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  • Niccolò Pretto completed his PhD at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova. His research is ... moreedit
This paper presents a workflow and novel digital filters for compensating speed and equalization errors that can impact digitized audio open-reel tapes. We examine three frequent cases of mismatch between recording and reproducing... more
This paper presents a workflow and novel digital filters for compensating speed and equalization errors that can impact digitized audio open-reel tapes. We examine three frequent cases of mismatch between recording and reproducing standards: NAB 3.75 ips-CCIR 7.5 ips; NAB 3.75 ips-CCIR 15 ips; NAB 7.5 ips-CCIR 15 ips. Three MUSHRA-inspired tests (” sets”) containing≥ 21 participants were used to perceptually assess the workflow and digital filters, using excerpts of music and voice. The results indicated that the digital correction filters performed well, although the electroacoustic stimuli in Set C provided mixed results, suggesting that the style of the music used in perception tests should not be overlooked.
Conducting "manual" transcriptions and analyses is unsustainable for most historical oral archives because they require a remarkable amount of funds and time. The FONTI 4.0 project aims at exploring the suitability of automatic... more
Conducting "manual" transcriptions and analyses is unsustainable for most historical oral archives because they require a remarkable amount of funds and time. The FONTI 4.0 project aims at exploring the suitability of automatic transcription and information extraction technologies for making historical oral sources available. In this work, we conducted an experiment to test the performance of two commercial speech-to-text services (Google Cloud Speech-to-text and Amazon Transcribe) on digitized oral sources. We created an eight-hour corpus made of manually transcribed and annotated historical speech recordings in TEI format. The results clearly show how audio quality and disturbing elements (e.g., overlaps, foreign words, etc.) impact on the automatic transcription, showing what needs to be improved for implementing an unsupervised transcription chain.
While there are currently various approaches that define and adapt the conditions in which the user experiences content or service for several music and audio-related applications including entertainment, communication, audio documents... more
While there are currently various approaches that define and adapt the conditions in which the user experiences content or service for several music and audio-related applications including entertainment, communication, audio documents preservation/restoration, we are missing worldwide accepted standards that enable data exchange and interoperability based on common interfaces for such applications. The Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to develop such standards. Relying on Artificial Intelligence (AI), MPAI creates a workflow of AI Modules (AIM) that are interchangeable and upgradable without necessarily changing the logic of the application. A specific area of work, MPAI Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE), is showing tremendous possibilities for the Sound and Music Computing (SMC) community. MPAI-CAE applies context information to the input content to deliver the audio output via the most appropriate protocol. Three MPAI-CAE case studies particularly relevant for the SMC community will be presented in this paper: Audio recording preservation (ARP), a use case that covers the whole "philologically informed" archival process of an audio document, from the active sound documents preservation to the access to digitized files; Audio-on-the-go (AOG), which aims to improve safety and listening quality for situations in which the users are in motion in different environments; and Emotion-enhanced speech (EES), a use case that implements a user-friendly system control interface that generates speech with various levels of emotions.
Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an... more
Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an Italian project financed by the Region of Tuscany, aiming to: (i) explore methods for long-term preservation and secure access to oral sources, and (ii) develop an infrastructure under the CLARIN-IT umbrella offering several services for scholars from different domains interested in oral sources. This paper describes the project’s infrastructure and its methodology through a case study on Caterina Bueno’s audio archive.
Archives often include documents that can hardly be considered publications or grey literature as such, yet they maintain their documentary value and play a role of primary sources for the specialists. These documents, indeed, can help... more
Archives often include documents that can hardly be considered publications or grey literature as such, yet they maintain their documentary value and play a role of primary sources for the specialists. These documents, indeed, can help archivists to reveal the sedimentation process of the archive itself and to preserve the authentic context of the documentary production. They also appear to be very useful for the community of researchers and scholars. This happens more frequently with oral archives which include 'non-conventional sources', thus bringing together audio documents, fieldworks notes, correspondence, slipcases, analogic compact cassettes or open reels. At the crossroad of two disciplines, Archival Science and Grey Literature, this paper aims to argue the applicability of the concept of grey literature to this wide range of documentary materials, by showing the experience of Archivio Vi.Vo, a regional project aiming at building a model for archiving, preserving, managing and disseminating audio documents.
