether that's a good thing or not, depends on where you're coming from.

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Do Linux users pay a "Microsoft tax?"

Steve Ballmer recently caught flack for essentially saying that Apple users pay an Apple tax of $500 for buying Macs compared to PCs. Does that mean that Linux users are forced to pay a Microsoft tax every time they buy a PC with Microsoft software on it?

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Networking Nightmare V: Success?

An eclectic home network of Win 98, XP, Vista, Mac OS and Linux finally achieves file transfer ability among all machines in each direction. Kinda.

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