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Prime (rank)

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The name or term "Prime" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Prime (disambiguation).
We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

Prime is a rank of highest distinction in many Transformers continuities. Typically, it is used as the identification for the leader of the Autobots, something that is bestowed only on those that carry the Matrix of Leadership within them. It is retroactively derived from Primus, the creator of the Transformers.

With the retcon that Primus is one singular entity that exists (and must exist) threaded through (almost) all Transformer continuities, the term Prime is likewise given one singular origin. It was, first of all, the designation granted by Primus to many of the Thirteen original Transformers created, by his own hand, at the dawn of the physical universe to crew his planetary form.

In universes where the Transformers speak Japanese, the equivalent rank is Convoy.



Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel The Transformers comics

"Prime" did not initially seem to hold any significance as a title or rank.

  • Optimus Prime's Marvel Comics Transformers Universe profile describes his "Optimus" module as his humanoid robot component and his "Prime" module as his small cart-shaped component that is also known as Roller.
  • The Decepticons did not know who held the Creation Matrix until Shockwave calculated with 99.7% certainty that it was Optimus Prime.The New Order
  • In a flashback to events early in the war, "Optimus Prime" was simply a Lieutenant Commander. The Flames of Boltax!

Nevertheless, "Prime" eventually developed into a title of sorts. A direct lineage of Creation Matrix bearers was established, each of whom took on a derivation of the name of their god Primus. They were Prima, Prime Nova, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime, and Rodimus Prime. However, following the lead of the animated movie, Ultra Magnus briefly bore the Matrix without taking the title of "Prime" in the UK's future continuity.[1]

The Transformers cartoon

Events from IDW Publishing or Fun Publications books are in italics.

The evidence for "Prime" being a rank here is weaker than elsewhere, but the case can still be made. Though many Matrix-Bearers are seen, and all are by definition Autobot Leaders, only four are ever named; 2 Primes, 2 not: Alpha Trion, Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Rodimus Prime. Without knowing any other names it is hard to make a concrete case here for "Prime" being a title given only to Matrix-Bearers.

It is of note though that if it were, then "Prime" in this continuity would be a military/political title (since it is the "Matrix of Leadership"), rather than the religious title of the Marvel Comics.

"Prime" is a title/rank similar in use to Marvel Comics. There is a nearly complete linage of Matrix of Leadership bearers taking the rank. They are: Primon, Prima, Prime Nova, Guardian Prime, Zeta Prime, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Rodimus Prime. The AllSpark Almanac II

Not all Convoys are Primes (and vice-versa). If you can lead Antroids to a picnic, you're a Convoy in Japan.

Beast Wars cartoon

Though there was no evidence of a Prime ruling Maximal society, they frequently used the term in their society with phrases such as "Who died and made you Prime?" and the sarcastic utterance of "That's just Prime". Beast Wars

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

This continuity also establishes Prime as designating the leader of the Autobots, but there is some muddled information. The Prime carried within him the Matrix of Leadership, but it appears that the Matrix doesn't contain the wisdom of past leaders, as that was held on a separate datatrak. Also, the Prime did not appoint his successor. A new Prime was chosen by the Council of Ancients, supposedly through divine authority.

It's unknown what powers the Prime shared with the Council of Ancients, but the Primes themselves had several powers. In addition to being commander-in-chief of the Autobot Army, the Prime also had the authority to order a planet wide evacuation. Autobots gave oaths of loyalty to the Prime, and were expected to risk their lives for the Prime's safety (whether the Prime wanted them to or not). The War Within #1

There are five known Primes in Dreamwave Generation One continuity, listed in More than Meets the Eye #8. These are Alpha Prime, Guardian Prime, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime. The list does not specify chronology, and Rodimus Prime never appeared in any actual Dreamwave issues.

