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Gee, thanks

This network engineer pilot fish is trying to get help with a flaky domain controller, so he calls the help desk -- but the tech's only response is, "We're down."

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Networking Nightmare: Win 98, XP, Vista, Mac OS X and Linux

Five different operating systems. 32 and 64 bits. One home network. One clueless journalist. Can it work?

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SaaS gives project management tools a reality check

Would you use a free project management service if it promised 97% accuracy on promise dates? You'd be foolish not to.

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Obama anti-trust chief: Google is a monopoly threat, not Microsoft

The blogosphere regularly excoriates Microsoft for being a monopoly, but Google, not Microsoft, may be in the cross-hairs of the nation's next anti-trust chief for monopolistic behavior. Last June Christine A. Varney, President Obama's nominee to be the next antitrust chief, warned that Google already had a monopoly in online advertising.

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Can I see me now?

This company has a limited number of VPN connections, so IT sets up a terminal server gateway for some users to remote into their office PCs from home -- and for most of them, it works pretty well.

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Penny dumb, pound dumber

Mobile employees at this big international company already aren't entitled to a home office or use of a real office at a company location -- and with the economy going south, it's getting worse.

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Google Ink rears its head

Hello, my name is Seth Weintraub. You might know me from such blogs as Apple Ink or 9to5Mac. Well, it turns out that I love Google almost, if not more, than Apple. So, here is Google Ink...

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Google PowerMeter... err, powers your power meter

Google.org logoIn a special IT Blogwatch Extra, Richi Jennings watches bloggers watch Google.org watch your power meter (phew). Not to mention Queen vs. Songsmith...

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Kindle 2 to fan flames for e-books?

Kindle 2In Tuesday's IT Blogwatch, Richi Jennings watches Amazon launch its "new, improved" e-book reader. Not to mention corpulence pedagogy...

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OpenDNS prevents the Conficker worm from phoning home

On Monday February 9, 2009 OpenDNS rolled out a new feature, one that neuters the Conficker worm by preventing it from getting new marching orders from the home office.

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Ubuntu Server Linux is for business

Ubuntu isn't just for Linux fans and desktops anymore. Canonical and analyst firm RedMonk have just released survey results that show that there are thousands of business server users who already consider Ubuntu Server mission critical.

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Internet Explorer for Linux: Microsoft has been there before...sort of

I recommended in my blog yesterday that Microsoft should release a version of Internet Explorer for Linux, and it turns out that Microsoft has been there before...sort of. Years ago, it released a version of IE for Unix, the operating system upon which Linux is based. I've got details and links to where you can download it and to screenshots in my blog.

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Five virtualization trends to watch

Open source, memory, mega routers,I/O and management have all recently shared the virtualization stage.

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Why Microsoft should release Internet Explorer for Linux

Market share for Internet Explorer continues to plummet, with potentially dire consequences for Microsoft. But there's one way Microsoft can help stem its overall losses: Release a version of IE for Linux. It's not as far-fetched an idea as you might think.

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Five technology jobs for 2009

Emerging information technology opportunities in compliance, document management, virtualization and business intelligence.

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