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This is a picture of the interior of the gaming room of Monaco Casino. This picture acts as the header image of Simon's Online Casino Gambling Blog. This is the homepage of this blog, under the picture you can see all the main sections (click on the links to open that section) of the blog, and other useful info for new visitors, including privacy policy and terms and conditions (at the bottom), and info about the author of the webpage (at "About Simon").

Simon’s Online Casino Blog (on the picture: Monaco Casino, the most iconic European casino, with very ornate and elegant interior characteristic of older European gambling venues)

I’m Simon (full name: Simon András Péter, but if you are not from Eastern or Central Europe you won’t be able to pronounce it ;) , so just call me Simon), and you are on Simon’s Casino and Online Gambling Blog (online since 2012).

This online gambling site is dedicated to providing valuable, impartial and useful information to all online players. This is a one man blog, I’m the only author, and I do everything myself.

Whether you are a professional gambler with years of experience, or you are new to online gambling, I hope you will find something useful and interesting here. This website has been focusing on the different aspects of online gambling since 2012. Currently, this blog consist of 700 web pages (yes, it is a much bigger website than it appears at first).

Therefore, if you like the content don’t forget to bookmark this website to be able to easily access it later.

/Comment: If you bookmark the blog, it also helps the website to appear more in search engines. Therefore, I would like to ask you to please bookmark us even if you are not planning on coming back, it’s just a click for you, less than a second, but helps the website tremendously.

This is an independent gambling blog, I can’t compete with huge casino companies (and their casino blogs) with marketing budgets of millions of €. Thank you for helping a small, independent gambling blog!/


This is the logo of GPWA (Gambling Portal Webmasters Association). The picture is a link. By clicking on this picture you can verify the certificate of trust awarded to this GPWA approved website.

GPWA trusted website certificate – click to see

Proud to announce that Simon’s Online Casino Gambling Blog was finally certified by the well-known GPWA (Gambling Portal and Webmasters Association, since 2001), click on the seal above to check the verification certificate of the website.

UPDATE 2021: My New Year’s resolution for the website is to add as many videos, video tutorials, video guides as possible. The professional gambling techniques section already has many videos (all of the methods listed contain at least one video tutorial, usually more than one). I intend to add a video or something similar to every webpage, where it is applicable. Because, IMO, websites shouldn’t all just be text and pictures.

It should be a multimedia experience, with as many different types of content as possible.

And I’ve been adding all sorts of interactive content for a while: there are many games (200+) you can play without registration in the so called “free casino” section, and there are various calculators here and there, e.g.: the casino bonus wagering and playthrough requirement calculator, a quiz here and there, e.g.: the problem gambling quiz, but more needs to be added definitely).

UPDATE 2022: Progressing very well with adding videos, calculators, interactive maps (e.g.: the gambling map and the casino map) to the web pages, currently as much as 40% of the whole blog was updated (I call these “enhanced pagestm“).

Proud of my performance, I literally worked 6×12 hours in 2021 (72 hours!!!) per week, #nopain-nogain.

For me, this new year will be about limitations:

  1. recognizing limitations: I’m working 70 hours per week, for years now. Without a doubt I have reached my peak performance, there is no way to push myself harder (at least not without the use of illegal drugs, but I’m not touching those), this is my limit.
    I now have a very good idea of how much I can do as an independent gambling blogger, doing everything myself, and how much toll this lifestyle has on me.
  2. accepting limitations: Dreams had to be scaled back, reality had to be let in, plans needed to be rethought. With me being fully aware and working with my limitations a much saner and sustainable path forward has materialized. Now to ‘walk the walk’.
  3. overcoming limitations: If you don’t have money to hire people, yet you can not work more than 70 hours per week, how do you overcome limitations?
    Technology, automation, streamlining, efficiency management etc… These are things I will be focusing on this year. Fancy words, at the end of the day this only means that I will be doing more of the same, but smarter and faster. And this is the agenda for this year.


Let’s all have a good new year together, good luck to all of us. Hope you don’t have to work 70 hours per week, like me. ;)


About Simon - click to read my life's story, skills, qualifications

This is a selfie of the author and owner of Simon's Casino Gambling Blog, me, Simon András Péter, a.k.a. by the internet pseudonym SimonTheSorcerer, owner of Simon's Online Marketing Kft. This is the homepage of my online casino gambling blog, you can see what's on the website, the links to all the different sections of the website. That’s me. Simon András Péter, a.k.a. SimonTheSorcerer – author, owner, one man blog machine.[/caption]

A bit about myself: I’m the author of Simon’s Online Gambling Blog, there are no other authors: I write, put together, design everything here. I started playing online in 2006, back in college. The world of online gambling was quite different back then, more rogue casinos and less gambling regulations, less taxation. We have come a long way since then.

However, that environment was perfect for online professional gamblers using advantage gambling techniques. I was one of those guys. I made around $10 000 in total, playing online during college (which was quite a lot of money back then, especially in Eastern Europe). It helped me pay for my tuition back then (since then I have made much more than that).

Online casino bonus whoring” – as it was called (one of the many ways to take advantage of online casinos), got less profitable after I was banned from over 300 online casinos, so I took a break from online gambling, finished college, got an office job, you know, the works. However, after a long hiatus I returned to the online gambling scene, this time as an online gambling blogger (and as a player as well of course). For years I blogged only on the weekends and not many people took notice. However, over the years my casino gambling blog gained some momentum. And here we are. Hope you enjoy your time here and find what you are looking for. By visiting this website you support an independent gambling blog, thank you and good luck.


About me:

  • Born: 1986-11-01 (yep, that’s Halloween, but we do not celebrate Halloween in Eastern Europe)
  • Sex: Male
  • Nationality: Hungarian, Eastern European, white
  • Living in: Budapest, Hungary
  • Education: College, Economics – Budapest Business School
  • Languages spoken: Hungarian, English and German
  • Ideologies: European-style social democracy, free enterprise, sustainability


Interesting facts about me:

I was born in a communist country, in the USSR (Hungary was a communist satellite state of the Soviet Union till 1990), just shortly after the Chernobyl accident in neighboring Ukraine.
My parents were really poor and only had high school diplomas, and we lived in subsidized public housing.
I have learned to speak English when I was around 9, watching TV, Cartoon Network, which for some strange reason was available only in English (with no subtitles) in Hungary for years (Why? I still have no idea.).
I had to miss out one year to go to work abroad (in the Netherlands and in Germany, working in factories, sometimes 50+ hours per week) to get enough money to pay for my college tuition.
I studied in a German-hungarian bilingual high school, and then I studied Economics in English at college, which means elementary school was my last Hungarian-only school despite the fact that I never studied abroad.