2005 IDW continuity


Following the God War and the subsequent departure of the mythological Knights of Cybertron, the next generation of Cybertronians reverted to a state of barbarism, carving up the planet into a series of smaller kingdoms and villages. From these scattered regions arose the lineage of the Primes—powerful, charismatic Cybertronians that climbed the ranks to become respected leaders. Origin Myths The Crucible It was into this state of affairs that the Decepticon scientist Shockwave arrived, hurled backwards in time from the distant future. Recognizing the political state of Cybertron from his studies into the planet's ancient history, Shockwave sought to guide history along the preordained course that he knew it must take, all as part of a much grander scheme to ensure the perpetual dominion of the Cybertronian race by building up, and subsequently burning down, every Cybertronian creed and faction. To this end, Shockwave first slew and then impersonated Onyx Prime, adopting his identity and recruiting Megatronus to unify the planet through conquest, The First Who Was Named slaying those Primes, such as Septimus Prime, who history did not record and thus could not survive into the present day. Origin Myths

When Megatronus marched on the Crystal City, "Onyx Prime," pretending to be one of Megatronus's victims, rallied the defenders of Crystal City to fight back, and eventually was able to ratify a truce between Megatronus's Darklanders and the forces of the Crystal City—laying the foundations for the second unification of the planet under the benevolent guidance of the Thirteen. Origin Myths The First Who Was Named Before long, however, the Primes became spoiled and debauched, believing themselves to be innately superior to other Cybertronians. Origin Myths Soon, they came to believe that only a Prime could kill another Prime, a sentiment that spread to their followers. The Crucible

Encouraged by "Onyx Prime," the Thirteen began their first attempts at interplanetary colonization by invading the world of Antilla; the conflict ended in a stalemate after an Antillan scientist created a doomsday weapon that destroyed all life on the planet, warping it into a harbringer of death. In the wake of this disaster, Onyx manipulated events so that Megatronus and Liege Maximo would spark the First Cybertronian Civil War, which saw the death of Solus Prime and the imprisonment of Liege Maximo. Heavy The war raged between the tribes for a period and ultimately saw the reign of the Thirteen collapse after Galvatron disproved the myth of a Prime's immortality by slaughtering Nexus Prime. The truth revealed, all the remaining Primes save Alpha Trion fled Cybertron afterwards. The Crucible With Alpha's blessing, Nova Major and Galvatron ended the war, and Nova then took on the title, intending to unite Cybertron under a single Prime. The Crucible

Supposedly, at least some members of the Thirteen left Cybertron aboard the Titans, gigantic living ships that carried Spark-producing hot spots. A 'Bot and Her City According to legend, thirteen Titans left Cybertron and colonized distant worlds with Transformer life in an attempt to produce a utopic Pax Cybertronia. Aphelion Left to their own devices and cut off from the string of injustices committed by Nova and his successors, the isolated colonies developed religions that deified the Thirteen and their lineage as living gods. The Sum and Its Parts Primeless, Part 2


Nova Prime presided over an era in which the populace believed the Cybertronian race's destiny was in the stars, and commissioned the first Ark spacecraft. Spotlight: Optimus Prime The people of Cybertron believed the Ark was for exploration, but Nova's true goal was aggressive expansionism at the cost of other civilizations. Despite being a Matrix bearer (the exact circumstances of how he acquired the Matrix are unknown) The Divided Self, he was referred to by Omega Supreme as a "false Prime" most likely due to his behaviour betraying the ideals of Primus. Primus: All Good Things Nova was thought lost after he disappeared into the Benzuli Expanse while aboard the Ark. Spotlight: Galvatron

Nova was succeeded by Nominus Prime, who rose to become the leader of a corrupt Cybertron where the ruling elite oppressed the lower citizens whose roles in life were determined by the bodies they were built in. His rule ended when a group within the Senate conspired against him in order to take the power of the Matrix for themselves, Chaos Theory Part 2 only to find that his Matrix was a fake. They quickly had Nominus killed, covered it up and publicly announced that their head of security Sentinel, part of the conspiracy, was showing signs of Matrix affinity. Post Hoc Unbeknownst to the Senate, "Sentinel" was a false identity constructed by the tiny Titan Master Infinitus, who had served Nexus Prime in ages past and sought to rebuild his master's brutal hegemony where the strong ruled the weak. White Heat

