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Google’s July 26th 2021 Algorithm Update On Link Spam Explained!

Google rolled out its Link Spam Algorithm on July 26, 2021. This is the latest algorithm update from the search engine giant that’s is aimed to weed out low-quality and poorly performing websites, which have been using Link Spam to access higher search engine rankings.
According to the officials from Google, the Link Spam update is global and language agnostic. This simply means that websites worldwide and in all languages will be affected by the update.
As previously experienced, the most significant impact from the update was felt by hundreds and thousands of websites across the world, which saw a substantial drop in the ranking (even removal from search engine results). If you, too, have experienced a drastic lowering of ranking and reduced traffic on your website, your website may have been hit by the Google Link Spam Algorithm update.
Google hasn’t yet given out any numbers regarding the percentage of websites that are hit by the algorithm update.

Google’s Link Spam Algorithm Update – Words from the Officials!

According to the tech giant, the latest algorithm update is part of the company’s continuous efforts to improve the quality and credibility of the search results. The “Link Spam Update” is the latest arsenal with Google, with which it will be fighting the spam links.
According to the officials, the latest Link Spam Update is much more rigorous and effective in locating and nullifying spam links across websites of all languages. This means that any website that has been involved in the Link Spam will be hit by the update resulting in a drastic reduction in ranking and lowered traffic; after the links are reassessed by the algorithms.
Google has consistently improved its algorithms in its efforts to enhance its search results against spam link-building schemes. This latest algorithm update from the tech giant is just another critical reminder for online businesses not to adopt spam techniques to achieve higher rankings, which may cause significant damage in the longer run.

The Algorithm Updates Continue

The latest July update for Google Search Engine Algorithm follows a stressful period for SEO professionals and digital marketers. That’s because we have seen some back to back updated since the start of June 2021, including;
– June 2, 2021 – Google’s broad core update
– June 15, 2021 – Google’s page experience update
– June 24, 2021 – Google’s anti-spam update
– July 01, 2021 – Google’s broad core update

Is link building dead – What does Link Spam Algorithm Update means for online businesses?

As a leading SEO agency in Pakistan, we have seen hundreds of competitors’ websites falling prey to the Link Spam Update since its roll-out in July. A simple pattern that was followed in all of these sites was the use of a poor link-building strategy to create a massive number of poor-quality links to manipulate rankings.
Now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that link building is dead. Instead, we believe that link building is more relevant and influential today than it ever has been. The only problem is a strategy that an SEO agency adopts to acquire those links. Google has persistently encouraged website owners to focus on the quality of links rather than quantity. The latest Link Spam Update just reinforces Google’s long-standing goal of locating spam link-building strategies and penalizing the websites that link to or from low-quality sites.
Thereby, if you are working with an SEO provider, ensure that the agency understands the concept of link-building strategy and how they can leverage quality links for higher rankings. Don’t be shy to hold a conversation with the agency and discuss tactics to follow in the future.
If you aren’t working with a professional SEO agency and have experienced a drastic reduction in traffic and ranking, perhaps your website has been hit by the Link Spam Update. In this regard, we advise you to consult a professional agency that can review your website’s backlink profile to identify all low-ranking links and remove them.

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