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Apple lets iPhone developers track App Store progress
11/12/2009 -  Apple may be feeling the Android heat. The company has changed the way it deals with iPhone app developers letting them now keep closer tabs on how their software is proceeding through Apple's strict App Store review process. Many see the move as yet another step by Apple to keep app store developers from defecting to competing mobile platforms -- namely Android.
Jacqueline Emigh, PC World

Eich: JavaScript getting faster, could displace Flash
11/12/2009 -  JavaScript, the now-ubiquitous scripting language popular in client-side Web development, has gotten faster and could find itself being used instead of Adobe Flash technology, Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, told InfoWorld. "The browser vendors are making super-fast implementations of it, so JavaScript's gotten very, very fast, and this is helping developers use it more," Eich said when asked what he sees in the future for JavaScript. "It's being used for 3D graphics programming now."
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Now open source: Several of Google's JavaScript tools
11/12/2009 -  Google has decided to release as open source several of its key application development tools, hoping that they will prove useful for external programmers to build faster Web applications.
Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service

Java, BlackBerry get critical security fixes
11/12/2009 -  Sun Microsystems and Research In Motion have issued critical bug fixes for security issues with their products.
Robert McMillan , - Choose -

Microsoft buys bridge between Java and .Net developers
11/12/2009 -  Microsoft announced this month plans to acquire technology that has enabled Microsoft's TFS (Team Foundation Server) software to be an ALM (application lifecycle management) server for different software development platforms. The company will purchase Teamprise-related assets from SourceGear. Teamprise software lets Java developers using Eclipse-based IDEs or developers leveraging operating systems including Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X build applications via Visual Studio TFS.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Palm's Ares WebOS tool allows for easy app dev
11/12/2009 -  Palm will introduce a Web-based development environment for WebOS applications, called Ares, by the end of this year.
Stephen Lawson, IDG News Service

Apache readies Tomcat Java servlet container upgrade
11/12/2009 -  The Apache Software Foundation for open source projects is readying an upgrade to its Tomcat Java servlet container, eyeing improvements in areas such as scalability and security, Apache personnel said earlier this month.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Spring 3.0 framework for Java to debut
10/20/2009 -  Spring 3.0, a major upgrade to the popular open source Java development framework, is being introduced this week by SpringSource and features full REST support for rich Web applications as well as an expression language.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

JetBrains readies open source version of its Java IDE
10/15/2009 -  JetBrains, which has provided its IntelliJ Idea Java IDE as a commercial product, now is offering a preview of a free, open source version of the IDE.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Fate of some Sun technologies still up in the air
10/14/2009 -  Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has been fawning all over Sun Microsystems technologies lately, such as Java, the Solaris OS, the MySQL database, and the Sparc CPU platform. But it still remains to be seen how Oracle will deal with redundancies in the Java enterprise application server and IDE spaces once Sun becomes part of Oracle.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

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