Thus Sentinel became Sentinel Prime, who during the Clampdown served as the head of the Security Services, the chief law enforcement and military body on Cybertron. However, he stressed that he was ultimately subservient to the will of the Senate who enacted the laws he enforced. Megatron Origin #3 His tenure was a short one, as he was defeated by Megatron during the first Decepticon uprising, Megatron Origin #4 reduced to Infinitus once more, he secretly abandoned his old body and worked to rebuild a new form for himself. Last Light


Zeta Prime rose to power shortly after the deaths of Sentinel and the old Senate, and on the surface looked to be a change in pace from their corrupt regime. Together with his officer Orion Pax he created the Autobots to stand against the Decepticon threat. Omega's Conundrum In truth he wasn't much better than his predecessors, reinstating the Institute Remembrance Day and growing increasingly ruthless in his methods of fighting the Decepticons, no matter what the New Senate had to say or what the common Cybertronian had to go through. Parasites He was destroyed by Megatron after Orion Pax turned against him. Overthrown

Shortly after Zeta's death, Orion Pax happened upon the real Matrix, which called out to him and transformed him into Optimus Prime, the first Prime in ages to be chosen by the Matrix. Transformation After Cybertron was rendered uninhabitable, Optimus Prime was the apparent highest ranking Autobot, directing the galaxy-spanning conflict to deny the Decepticons conquest of additional planets. In this task, he occasionally sought the guidance of the ancient Autobot and weapon of last resort Omega Supreme. Spotlight: Optimus Prime While he was a fair and wise leader, the lineage of corrupt and militant Primes that preceded him had already tarnished the title of Prime in the eyes of neutral Cybertronians. Dinobot Hunt With the loss of the Matrix in battle with a creature called the D-Void and the realization that the neutrals saw him as a warmonger and not a leader, Optimus Prime abandoned his title and went back to being Orion Pax once the war was over. The Death of Optimus Prime A battle with Nova Prime and encouragement from Rodimus eventually made him realize the actions of his lineage didn't define him, causing him to regain his confidence and begin calling himself Optimus Prime again. Finis Temporis

Hot Rod called himself "Rodimus Prime" for a while, a name coined by Swindle in an attempt to appeal to the Autobot's ego. Seasons in Flight


When Cybertron finally recontacted its former colonies, Optimus Prime travelled to Caminus, where his status as a Matrix bearer prompted bowing when he met the Forgefire Parliament. The Sum and Its Parts The Council of Worlds soon took shape and Prime discovered, much to his displeasure, that almost all of the various colonies saw him in much the same way. Aphelion Unsure of his place in this rapidly changing postwar world, Prime began leaning on the faith of the colonists' belief in his infallibility as he used his newfound clout to make several controversial decisions, including the annexation of Earth into Cybertron's new government. Once Upon a Time on Earth

During this time, Optimus and his forces briefly contended with the reborn Sentinel Prime. Claiming to be the herald of Onyx Prime's return, he eventually travelled to Luna 1 to raise an undead army of Titans to wipe Cybertron clean. The Last Autobot

Optimus' terrestrial peacekeeping force was soon joined by a team of young recruits from different colony worlds, who were fanatically devoted to the Prime and began wearing mouthplates in order to better emulate Optimus Prime. To Walk Among the Chosen

However, it soon became clear that the ugly legacy of the Primes was not so easily buried; when "Onyx Prime" returned to Cybertron and was subsequently unmasked as a time-travelling Shockwave, the full scope of his machinations and Unicron's assault on the galaxy prompted Optimus to wonder if the title of Prime had ever truly meant anything. A Sunrise Dark When the Autobots and their allies battled Unicron in Earth's orbit, Optimus finally relinquished the title of Prime for good. Therefore, the last Prime died with the spirit of Unicron's creator in a final act of atonement. Ceremony Post

Precursor World

In the universe preceding the G1 World, "Prime" (元帥 (プライム)) was the equivalent word for "Marshal". Two leaders in the Primus Vanguard, Red and Black, held this title, which ranked them above the Convoys (meaning "Commander") that made up the rest of the leaders. In particular, their respective orders were composed entirely of Convoys or Convoy-adjacent beings. God Neptune comic 1