Career, this is what I did apart from my online gambling activities:

2011 – 2012 ING Insurance (now NN) Intern, then briefly Junior Content manager – I started my career as an intern in the online marketing department of Europe’s biggest life insurance provider. Then, after my internship, I worked briefly as a junior content manager. I was responsible for all of the content on the company’s website (and the internal websites), which I managed, edited, uploaded, fixed according to on-page SEO factors, keyword research and the needs of other departments and supervisors. I learned to use two CMSs, basic online marketing and how to navigate the workplace environment in a multinational corporation (which is a skill in itself).

2012 (about 6 months) Freelance SEO – After I quit I needed to make some money and I had plenty of free time so I started doing SEO freelance jobs online. The pay was horrible, freelancers from developing countries bring the prices down extremely (even back in 2012 this was the case). The marketplace is full of cheaters and scammers. However, I did learn a lot about different ways to make money online and what works and what not, what is a scam and what is not. And I had time to experiment with a whole lot of these methods. Being an online freelancer is a horrible job and I did not really learn much about SEO or online marketing. Online freelancers are mostly hired to do various forms of spamming.

2012 – 2013 HigherClick Kft. (Online Marketing Agency) Online marketing professional, then Online marketing manager – I got lucky and landed a job in Budapest at a then startup online marketing agency run by a Scottish and a French guy working exclusively with English companies. This was a great job and I ended up staying here for almost two years. I learned a LOT about SEO and online marketing in general. We worked with huge US, UK companies (Fortune 500) but because we were contractors we could remain independent, flexible and innovative. We were really at the forefront of SEO and online marketing, and we made miracles happen. When I was promoted to online marketing manager I was able to delegate tasks to 15 people and managed a budget of about $50,000 monthly and was solely responsible for one of the biggest clients of the company.

I was hired when the company had only 5 employees and I watched the company grow to 30 full time employees and around 20 part-time employees. Without this experience I would not be able to make a living online as an entrepreneur/webmaster today.

2013 – 2014 Simon’s Online marketing Kft. – Startup online marketing agency – I quit and I started my own online marketing agency. I was really good at what I did and my prices were really affordable. However, SEO in a B2C agency format is not a good business opportunity for various reasons (ROI problems, constant algorithm changes, Indians bringing the price down, rampant outsourcing, scammers, absolutely horrible clients, complex on-page optimization made impossible by non-cooperative clients and lack of access to backend, more explaining than actual work etc…).

Yet somehow, I managed to grow my startup from a one man company to having 2 full time employees and 5 part time employees in just 8 months. However, I’ve burnt out and my websites (,which by this time I was developing for two years on the weekends, and on all my days off, the main one was the online gambling blog you are on now) started to bring in more than pocket change. I scaled down, and started focusing on my websites full time.

2014  – 2015 Simon’s Online marketing Kft. – Simon’s Blogs period – I was working full time on my websites and I was trying to grow them. I succeeded. However, I had 10 affiliate blogs at this time, and I couldn’t manage them on my own. I ended up hiring three people.

2015 – 2017  Streamlining – With 3 people working full time + me, making enough money to stay afloat was a HUGE issue. Even though I have managed to grow the websites and I achieved quite a lot, created 10 successful affiliate blogs from scratch. I still struggled financially, and the company survived from month-to-month. Stress was too much, I decided to restructure, and I slowly started letting people go (not all at once, I waited till they found better, or at least similar jobs, I cared about them) and I started deleting some of the blogs (including: Simon’s Legal Highs Blog, Simon’s Duty Free Blog, Simon’s Personal Blog, the old homepage called Simon’s Blogs, Simon’s Binary Options blog, Simon’s Online Marketing Blog or Simon’s Guide to Making Money Online, free bets sports betting blog, Spain travel Marbella blog, a 90s blog, live cam affiliate blog). I only kept two blogs, this is one of them.

2017 -> Gambling blog is the way to go – Slowly I let go of my other remaining blog, I just simply don’t have enough time. I work 10+ hours, and my blogs don’t make enough money to hire help. So I let the other blog go, and now this my only blog. In a way it’s a dream come true, but I hope one day I will make enough money to be able to hire a few people. But if not, then not, as long as I’m not part of the 9-to-5 rat race I feel blessed, and I’m grateful for what I have achieved.

I also wrote an article about the gambling industry, my take on online gambling blogging, online marketing, SEO in this niche, and what can you expect in terms of money, success.



What I’m capable of: Basically right know I’m capable of building up a small B2C online marketing agency from the ground up and to do every type of client work that needs to be done, and also administrative/background tasks (accounting, finances, legal stuff, sales, hiring & training employees etc…) .

I’m also capable of planning, creating, managing and doing the content creation and online marketing tasks for an affiliate marketing blog myself if I have to.

Also, I’m great at coming up with great affiliate marketing ideas and creative online marketing solutions, which also work as a business (“also works as a business” means, it actually makes money, not just sounds good, really important skill, because everyone can daydream, but few people can actually come up with good business ideas). I analyze the market and find potential niches and adapt my ideas to the needs and opportunities of these niche markets. Then I make a detailed plan with a focus on ROI milestones and quantitative data. I also create all the actual content, the website, the web pages, custom graphics from the ground up, WordPress frontend, backend included (content manager level, I’m not a developer). And through various online marketing techniques I turn this fresh new website into a profitable business. Have done it before, multiple times.

Idea -> Plan -> Execution -> Marketing -> Profitable Business – I’m capable of doing any of these steps, or the whole project.


What are the things I’m really good at:

“Business thinking” (quantitative management, with a strong ROI focus) – that’s the only way to grow a small business.


What are my biggest weaknesses:

Every person has positive and negative traits. I’m no different. I have already written about what I’m good at, here is the other side of the coin: I have no patience for people, whom I deem intellectually inferior. I strongly believe in authoritarian, top down and control style management. This means that employees can comment, ask questions, make remarks, but the final say is always mine and I expect them to follow my instructions to the letter. I’m balancing this out with flexible working hours, telecommuting opportunities and by using performance management software instead of constant micromanaging.

What I’m working on right now: I’m trying to quantify the ROI of hiring one person and the turnover point. This is extremely difficult considering that almost every variable is subjective and unquantifiable. A mathematical analysis is impossible, but I’m trying to estimate milestones and to create a framework as best as I can.


About Simon’s Online Marketing Kft.:

Simon’s Online Marketing Kft. is my company (Kft. is LLC. in English) and it is registered in Hungary, Budapest. It is a one-man company at the moment, but at various times I had some help. The company was registered in 2013.


Interviews, press mentions and awards can be found here.