Providing technologies to support the visiting experience in cultural venues of artistic value is an important issue that needs to be addressed by considering the delicate nature of the places. Architectural heritage and visual arts are... more
Providing technologies to support the visiting experience in cultural venues of artistic value is an important issue that needs to be addressed by considering the delicate nature of the places. Architectural heritage and visual arts are two valuable examples: the most sensible choice for augmenting the comprehension and the experience concerning this kind of cultural heritage is through audio cues (e.g., using audio guides). This work describes a pilot experiment to evaluate the impact of soundscapes and environmental acoustics reconstruction in the visitors' experience. We proposed, to the visitors, an audioguide integrated with an optional experience presenting a comparison between a choir recorded in an anechoic chamber and the same choir as it would have sounded in the Church of the San Martino Charterhouse, using a preliminary acoustic survey. Experiments were conducted with real visitors to maximise the ecology of the collected data and results show that people are significantly interested towards the proposed experience, motivating further efforts to improve the quality and depth of the contents provided with this strategy.
Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an... more
Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an Italian project financed by the Tuscany Region, aiming to (i) explore methods for long-term preservation and secure access to oral sources and (ii) develop an infrastructure under the CLARIN-IT umbrella offering several services for scholars from different domains interested in oral sources. This paper describes the project’s infrastructure and its methodology through a case study on the Caterina Bueno’s audio archive.
During the last 40 years, a large number of musical works was composed and recorded at the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (CSC) of the University of Padova. The problem of how to preserve this increasing amount of audio documents... more
During the last 40 years, a large number of musical works was composed and recorded at the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (CSC) of the University of Padova. The problem of how to preserve this increasing amount of audio documents arose and, in order to meet this need, the CSC started to carry out a research to develop a scientific methodology for preservation. In the last 7 years, this methodology was refined and applied to the digitization of more than 2,500 audio documents both from Italian and international audio archives, mainly stored on analogue magnetic carriers such as open-reel tapes and cassettes. Their content consists of electronic, folk and other kinds of music, as well as speech recordings. The methodology provides for collecting numerous metadata about the original carrier on which the audio information was stored, i.e. flange diameter, brand and material, its physical state and the related preservation copy, necessary for a correct preservation of the content and the contextual information. This work aims to extract and interpret the information from this wealth of data and metadata, which was collected and structured through the software PSKit. This may be useful for audio technicians, archives and policy makers to plan future preservation projects.
The lack of a standard preservation methodology is an important issue that digital speech archives have to face nowadays. Information that needs to be stored requires the implementation of a methodological framework in order to prevent... more
The lack of a standard preservation methodology is an important issue that digital speech archives have to face nowadays. Information that needs to be stored requires the implementation of a methodological framework in order to prevent cultural losses. The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (CSC) of the University of Padova, cooperating with several digital archives (both speech and music) implemented a scientific methodology for the active preservation of audio documents. The framework is still a work in progress and the methodology is continuously improved with new additions, such as neural networks and machine learning-based techniques for detecting the right equalization curves or recognizing discontinuities on the tape. This contribution presents the abovementioned methodology,
as well as several informatics tools for the study, the access and the preservation of audio documents.
[English translation: Those voices now gone - Artificial intelligence to counteract the eclipse of sound memories]. Le informazioni acustiche -- anche a causa della grande varietà delle tecnologie impiegate, e nonostante il loro continuo... more
[English translation: Those voices now gone - Artificial intelligence to counteract the eclipse of sound memories]. Le informazioni acustiche -- anche a causa della grande varietà delle tecnologie impiegate, e nonostante il loro continuo perfezionamento --, a differenza di quelle grafiche, hanno dimostrato di essere estremamente labili, soggette sia a degradazione, sia a possibilità di perdita irreparabile in tempi relativamente brevi. Conservare i supporti originali e, contemporaneamente, l'equipaggiamento necessario alla loro riproduzione è senza speranza: la comunità archivistica internazionale ha introdotto in questo senso lo slogan difendere il contenuto, non il supporto. La conservazione diventa attiva, accogliendo l'idea che è necessario digitalizzare le informazioni acustiche. Procedura complessa, che deve essere svolta da gruppi di ricerca interdisciplinari, possibilmente avvalendosi di strumenti sviluppati nel campo dell'intelligenza artificiale.
