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‘new york times’

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Showing 1-20 of 326 posts

Posted 04/17/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Oprah Tweeted, and the World’s Largest Newsprint Maker Filed for Bankruptcy

The day in media news.

Posted 04/13/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

The New York Times Could Always Just Start a LiveJournal

The 'Times' today had three stories about the media's epic struggle to stay afloat. Way to be self-referential, 'Times'! And they say newspapers are having trouble adjusting to the Internet.

Posted 04/09/09 in Daily Intel

Blog-Stained Wretches

Drudge Still Finds Way to Avoid the Times

God forbid he send the paper some traffic for one of its own stories.

Posted 04/06/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

AP Chairman: ‘We Can No Longer Stand by and Watch Others Walk Off With Our Work’

Wait: Was it okay for us to use that quote?

Posted 04/03/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Keller: Saving Times Like Saving Darfur

This remark probably looked better on the page. Or not.

Posted 04/02/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Layoffs at Richmond Times-Dispatch, More at Gannett?

The media cuts keep coming.

Posted 04/01/09 in Grub Street

As Seen on TV

Chopping Block Rocks! Sucks!

'Times' television critic Alessandra Stanley has seriously revised her opinion of the show.

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Bill Keller: Yah-Huh, Lots of People Buy the Times!

The paper's executive editor defends his boss against 'Vanity Fair.'

Posted 03/30/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Max Frankel: Cassandra

A new 'Vanity Fair' profile tells us how the former editor of the New York 'Times' was making canny predictions about how the Internet would change the company. Too bad nobody listened.

Posted 03/30/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Times ‘City’ Section to Close

Quirky "City" section stories will no appear in the "Metro" section, insofar as they appear at all.

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Good-bye, Blender

Today was a bad day for media.

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Pay Cuts at New York Times

It's only temporary ... hopefully.

Posted 03/20/09 in Daily Intel


Law & Order: Reptile Unit

While we were all paying attention to other things, a ring of reptile smugglers was being brought to justice.

Posted 03/17/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Andrew Sorkin Tells It Like It Is About AIG

The 'Times' wunderkind loosens up a little.

Posted 03/16/09 in Grub Street


Dirt Candy Owner Lashes Out at Times Dining Section

Dirt Candy owner Amanda Cohen has castigated the 'Times' for its positive profile of her restaurant in "Dining Briefs" last week.

Posted 03/13/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

A.G. Sulzberger, Our Objet D’Envy

One of the newest young reporters for the 'Times' had a surprisingly rapid rise to the front page.

Posted 03/11/09 in Daily Intel

Ink-Stained Wretches

Ross Douthat to Fill William Kristol’s Spot on Times Op-ed Page

This seems like a smart choice.

Posted 02/27/09 in Daily Intel

Neighborhood News

Times to Start Neighborhood Blogs

Starting on Monday with sections on Brooklyn and New Jersey, the Paper of Record is coming to you.

Posted 02/27/09 in Vulture


Lily Allen Calls Out Times ‘Skanks’

They sold photos to British tabloids of her in her home against her wishes, apparently.

Posted 02/26/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Newsday to Charge for Online Content

Today's bad media news includes the death of a 150-year-old newspaper, and the shrinkage of one of fashion's most powerful brands.