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Linux's dirty little secret: Uninstall

David Ramel's Blog

I really like Linux, but why is it so hard to find documentation on removing it and why is it so hard to actually do it?

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Google Chrome = Dead, Google Search = Hot

John Brandon's Blog

Last week, Computerworld reported that Chrome's market share has slipped again - now fighting for a fourth spot with the Opera browser. That means IE, Firefox, and Safari are trudging on the fledgling Google browser, which has just a .7 market share, according to Net Applications. I think the browser has now almost become inconsequential, a bright blip that has faded faster than my summer tan.

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How SaaS hurts a fragile IT economy

Mark Everett Hall's Blog

SaaS is wonderful. SaaS is great. But software as a service is killing IT jobs.

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IBM & Canonical to launch Ubuntu desktop for business

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

The companies say that this new business Linux desktop will offer a 50% savings over Windows 7 while running on existing hardware.

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New Ubuntu Linux server is for business

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

If you still think Ubuntu is just this cute little Linux for Linux fans, boy do you have a surprise waiting for you in Ubuntu Server 9.04.

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Project management software - Workamajig (formerly Creative Manager Pro)

Seth Weintraub's Blog

As an IT Manager by day, I am tasked with evaluating software that can help our company be more productive. The company is a 60 person creative agency that has a footprint on 3 continents. Overall we are run very well but we could be more efficient with the proper software. I am not talking about Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite here.

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We have met the enemy, and he is us.

Scott McPherson's Blog

We don't need al-Qaeda to blow us up. We are perfectly capable of lighting the fuse ourselves, courtesy of our inability to share information vertically and bilaterally.

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After Googlefail, will you trust online apps?

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

Google fouled up its own network, so would you trust them, or anyone else, with your applications.

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The real reason Google is making Chrome

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

Google has several good reasons to create a Web browser of its own, but they don't include killing off Internet Explorer or Firefox. Microsoft, however, does have reason to worry. Big ones.

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Ubuntu scores major Wikipedia win

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

Ubuntu's always been popular with users, but not so much with server managers. Now, with Wikipedia moving from a hodge-podge of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS that may be changing.

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I want a real Linux and Mac version of Chrome

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

All credit to CrossOver for its WINE-based version of the hot Chrome Web browser for Linux and Mac OS, but, come on Google, how's about giving us the real thing?

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Another day, another Microsoft lie

Steven J. Vaugh...'s Blog

If you believe Microsoft, an independent study by ClickStream Technologies found Microsoft Office, to be far more popular than OpenOffice.org, which in turn was far more popular than Google Docs. What Microsoft doesn't mention is that ClickStream is headed by Microsoft's former head of Microsoft Office research. Very independent, eh?

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Google Gears email tribute to Ozzie, Plato and Lotus Notes 1.0

Eric Lundquist's Blog

Google Gears is the Internet driven email replication service that owes its heritage to, among others, Ray Ozzie and Lotus Notes

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Why Web standards in IE 8? It's done so well without them

David DeJean's Blog

If you thought Microsoft Chief Technical Officer Ray Ozzie's announcement at the Mix conference that the company has ″decided to make our most current standards-based mode the default″ in the new beta of Internet Explorer 8 was curious, you're half-right. It was more than that. It was a major tipping point.

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Watching as desktop software disappears

Barbara Krasnoff's Blog

The idea of working with online apps rather with locally-installed software is no longer revolutionary. In fact, it's slowly becoming a fact of life -- so much so, that it may not be long before you won't have much of a choice as to whether you work online or not.

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