In the medieval Islamic territories of the Iberian Peninsula known as Al-Andalus a unique style of music was formed combining local practices with Arab sensibilities. After the fall of the last An-dalusian kingdom, this classical... more
In the medieval Islamic territories of the Iberian Peninsula known as Al-Andalus a unique style of music was formed combining local practices with Arab sensibilities. After the fall of the last An-dalusian kingdom, this classical repertoire has been preserved to the present in North African countries. The idiosyncrasies of this repertoire, which combines musical traits from Western and Eastern Mediterranean traditions in orchestral and choral settings, as well as instrumental and vocal solos, deserves an in depth musico-logical study, that can benefit from computational tools for corpus-driven research. On the other hand, the characteristics of this music poses interesting challenges to MIR methods and therefore offer new research opportunities to this field. To address these topics, we present here the first complete release of the corpus for the research of the Moroccan tradition of Arab-Andalusian music built in the framework of the CompMusic project. The corpus comprises three data collections, namely audio recordings, music scores and lyrics, as well as related annotations and metadata. We also present a series of Jupyter Notebooks for browsing and retrieving data from the corpus. Both the corpus and notebooks are completely open to the research community.
The Arab-Andalusian music is performed through nawabāt (plural of nawba), suites of instrumental and vocal pieces ordered according to their metrical pattern in a sequence of increasing tempo. This study presents for the first time in... more
The Arab-Andalusian music is performed through nawabāt (plural of nawba), suites of instrumental and vocal pieces ordered according to their metrical pattern in a sequence of increasing tempo. This study presents for the first time in literature a system for automatic recognition of nawba for audio recordings of the Moroccan tradition of Arab-Andalusian music. The proposed approach relies on template matching applied to pitch distributions computed from audio recordings. The templates have been created using a data-driven approach, utilizing a score collection categorized into nawabāt. This methodology has been tested on a dataset of 58 hours of music: a set of 77 recordings in eleven nawabāt from the Arab-Andalusian corpus collected within the CompMusic project and stored in Dunya platform. An accuracy of 75% on the nawba recognition task is reported using Euclidean distance (L2) as distance metric in the template matching.
Historical analogue audio documents are indissolubly linked to their physical carriers on which they are recorded. Because of their short life expectancy these documents have to be digitized. During this process, the document may be... more
Historical analogue audio documents are indissolubly linked to their physical carriers on which they are recorded. Because of their short life expectancy these documents have to be digitized. During this process, the document may be altered with the result that the digital copy is not reliable from the authenticity point of view. This happens because digitization process is not completely automatized and sometimes it is influenced by human subjective choices. Artificial intelligence can help operators to avoid errors, enhancing reliability and accuracy, and becoming the base for quality control tools. Furthermore, this kind of algorithms could be part of new instruments aiming to ease and to enrich musicological studies. This work focuses the attention on the equalization recognition problem in the audio tape recording field. The results presented in this paper, highlight that, using machine learning algorithms, is possible to recognize the pre-emphasis equalization used to record an audio tape.
Questo articolo descrive un progetto relativo all’implementazione di un flauto di Pan virtuale all’interno di una installazione museale che verrà esposta presso il Museo di Scienze Archeologiche e d’Arte dell’Università degli Studi di... more
Questo articolo descrive un progetto relativo all’implementazione di un flauto di Pan virtuale all’interno di una installazione museale che verrà esposta presso il Museo di Scienze Archeologiche e d’Arte dell’Università degli Studi di Padova. In primo luogo, l’articolo introduce il problema della conservazione attiva e della valorizzazione degli strumenti in ambito museale. A seguire descrive l’installazione multimediale progettata appositamente per valorizzare un antico flauto di Pan ritrovato in Egitto, negli anni Trenta, durante una campagna di scavi archeologici. Il reperto è stato sottoposto a svariate analisi, quali scansioni 3D e Tomografia Computerizzata, da cui sono state estratte le
misure interne ed esterne del flauto. Queste sono state indispensabili
per ricavare l’intonazione delle canne e quindi creare il modello alla base del flauto virtuale. Infine, l’articolo descrive in maniera approfondita le scelte progettuali, le modalità di interazione e l’implementazione delle due sezioni dell’installazione dedicata al suono. L’utente, infatti, può “suonare” il flauto utilizzando come input sia i comandi touch, sia il “soffio”.
