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Historial fencing i Scotland

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Thare is some evidence on historical fencing as practiced in Scotland in the Early Modren Era, especially fencin wi the Scots basket-hilted broadsword throu the 17t tae 18t centuries.

Maist o wir current knawledge o thir airts derives frae various combative treatises or Martial airts manuals, as weel as scrieved anecdotes (i.e. battle accoonts, folklore, etc.) an airtistic representations frae different stoonds an locations in Scots historie (see Penicuik Sketches[2]).

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. "Historical Fencing and HEMA Treatises – Dawn Duellists Society". Dawn Duellists Society. Archived frae the original on 17 Januar 2020. Retrieved 14 Februar 2022.
  2. Highland Swordsmanship: Techniques of the Scottish Sword Masters, by Mark Rector (editor) and Paul Wagner (editor), Published by The Chivalry Bookshelf (15 November 2001)