2019 IDW continuity

The Thirteen Primes walked on Cybertron before their age came to a close. When they faded into legend, the Artifacts of the Primes followed, save the Matrix of Leadership. Continuing to seek out the prophesied Thirteenth Prime, the Matrix bestowed the rank of Prime onto anyone who carried it, though these people were but stewards until it found the Thirteenth. Prime

Last Bot Standing

During the Great War, Hot Rod ascended to become "Rodimus Prime" but later shed the title to become simply "Rodimus". When he later introduced himself to Steeljaw's pack, he attempted to use his status as a former Prime to help them remember him only to learn that the group, despite somewhat remembering Optimus Prime, had forgotten the title's significance. Last Bot Standing #2

Unicron Trilogy

Prime is indeed a title given to leaders and Matrix-bearers here, as evidenced by both Vector Prime and Optimus Prime, but no other Primes are ever named. In Galaxy Force, Override (Nitro Convoy), Scourge (Flame Convoy), Evac (Live Convoy), and Metroplex (Megalo Convoy) all hold the title of Convoy as leaders of their respective planets, but this scheme does not carry over into the western translation, and so the Prime appellation does not apply. Likewise, in Super Link, the Japanese version of Energon, Rodimus is known as "Rodimus Convoy", hearkening back to the name of his G1 predecessor. But again, this does not follow through in Hasbro's materials.

Interestingly, Vector Prime is not known as Vector Convoy in Japan, but Vector Prime, while Optimus maintains the traditional Convoy title as Galaxy Convoy.

Live-action film series

Main article: Dynasty of Primes
The following has been retconned during the Revenge of the Fallen phase of the film series.

The title of Prime was bestowed upon the civilian and spiritual leader of Cybertron but at the same time, aided the Lord High Protector in stewarding the AllSpark just as the Lord High Protector was co-ruler. Optimus Prime held this title before, during and after the war for the AllSpark as leader of the Autobots. Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday

According to The Quest For the ALLSPARK paperback's opening paragraph, "...Most revered were Optimus and Megatron. They were twin brothers of the Prime dynasty."

This, along with the note from the Autobots version of the same DS game that Megatron "took the spark" of his and Optimus's father, implies that “Prime” may have been their father's name and that Megatron may have also had the surname "Prime" as well.

The Primes were ancient Transformers, the first of the race and that the Dynasty of Primes led the race until the Fallen betrayed his brothers and they sacrificed themselves to prevent him from getting the Matrix of Leadership. By 2007, Optimus Prime was the only Prime known to still be alive (no one knew that Sentinel was still alive in the ruins of the Ark on Earth's Moon) and the only one who could defeat the Fallen as "only a Prime can defeat the Fallen." The Fallen had him killed by Megatron and tried his original plan to harvest Earth's sun for Energon, but was killed by the resurrected Optimus with help from Jetfire and thanks to the efforts of Sam Witwicky.

Eventually, the remains of the Ark were discovered on the Moon, along with the body of Sentinel Prime; he was also revived by the Matrix of Leadership like Optimus once was. But Sentinel was revealed to be a traitor, and killed in a battle by Optimus Prime with help from Megatron.

Quintessa claimed to be "the Prime of life" when introducing herself to Optimus but given that she was later called "the Great Deceiver", the validity of this claim is in question.

Animated continuity family

The title of Prime referred to commanding officers in Autobot society. Though of a higher rank than "Minor", Autoboot Camp Primes were ultimately subordinate to the "Magnus", the Supreme Commander of the Autobots. Transform and Roll Out Across all of Autobot society, all Primes were considered equal, one being able to disregard the order of another who was of higher societal status. The Elite Guard

When Optimus was drummed out of the Autobot Academy, Ultra Magnus was able to have Optimus promoted to Prime. Endgame, Part I Sentinel eventually ascended to the Prime rank following graduation. Transform and Roll Out Longarm was likewise promoted to Prime, presumably when he became the head of Cybertron Intelligence. Autoboot Camp

Fun Publications comics

A component of the Prime of Rarified Energon looks at a portrait of his complete self...

It is revealed that the first Thirteen original Transformers created by Primus to crew his planetary form were all designated Primes. In addition to this designation, each was given a specific task or role in sustaining the multiverse.