This paper presents the early developments of a recently started research project, aimed at studying from a multidisciplinary perspective an exceptionally well preserved ancient pan flute. A brief discussion of the history and iconography... more
This paper presents the early developments of a recently started research project, aimed at studying from a multidisciplinary perspective an exceptionally well preserved ancient pan flute. A brief discussion of the history and iconography of pan flutes is provided, with a focus on Classical Greece. Then a set of non-invasive analyses are presented, which are based on 3D scanning and materials chemistry, and are the starting point to inspect the geometry, construction, age and geographical origin of the instrument. Based on the available measurements, a preliminary analysis of the instrument tuning is provided, which is also informed with elements of theory of ancient Greek music. Finally, the paper presents current work aimed at realizing an interactive museum installation that  recreates a virtual flute and allows intuitive access to all these research facets.
Musical listening, besides being an important form of entertainment, is particularly important for emotional engagement, affect balance and person's well-being. In this paper authors introduce "Good or Bad?", a music listening game based... more
Musical listening, besides being an important form of entertainment, is particularly important for emotional engagement, affect balance and person's well-being. In this paper authors introduce "Good or Bad?", a music listening game based on the comparison of multi-track recordings. Through the use of gameful elements, challenges and score achievement, authors try to engage two players in music active listening tasks including the detection of musical features such as harmonic structure, rhythm and musical meter. The game is played by moving in the range of a large-scale responsive environment, a floor portion placed under a motion capture system which allows the tracking of one ore more people. This allows to link the players movements to audio and graphic output, producing meaningful interactions. The results of a public assessment of the game are brief y presented and discussed. The game may be used for leisure and entertainment but may also be employed both to train and to assess music listening skills.
This paper presents ongoing work aimed at realizing an interactive museum installation that aids museum visitors learn about a musical instrument that is part of the exhibit: an exceptionally well preserved ancient Pan... more
This  paper  presents  ongoing  work  aimed  at  realizing  an interactive museum installation that aids museum visitors learn about a musical instrument that is part of the exhibit: an  exceptionally  well  preserved  ancient  Pan  flute,  most probably of Greek origins. The paper first discusses the approach to non-invasive analysis on the instrument, which was based on 3D scanning using computerized tomography (CT scan), and provided the starting point to inspect the geometry and some aspects of the construction of the instrument.  A  tentative  reconstruction  of  the  instrument tuning is then presented,  which is based on the previous analysis and on elements of theory of ancient Greek music. Finally, the paper presents the design approach and the first results regarding the interactive museum installation that recreates the virtual flute and allows intuitive access to several related research facets.
Questo articolo presenta una virtualizzazione di un grammofono per la riproduzione di dischi fonografici digitalizzati, realizzata utilizzando tecnologia web. Il lavoro introduce il problema della conservazione attiva dei dispositivi per... more
Questo articolo presenta una virtualizzazione di un grammofono per la riproduzione di dischi fonografici digitalizzati, realizzata utilizzando tecnologia web. Il lavoro introduce il problema della conservazione attiva dei dispositivi per la riproduzione di documenti sonori, risaltando la centralità dell'aspetto filologico nella fruizione. La web-application riproduce fedelmente il funzionamento del grammofono, attraverso una interfaccia utente intuitiva che ne rappresenta graficamente tutte le componenti meccaniche. La descrizione delle tecnologie alla base dell'applicazione si sofferma sulle librerie Web Audio Api, fondamentali per ricostruire le peculiarità sonore che contraddistinguono i grammofoni per dischi in gommalacca. Nei primi anni del Novecento la mancanza di uno standard univoco per l'incisione di registrazioni fonografiche ha favorito la proliferazione di un enorme varietà di curve di equalizzazione e velocità di rotazione dei dischi: la virtualizzazione propone una soluzione flessibile per adattare in tempo reale i brani digitalizzati alle caratteristiche del supporto originale.
Electroacoustic music on analog magnetic tape is characterized by several carrier-related specificities that must be considered when creating a copy for digital preservation. The tape recorder needs to be set to the correct speed and... more
Electroacoustic music on analog magnetic tape is characterized by several carrier-related specificities that must be considered when creating a copy for digital preservation. The tape recorder needs to be set to the correct speed and equalization, and the magnetic tape could have some intentional or unintentional alterations. During both the creation and the musicological analysis of a digital preservation copy, the quality of the work may be affected by human inattention. This article presents a methodology based on neural networks to recognize and classify the alterations of a magnetic tape from the video of the tape as it passes in front of the tape recorder's playback head. Furthermore, some machine-learning techniques have been tested to recognize a tape's equalization from its background noise. The encouraging results open the way to innovative tools able to unburden audio technicians and musicologists from repetitive tasks and to improve the quality of their work.
