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‘media deathwatch’

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Showing 1-20 of 86 posts

Posted 04/15/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Sam Zell Calls Buying the Tribune a ‘Mistake’

Somehow, his saying that doesn't make us feel any better. That, and more bad news, in our media roundup.

Posted 04/14/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

On the Bright Side, a Magazine Devoted to Pole-Dancing Launched Today

But it's online-only. Meanwhile, the ax came down at some traditional media companies.

Posted 04/13/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

The New York Times Could Always Just Start a LiveJournal

The 'Times' today had three stories about the media's epic struggle to stay afloat. Way to be self-referential, 'Times'! And they say newspapers are having trouble adjusting to the Internet.

Posted 04/10/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Albany Times-Union Cancels Bargaining Agreement With Union

More than half of the paper's workers are union.

Posted 04/09/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Your Ad Here

The L.A. 'Times' and other media outlets are giving ads more prominent placement, and sometimes even disguising them as front-page news stories! More on the media meltdown in our daily wrap-up, sponsored by your mom.

Posted 04/08/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

FHM Is Looking for an Editor-in-chief

Yep, you read that right. There's a media job, everybody! A media job!

Posted 04/07/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Surfing Editor’s Ride Is Over

Meanwhile, Google doesn't understand why the AP is so angry when it's just trying to help them, and other news on the changing media.

Posted 04/06/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

AP Chairman: ‘We Can No Longer Stand by and Watch Others Walk Off With Our Work’

Wait: Was it okay for us to use that quote?

Posted 04/03/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Cuts at Women’s Day and Men’s Journal

And yet, new magazines are churning out literally every day.

Posted 04/02/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Layoffs at Richmond Times-Dispatch, More at Gannett?

The media cuts keep coming.

Posted 04/01/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

The Media Is Fixed!

April Fools. The media is still definitely limping along.

Posted 03/31/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Chicago Sun-Times, Bankrupt

And the journalists have started fleeing.

Posted 03/30/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Cuts at Boston Herald, Consolidation at AdWeek

Today in media news.

Posted 03/27/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Budget Travel Cuts Its Budget

Today's media news.

Posted 03/26/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Good-bye, Blender

Today was a bad day for media.

Posted 03/25/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Hachette Can No Longer Afford to Keep Boating Afloat

So they're shipping it off before it sinks. (Sorry.) And more, in today's media news.

Posted 03/23/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Genre Magazine Ceases Publication

That's not the only tough news for the media today.

Posted 03/18/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Ad Age Reducing Issues

The latest news on the seeming demise of print media.

Posted 03/13/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Us Style Launch Delayed

Didn't know what that was? No worries, you have plenty of time to learn about it.

Posted 03/12/09 in Daily Intel

Media Deathwatch

Something Fishy Is Going on With Russia!

Is the quirky magazine running out of financing? One editor says yes, owners say no.