Online casinos I’m currently using and recommend

I usually work only with a select few online casinos. Unlike most gambling blogs, I don’t have a huge list of hundreds of online casinos I know nothing about and I have never played in. I only recommend online gambling websites that I can personally vouch for and play in (most of these have sports betting and poker as well).

I personally use and recommend the following online casinos:


SlotV Live Casino and Sportsbook

This is picture of the official logo of SlotV online casino. The picture acts as a link, by clicking on it you will be taken to the website of SlotV, where you can create a player account and place bets. Under the picture you can read more about the 2023 promotions and bonuses offered by the company currently, and the terms and conditions, player protection, privacy policy and user consent & self exclusion programs they have. Full disclaimer: by registering an account we (the website owners and/or employees) will receive a small percentage of the amount of money you wager, that money is used to finance the operation of this website. Players must be 18+ and online gambling must be legal in your jurisdiction. All the details can be found below.

SlotV live casino & sportsbook, current 2023 promotions for new and returning players

SlotV gambling website & bookmakers' promotions:

  • 100% welcome bonus Up To €500 + 50 Free Spins
  • Free spins every day for returning players
  • 33% reload bonus for returning players

USA, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Italy and UK players are not accepted (+ 13 other countries). Full list of banned countries can be found below.

Playthrough requirements, wagering limitations, terms and conditions and list of restricted countries

All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer displayed on this page are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements.

Although, we aim to update this section often, it's best to check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date by the time you are reading this).

General bonus terms and conditions at SlotV:

  • welcome bonuses are only available for 30 days after account creation
  • the minimum deposit to receive any bonus is €10
  • the bonus + deposit needs to be wagered within 7 days from date of activation

Playthrough requirement of the welcome bonus: 27x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 27 times before withdrawal.

Playthrough requirement of the free spins: 30x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 30 times before withdrawal.

The following types of online casino games only contribute partially to the fulfilment of the wagering requirement:

  • Jackpots - 0%
  • Blackjack - 10%
  • Poker - 10%
  • Roulette - 10%
  • Baccarat - 10%
  • Lottery - 0%
  • Video poker - 5%
  • Game shows - 0%
  • Virtual Sports - 0%
  • Others - 0%
  • Scratch Cards - 0%
  • Most slots count 100% towards the playthrough requirement. However, there are some exceptions, you can find that constantly updated list of the casinos' website.

Playthrough requirement: no playthrough requirement for the extra weekly money, in case of the welcome bonuses:

  • Minimum deposit amount: €10
  • Maximum bonus amount: €500
  • Wagering requirements: x27 (deposit + bonus)

In case of the free spins:

  • Participating slots: Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx (changes often, check the casinos' website for the current slots, where you can use your free spins, or ask the customer support)
  • Bet per spin: €0,10
  • Wagering requirements: x30 (bonus)
  • Limit on withdrawing from the free spins: x10
  • 7 days for wagering

Wagering limitation:

  • 7 days for wagering
  • Player from certain countries are not allowed use bonuses due to regular bonus abuse, check the casino's website for the ever changing up to date list.
  • Please note that the free spins will appear on the account, once the 150% bonus has been wagered. Your players will get 10 free spins per day over the course of 5 days (50 free spins in total), not all at once.

UPDATE 2023: The online casino does not use the global pandemic situation for advertisement purposes, or to encourage the usage of its online gambling platform. In fact, it's forbidden to use the namesake, name, likeness and official logo or any depiction of the casino/company (and this casino gambling blog) in conjunction with any marketing campaign, which uses the novel coronavirus pandemic for promotional purposes.

SlotV online casino does not accept players from:

Free bitcoin giveaway

This is a banner of freebitco.in bitcoin and fun token crypto wagering website. The banner displays information about the current 2023 virtual currency raffle, and no registration promotion currently offered by the Indian digital gambling website. You can read more information about the gambling platform and their hourly cryptocurrency giveaway. By clicking on the picture you will be taken to the virtual currency betting website. By placing bets on the website we get a percentage of your bets placed as affiliate commision. Thank you for supporting the website.

Free bitcoin giveaway, $0.1 to $ 200 every hour, real no deposit promotion, no wagering requirement bitcoin gambling and betting

One of the rare, genuine ways to actually get free bitcoins online. 100% legitimate, in operation for 10+ years, no deposit or registration required (we are using this site for 1+ years, payout guaranteed, not a scam).You have to manually enter the bitcoin raffle every hour and you will be able to win anywhere between 0.00000009 BTC - 0.00878696 BTC + occasional special prizes.

You can realistically make around €200 per month if you roll every hour and participate in all the other promotions they have as well (wheel of fortune, lottery tickets etc..., all free).

/However, you have to manually spin every hour to get this amount, including at night, therefore, realistically, the amount you can expect will be less./

They also have many other ways to win bitcoin, or FUN tokens, including: online casino section, sports betting, betting on cryptocurrency prices, wheel of fortune, lottery etc...

No wagering, playthrough requirement, limitations.

Playthrough requirements, wagering limitations, terms and conditions and list of restricted countries

Because this is a crypto-only gambling website there are no restricted countries. Everyone over the age of 18 can play (or 24, depending on what is the legal online gambling age in your country).Only bitcoin and FUN tokens are accepted. You have to deposit bitcoin to a specific bitcoin address and it will show up on your balance.

No wagering and playthrough limitations, requirements.

The only hidden fee is that if you win items, physical prizes, in those cases the shipping cost is not paid by them and you will required to pay for shipping (or you can opt to receive the equivalent of the prize in bitcoins if you don't want to pay for transportation).

UPDATE 2023: They also offer an annual 4- 5% interest rate on the FunFair (FUN) tokens you purchase with bitcoin (it's their own cryptocurrency).



Miami Club Digital Casino Destination

This is the banner advertisement of the gambling website Miami Club, it displays the various bonuses and promotional offers currently available at the digital gambling website, including their terms and conditions and legally mandated player protection information. The picture acts as a link and by clicking on it you will be taken to the electronic wagering platforms, where you can check out the most recent 2022 bonuses, codes, promos and you can register and play if your over the age of 18 (you can try out the games for free, no registration is needed for the free to play mode).

Miami Club online casino, 18+

  • Welcome bonus, 100% up to $100 on your first 8x deposit (up to $800 total)
  • Exclusive bonus code: MIFREE20, $20.00 free, every month, not just for new players, for returning players as well
  • Free spins, use coupon HOTWINGS to get 150% up to $150 plus 30 spins on the Funky Chicken 5-reel, limited time only (by the time you are reading it probably expired, only valid for a few days)

USA players accepted, Canada, Netherlands, Israel, France, Australia and UK players are not accepted. You can read the review of Miami Club Casino here.