This contribution resumes the results of the research project “Parco Multimediale delle Mura di Padova (PAMU), valorizzazione di paesaggi e percorsi culturali in un’ottica creativa e innovativa”(ESF 2014-2020), realized thanks to the... more
This contribution resumes the results of the research project “Parco Multimediale delle Mura di Padova (PAMU), valorizzazione di paesaggi e percorsi culturali in un’ottica creativa e innovativa”(ESF 2014-2020), realized thanks to the synergies between the IUAV University of Venice, the University of Padua and four establishments active in the Veneto territory. The main purpose of the project is the realization of a multimedia museum of the Walls of Padua. The proposal takes advantage of innovative strategies and technologies for spreading the knowledge concerning the history of the Renaissance Walls of the city. During the project, a huge amount of data was gathered, both from the digital surveys of the three relevant case studies (Porta Codalunga, Porta Pontecorvo and Torrione Alicorno) and the documentary sources retrieved from several museums and archives of the territory. The collected data was the starting point for the virtual reconstruction of the sites within the city walls, showing their transformations over the last five centuries. The outputs of the research converged into the realization of multimedia installations, designed to project audiovisual contents directly onto the walls by creating an emotional experience taking advantage of the suggestive environment of the historical sites. In addition, an augmented reality based app allows the users to virtually visit the buildings through different periods of time, by locating tridimensional models in their original environments. Finally, a management plan and a website were conceived in order to lead the visitor, spread the knowledge and promote the Renaissance Walls of Padua.
This work investigates computational musicology for the study of tape music works tackling the problems concerning stemmatics. These philological problems have been analyzed with an innovative approach considering the peculiarities of... more
This work investigates computational musicology for the study of tape music works tackling the problems concerning stemmatics. These philological problems have been analyzed with an innovative approach considering the peculiarities of audio tape recordings. The paper presents a phylogenetic reconstruction strategy that relies on digitizing the analyzed tapes and then converting each audio track into a two-dimensional spectrogram. This conversion allows adopting a set of computer vision tools to align and equalize different tracks in order to infer the most likely transformation that converts one track into another. In the presented approach, the main editing techniques, intentional and unintentional alterations and different configurations of a tape recorded are estimated in phylogeny analysis. The proposed solution presents a satisfying robustness to the adoption of the wrong reading setup together with a good reconstruction accuracy of the phylogenetic tree. The reconstructed dependencies proved to be correct or plausible in 90% of the experimental cases.
This article presents a methodology for the active preservation of, and the access to, magnetic tapes of audio archives. The methodology has been defined and implemented by a multidisciplinary team involving engineers as well as... more
This article presents a methodology for the active preservation of, and the access to, magnetic tapes of audio archives. The methodology has been defined and implemented by a multidisciplinary team involving engineers as well as musicians, composers and archivists. The strong point of the methodology is the philological awareness that influenced the development of digital tools, which consider the critical questions in the historian and musicologist's approach: the secondary information and the history of transmission of an audio document.
The aim of this article is to present and discuss an innovative methodology aimed at accessing digitized copies of historical tape music audio documents; the methodology leverages on the multimedia and multisensory capabilities of mobile... more
The aim of this article is to present and discuss an innovative methodology aimed at accessing digitized copies of historical tape music audio documents; the methodology leverages on the multimedia and multisensory capabilities of mobile devices to provide an unprecedented level of fruition. In addition to the methodology, and stemming from it, we present an actual software application for Android tablet devices. This novel piece of software was designed and developed in a multidisciplinary team involving engineers as well asmusicians, composers, and archivists. The strongest element in our work is the fact that it follows a rigorous process and it is based on the principles of philological awareness; thus, it also takes into consideration the critical points in the musicologist's domain such as (i) the definition of preservation (i.e., master) copy, (ii) the importance of secondary information, (iii) the history of production and transmission of audio documents.
MPAI-Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence is the first body developing data coding standards that have Artificial Intelligence (AI) as its core technology. MPAI believes that universally accessible standards... more
MPAI-Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence is the first body developing data coding standards that have Artificial Intelligence (AI) as its core technology. MPAI believes that universally accessible standards for AI-based data coding can have the same positive effects on AI as standards had on digital media. Elementary components of MPAI standards-AI Modules (AIM)-expose standard interfaces for operation in a standard AI Framework (AIF). As their performance may depend on the technologies used, MPAI expects that competing developers providing AIMs will promote horizontal markets of AI solutions that build on and further promote AI innovation. Finally, the MPAI Framework Licences provide guidelines to IPR holders facilitating the availability of compatible licences to standard users.
Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an... more
Audio and audiovisual archives are at the crossroads of different fields of knowledge, yet they require common solutions for both their long-term preservation and their description, availability, use and reuse. Archivio Vi.Vo. is an Italian project financed by the Tuscany Region, aiming to (i) explore methods for long-term preservation and secure access to oral sources and (ii) develop an infrastructure under the CLARIN-IT umbrella offering several services for scholars from different domains interested in oral sources. This paper describes the project’s infrastructure and its methodology through a case study on the Caterina Bueno’s audio archive.
In the medieval Islamic territories of the Iberian Peninsula known as Al-Andalus a unique style of music was formed combining local practices with Arab sensibilities. After the fall of the last Andalusian kingdom, this classical... more
In the medieval Islamic territories of the Iberian Peninsula known as Al-Andalus a unique style of music was formed combining local practices with Arab sensibilities. After the fall of the last Andalusian kingdom, this classical repertoire has been preserved to the present in North African countries. The idiosyncrasies of this repertoire, which combines musical traits from Western and Eastern Mediterranean traditions in orchestral and choral settings, as well as instrumental and vocal solos, deserves an in depth musicological study, that can benefit from computational tools for corpus-driven research. On the other hand, the characteristics of this music poses interesting challenges to MIR methods and therefore offer new research opportunities to this field. To address these topics, we present here the first complete release of the corpus for the research of the Moroccan tradition of Arab-Andalusian music built in the framework of the CompMusic project. The corpus comprises three data collections, namely audio recordings, music scores and lyrics, as well as related annotations and metadata. We also present a series of Jupyter Notebooks for browsing and retrieving data from the corpus. Both the corpus and notebooks are completely open to the research community.
Multimedia archives face the problem of obsolescing and degrading analogue media (e.g., speech and music recordings and video art). In response, researchers in the field have recently begun studying ad hoc tools for the preservation and... more
Multimedia archives face the problem of obsolescing and degrading analogue media (e.g., speech and music recordings and video art). In response, researchers in the field have recently begun studying ad hoc tools for the preservation and access of historical analogue documents. is paper investigates the active preservation process of audio tape recordings, specifically focusing on possible means for compensating equalization errors introduced in the digitization process. If the accuracy of corrective equalization filters is validated, an archivist or musicologist would be able to experience the audio as a historically authentic document such that their listening experience would not require the recovery of the original analogue audio document or the redigitization of the audio. us, we conducted a MUSHRA-inspired perception test (n � 14) containing 6 excerpts of electronic music (3 stimuli recorded NAB and 3 recorded CCIR). Participants listened to 6 different equalization filters for each stimulus and rated them in terms of similarity. Filters included a correctly digitized "Reference," an intentionally incorrect "Foil" filter, and a subsequent digital correction of the Foil filter that was produced with a MATLAB script. When stimuli were collapsed according to their filter type (NAB or CCIR), no significant differences were observed between the Reference and MATLAB correction filters. As such, the digital correction appears to be a promising method for compensation of equalization errors although future study is recommended, specifically containing an increased sample size and additional correction filters for comparison.
Digital technology in museum practice provides new means of interaction with artifacts and collections. In particular, we need interactive installations in order to encourage and stimulate visitors to learn and understand archaeological... more
Digital technology in museum practice provides new means of interaction with artifacts and collections. In particular, we need interactive installations in order to encourage and stimulate visitors to learn and understand archaeological musical instruments through engagement and active participation: these instruments (i.e., interactive artifacts per se) are de facto unplayable and inaccessible to visitors, as a consequence of their preservation issues. However, presenting artifacts to the general public is a complex task for their multifaceted nature, and digital technology must not sacrifice accuracy or depth of information for the sake of entertainment. Moreover, deploying digital technology is a multidisciplinary effort that requires an interplay among different fields, from history and archaeology to information engineering and craftsmanship. In this article, we present a methodology to relate such disciplines in order to design a digital multimedia installation that promotes archaeological musical instruments in a museum. In defining the problem, we identify four different aspects to consider: the museum collection, the museum environment, the manufacturing opportunities for the installation, and the user experience. Such aspects are integrated in a design approach that is centered on Design Thinking. The proposed methodology is exemplified in the designing and manufacturing of an installation for a Pan flute from Egypt dated back to 700 A.D., a case in which multisensory interaction is particularly important to convey the lost sound of the instrument. We describe in detail an installation (exhibited at the Museum of Archaeological Science and Art at the University of Padova), which virtually recreates the Pan flute and communicates information related to its history, iconography, acoustics, and musicology. Just after the deployment of the installation, we also carried out an assessment with a group of experts in the fields of information engineering, music, musicology, and archaeology. The good results obtained demonstrate that the installation is a convenient way of interaction, simple to use and aesthetically integrated in the museum context.
