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All Government & Regulation Posts

Reported federal cyberattacks increasing

It looks like cyberattacks against federal networks are increasing.  This comes from an article in USA Today stating that in 2008 there was a 40% increase of reported cyberattacks against U.S. Government computer networks, with many of the attacks coming through attempts to plant malware to get to sensitive data.

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Does the Obama White House love Open Source?

Open Source lovers have reason to celebrate: The White House is using the Open Source content management system Drupal for its Recovery.org Web site, which is designed to let anyone know exactly where money from the recently passed stimulus package is being spent. Will there be more Open Source ahead in the White House?

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D.I.C.E.: Newell says pirates "way ahead of us"

Half Life 2 producer Gabe Newell doesn't believe pirates are out for freebies, they just hate handcuffs and standing in line. Who knew?

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Terry Childs speaks from SF jail cell

Terry Childs (credit: Robert McMillan)In Thursday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches former San Francisco network administrator Terry Childs speak out from his jail cell. Not to mention the end of U.S. analog TV...

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Fund a mission to Mars, not a mortgage bailout

A mission to Mars has a better chance of raising the U.S. standard of living than a mortgage bailout.

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Obama anti-trust chief: Google is a monopoly threat, not Microsoft

The blogosphere regularly excoriates Microsoft for being a monopoly, but Google, not Microsoft, may be in the cross-hairs of the nation's next anti-trust chief for monopolistic behavior. Last June Christine A. Varney, President Obama's nominee to be the next antitrust chief, warned that Google already had a monopoly in online advertising.

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The process for scoping internal PCI pen tests

Here is the typical process for scoping out internal penetration tests for those companies that need to be compliant with PCI DSS.

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Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft: three acquisition suggestions

Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM and Hewlett-Packard have a lot of money to spend. Here are three areas where they should open the wallet.

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Facebook TOSses out your privacy?

Facebook logoIn Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches a row erupt over Facebook's new Terms of Service. Not to mention gaming in a world without bad guys...

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Don Tennant: Philly blockbuster

The persistence of an IT manager driven by principle and a quest for justice is reminiscent of the David-and-Goliath story that inspired the film Flash of Genius, admires Don Tennant in this week's editorial.

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Computerworld Editorial's blog

Downgrade to XP is $60: Microsoft sued

Windows XP box (source: Microsoft)In Monday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Microsoft get sued over a fee to downgrade from Vista to XP. Not to mention a special Valentine's Day gift...

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Vista to XP charge leads to lawsuit

User demand has kept XP in the market, but Microsoft insists on charging extra for it. Now, one user isn't going to take it anymore.

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Stimulus spending and technology spending

Someone who just got a nearly $700 billion paycheck is sure to be at the top of the technology vendors party list.

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Industry gets serious about Downadup, aka Conficker

Microsoft security  logoIn Friday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches an industry cabal get off their collective backsides to do something about the latest 10-million-strong botnet. Not to mention conclusive proof that Google does have a sense of humor...

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Securing Information: The only question that counts

In these uncertain times, it seems like a lot of well-intentioned guidance is being released to tell us what we need to do, how we need to do it and why we need to act. In spite of this information, how do you know if you are making the right choices for your organization? What happens when the budget has been cut and risks continue to increase? What if we ignored the lists and took a different approach? The time has come to focus on people, information and risk - combined - and it starts with a single question.

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