Playthrough requirements and wagering limitations

Check the gambling website for the most recent bouse promotions and playthrough requirement and wagering limitation information. The deposit bonus amount must be wagered 40x times before withdrawal, depending on the type.
Type of game: Count towards wagering requirement: 
Keno, Dazzling Dice, Poker Slots, Bingo Bucks - 100%
Table games 10%
Blackjack or video poke 10%
Slots 100%
Roulette, Craps or Baccarat 0% - Forbidden!
Wagering limitation:
  • UPDATE 2022: The wagering of any portion of a non-deposit bonus on Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games is strictly forbidden!
  • Currently, bonuses are not available to players registering accounts from the following countries: Russia, Ukraine.
  • Bonuses cannot be combined.
  • Miami Club casino requires that a deposit of at least $25 is made on all accounts before any cash withdrawal is processed to comply with anti money laundering laws + mandatory ID check required by law (law to fight financing of terrorism and payment processor require this as well). The deposited $25 can be withdrawn afterwards with the winnings.

Bet Online Casino, Bookmaker & Poker

This is the promo banner of Bet Online, the US-friendly digital bookmaker, internet poker and online casino website. The banner provides information about the latest 2022 promotional offers and bonus codes, which are offered currently by the gambling platform to new and returning players. This picture acts as a link. By clicking on it you will be taken to the website of betonline.ag, where you can register and start playing if you create a player account (must be 18+).

Bet Online casino, poker and sportsbook

  • Welcome bonus, $3000, 100% up to $1,000 on your first three deposits. Use the code BOLCASINO
  • 25% - 50% sports betting reload on every qualifying bet, code: LIFEBONUS  (for the 25% bonus) and BOL1000 (for the 50% bonus)
  • +100% welcome match bonus up to 100% on your first deposit using bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, ripple, litecoin or DASH. No code required + 5% crypto boost afterwards on future deposits
  • 100% poker bonus
  • 10% weekly rebate, cashback for returning players

You can read the review of BetOnline here. List of countries, from which they do not accept players can be found in the review and below. North American players accepted.

Playthrough requirements and wagering limitations

All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements. Although, we strive to update this  section often, it's best if you check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date).
Playthrough requirements of every bonus and promotion:
  • The deposit bonus amount must be wagered 30 times before withdrawal, usually (sports betting and poker bonuses 10x)
  • Forfeiting the bonus will result in the bonus and any subsequent winnings associated with it to be removed from players accounts.
  • Only one bonus can be active at a time, playthrough requirements must be met before additional promotions can be received.
  • Players must use the related bonus code in order to receive a bonus (if it has a code, not every promotion requires one).
  • Bonus funds will only be available on the Betsoft games, the other providers are not eligible,, unless otherwise stated.
  • In cases where rollover or other criteria specified in the individual bonus terms and conditions are not met within 30 days, any remaining bonus funds and associated winnings will be forfeited automatically.
  • Wagering requirements must be fulfilled before any winnings can be withdrawn.

Playthrough requirement contributions: The following table show the contribution of the various types of games towards the fulfillment of the wagering requirement.
Game types: Contribution:
Slots (progressive jackpot slots excluded) 100%
Roulette (All versions), Draw High-Lo, 3 Card Rummy 20%
Baccarat, Blackjack (American & European), Poker 3, Oasis Poker, Single Deck Blackjack, Triple Edge Poker, Caribbean Poker, Three Card Poker, Video Poker 10%
Pirate 21, Blackjack Super 7, Pai Gow, 21 Burn, Ride’m Poker, All forms of Keno, Red Dog, Pontoon, Top Card Trumps 5%
Craps, Live Casino, All Games with Progressive Jackpots, Virtual Racebook. Speciality games ie Keno’s and Scratcher game offered by Betsoft 0%
This only applies to casino bonuses, sports betting or poker bonuses have different wagering limitations (can be found on the company's website). BetOnline does not accept players from:

Fair Go Aussie Themed Casino

This is a banner of Fair Go internet casino website's current 2022 promotions, bonuses. FairGo is an Australian ("Aussie") themed casino, which accepts players from Australia and New Zealand. The picture also act as a link, by clicking on it you will be taken to the free to play area of the digital gambling website, where you can try out their games for free without spending any money, and you can register a real player account if you are 18 or older. Terms and conditions and requirements can be seen below the banner and on the casino's website.

FairGo - click to check out the digital casino, latest promotions, offers, hundreds of pokies, Aussie players welcome

  • 100% welcome bonus up to $200, on your first 5 deposits (total $500), coupon code: WELCOME
  • 100 free spins with code: DOD-GOW (limited time only, please let me know when the code expires)
  • 150% bonus and 50 spins on the new slot Lil Red ($20 minimum deposit requirement), coupon code: LILRED150, or on the slot Hyperwins, bonus code: GETHYPED
  • Special Neosurf bonus, deposit using Neosurf and get a 200% welcome bonus (only once per player), promo code: 200-NEO

Only one bonus can be active at a time. North American players are accepted at the casino. FairGo Casino does not accept players from: Moldova, Israel, UK. You can read the full review of Fair Go casino here.

Playthrough requirements and wagering limitations

Disclaimer: The casinos is not actually an Australian online casino, the company is not registered in Australia, it's only "Aussie" themed.
All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements. Although, we strive to update this  section often, it's best if you check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date). Terms and conditions of every bonus and promotion:
  • Players from the following countries do not qualify for any bonuses: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Hungary, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
  • Only one bonus can be active at a time.
  • Only real money players, who completed the registration are eligible for a bonus.
  • No deposit bonuses hold a maximum cash out limit which is 5x the bonus amount unless otherwise specified.

Playthrough requirement:
  • The deposit bonus amount must be wagered 60 times before withdrawal, unless otherwise stated.

Wagering requirement contributions: The following table show the contribution of the various types of games towards the fulfillment of the wagering requirement.
Game types: Contribution:
Slots (a.k.a. Pokies) 100%
All types of Blackjack, Video Poker, Craps, American Roulette, Baccarat and other table games and non-pokies games 0%


Mr Bit Casino and Sportsbook

This is a banner displaying the various bonus offers of Mr Bit casino. On this page, right under the banner, you can read about these latest 2022 promotions, free spins and their terms and conditions, playthrough requirements, wagering limitations and their player protection, self exclusion and harm mitigation features. This is an advertisement, by clicking on the banner you will be taken to website of Mr. Bit, where you can register an account and place bets with real money. Full disclaimer: by registering an account we (the website owners and/or employees) will receive a small percentage of the amount of money you deposited, self exclusion from the casino website is possible. Must be 18+.