This paper presents the early developments of a recently started research project, aimed at studying from a multidisciplinary perspective an exceptionally well preserved ancient pan flute. A brief discussion of the history and iconography... more
This paper presents the early developments of a recently started research project, aimed at studying from a multidisciplinary perspective an exceptionally well preserved ancient pan flute. A brief discussion of the history and iconography of pan flutes is provided, with a focus on Classical Greece. Then a set of non-invasive analyses are presented , which are based on 3D scanning and materials chemistry , and are the starting point to inspect the geometry, construction, age and geographical origin of the instrument. Based on the available measurements, a preliminary analysis of the instrument tuning is provided, which is also informed with elements of theory of ancient Greek music. Finally, the paper presents current work aimed at realizing an interactive museum installation that recreates a virtual flute and allows intuitive access to all these research facets.
Information engineering has always expanded its scope by inspiring innovation in different scientific disciplines. In particular, in the last sixty years, music and engineering have forged a is a paradigmatic case that includes several... more
Information engineering has always expanded its scope by inspiring innovation in different scientific disciplines. In particular, in the last sixty years, music and engineering have forged a is a paradigmatic case that includes several multi-faceted cultural artifacts and traditions. Several issues arise from the analog-digital transfer of cultural objects, concerning their creation, preservation, strong connection in the discipline known as “Sound and Music Computing”. Musical heritage access, analysis and experiencing. The keystone is the relationship of these digitized cultural objects with their carrier and cultural context. The terms “cultural context” and “cultural context awareness” are delineated, alongside the concepts of contextual information and metadata. Since they maintain the integrity of the object, its meaning and cultural context, their role is critical. This thesis explores three main case studies concerning historical audio recordings and ancient musical instruments, aiming to delineate models to preserve, analyze, access and experience the digital versions of these three prominent examples of musical heritage. The first case study concerns analog magnetic tapes, and, in particular, tape music, a particular experimental music born in the second half of the XX century. This case study has relevant implications from the musicology, philology and archivists’ points of view, since the carrier has a paramount role and the tight connection with its content can easily break during the digitization process or the access phase. With the aim to help musicologists and audio technicians in their work, several tools based on Artificial Intelligence are evaluated in tasks such as the discontinuity detection and equalization recognition. By considering the peculiarities of tape music, the philological problem of stemmatics in digitized audio documents is tackled: an algorithm based on phylogenetic techniques is proposed and assessed, confirming the suitability of these techniques for this task. Then, a methodology for a historically faithful access to digitized tape music recordings is introduced, by considering contextual information and its relationship with the carrier and the replay device. Based on this methodology, an Android app which virtualizes a tape recorder is presented, together with its assessment. Furthermore, two web applications are proposed to faithfully experience digitized 78 rpm discs and magnetic tape recordings, respectively. Finally, a prototype of web application for musicological analysis is presented. This aims to concentrate relevant part of the knowledge acquired in this work into a single interface. The second case study is a corpus of Arab-Andalusian music, suitable for computational research, which opens new opportunities to musicological studies by applying data-driven analysis. The description of the corpus is based on the five criteria formalized in the CompMusic project of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona: purpose, coverage, completeness, quality and re-usability. Four Jupyter notebooks were developed with the aim to provide a useful tool for computational musicologists for analyzing and using data and metadata of such corpus. The third case study concerns an exceptional historical musical instrument: an ancient Pan flute exhibited at the Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art of the University of Padova. The final objective was the creation of a multimedia installation to valorize this precious artifact and to allow visitors to interact with the archaeological find and to learn its history. The case study provided the opportunity to study a methodology suitable for the valorization of this ancient musical instrument, but also extendible to other artifacts or museum collections. Both the methodology and the resulting multimedia installation are presented, followed by the assessment carried out by a multidisciplinary group of experts.