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Servers & Data Center

All Servers & Data Center Posts

Optimizing IT: How much can you save on storage?

The new method of optimizing IT takes a more holistic view of problems and leverages innovations in technologies and services to increase efficiency and get better return on existing assets. This in turn enables IT management to combine the budgets of multiple projects to provide better purchasing power, and through innovations such as virtualization or cloud computing, provide data services at commodity prices.

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The floor above this server room is being renovated, and the construction guys upstairs have found a very efficient way of dealing with the debris.

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The end of SQL and relational databases? (part 1 of 3)

The road to SQL started with Dr. E.F. Codd's paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", published in Communications of the ACM in June 1970.

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Oracle/Sun: Solaris, Java, SPARC and more...

A charismatic leader stands up and addresses the expectant faithful in the San Francisco Bay Area. No, not Steve Jobs' Apple iPad announcement, but Larry Ellison's unveiling of the Oracle/Sun strategy. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers discover what it means for Solaris, Java, SPARC, etc... Not to mention iPad: Steve Jobs's downfall?...

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Scott McNealy's emotional farewell: Sun set to be Oracle's

So goodbye then, Scott McNealy. Your company, Sun Microsystems, broke the mold and made more than $200B over 28 years. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers pay tribute to a departing leader. Not to mention a Haiti charity infographic...

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Techcrunch down; Apple tablet hype hack?

Last night, a major tech blog was hacked. While you were sleeping, TechCrunch was dead to the world. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers wonder if it's connected to Apple's announcements tomorrow, pointing fingers at Rackspace security. Not to mention Happy Australia Day...

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How safe is your deduplicated data?

As more organizations move to disk-based backup with deduplication, the glaring absence of high availability (HA) in many of today’s offerings is becoming apparent.

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See, those metrics have a use after all

Some of the servers in this data center are running applications that have memory leaks -- and the only way to avert a major crash is to reboot them regularly.

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Four ways to save energy - and $$$ - in legacy data centers

Will a server virtualization and consolidation project that cuts the total number of servers also cut operating costs by the same proportional amount? Not even close. Here's why.

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Fans: The new power hogs in the data center

IBM's Roger Schmidt argues that replacing power-hungry air conditioning systems water-based cooling may be cheaper, and more energy efficient, and necessary to cool future data centers.

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'Operation Aurora' Google China patches imminent

Microsoft will soon be releasing patches for the vulnerabilities highlighted by the recent Google China hacks. The so-called Operation Aurora malware exploited bugs in IE, causing Redmond to issue fixes outside its usual second-Tuesday schedule. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers dig into the details and continue to point fingers at China. Not to mention Farmville!!!

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Running Ubuntu on an Active Directory network

One reason why some companies won't consider running a Linux desktop is that it's not easy to get them to work with Active Directory. Likewise and Canonical have an answer for that.

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The best Linux file system of all?

According to Google, it's Ext4, and that's why they're moving their servers to it.

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Not quite as dedicated as he thought

Pilot fish notices a problem with one of his company's production databases one evening -- and things just get messier from there.

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Linux Foundation helps Linux job hunters

Even in bad times, IT shops want Linux experts.

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