Mr. Bit casino & bookmaker, current 2022 bonus offers, welcome bonus, free spins and offers for returning players, 18+

  • 100% welcome bonus Up To €500 + 50 Free Spins
  • Free spins every day for returning players
  • 33% reload bonus for returning players

You can read the full review of Mr Bit casino here

USA, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Italy and UK players are not accepted (+ 13 other countries). Full list of banned countries can be found below.

Playthrough requirements, wagering limitations, terms and conditions and list of restricted countries

All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements. Although, we strive to update this  section often, it's best if you check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date by the time you are reading this).

General bonus terms and conditions at Mr. Bit and its sister sites:

  • welcome bonuses are only available for 30 days after account creation
  • the minimum deposit to receive any bonus is €10
  • the bonus + deposit needs to be wagered within 7 days from date of activation


Playthrough requirement of the welcome bonus: 27x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 27 times before withdrawal. Playthrough requirement of the free spins: 30x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 30 times before withdrawal.

Playthrough requirement: No playthrough requirement for the extra weekly money. In case of the welcome bonus:

  • Minimum deposit amount: €10
  • Maximum bonus amount: €500
  • Wagering requirements: x27 (deposit + bonus)

In case of the free spins:

  • Participating slots: Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx
  • Bet per spin: €0,10
  • Wagering requirements: x30 (bonus)
  • Limit on withdrawing from the free spins: x10
  • 7 days for wagering

Wagering limitation:

  • 7 days for wagering
  • Player from certain countries are not allowed use bonuses due to regular bonus abuse, check the casino's website for the ever changing up to date list.
  • Please note that the free spins will appear on the account, once the 150% bonus has been wagered. Your players will get 10 free spins per day over the course of 5 days (50 free spins in total).

UPDATE COVID-19: The online casino does not use the global pandemic situation for advertisement purposes, or to encourage the usage of its online gambling platform. In fact, it's forbidden to use the namesake, name, likeness and official logo or any depiction of the casino/company (and this casino gambling blog) in conjunction with any marketing campaign, which uses the novel coronavirus pandemic for promotion.

Mr Bit Casino does not accept players from:



What can you do at Simon’s online casino gambling blog:


Thank you very much for visiting my website! Keep in mind this is my personal small gambling blog, it’s just me, there is no huge company behind it, no team, just one person.

If you have a question drop a comment, or try the live chat (bottom right corner) I will get back to you if I have the time.

If something doesn’t work on the website, or you notice something’s not okay, you found a typo, a bug, please drop a line in the comments section on that page and I will fix it ASAP. Thank you.


If you would like to easily access this website later, don’t forget to bookmark it.


Unrelated to gambling, but permit me to mention it here:

Please use Ecosia.org search engine instead of Google.

Unless you live under a rock you are probably well aware of how evil, unethical and problematic the giga-corporation that is Google (technically Alphabet, the umbrella company that owns Google and all their other subsidiaries and tax avoiding offshore companies).

/Comment: Tax evasion, offshore money laundering, election meddling, privacy issues, lies, surveillance for the US secret service and NSA etc.., just look around online if you have doubts and don’t believe me. Do you really want to support that by using their search engine? Don’t!

Use https://www.ecosia.org instead, they use the income generated from advertising (they make money the same way as Google or Bing) but instead of enriching shareholders and influencing elections they use it for planting trees worldwide and other environmental, eco-friendly initiatives. Make a change, by actually not changing that much, just using a different search engine.

Thank you.

P.S. And please stop using Google Chrome as well, unless you want Google and the American government and secret service to always know your location, your search history and have all your passwords… Try Opera, it’s actually better, and it also has many plugins./


Simon’s online casino blog

Simon’s casino gambling blog consists of the following:

Casino bonuses section
This is an animated GIF of a human hand counting a roll of bonus money, ( $ 100 bills). By clicking on the picture you will be taken to the casino bonuses section of the gambling blog.

Casino bonuses

Casino bonuses section: Contrary to popular belief not every online casino bonus is good for the player. You have to be mindful of the playthrough requirements and wagering limitations. You can find the best casino bonuses listed here, many of them are exclusive to this website, along with a casino bonus playthrough and wagering requirement calculator.

Free casino games section
This is an animated GIF of a video slot machine. This is the logo of my free casino games section. By clicking on this, you will be taken to the games section.

Free casino games

Simon’s free casino, 200+ free casino games: In this section you can try out hundreds of free casino games in various categories, from more than 10 different casino software providers. No registration is required. Test your strategies and skill without risking any money.

/If you find a game that is not working, please let me know in the comments section of that page so I can fix it immediately. Thank you! You can also rate the games by using the rating system in the small box at the bottom of pages. This will give me feedback and based on that I can fine-tune the selection of games in each category./

Gambling laws and legal status
This is an animated spinning globe. This is the logo of my online gambling legal status section. If you click on the animated GIF you will be taken to a webpage, where you can learn about the legal status of various forms of gambling in all of the 196 countries.

Online gambling legality

Online Gambling Map – legal status of online gambling in all 196 countries of the world:  This section summarizes the legal status of online casino gambling, internet poker, digital bingo, online lottery, online sports betting and bitcoin wagering in all 196 UN recognized countries of the world.

Use the interactive map and just click on your country to get a quick summary of the gambling landscape, taxation, legal status, licensing and a list of gambling websites, which accept players from your country.

Including, but not limited to:

Online casinos
This is an animated GIF picture of the loading screen of an online casino. If you click on this picture you will visit a webpage, where you can select from online casinos, which accept players from your location.

Online casinos

Online Casinos Map – legal status of online casinos in all 196 countries of the world: This section summarizes the legal status of land-based and online casinos in all of the countries in the world.

Use the interactive map and just click on your country to get a quick summary of the casino gambling landscape, taxation, legal status, licensing and a list of online casino websites, which accept players from your country.

Including, but not limited to:

Casino Reviews
This the illustration at the casino reviews section of the gambling blog. Click on the picture to open the casino review page in a new tab. Right next to the picture you can check out (links open in new tabs) the casino reviews, online gambling website reviews on this web site.

Casino reviews section

The updated casino reviews section with new casino reviews in an updated format. Now every reviews starts out with a brief summary, so you can decide whether it is the casino for you without having to read the entire detailed review (most people don’t read more than a few lines).

And there is a list of rouge casino sites, which are known to scam players and steal from them and sell their private information to third parties.


Advantage gambling section
This is an animated picture of a professional gambler playing poker and using one of the many advantage gambling technique (card counting). By clicking on the picture you will be taken to webpage with advantage gambling tutorials and guides.