Vector Prime was granted guardianship of space-time. The Prime who would become The Fallen was charged to oversee the force of entropy. Another of these Primes was made the guardian of Rarified Energon. Logos Prime and Prima's specific functions are still unknown.

These Primes are multiversal singularities with only one version of each existing across all realities before Nexus Prime enacted the Shroud and ended multiversal singularities. Out of the One, Many

Shattered Glass

The title of Prime is not an honorary rank but the title of the diabolical leader of the Autobots. Optimus Prime stands as the current Prime. For now. Rodimus, Ultra Magnus or Thunderclash may very well usurp the title and position in the future.

Aligned continuity family

Aligned novels

Following the War of the Original Thirteen Primes, the Covenant of Primus decreed there would only be one Prime ruling Cybertron at a time. It was technically Primus's right to appoint the Prime and bestow them the Matrix, but gradually his children became ignorant of his presence. It almost seems Sentinel Prime was the only Prime between the Age of the Primes and Optimus, as he fought off the Quintessons, established the Golden Age and tried to combat its decline by establishing the caste system, to Alpha Trion's displeasure. Sentinel was unworthy of the Matrix, and the Core said it was only after his death that Optimus could receive it for being a Prime was not a status Trion or the High Council could grant. The civil war began and continues as Megatron and Starscream both sought to be a Prime and bear the Matrix. Exodus

War for Cybertron video game

The Autobot High Council existed to choose the Primes, having seen many fall to their greed and pride. When Zeta Prime died, the High Council declared Optimus as "Optimus Prime". Transformers: War for Cybertron

Prime cartoon

The Artifacts of the Primes would only activate to a the touch of a Prime as Megatron discovered when he failed to activate the Forge of Solus Prime. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2

When the Decepticons later discovered the Star Saber, they found that only a Prime could remove it from the mountain it was embedded in. Despite attempting to airlift the mountain away, Optimus Prime managed to claim the Star Saber. Legacy To match the sword's power, Megatron traveled to Cybertron with Dreadwing to visit a tomb known to hold the remains of a Prime. He severed the arm of the Prime and attached it to his own body to gain control of the Forge of Solus Prime. With the Forge, he crafted the Dark Star Saber. Alpha/Omega

As he prepared to sacrifice himself to restore the AllSpark to the core of Cybertron, Optimus Prime told his team members that, although they may not technically be Primes, he believed that they had each demonstrated the worth of a Prime in the recent conflict against Unicron. Predacons Rising

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

The Thirteen Primes had a personal mystic plane of existence known as the Realm of the Primes. After becoming one with the AllSpark, Optimus Prime trained here in preparation for a coming threat to both Earth and Cybertron. Out of Focus

When the threat, the return of Megatronus, came, Micronus took Optimus to consult the other Primes on their next course of action. Though the other Primes thought that Optimus's training was not complete, Optimus convinced them to give him their power and send him to Earth to deal with Megatronus immediately. Battlegrounds, Part 1

Cyberverse cartoon

The first Primes were the Thirteen. Dweller In The Depths Following the Thirteen, the rank of Prime was denoted by carrying the Matrix of Leadership. When a Prime passed, their spirit persisted within the Matrix for their successors to consult. The Other One

During the Age of Expansion, Thunderhowl served Onyx Prime The Perfect Decepticon who commanded his warrior to destroy Crystal City. Thunderhowl

In the opening stages of the Great War, Alpha Trion bequeathed the Matrix to his protege Optimus, turning him into Optimus Prime. Megatron Is My Hero


  • In the UK Marvel Comics continuity story "Space Pirates!", Rodimus Prime lost control of the Creation Matrix and immediately reverted to "Hot Rod", apparently losing the rank of Prime along with the Matrix. Optimus Prime, on the other hand, continued to be known as "Prime" during the long stretch of time when the Creation Matrix was lost.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Prime (プライム Puraimu)
  • Hungarian: Fővezér ("Supreme Commander"), Prime


  1. In Target: 2006 part 7, the time-traveling Hot Rod called the 1986 version of Ultra Magnus "Ultra Magnus" even though he mistook him for the future Ultra Magnus who was the current bearer of the Matrix.

See also

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