Category: Vaccines

How antivaxxers weaponize vaccine safety studies to falsely portray vaccines as dangerous, part 2: The children

A few months ago, I wrote about how antivaxxers misrepresent vaccine safety studies to portray vaccines as dangerous, using a large study of outcomes in adults as an example.. They're doing it again, but this time it's a large study of COVID-19 vaccines in children.

/ June 17, 2024
Cancer cells

Forget “turbo cancers” caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Does COVID itself cause cancer?

The Washington Post recently published an article asking if COVID-19 infection can cause cancer. Probably not, but cancer caused by a virus is more more plausible than "turbo cancer" caused by the vaccine.

/ June 10, 2024
The Cow-Pock

Yet another example of how “new school” anti-COVID vaccine antivaxxers have become just antivaxxers now

Dr. Pierre Kory and the pseudomous Substacker known as A Midwestern Doctor provide two more examples of how "anti-COVID" antivax has now become just antivax.

/ June 3, 2024
conspiracy theory

The ultimate COVID-19 antivax conspiracy theory, courtesy of the Brownstone Institute and Jeffrey Tucker

I've long argued that antivax beliefs, indeed all science denial, is conspiracy theory. Leave it to The Brownstone Institute's Jeffery Tucker to make my point better for me than I ever could. Of course, Brownstone was always going to "go there."

/ May 27, 2024
NYT Vax injury

A poorly framed article on COVID-19 vaccine injury in the New York Times

A poorly framed article on people who believe that COVID-19 vaccines injured them is being trumpeted by antivaxxers. Where the New York Times and its reporter Apoorva Mandavilli go wrong?

/ May 6, 2024
Turbo cancer?

COVID-19 vaccine-caused “turbo cancer” nonsense just keeps getting more turbocharged

No matter how implausible it is or how weak the evidence for it is, the myth that COVID vaccines cause "turbo cancer" just won't die. Quite the contrary, alas. Antivaxxers are—dare I say?—turbocharging it with bad science.

/ April 22, 2024
Cancer cells

There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are causing cancers associated with “accelerated aging”

A recent presentation at AACR found a link between markers of accelerated aging and an increased risk of cancer. Then antivaxxers got a hold of it to blame COVID-19 vaccines not just for cancer, but for "accelerated aging" causing it.

/ April 15, 2024

Dr. Vinay Prasad vs. a VAERS study finding more reports of vaccine injury in red states

Dr. Vinay Prasad attacks an epidemiological study published in JAMA Open Network reporting that people in red states are more likely to report vaccine injuries, claiming that a more rigorous study would "not be difficult," when he knows that it would be very difficult.

/ April 8, 2024

Measles Outbreaks on the Rise

The world is experiencing increasing outbreaks of a completely preventable disease. What's going wrong?

/ March 20, 2024
Rancourt and Kirsch

Denis Rancourt and “no virus”: COVID-19 symptoms were due psychological stress from the pandemic response!

It's hard to believe that in the 21st century there are still those who deny that viruses exist. However, virus denial and antivax go together and always have. Denis Rancourt, while far from the first or more vociferous virus denier, is an excellent example.

/ March 18, 2024