Professional gambling techniques

Advantage gambling, professional gambling techniques: The best advantage gambling techniques collected (with tutorials, step-by-step guides, e-books, calculators and video tutorials). If you have an analytical mind, you’re good at counting, you too can learn the techniques professional gamblers use to make money gambling.

Advantage gambling techniques:


Online casinos I’m currently using and recommend

I usually work only with a select few online casinos. Unlike most gambling blogs, I don’t have a huge list of hundreds of online casinos I know nothing about and I have never played in. I only recommend online gambling websites that I can personally vouch for and play in (most of these have sports betting and poker as well).

I personally use and recommend the following gambling websites:


SlotV Live Casino and Sportsbook

This is picture of the official logo of SlotV online casino. The picture acts as a link, by clicking on it you will be taken to the website of SlotV, where you can create a player account and place bets. Under the picture you can read more about the 2023 promotions and bonuses offered by the company currently, and the terms and conditions, player protection, privacy policy and user consent & self exclusion programs they have. Full disclaimer: by registering an account we (the website owners and/or employees) will receive a small percentage of the amount of money you wager, that money is used to finance the operation of this website. Players must be 18+ and online gambling must be legal in your jurisdiction. All the details can be found below.

SlotV live casino & sportsbook, current 2023 promotions for new and returning players

SlotV gambling website & bookmakers' promotions:

  • 100% welcome bonus Up To €500 + 50 Free Spins
  • Free spins every day for returning players
  • 33% reload bonus for returning players

USA, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Italy and UK players are not accepted (+ 13 other countries). Full list of banned countries can be found below.

Playthrough requirements, wagering limitations, terms and conditions and list of restricted countries

All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer displayed on this page are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements.

Although, we aim to update this section often, it's best to check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date by the time you are reading this).

General bonus terms and conditions at SlotV:

  • welcome bonuses are only available for 30 days after account creation
  • the minimum deposit to receive any bonus is €10
  • the bonus + deposit needs to be wagered within 7 days from date of activation

Playthrough requirement of the welcome bonus: 27x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 27 times before withdrawal.

Playthrough requirement of the free spins: 30x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 30 times before withdrawal.

The following types of online casino games only contribute partially to the fulfilment of the wagering requirement:

  • Jackpots - 0%
  • Blackjack - 10%
  • Poker - 10%
  • Roulette - 10%
  • Baccarat - 10%
  • Lottery - 0%
  • Video poker - 5%
  • Game shows - 0%
  • Virtual Sports - 0%
  • Others - 0%
  • Scratch Cards - 0%
  • Most slots count 100% towards the playthrough requirement. However, there are some exceptions, you can find that constantly updated list of the casinos' website.

Playthrough requirement: no playthrough requirement for the extra weekly money, in case of the welcome bonuses:

  • Minimum deposit amount: €10
  • Maximum bonus amount: €500
  • Wagering requirements: x27 (deposit + bonus)

In case of the free spins:

  • Participating slots: Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx (changes often, check the casinos' website for the current slots, where you can use your free spins, or ask the customer support)
  • Bet per spin: €0,10
  • Wagering requirements: x30 (bonus)
  • Limit on withdrawing from the free spins: x10
  • 7 days for wagering

Wagering limitation:

  • 7 days for wagering
  • Player from certain countries are not allowed use bonuses due to regular bonus abuse, check the casino's website for the ever changing up to date list.
  • Please note that the free spins will appear on the account, once the 150% bonus has been wagered. Your players will get 10 free spins per day over the course of 5 days (50 free spins in total), not all at once.

UPDATE 2023: The online casino does not use the global pandemic situation for advertisement purposes, or to encourage the usage of its online gambling platform. In fact, it's forbidden to use the namesake, name, likeness and official logo or any depiction of the casino/company (and this casino gambling blog) in conjunction with any marketing campaign, which uses the novel coronavirus pandemic for promotional purposes.

SlotV online casino does not accept players from:

Free bitcoin giveaway

This is a banner of freebitco.in bitcoin and fun token crypto wagering website. The banner displays information about the current 2023 virtual currency raffle, and no registration promotion currently offered by the Indian digital gambling website. You can read more information about the gambling platform and their hourly cryptocurrency giveaway. By clicking on the picture you will be taken to the virtual currency betting website. By placing bets on the website we get a percentage of your bets placed as affiliate commision. Thank you for supporting the website.

Free bitcoin giveaway, $0.1 to $ 200 every hour, real no deposit promotion, no wagering requirement bitcoin gambling and betting

One of the rare, genuine ways to actually get free bitcoins online. 100% legitimate, in operation for 10+ years, no deposit or registration required (we are using this site for 1+ years, payout guaranteed, not a scam).You have to manually enter the bitcoin raffle every hour and you will be able to win anywhere between 0.00000009 BTC - 0.00878696 BTC + occasional special prizes.

You can realistically make around €200 per month if you roll every hour and participate in all the other promotions they have as well (wheel of fortune, lottery tickets etc..., all free).

/However, you have to manually spin every hour to get this amount, including at night, therefore, realistically, the amount you can expect will be less./

They also have many other ways to win bitcoin, or FUN tokens, including: online casino section, sports betting, betting on cryptocurrency prices, wheel of fortune, lottery etc...

No wagering, playthrough requirement, limitations.

Playthrough requirements, wagering limitations, terms and conditions and list of restricted countries

Because this is a crypto-only gambling website there are no restricted countries. Everyone over the age of 18 can play (or 24, depending on what is the legal online gambling age in your country).Only bitcoin and FUN tokens are accepted. You have to deposit bitcoin to a specific bitcoin address and it will show up on your balance.

No wagering and playthrough limitations, requirements.

The only hidden fee is that if you win items, physical prizes, in those cases the shipping cost is not paid by them and you will required to pay for shipping (or you can opt to receive the equivalent of the prize in bitcoins if you don't want to pay for transportation).

UPDATE 2023: They also offer an annual 4- 5% interest rate on the FunFair (FUN) tokens you purchase with bitcoin (it's their own cryptocurrency).



Miami Club Digital Casino Destination

This is the banner advertisement of the gambling website Miami Club, it displays the various bonuses and promotional offers currently available at the digital gambling website, including their terms and conditions and legally mandated player protection information. The picture acts as a link and by clicking on it you will be taken to the electronic wagering platforms, where you can check out the most recent 2022 bonuses, codes, promos and you can register and play if your over the age of 18 (you can try out the games for free, no registration is needed for the free to play mode).

