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Review: Kindle for iPhone -- the killer e-book app

Want to read new e-books but don't want to shell out the cash for a Kindle? No problem. You can now read them with Amazon.com's free Kindle app for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch. Read more...


Survey: Most Oracle Shops Don't Mandate Use of Security Patches
Only 32% of Oracle database users surveyed by the vendor and the Independent Oracle Users Group said their companies require security patches to be installed on all or some systems.

Most Oracle database shops don't mandate use of security patches, survey says
Only 32% of Oracle database users surveyed jointly by the vendor and the International Oracle Users Group said their companies require Oracle's security patches to be installed on all or some of their systems.

CAREERS / more stories...

Motorola fired CFO for cause
Motorola fired former Chief Financial Officer Paul Liska for cause last month, the company disclosed in a proxy statement for its upcoming annual shareholder meeting.

Microsoft to hire H-1B workers, even as it lays off some visa holders
Microsoft will lay off H-1B workers as part of its plan to let go of 5,000 employees over 18 months, but it will continue to hire foreign workers as well, even though a U.S. senator insists that the software maker has an 'imperative' to ensure that U.S. workers have priority in keeping their jobs over foreign workers.

DEVELOPMENT / more stories...

Mozilla patches eight Firefox bugs, six critical
Mozilla today patched eight security vulnerabilities in Firefox, half of them critical memory corruption flaws in the browser's layout and JavaScript engines.

Reports: Microsoft lets users yank IE8 from Windows 7
A just-leaked build of Windows 7 lets users remove Internet Explorer -- the first time that Microsoft has offered that option since it integrated the browser with Windows in 1997, two bloggers reported today.

GOVERNMENT / more stories...

U.S. agencies face broadband stimulus challenges
Broadband experts say U.S. agencies will have difficulty allocating broadband money in the U.S. economic stimulus package.

NASA uses Unix to track asteroid's close call to Earth
NASA has been tracking the path of an asteroid that passed the earth on Monday using specialized software running on a Unix-based Dell server.

HARDWARE / more stories...

Analysts: Mac buyers still pay more than PC buyers for same hardware 'guts'
Apart from 'Windows or Linux?' nothing will start an argument in a bar full of techies quicker than, 'Which hardware gives you more bang for the buck, Mac or PC?'

Nvidia mulls x86 chip for low-cost computers
Nvidia may develop an integrated x86-based chip for use in low-cost computers, an Nvidia executive said this week, a move that would step up its rivalry with Intel.

MANAGEMENT / more stories...

Motorola fired CFO for cause
Motorola fired former Chief Financial Officer Paul Liska for cause last month, the company disclosed in a proxy statement for its upcoming annual shareholder meeting.

IT is bridging the generation gap, one app at a time
IT leaders are finding that revamping old applications with newer, more familiar GUIs is one way to appeal to younger employees.

MOBILE AND WIRELESS / more stories...

Analysts: Mac buyers still pay more than PC buyers for same hardware 'guts'
Apart from 'Windows or Linux?' nothing will start an argument in a bar full of techies quicker than, 'Which hardware gives you more bang for the buck, Mac or PC?'

Nvidia mulls x86 chip for low-cost computers
Nvidia may develop an integrated x86-based chip for use in low-cost computers, an Nvidia executive said this week, a move that would step up its rivalry with Intel.


Mozilla patches eight Firefox bugs, six critical
Mozilla today patched eight security vulnerabilities in Firefox, half of them critical memory corruption flaws in the browser's layout and JavaScript engines.

U.S. agencies face broadband stimulus challenges
Broadband experts say U.S. agencies will have difficulty allocating broadband money in the U.S. economic stimulus package.

OPERATING SYSTEMS / more stories...

Analysts: Mac buyers still pay more than PC buyers for same hardware 'guts'
Apart from 'Windows or Linux?' nothing will start an argument in a bar full of techies quicker than, 'Which hardware gives you more bang for the buck, Mac or PC?'

Microsoft's biggest enemy now: Apple, Linux or itself?
In a recent meeting with financial analysts, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer spelled out what he thinks are the biggest threats today to Windows on the client side. Surprisingly, Apple wasn't No. 1. It wasn't No. 2 or 3, either.

SECURITY / more stories...

California finds e-voting software had errors, data deletion functions
A report released on Monday by California's Secretary of State, Debra Bowen, identifies several problems with the e-voting technology from Diebold's Premier Election Solutions.

Legislator moves to limit Google Maps because of terrorist threat
A California legislator is proposing that mapping applications such as Google Maps be required to limit the details shown in images of government buildings, churches, schools and the like.

SERVERS AND DATA CENTER / more stories...

Survey: Data storage only technology to see increased spending this year
Data storage spending was the only area expected to increase, according to a survey of IT professionals in the U.S. and U.K., but virtualization is expected to be the top technology trend over the next five years.

Refueling portable devices; a tuneful keyboard
The scoop: Fueltank, by Callpod, about US$70 (currently on backorder).

SOFTWARE / more stories...

Ballmer promises faster Windows Mobile development
Under pressure from popular phones from Apple and Research In Motion, Microsoft hopes it has put in place changes that will help it meet that mobile competition faster, said CEO Steve Ballmer on Wednesday.

Mozilla patches eight Firefox bugs, six critical
Mozilla today patched eight security vulnerabilities in Firefox, half of them critical memory corruption flaws in the browser's layout and JavaScript engines.

STORAGE / more stories...

Survey: Data storage only technology to see increased spending this year
Data storage spending was the only area expected to increase, according to a survey of IT professionals in the U.S. and U.K., but virtualization is expected to be the top technology trend over the next five years.

U.S. agencies face broadband stimulus challenges
Broadband experts say U.S. agencies will have difficulty allocating broadband money in the U.S. economic stimulus package.

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The Clock Is Ticking on Windows XP: Why You Should Start Planning Your Windows Vista® Migration Now
The Clock Is Ticking on Windows XP: Why You Should Start Planning Your Windows Vista® Migration Now
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How to Tame Digital Content
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(Source: Adobe) Although digital content can be efficient and dynamic, it also creates new challenges that often can't be addressed by implementing an (ECM) enterprise content management solution. Take a look at this whitepaper to see how organizations can avoid the frustrations that result when they try a turn-key approach to ECM.
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Bad Broker Data is Bad for Business
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New Web Threats for 2009
(Source: MessageLabs) Email threats such as spam are well known, but there's another major entry point into your network, the Web! As companies have become more adept at stopping email threats, cyber-criminals have discovered new ways to infiltrate corporate networks through the Internet. Uncover the newest Web-based threats targeting businesses and learn how to stop them before they can disrupt your business. This whitepaper discusses how cyber-criminals use converged threats (email and web combined attacks) to manipulate users and gain access to networks. In this whitepaper you'll also learn about the newest security tactics for combating these Web-based attacks.
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