Miami Club online casino, 18+

  • Welcome bonus, 100% up to $100 on your first 8x deposit (up to $800 total)
  • Exclusive bonus code: MIFREE20, $20.00 free, every month, not just for new players, for returning players as well
  • Free spins, use coupon HOTWINGS to get 150% up to $150 plus 30 spins on the Funky Chicken 5-reel, limited time only (by the time you are reading it probably expired, only valid for a few days)

USA players accepted, Canada, Netherlands, Israel, France, Australia and UK players are not accepted. You can read the review of Miami Club Casino here.

Playthrough requirements and wagering limitations

Check the gambling website for the most recent bouse promotions and playthrough requirement and wagering limitation information. The deposit bonus amount must be wagered 40x times before withdrawal, depending on the type.
Type of game: Count towards wagering requirement: 
Keno, Dazzling Dice, Poker Slots, Bingo Bucks - 100%
Table games 10%
Blackjack or video poke 10%
Slots 100%
Roulette, Craps or Baccarat 0% - Forbidden!
Wagering limitation:
  • UPDATE 2022: The wagering of any portion of a non-deposit bonus on Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games is strictly forbidden!
  • Currently, bonuses are not available to players registering accounts from the following countries: Russia, Ukraine.
  • Bonuses cannot be combined.
  • Miami Club casino requires that a deposit of at least $25 is made on all accounts before any cash withdrawal is processed to comply with anti money laundering laws + mandatory ID check required by law (law to fight financing of terrorism and payment processor require this as well). The deposited $25 can be withdrawn afterwards with the winnings.

Bet Online Casino, Bookmaker & Poker

This is the promo banner of Bet Online, the US-friendly digital bookmaker, internet poker and online casino website. The banner provides information about the latest 2022 promotional offers and bonus codes, which are offered currently by the gambling platform to new and returning players. This picture acts as a link. By clicking on it you will be taken to the website of betonline.ag, where you can register and start playing if you create a player account (must be 18+).

Bet Online casino, poker and sportsbook

  • Welcome bonus, $3000, 100% up to $1,000 on your first three deposits. Use the code BOLCASINO
  • 25% - 50% sports betting reload on every qualifying bet, code: LIFEBONUS  (for the 25% bonus) and BOL1000 (for the 50% bonus)
  • +100% welcome match bonus up to 100% on your first deposit using bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, ripple, litecoin or DASH. No code required + 5% crypto boost afterwards on future deposits
  • 100% poker bonus
  • 10% weekly rebate, cashback for returning players

You can read the review of BetOnline here. List of countries, from which they do not accept players can be found in the review and below. North American players accepted.

Playthrough requirements and wagering limitations

All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements. Although, we strive to update this  section often, it's best if you check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date).
Playthrough requirements of every bonus and promotion:
  • The deposit bonus amount must be wagered 30 times before withdrawal, usually (sports betting and poker bonuses 10x)
  • Forfeiting the bonus will result in the bonus and any subsequent winnings associated with it to be removed from players accounts.
  • Only one bonus can be active at a time, playthrough requirements must be met before additional promotions can be received.
  • Players must use the related bonus code in order to receive a bonus (if it has a code, not every promotion requires one).
  • Bonus funds will only be available on the Betsoft games, the other providers are not eligible,, unless otherwise stated.
  • In cases where rollover or other criteria specified in the individual bonus terms and conditions are not met within 30 days, any remaining bonus funds and associated winnings will be forfeited automatically.
  • Wagering requirements must be fulfilled before any winnings can be withdrawn.

Playthrough requirement contributions: The following table show the contribution of the various types of games towards the fulfillment of the wagering requirement.
Game types: Contribution:
Slots (progressive jackpot slots excluded) 100%
Roulette (All versions), Draw High-Lo, 3 Card Rummy 20%
Baccarat, Blackjack (American & European), Poker 3, Oasis Poker, Single Deck Blackjack, Triple Edge Poker, Caribbean Poker, Three Card Poker, Video Poker 10%
Pirate 21, Blackjack Super 7, Pai Gow, 21 Burn, Ride’m Poker, All forms of Keno, Red Dog, Pontoon, Top Card Trumps 5%
Craps, Live Casino, All Games with Progressive Jackpots, Virtual Racebook. Speciality games ie Keno’s and Scratcher game offered by Betsoft 0%
This only applies to casino bonuses, sports betting or poker bonuses have different wagering limitations (can be found on the company's website). BetOnline does not accept players from:

Fair Go Aussie Themed Casino

This is a banner of Fair Go internet casino website's current 2022 promotions, bonuses. FairGo is an Australian ("Aussie") themed casino, which accepts players from Australia and New Zealand. The picture also act as a link, by clicking on it you will be taken to the free to play area of the digital gambling website, where you can try out their games for free without spending any money, and you can register a real player account if you are 18 or older. Terms and conditions and requirements can be seen below the banner and on the casino's website.

FairGo - click to check out the digital casino, latest promotions, offers, hundreds of pokies, Aussie players welcome

  • 100% welcome bonus up to $200, on your first 5 deposits (total $500), coupon code: WELCOME
  • 100 free spins with code: DOD-GOW (limited time only, please let me know when the code expires)
  • 150% bonus and 50 spins on the new slot Lil Red ($20 minimum deposit requirement), coupon code: LILRED150, or on the slot Hyperwins, bonus code: GETHYPED
  • Special Neosurf bonus, deposit using Neosurf and get a 200% welcome bonus (only once per player), promo code: 200-NEO

Only one bonus can be active at a time. North American players are accepted at the casino. FairGo Casino does not accept players from: Moldova, Israel, UK. You can read the full review of Fair Go casino here.

Playthrough requirements and wagering limitations

Disclaimer: The casinos is not actually an Australian online casino, the company is not registered in Australia, it's only "Aussie" themed.
All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements. Although, we strive to update this  section often, it's best if you check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date). Terms and conditions of every bonus and promotion:
  • Players from the following countries do not qualify for any bonuses: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Hungary, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
  • Only one bonus can be active at a time.
  • Only real money players, who completed the registration are eligible for a bonus.
  • No deposit bonuses hold a maximum cash out limit which is 5x the bonus amount unless otherwise specified.

Playthrough requirement:
  • The deposit bonus amount must be wagered 60 times before withdrawal, unless otherwise stated.

Wagering requirement contributions: The following table show the contribution of the various types of games towards the fulfillment of the wagering requirement.
Game types: Contribution:
Slots (a.k.a. Pokies) 100%
All types of Blackjack, Video Poker, Craps, American Roulette, Baccarat and other table games and non-pokies games 0%


Mr Bit Casino and Sportsbook

This is a banner displaying the various bonus offers of Mr Bit casino. On this page, right under the banner, you can read about these latest 2022 promotions, free spins and their terms and conditions, playthrough requirements, wagering limitations and their player protection, self exclusion and harm mitigation features. This is an advertisement, by clicking on the banner you will be taken to website of Mr. Bit, where you can register an account and place bets with real money. Full disclaimer: by registering an account we (the website owners and/or employees) will receive a small percentage of the amount of money you deposited, self exclusion from the casino website is possible. Must be 18+.

Mr. Bit casino & bookmaker, current 2022 bonus offers, welcome bonus, free spins and offers for returning players, 18+

  • 100% welcome bonus Up To €500 + 50 Free Spins
  • Free spins every day for returning players
  • 33% reload bonus for returning players

You can read the full review of Mr Bit casino here

USA, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Italy and UK players are not accepted (+ 13 other countries). Full list of banned countries can be found below.

Playthrough requirements, wagering limitations, terms and conditions and list of restricted countries

All bonuses, free spins, and other promotional offer are subject to the following wagering limitations and playthrough requirements. Although, we strive to update this  section often, it's best if you check the company's website for the latest and up to date bonus terms and conditions (they change it quite often, with every new bonus, it's possible we have missed something, or it's no longer up to date by the time you are reading this).

General bonus terms and conditions at Mr. Bit and its sister sites:

  • welcome bonuses are only available for 30 days after account creation
  • the minimum deposit to receive any bonus is €10
  • the bonus + deposit needs to be wagered within 7 days from date of activation


Playthrough requirement of the welcome bonus: 27x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 27 times before withdrawal. Playthrough requirement of the free spins: 30x, the deposit bonus amount must be wagered 30 times before withdrawal.

Playthrough requirement: No playthrough requirement for the extra weekly money. In case of the welcome bonus:

  • Minimum deposit amount: €10
  • Maximum bonus amount: €500
  • Wagering requirements: x27 (deposit + bonus)

In case of the free spins:

  • Participating slots: Jungle Jim and the Lost Sphinx
  • Bet per spin: €0,10
  • Wagering requirements: x30 (bonus)
  • Limit on withdrawing from the free spins: x10
  • 7 days for wagering

Wagering limitation:

  • 7 days for wagering
  • Player from certain countries are not allowed use bonuses due to regular bonus abuse, check the casino's website for the ever changing up to date list.
  • Please note that the free spins will appear on the account, once the 150% bonus has been wagered. Your players will get 10 free spins per day over the course of 5 days (50 free spins in total).

UPDATE COVID-19: The online casino does not use the global pandemic situation for advertisement purposes, or to encourage the usage of its online gambling platform. In fact, it's forbidden to use the namesake, name, likeness and official logo or any depiction of the casino/company (and this casino gambling blog) in conjunction with any marketing campaign, which uses the novel coronavirus pandemic for promotion.

Mr Bit Casino does not accept players from:


+EXTRA: Not really a full, separate section, but I put together a page, where I summarized everything I believe one must know about the shady bitcoin casinos and other crypto only gambling sites. They give online gambling a bad name, and bitcoin only casinos (platforms which only accept bitcoin) should be avoided at all cost.

They are very shady, unreliable and they were involved in many scandals over the years.


Logo of Kiva.org. You can read about my non-profit activity right next to the picture.

Kiva – non profit

Non-profit: I’m active on Kiva.org, a non-profit lending organization that revolutionised non-profit charity giving, and the fight against poverty. Instead of simply giving people free money, it gives entrepreneurs, farmers and various other business owners in developing countries very favourable, not-for-profit loans, encouraging them to work and be fiscally responsible. This encourages entrepreneurship and hard work, instead of creating a dependent class that is afraid to get a job, or start a business (because if they did, they would no longer get benefits and free money). This is the right way to fight poverty in developing countries (or anywhere else really), and if this is something you are interested in, and if you would like to know more, or to help out, please check out Kiva.org here. Thank you!


Miscellaneous other blog posts, which don’t have their own category:


Last updated: 2022-08-15

Good luck, gamble responsibly,

By visiting this website you accept the privacy policy and the terms and conditions.

Last Updated on 2022-08-15 by Simon

Thank you for visiting:
This is a selfie of the author and owner of Simon's Casino Gambling Blog, me, Simon András Péter, a.k.a. by the internet pseudonym SimonTheSorcerer, owner of Simon's Online Marketing Kft. This is the homepage of my online casino gambling blog, you can see what's on the website, the links to all the different sections of the website.

That's me, Simon, thank you for visiting.

Don't worry, this is not an ad! ;) Just wanted to make sure to tell you that I'm glad you visited this gambling blog. I'm Simon, the only author and the man behind this blog (if you are interested, my unusual life story can be found on the homepage, under the "About me" dropdown section).
I'm an independent gambling blogger since 2012. In this sector dominated by huge media companies, casino operators and online marketing networks, who can easily spend $ millions on their online gambling blogs, it's not easy for an independent nobody like me to survive. It took me about 6 years, working my ass off, to even have a chance to be noticed by visitors like you. I'm lucky enough that for a few years now, I make enough money to be able to do this full time (before that, I had part-time jobs, ghost writing gigs, online marketing this and that).
Now I can finally do this full time, thanks to visitors like you! And it means a lot! If you are interested, please bookmark this site (no social media profiles, I no longer have any, but please feel free to share anything on any social media networks, if you still use them). I don't have any money to advertise, and if you have a personal blog, any social media profile, please mention my gambling blog and link back to it. This the only way for a small website like this to grow. Thank you!

Logo of Kiva.org. You can read about my non-profit activity right next to the picture.
Charity: As a way to help others, to give back, I sometimes donate to Kiva. If you click on the ads on the website, I make some money. And in a good month, if I make more than my expenses, I donate to people and projects on Kiva.
Kiva helps young entrepreneurs in developing countries, which is an issue close to my heart for obvious reasons. If you have the means, please sign up with the revolutionary non-profit company Kiva.org and help people lift themselves out of poverty, through hard-work, and an initial investment (non-profit loan). These non-profit loans encourage entrepreneurship and hard work instead of creating a dependent class that is afraid to get a job, or start a business (because if they did, they would no longer get support and free money, disincentivizing hard work and entrepreneurship). This is the right way to fight poverty in developing countries (or anywhere else really), and if this is something you are interested in, and if you would like to know more, or to help out, please check out Kiva.org here. Thank you!
By being on this site, you agree to terms and conditions, and privacy policy. You must be at least 18, and if you are a gambling addict, or a citizen of Hungary, please leave the site.
Photo ofSimon András Péter
Simon András Péter
Job Title:
Webmaster, blogger, owner
Simon's Online Casino Gambling Blog